Why is Spring MVC json serialization 10x slower than calling jackson manually? - spring

Using apachebench with "ab -k -c 50 -n 1000000" options (50 concurrent threads) shows a 10x performance difference between the following 2 methods (manual and spring-managed serialization). Is it possible to achieve the same performance via configuration of Spring serialization?
I'm running the test on Windows 7, JDK8, i7-6700. Embedded Tomcat, similar results with Undertow or Jetty too. A similar WildFly 10 JAX-RS sample apps performance yields similar results as the manual spring one, so I see no reason why Spring automatic mode should be so slow.
Full source code:
public class DemoApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(DemoApplication.class, args);
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(new JsonFactory());
#RequestMapping(value = "/auto", produces = "application/json; charset=utf-8")
public Lol automaticSerialization() {
Lol lol = new Lol();
lol.a = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
lol.b = System.currentTimeMillis();
return lol;
#RequestMapping(value = "/manual", produces = "application/json; charset=utf-8")
public String manualSerialization() throws JsonProcessingException {
Lol lol = new Lol();
lol.a = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
lol.b = System.currentTimeMillis();
return mapper.writeValueAsString(lol);
public static class Lol {
String a;
long b;
public void setA(String a) {
this.a = a;
public void setB(long b) {
this.b = b;
public String getA() {
return a;
public long getB() {
return b;
Trace of automatic serialization:
Trace of manual serialization:

The only idea that I have is that Spring's default ObjectMapper is configured a bit differently than the one you use in your benchmark. Like the comments mention, you'd probably see a bit of overhead if you let Spring handle the mapping automatically but it shouldn't have more than a few percent's worth of impact.
To be sure that the comparison is fair, add this bean definition to your configuration:
ObjectMapper objectMapper() {
return new ObjectMapper(new JsonFactory());
and replace ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(new JsonFactory()); with an autowired field:
ObjectMapper mapper;
and see if the benchmarks return the same value.
I wanted to verify this for myselt so I wrote a JMeter plan and executed each endpoint exactly 5kk times, with a 1-minute warm-up period. The results were as expected, no major differences between the approaches:
Label,# Samples,Average,Min,Max,Std. Dev.,Error %,Throughput,KB/sec,Avg. Bytes
Auto Request,5000000,2,0,108,5.88,0.00%,15577.3,3088.08,203.0
Manual Request,5000000,2,0,149,5.99,0.00%,15660.2,2813.94,184.0
The important thing to note is the throughput difference - auto's 15577.3 vs. manual's 15660.2.
Here's my JMeter test plan, if you'd like to test it yourself, I was running on port 8081. If I find the time, I'll try another benchmarking framework, perhaps Gatling.


How can I get an application context inside a method of a Spring RestController annotated class

I have a simple app using the #SpringBootAnnotation with a single call on the main method:
SpringApplication.run(App.class, args);
On App.java I am also defining a couple of #BeanS, which give the instance of drivers to access external services:
public APEWebservice ape() {
return new APEWebservice(apeWebAddress + ":" + apePort);
Then, on the method of one of my #RestControllerS I want to make an access to these beans, so that I can make further calls to these other services, something along these lines:
#PostMapping(path="/talk", consumes = "application/json")
public Talk talk(#RequestBody InputTalk body) throws ConfigurationException {
ApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(App.class);
APEWebservice ape = context.getBean("ape", APEWebservice.class);
String DRSString = ape.getSoloOutput(input, OutputType.DRSXML);
try {
Commanded transformed = Preprocessor.transform(body.getContent(), DRSString);
return new Talk(counter.incrementAndGet(), transformed.execute());
catch (WrongCommandException e) {
return new Talk(counter.incrementAndGet(), e.getError());
This looks very ugly, and I am certain I am completely missing the point of Spring and dependency injection. Is there a way to access the context without having to initialize it for every call to the API?
I am using SpringBoot 2.2.1
What about injecting?
private final APEWebservice service;
#PostMapping(path="/talk", consumes = "application/json")
public Talk talk(#RequestBody InputTalk body) throws ConfigurationException {
String DRSString = service.getSoloOutput(input, OutputType.DRSXML);

Validating Spring Kafka payloads

I am trying to set up a service that has both a REST (POST) endpoint and a Kafka endpoint, both of which should take a JSON representation of the request object (let's call it Foo). I would want to make sure that the Foo object is valid (via JSR-303 or whatever). So Foo might look like:
public class Foo {
private int bar;
// Getter and setter boilerplate
Setting up the REST endpoint is easy:
#PostMapping(value = "/", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<String> restEndpoint(#Valid #RequestBody Foo foo) {
// Do stuff here
and if I POST, { "bar": 9 } it processes the request, but if I post: { "bar": 99 } I get a BAD REQUEST. All good so far!
The Kafka endpoint is easy to create (along with adding a StringJsonMessageConverter() to my KafkaListenerContainerFactory so that I get JSON->Object conversion:
#KafkaListener(topics = "fooTopic")
public void kafkaEndpoint(#Valid #Payload Foo foo) {
// I shouldn't get here with an invalid object!!!
logger.debug("Successfully processed the object" + foo);
// But just to make sure, let's see if hand-validating it works
Validator validator = localValidatorFactoryBean.getValidator();
Set<ConstraintViolation<SlackMessage>> errors = validator.validate(foo);
if (errors.size() > 0) {
logger.debug("But there were validation errors!" + errors);
But no matter what I try, I can still pass invalid requests in and they process without error.
I've tried both #Valid and #Validated. I've tried adding a MethodValidationPostProcessor bean. I've tried adding a Validator to the KafkaListenerEndpointRegistrar (a la the EnableKafka javadoc):
public class MiscellaneousConfiguration implements KafkaListenerConfigurer {
private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
LocalValidatorFactoryBean validatorFactory;
public void configureKafkaListeners(KafkaListenerEndpointRegistrar registrar) {
logger.debug("Configuring " + registrar);
public MessageHandlerMethodFactory kafkaHandlerMethodFactory() {
DefaultMessageHandlerMethodFactory factory = new DefaultMessageHandlerMethodFactory();
return factory;
I've now spent a few days on this, and I'm running out of other ideas. Is this even possible (without writing validation into every one of my kakfa endpoints)?
Sorry for the delay; we are at SpringOne Platform this week.
The infrastructure currently does not pass a Validator into the payload argument resolver. Please open an issue on GitHub.
Spring kafka listener by default do not scan for #Valid for non Rest controller classes. For more details please refer this answer

Mockito given().willReturn() returns sporadic result

I am testing a simple logic using mockito-all 1.10.19 and spring-boot-starter-parent 2.0.4.RELEASE. I have a service, which determines whether the uploaded file has the same store codes or not. If it has, IllegalArgumentException is been thrown:
public class SomeService {
private final CutoffRepository cutoffRepository;
private final Parser<Cutoff> cutoffParser;
public void saveCutoff(MultipartFile file) throws IOException {
List<Cutoff> cutoffList = cutoffParser.parse(file.getInputStream());
boolean duplicateStoreFlag = cutoffList
.groupingBy(Cutoff::getStoreCode, Collectors.counting()))
.anyMatch(quantity -> quantity > 1);
if (duplicateStoreFlag) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("There are more than one line corresponding to the same store");
//Some saving logic is here
I mock up cutoffParser.parse() so, that it returns ArrayList<CutOff> with two elements within it:
public class SomeServiceTest {
private CutoffRepository cutoffRepository;
private Parser<Cutoff> cutoffParser;
private SomeService someService;
#Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void saveCutoffCurruptedTest() throws Exception {
Cutoff cutoff1 = new Cutoff();
Cutoff cutoff2 = new Cutoff();
//corruption is here: the same storeCode
List<Cutoff> cutoffList = new ArrayList<>();
MockMultipartFile mockMultipartFile = new MockMultipartFile("file.csv", "file".getBytes());
//here what I expect to mock up a response with the list
But the behavior I encounter is sporadic. The test is passed from time to time. During debugging I sometimes get list of size 2, sometimes get list of size 0. What is the reason of such an unpredictable behavior?
I am definitely missing something. Any help is highly appreciated.
P.S. the same situation using IntelliJ Idea and Ubuntu terminal.
Supposedly, the reason is pointed out here https://github.com/mockito/mockito/issues/1066. #InjectMocks and #Mock<...> cause test to fail occasionally.

Any samples to unit test fallback using Hystrix Spring Cloud

I wish to test the following scenarios:
Set the hystrix.command.default.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMillisecond value to a low value, and see how my application behaves.
Check my fallback method is called using Unit test.
Please can someone provide me with link to samples.
A real usage can be found bellow. The key to enable Hystrix in the test class are these two annotations:
class ClipboardService {
#HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "getNextClipboardFallback")
public Task getNextClipboard(int numberOfTasks) {
public Task getNextClipboardFallback(int numberOfTasks) {
return null;
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {ClipboardService.class})
public class ClipboardServiceIT {
private MockRestServiceServer mockServer;
private ClipboardService clipboardService;
public void setUp() {
this.mockServer = MockRestServiceServer.createServer(restTemplate);
public void testGetNextClipboardWithBadRequest() {
mockServer.expect(ExpectedCount.once(), requestTo("https://getDocument.com?task=1")).andExpect(method(HttpMethod.GET))
Task nextClipboard = clipboardService.getNextClipboard(1);
assertNull(nextClipboard); // this should be answered by your fallBack method
Fore open the circuit in your unit test case just before you call the client. Make sure fall back is called. You can have a constant returned from fallback or add some log statements.
Reset the circuit.
public void testSendOrder_openCircuit() {
String order = null;
ServiceResponse response = null;
order = loadFile("/order.json");
// use this in case of feign hystrix
.setProperty("hystrix.command.default.circuitBreaker.forceOpen", "true");
// use this in case of just hystrix
System.setProperty("hystrix.command.default.circuitBreaker.forceOpen", "true");
response = client.sendOrder(order);
// DONT forget to reset
.setProperty("hystrix.command.default.circuitBreaker.forceOpen", "false");
// use this in case of just hystrix
System.setProperty("hystrix.command.default.circuitBreaker.forceOpen", "false");

