Custom to_json for nested complex objects in Ruby - ruby

I'm new to Ruby and having a little trouble json. I have inherited my classes with custom made JSONable class, as explained HERE in this answer. I have customized it according to my need, but I couldn't figure out how to make it work with custom nested (complex) objects, according to my requirement. I have following scenario.
First Class:
class Option < JSONable
def IncludeAll=(includeAll) #bool
#includeAll = includeAll
def IncludeAddress=(includeAddress) #bool
#includeAddress= includeAddress
Second Class:
class Search < JSONable
def CustomerId=(customerId)
#customerId = customerId
def identifier=(identifier)
#identifier = identifier
def Options=(options) #This is expected to be of Class Option, declared above
#options = options
Third Class:
class Request < JSONable
def DateTimeStamp=(dateTimeStamp)
#dateTimeStamp = dateTimeStamp
def SDKVersion=(sDKVersion)
#sDKVersion = sDKVersion
def RequestMessage=(requestMessage) #This is of type Search, declared above
#requestMessage = requestMessage
I call it as:
search =
searchOpts =
request =
search.identifier = identifier
searchOpts.IncludeAll = false
searchOpts.IncludeAddress = true
search.Options = searchOpts #setting nested level2 property here
request.SDKVersion = "xyz"
request.RequestMessage = search #setting nested level1
My ultimate goal is to send this request object to an API, after converting it to JSON. so i call to_json on request object as:
But here, suggested solution in that post (JSONable) fails in this case, as it can't convert the nested complex objects and to Json.
(gives error: in 'to_json': wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) (ArgumentError)')
What I tried:
class JSONable
def to_json
hash = {}
self.instance_variables.each do |var|
#hash[var] = self.instance_variable_get var #tried to apply following check
if((self.instance_variable_get var).instance_of? Options ||((varVal).instance_of? Search))
varVal = self.instance_variable_get var
hash[var] = varVal.to_json #convert inner object to json
hash[var] = self.instance_variable_get var
This converts the nested model without any problem, but it messes up the 3rd level json. The result is as following:
And API doesn't respond. It seems as it messes up the boolean variables, which should be something like:
but it gives:
So the API logic can't cast it to corresponding bool objects anymore. JSON validator also fails to validate this result, i checked online
How can I avoid this, and produce valid JSON in this case?
How can I apply generic check to in my JSONable class to check if the object is of some custom class / complex object.
(currently i have checked only for specific classes as:)
if((self.instance_variable_get var).instance_of? Options ||((varVal).instance_of? Search))
Other Info:
It works fine for all complex objects, having no nested objects
API is developed in .NET
I'm not using Rails, its a Ruby console app (I'm new to Ruby)

The answer you referred is dated “Dec 2010.” JSON library is included in ruby stdlib for years already and it perfectly converts Hash instances to json. That said, you just need to construct hashes out of your objects and then call JSON.dump on the resulting hash. I have no idea what JSONable is and you definitely do not need it. Introduce some base class, let’s call it Base:
class Base
def to_h do |iv|
value = instance_variable_get(:"##{iv}")
iv.to_s[1..-1], # name without leading `#`
case value
when Base then value.to_h # Base instance? convert deeply
when Array # Array? convert elements do |e|
e.respond_to?(:to_h) ? e.to_h : e
else value # seems to be non-convertable, put as is
Now just derive your classes from Base to make them respond to to_h, define all your instance variables as you did, and call:
require 'json'
JSON.dump request.to_h # request.to_h.to_json should work as well
The above should produce the nested JSON, hashes are happily converted to json by this library automagically.


How do I verify the number of elements and content of an array using ParameterMatchers?

I am learning Ruby with TDD using Mocha and MiniTest.
I have a class that has one public method and many private methods, so the only method my tests are going to tests are the public one.
This public method does some processing and creates an array which is sent to another object:
def generate_pairs()
# prepare things
pairs = calculate_pairs()
OutputGenerator.write_to_file(path, pairs)
Great. To test it, I would like to mock the OutputGenerator.write_to_file(path, pairs) method and verify the parameters. My first test I could sucessfully implement:
def test_find_pair_for_participant_empty_participant
available_participants = []
OutputGenerator.expects(:write_to_file).once.with('pairs.csv', [])
pair = #pairGenerator.generate_pairs
Now I would like to test with one pair of participants.
I am trying this
def test_find_pair_for_participant_only_one_pair
participant =
participant_one =
available_participants = [participant_one]
OutputGenerator.expects(:write_to_file).once.with('pairs.csv', equals([, participant_one)])) # here it fails, of course
pair = #obj.generate_pairs
The problem is that equals will only match the obj reference, not the content.
Is there any way I can verify the content of the array? Verifying the number of elements inside the array would also be extremely useful.
ps: I am sorry if the code doesn't follow ruby standards, I am doing this project to learn the language.
What you are testing here demonstrates a kind of hard coupling. That is your primary class is always dependent on OutputGenerator which makes testing your outputs tricky and can lead to a lot of pain if/when you have to refactor your designs.
A good pattern for this is dependency injection. With this you can just write a temporary ruby object you can use to evalute the output of your function however you want:
# in your main class...
class PairGenerator
def initialize(opts={})
#generator = opts[:generator] || OutputGenerator
def generate_pairs()
# prepare things
pairs = calculate_pairs()
#generator.write_to_file(path, pairs)
# in the test file...
# mock class to be used later, this can be at the bottom of the
# test file but here I'm putting it above so you are already
# aware of what it is doing
class MockGenerator
attr_reader :path, :pairs
def write_to_file(path, pairs)
#path = path
#pairs = pairs
def test_find_pair_for_participant_only_one_pair
participant =
participant_one =
available_participants = [participant_one]
# set up a mock generator
mock_generator =
# feed the mock to a new PairGenerator object as a dependency
pair_generator = mock_generator)
# assuming this is needed from your example
# execute the code
# output state is now captured in the mock, you can evaluate for
# all the test cases you care about
assert_equal 2, mock_generator.pairs.length
assert mock_generator.pairs.include?(participant)
Hope this helps! Dependency Injection is not always appropriate but it is great for cases like this.
Some other posts about the use of dependency injection you might find helpful:
Dependency Injection in Ruby
A Ruby Refactor: Dependency Injection Options
Simple Dependency Injection in Ruby

Passing the parameter of an Object into an Object method

This a simplified version of what I am trying to solve:
In Ruby 2.0.0, Rails 4.0.0, Activerecord
Segment has_many Sales
Sale.find(1).bid = 1
Sale.find(1).ask = 2
Sale.find(2).bid = 10
Sale.find(2).ask = 20
When I write this method:
class Segment
def add_stuff(param){ |s| s.param }.inject(:+)
Question: How to pass in bid or ask as param and interpolate that param properly within the block? Thanks.
Never use map on active record association, when you can use pluck or other querying method like, for example sum:
def add_staff(param)
Just for the completeness, here is how to do it with map - note however that map is much slower and error prone than querying methods:
def add_staff(param) {|s| s[param]} # if param is name of the column on sales model.
Or more general, where param is name of association or custom (non-column) method
def add_staff(param) # Or map {|s| s.send(param) }

Ruby on Rails to_xml nil="True"

I need your help on to_xml function. How can i make all nil="True" value to a default value '' (blank) when exporting to xml from active record.
The #to_xml method Rails adds to ActiveRecord, Array, and Hash uses the builder gem by default. The XML is also passed through ActiveSupport::XmlMini where the addition of the nil="true" attribute is hard coded to always be added for nil attributes.
You should probably look at using builder directly to build your XML if these values are problematic.{|xml| xml.value "" }
#=> "<object><value></value></object>"
You could also use other XML libraries. I only recommend builder because it is the rails default and likely already installed.
Another option is to convert the object into a Hash first (object.attributes works if object is an ActiveRecord instance). You can then convert any nils into blank strings.
data = object.attributes
data.each_pair{|col, val| data[col] = "" if val.nil? }
You can add a method to set special default values for XML generation. This method can then be called from an overridden to_xml method which duplicates the record in memory, sets default values and finally generates the xml. Example code:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
def set_xml_defaults
blanks = self.attributes.find_all{|k,v| v.nil? }.map{|k,v| [k,''] }
self.attributes = Hash[blanks]
alias_method :to_xml_no_defaults, :to_xml
def to_xml(options = {}, &block)
dup = self.dup

Adding #to_yaml to DataMapper models

I am using DataMapper for Database access. My goal is to send the models to an webservice as read-only object. This is my current try:
class User
include DataMapper::Resource
def to_yaml(opts = {})
mini_me =
instance_variables.each do |var|
next if /^#_/ =~ var.to_s
mini_me.send("#{var.to_s.gsub(/^#/, '')}=", instance_variable_get(var))
YAML::ENGINE.yamler = 'psych'
u = User.get("hulk")
p u.to_yaml
# => "--- !ruby/object:OpenStruct\ntable:\n :uid: hulk\n :uidNumber: 1000\n :gidNumber: 1001\n :email:\n :dn: uid=hulk,ou=People,o=example\n :name: Hulk\n :displayName: Hulk\n :description: Hulk\n :homeDirectory: /home/hulk\n :accountFlags: ! '[U ]'\n :sambaSID: S-1-5-21-......\nmodifiable: true\n"
p [ u ].to_yaml # TypeError: can't dump anonymous class Class
Any ideas how to make this work and get rid of the exception?
Using to_yaml is deprecated in Psych, and from my testing it seems to be actually broken in cases like this.
When you call to_yaml directly on your object, your method gets called and you get the result you expect. When you call it on the array containing your object, Psych serializes it but doesn’t correctly handle your to_yaml method, and ends up falling back onto the default serialization. In your case this results in an attempt to serialize an anonymous Class which causes the error.
To fix this, you should use the encode_with method instead. If it’s important that the serialized form is tagged as an OpenStruct object in the generated yaml you can use the represent_object (that first nil parameter doesn’t seem to be used):
def encode_with(coder)
mini_me =
instance_variables.each do |var|
next if /^#_/ =~ var.to_s
mini_me.send("#{var.to_s.gsub(/^#/, '')}=", instance_variable_get(var))
coder.represent_object(nil, mini_me)
If you were just using OpenStruct for convenience, an alternative could be something like:
def encode_with(coder)
instance_variables.each do |var|
next if /^#_/ =~ var.to_s
coder[var.to_s.gsub(/^#/, '')]= instance_variable_get(var)
Note that Datamapper has its own serializer plugin that provides yaml serialization for models, it might be worth looking into.

Bubblewrap HTTP -> Table View; method returns bubblewrap query instead of response data

I'm trying out Rubymotion and can't seem to do figure how to accomplish what seems like a simple task.
I've set up a UITableView for a directory of people. I've created a rails back end that returns json.
Person model has a get_people class method defined:
def self.get_people
BubbleWrap::HTTP.get("") do |response|
#people = BW::JSON.parse(response.body.to_str)
# p #people prints [{"id"=>10, "name"=>"Sam"}, {etc}] to the console
In the directory_controller I just want to set an instance variable for #data to the array that my endpoint returns such that I can populate the table view.
I am trying to do #data = Person.get_people in viewDidLoad, but am getting an error message that indicates the BW response object is being passed instead: undefined methodcount' for #BubbleWrap::HTTP::Query:0x8d04650 ...> (NoMethodError)`
So if I hard code my array into the get_people method after the BW response block everything works fine. But I find that I am also unable to persist an instance variable through the close of the BW respond block.
def self.get_people
BubbleWrap::HTTP.get("") do |response|
#people = BW::JSON.parse(response.body.to_str)
p #people #prints nil to the console
# hard coding [{"id"=>10, "name"=>"Sam"}, {etc}] here puts my data in the table view correctly
What am I missing here? How do I get this data out of bubblewrap's response object and in to a usable form to pass to my controllers?
As explained in the BW documentation "BW::HTTP wraps NSURLRequest, NSURLConnection and friends to provide Ruby developers with a more familiar and easier to use API. The API uses async calls and blocks to stay as simple as possible."
Due to async nature of the call, in your 2nd snippet you are printing #people before you actually update it. THe right way is to pass the new data to the UI after parsing ended (say for instance #table.reloadData() if #people array is supposed to be displayed in a UITableView).
Here's an example:
def get_people
BubbleWrap::HTTP.get("") do |response|
#people = BW::JSON.parse(response.body.to_str)
def update_result()
p #people
# do stuff with the updated content in #people
Find a more complex use case with a more elaborate explanation at RubyMotion async programming with BubbleWrap
Personally, I'd skip BubbleWrap and go for something like this:
def self.get_people
people = []
json_string = self.get_json_from_http
json_data = json_string.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
e =
hash = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(json_data, options:0, error: e)
hash["person"].each do |person| # Assuming each of the people is stored in the JSON as "person"
people << person
people # #people is an array of hashes parsed from the JSON
def self.get_json_from_http
url_string = ("").stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
url = NSURL.URLWithString(url_string)
request = NSURLRequest.requestWithURL(url)
response = nil
error = nil
data = NSURLConnection.sendSynchronousRequest(request, returningResponse: response, error: error)
raise "BOOM!" unless (data.length > 0 && error.nil?)
json = NSString.alloc.initWithData(data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
