I am running a ForEach controller in which I want the controller to run the service underneath it for changes in sets of latitudes and longitudes. example-
Input variable prefix: latitude
Output variable name: Latitude
I want to run the controller for changes in both "latitude" and "longitude". I tried doing this-
Input variable prefix:latitude, longitude
but it does not work. Is there any other way to pass two variables in ForEach controller?
Unfortunately you cannot do it using ForEach Controller, but you can work it around using __V() and __counter() function combination.
For example you have 4 JMeter Variables:
latitude_1=40.7128° N
longitude_1=74.0059° W
latitude_2=32.0853° N
longitude_2=34.7818° E
And you want to iterate them both using ForEach Controller. In that case the relevant configuration would be:
Input variable prefix: latitude
Output variable name: anything meaningful, i.e. current_latitude
You can refer matching longitude value using the following expression:
See Here’s What to Do to Combine Multiple JMeter Variables for detailed explanation of where did the above expression come from.
I encountered same problem and google a lot to find the best possible solution but
did not get success. I am sharing my work-around (and I am not saying it's a great solution ) -
Mention your Input variable name (ex - inputVar) as well as Output variable name (outputVar) on ForEach Controller
(lets say http://website.com/folder_A/folder_B/123_latitude/456_longitude) and you like to take care these two : latitue and longtitude
Use regular expression extractor :
Name of created variable : inputVar
Expression : http://website.com/folder_A/folder_B/(.*)
Template : $1$
match No : -1 // (yes -1 , this will give you complete group)
Handle with regular expression (just search it out )
so for above example : that would be -
http://website.com/folder_A/folder_B/${outputVar} URL will be able to print / give you latitue and longtitude in your response code
Context: I want to use the __chooseRandom function to embed a randomly chosen value in a URI path.
Problem: I can't figure out how to use the __chooseRandom function properly. With the below example, the URL I get is 'https://google.com/search?q=&iter=${__chooseRandom(1111,2222,iter)}' instead of https://google.com/search?q=1111 or https://google.com/search?q=2222
Question: How should I modify the JMeter script so the request path gets a value from chooseRandom instead of directly embedding the chooseRandom string?
Not Working Example:
If I got your problem properly you are trying to generate a random value at the end of that URL from a set of variables (numbers).
You can try to follow these steps:
add User Defined Variables -> Right click on Test Plan -> Add -> select Config Element -> User Defined Variables
Add following variables (Change values and variables names depending on your needs)
Name: Value:
num1 111
num2 222
num3 333
num4 444
Then all you have to do now is to use this ${__V(num${__Random(1,4,)})}
This function will actually get the value of each variable name that starts with "num" and ends with a random value between 1 and 4 (value of num1 = 111 , the value of num3 = 333 ...)
PS: I tried using this as a JSON parameter
Body Data:
"iter" : ${__V(num${__Random(1,6,)})}
It looks like that URL path is being evaluated before request parameter.
You need to call the __chooseRandom() function either somewhere before the HTTP Request sampler or get rid of this ${iter} variable and use __chooseRandom() function directly in the request path.
More information:
__chooseRandom() function documentation
How to Use the Custom JMeter Functions Plugin
I Have a scenario like need to pass a random variable example ${__Random(1,25,)} in inside one more variable like
Globel variable:
Test = TestResults
Sample Request Data:
${Test(randome variable)}, ${Test(randome variable)},${Test(randome variable)},-------- ${Test(randome variable)}
Sample expected response:
TestResults1,TestResults10,TestResults5,----------- TestResults20
How should I pass this scenario?
Use the V function
V (variable) function returns the result of evaluating a variable name expression. This can be used to evaluate nested variable references
You can replace TestResults with ${yourVarName} if you want to dynamically use additional variable
How use same url for different rutes expression in codeigniter.
For exemple, to use "x" like any word in my code and always to result in same url?
$route['list'] ='x/list';
Url expected: mysite.com/list
You have to set a value for x as $x = "http://www.example.com"; then use it like this $route['list'] ='$x/list'; but you may need to revise the $route[''] variable name list, view example on https://www.javatpoint.com/codeigniter-url-routing
I would like to read values from a select query and use the values sequentially in a API call.
Since the database values get stored as var_1, var_2 ... var_N
So how do i increment the number for the variable?
I used a counter and pre processor to increment the number in variable
vars.put ("email", "email"+"_"+vars.get("counter"))
But the final variable is not getting replaced by the value from the select query
eg select query result from a debug sampler
--combining the variable and counter:
vars.put ("email", "email"+"_"+vars.get("counter"))
--using the variable in the API post body
Actual result:
POST data:
Expected result:
Try this one, see also the documentation: http://jmeter.apache.org/usermanual/functions.html#what_can_do
Note that variables cannot currently be nested; i.e. ${Var${N}} does not work. The __V (variable) function can be used to do this: ${__V(Var${N})}. You can also use ${__BeanShell(vars.get("Var${N}")}.
Have you considered using ForEach Controller? It's super-handy for iterating the variables from extractors or JDBC test elements.
If you still want to continue with the current approach you need to change this line:
vars.put ("email", "email"+"_"+vars.get("counter"))
to this one:
vars.put ("email", vars.get("email"+"_"+vars.get("counter")))
Because you're putting into email variable stuff like email_1, email_2, etc. instead of actual ${email_1} variable value.
JMeter Functions and Variables
How to Retrieve Database Data for API Testing with JMeter
Below is the code which i have been trying to address the below UseCase in JMETER.Quick help is appreciated.
A particular text like "History" in a page response needs to be validated and the if the text counts is more than 50 a random selection of the options within the page needs to be made.And if the text counts is less than 50 1st option needs to be selected.
I am new to Jmeter and trying to solve this usingJSR223 POST processor but somehow stuck at vars.put function where i am unable to see the desired number being populated within the V paramter.
Using a boundary extractor where match no 1 should suffice the 1st selection and 0 should suffice the random selection.
def TotalInstanceAvailable = vars.get("sCount_matchNr").toInteger()
log.info("Total Instance Available = ${TotalInstanceAvailable}");
def boundary_analyzer =50;
def DesiredNumber,V
if (TotalInstanceAvailable < boundary_analyzer)
log.info("I am inside the loop")
DesiredNumber = 0;
log.info("DesiredNumber= ${DesiredNumber}");
vars.put("V", DesiredNumber)
log.info("v= ${V}");
vars.put("V", "DesiredNumber")
log.info("v= ${V}");
def sCount = vars.get("sCount")
log.info("Text matching number is ${sCount_matchNr}")
You cannot store an integer in JMeter Variables using vars.put() function, you either need to cast it to String first, to wit change this line:
vars.put("V", DesiredNumber)
to this one
vars.put("V", DesiredNumber as String)
alternatively you can use vars.putObject() function which can store literally everything however you will be able to use the value only in JSR223 Elements by calling vars.getObject()
Whenever you face a problem with your JMeter script get used to look at jmeter.log file or toggle Log Viewer window - in absolute majority of cases you will find the root cause of your problem in the log file: