Reorder files in Fineuploader - best approach? - fine-uploader

We've just implemented Fineuploader (with s3) on a project, which is working great, however in the next section we are adding it to we need to store a sort order for the images which are displayed on the front end as a gallery.
Obviously this is beyond what fineuploader was designed to do, e're wondering if anyone has done this before and has a good approach. We are thinking possible:
Attempt to implement this within the fineuploader UI div making the LI sortable. Benefits: all other functionality built in, easiest UI experience for user. Negatives: potential conflicts?
Alternatively: after files confirmed uploaded remove from fineuploader and into seperate list. Pros: no potential conflicts with fine uploader. Negative: more code, recreating existing nice UI, UX more complicated.
Would be really great if anyone who has had experience can point us in the right way.
many thanks,

Just to answer this, I went for option one, made the UL sortable using jQuery sort plugin and had no problems.


PowerPoint - how to run a macro automatically?

I'd like to run a macro that sets the zoom to 100%, something like Windows(1).View.Zoom = 100, every time ANY file is opened in PowerPoint. The files are already created, so using a template to set the zoom is not possible. How can I do this?
There isn't really a way (that I am aware of) to do this through a macro or powerpoint add-in. You might be able to do it using a custom web add-in but I don't have enough experience with that to provide an example.
After looking around there have been a few success stories. One of which is creating a custom UI element and then adding an onLoad hook to that.
Here is the thread.
Here is a link to the Custom UI Editor Tool However I had no luck in getting it to work. I believe (This is only my theory) that it is not compatible with the latest .NET framework.
If you do end up trying to do this, here is a link to the xml formatting documentation for UI elements. And a link to a little tutorial related to this.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help. This should at least get you started. If anyone else has a simpler way I would love to know as well.

Using MVC 3, Recommendation for creating Menus, HTML5, JQuery or 3rd Party Components?

I am just trying to streamline my MVC3 development approach. I use Razor in the View and was wondering what the recommendation is for easily creating more fancy UI widgets such as Menus. I would hope I could leverage some good open source components and plug them in. I do subscribe to a good 3rd party component library, but wonder whether this type of feature is best implemented via JQuery UI or old style HTML/CSS?
Many thanks.
In general, Stack Overflow isn't here to recommend tools for you. However, I will say that whether to choose a javascript tool or straight html/css depends on the needs.
It's best to work with the simplest solution that solves your problem. CSS can do menus quite well, and straight CSS menus are often the best choice. However, if you need things straight css can't do, then you need to add javascript. For instance, one problem with CSS menus is that it's very easy to "roll off" the menu and have it disappear from under your pointer. Most javascript menus add a delay that allows you to roll off for a second and get back before the menu disappears. This improves usability.
Even lots of fancy effects can be done strictly in CSS, but as with many such things.. it won't be compatible across all browsers, which is again where javascript comes into play. Sometimes the only way to be compatible across the board is with js (at least without losing functionality).
I wouldn't recreate the wheel on this one, since so many web sites already do this. If you are trying to streamline your development, I'd say use your 3rd party library or find a good jQuery plugin. You could probably easily create your own in HTML/CSS/Jquery, but it will add on to your testing later. An existing 3rd party/jQuery type of component would take significantly less time and have a lot of features you want already built in.
I'd recommend using MVC SiteMap Provider in conjecuyion with a JavaScript menu of choice e.g. SuperFish The menu fancy JS part part is the least important.
From the MVC point of view what I think really matters is how you manage and maintain your menu. MVC SiteMap Provider makes it really easy to build an maintain menus (can even use Attributes to make Actions appear on the menu). It can also do things like Security Trimming so if a user doesn't have permission to get to the action etc it isn't displayed on the menu.
I'd check that out.

sharepoint webparts, Swap image on click

I'm working on sharepoint project, i have like 1000 image i want to upload, i need webpart or something to do swap images on click, is there any web part that do this?
what the best method to use on my situation.
Are you a SharePoint developer? If not, I'd strongly suggest not even trying to do this. Modifying SharePoint beyond out-of-the-box options requires some extensive and SharePoint-centric developer skills. Even then, it's not a joy to work with.
In the past, for modifying UI interactions, I found the saner approach is to manipulate the DOM post-render. Load up jQuery and then upon page render, do your thing.

Alternative for Downloading Several Images to a Web Page

We all know that pre-fetching images can run slow because of browser limits in the HTTP protocol, right? So, I have XHTML, jQuery, Apache httpd, and PHP at my disposal. What's an easy solution to pre-fetch a lot of images, without using sprites or multiple hosts?
See, I have these themes one selects with a SELECT box. It changes the 200x200 theme image on the right of the box. Unfortunately there are like 150 of these. So, when I load the page, the progress bar keeps running to download these all.
How can I get these images pre-fetching faster without using sprites or multiple hosts?
If it's just a theme change, which probably rarely happens (right)? Then why wouldn't you just load the image for a theme when the the select is changed and a new theme is chosen? It seems "strange" to load 150 images of which 149 may not be seen.
Correct me if I'm missing the point - and if so, can you provide a screenshot so I can get an idea of what you're really trying to show?
Hindsight is probably 20/20. I probably should have implemented it in sprites, as well as for many of the buttons I used on the site. It's just that I lack a good sprite editor tool that speeds that process up.
Anyway, the strategy I went with was to use Javascript prefetch via jQuery. But even that wasn't enough. I had to wrap that function in a setTimeout(), but that only helped a little. I then had to fire that setTimeout() during a login form submit. It made the login form submit slightly longer, but made the website appear snappy on load.

Alternative til jQuery Lazyload

I have searched and searched, but didn't find what I was looking for, so sorry if it's already there. I did a photo blog for a friend and used to implement jQuery Jazyload ( to load all the pictures along the way, however, it doesn't work in all browsers anymore and he stopped developing it. I heard of, but it will need a lot of extra text and code when you have 500-1,000 pictures on one site. Also I want to be able to load the images lets say 1000px, before they appear in the window.
Do anyone have suggestions/solution or else, to get the problem fixed?
You can view his site here: (NSFW)
Thank you in advance.
It is the part of automatically removing image src which does not work anymore. Version 1.5 released Dec 23, 2009 provided alternative where you must alter HTML and store image url in original attribute. I renamed it recently to data-originalto be HTML5 friendly. I also updated to documentation which better explains how to use it.
But yes. The way Lazy Load used to work is not possible anymore. Before you could just drop in the JavaScript and it handled everything automagically. Due to changes in new browsers you now must alter the HTML.
PS. Lazy Load is not dead. It was just orphan for a while.