ApacheConnector does not process request headers that were set in a WriterInterceptor

I am experiencing problems when configurating my Jersey Client with the ApacheConnector. It seems to ignore all request headers that I define in a WriterInterceptor. I can tell that the WriterInterceptor is called when I set a break point within WriterInterceptor#aroundWriteTo(WriterInterceptorContext). Contrary to that, I can observe that the modification of an InputStream is preserved.
Here is a runnable example demonstrating my problem:
public class ApacheConnectorProblemDemonstration extends JerseyTest {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(JerseyTest.class.getName());
private static final String QUESTION = "baz", ANSWER = "qux";
private static final String REQUEST_HEADER_NAME_CLIENT = "foo-cl", REQUEST_HEADER_VALUE_CLIENT = "bar-cl";
private static final String REQUEST_HEADER_NAME_INTERCEPTOR = "foo-ic", REQUEST_HEADER_VALUE_INTERCEPTOR = "bar-ic";
private static final int MAX_CONNECTIONS = 100;
private static final String PATH = "/";
public static class TestResource {
public String handle(InputStream questionStream,
#HeaderParam(REQUEST_HEADER_NAME_CLIENT) String client,
#HeaderParam(REQUEST_HEADER_NAME_INTERCEPTOR) String interceptor)
throws IOException {
assertEquals(REQUEST_HEADER_VALUE_CLIENT, client);
// Here, the header that was set in the client's writer interceptor is lost.
assertEquals(REQUEST_HEADER_VALUE_INTERCEPTOR, interceptor);
// However, the input stream got gzipped so the WriterInterceptor has been partly applied.
assertEquals(QUESTION, new Scanner(new GZIPInputStream(questionStream)).nextLine());
return ANSWER;
public static class ClientInterceptor implements WriterInterceptor {
public void aroundWriteTo(WriterInterceptorContext context)
throws IOException, WebApplicationException {
context.setOutputStream(new GZIPOutputStream(context.getOutputStream()));
protected Application configure() {
return new ResourceConfig(TestResource.class);
protected Client getClient(TestContainer tc, ApplicationHandler applicationHandler) {
ClientConfig clientConfig = tc.getClientConfig() == null ? new ClientConfig() : tc.getClientConfig();
clientConfig.property(ApacheClientProperties.CONNECTION_MANAGER, makeConnectionManager(MAX_CONNECTIONS));
// If I do not use the Apache connector, I avoid this problem.
clientConfig.connector(new ApacheConnector(clientConfig));
if (isEnabled(TestProperties.LOG_TRAFFIC)) {
clientConfig.register(new LoggingFilter(LOGGER, isEnabled(TestProperties.DUMP_ENTITY)));
return ClientBuilder.newClient(clientConfig);
private static ClientConnectionManager makeConnectionManager(int maxConnections) {
PoolingClientConnectionManager connectionManager = new PoolingClientConnectionManager();
return connectionManager;
public void testInterceptors() throws Exception {
Response response = target(PATH)
assertEquals(200, response.getStatus());
assertEquals(ANSWER, response.readEntity(String.class));
I want to use the ApacheConnector in order to optimize for concurrent requests via the PoolingClientConnectionManager. Did I mess up the configuration?
PS: The exact same problem occurs when using the GrizzlyConnector.
After further research, I assume that this is rather a misbehavior in the default Connector that uses a HttpURLConnection. As I explained in this other self-answered question of mine, the documentation states:
Whereas filters are primarily intended to manipulate request and
response parameters like HTTP headers, URIs and/or HTTP methods,
interceptors are intended to manipulate entities, via manipulating
entity input/output streams
A WriterInterceptor is not supposed to manipulate the header values while a {Client,Server}RequestFilter is not supposed to manipulate the entity stream. If you need to use both, both components should be bundled within a javax.ws.rs.core.Feature or within the same class that implements two interfaces. (This can be problematic if you need to set two different Prioritys though.)
All this is very unfortunate though, since JerseyTest uses the Connector that uses a HttpURLConnection such that all my unit tests succeeded while the real life application misbehaved since it was configured with an ApacheConnector. Also, rather than suppressing changes, I wished, Jersey would throw me some exceptions. (This is a general issue I have with Jersey. When I for example used a too new version of the ClientConnectionManager where the interface was renamed to HttpClientConnectionManager I simply was informed in a one line log statement that all my configuration efforts were ignored. I did not discover this log statement til very late in development.)
