Jmeter doesn't resolve parameter (from CSV Data Set Config) into request - jmeter

Is try to use the CSV Data Set Config to insert a different username password for each Thread.
When posting to a login page the value of the password variable isn't resolved. The username variable is no problem. The variable is correctly loaded into the Thread because the Debug Sampler is showing the correct value for the password. I already tried to change the name of the variable, perhaps it clashes with some other variable name, but that didn't work.
Perhaps it's because the password field is a different type of input field?
Please let me know if need to clarify this more.. :)
Screenshot to clarify the situation:
1 - CSV-File
2- CSV Data Set Config
3 - Result Debug Sampler
4 - HTTP Request of the login page
5 - Result of the send request to the login page
Because here the variable isn't translated to the value the login process fails.

In your CSV Data Set Config element, in Variable Names (comma-delimited) field you have usernamecsv, pwdcsv... You need to remove space after comma!
usernamecsv, pwdcsv ---> usernamecsv,pwdcsv
This will solve your problem.


How to read random data for each request in JMeter

I have 4 input parameters which I need to pass in my http request sampler. Everything is OK but the problem is how to first data i have to pass from the previous thread http response and rest 3 from the csv file. Please help.
It seems that you want to update a specific value of the CSV during execution. It would be wise to say that this can be achieved using if controller and User Parameters element. You can go through the below screenshots to resolve this problem.
CSV Data set config for reading csv values
CSV File
Here, I have added text "REPLACE_WITH_RESPONSE" so that we can match it in IF controller.
This will check if you want to replace this value or not.
Users Parameters
This element would be used to update the csv value with previous request response. In the below example, Date is the CSV value which is replaced with previous Response.
Hope the above solution will help you in resolving this problem.

How to deal with dynamic parameter name in JMeter

Login page is having dynamic password field name: every time user visits the login page field name looks like PASSWORD_673834937, and on next visit, it looks like PASSWORD_673857943.
I have created many scripts which were working as of today, but in latest build they bring in this change to the password field... before this it was always PASSWORD only. So all my scripts were failing. What is the workaround, so that all my scripts start working with dynamic field name?
NEW changes to the password field
Under register.asp sampler, add RegEx Post-Processor
Specify the following parameters:
(i.e. the regular expression is <input TYPE="password" NAME="([^"]+)")
In HTTP Request, in the row where password is provided, specify variable created by RegEx Post-Processor in Field name, instead of static name. For example, since the variable I created above is called PasswordFieldName, the HTTP Sampler should look like this (omitting irrelevant parameters):
This is a matter of missing correlation, you would need this sooner or later given you continue playing with JMeter.
The idea of bypassing dynamic parameters is building your Test Plan as follows:
Request 1 (open login page)
Extract dynamic parameters and store them into JMeter Variables
Request 2 (perform login) providing credentials and all dynamic variables from the previous step
Add CSS/JQuery Extractor (be aware that it is not recommended to use regular expressions to work with HTML data) as a child of the register.asp page and configure it as follows:
Reference Name: anything meaningful, i.e. name
CSS/JQuery Expression: input[title=Password]
Attribute: name
Replace PASSWORD_673834937 with ${name} in the new script.

Could you pls let me know how do i pass variable if the URL is dynamic based on your search value in jmeter?

When is search for an item by giving its id the url i get is or,
the value after bikes is dynamic based on my search results and corresponding page is displayed. How do i parameterize this in Jmeter?
I am using HTTP request sampler.
I added a csv config file, gave different ids and added these values in the parameter part and used the parameter variable in the URL path. But it is not working.
EX: the url path i gave as /${id} but its not working.
You can add 'debug sampler' to narrow down the root cause.
i figured out the way to do this.
I just mentioned the possible id values in a csv file.
Used the variable name in the url.
Ex: I created a idValues.csv file and used this file in CSV data set config.
Gave the variable name as value.
now in the HttpSampler in the path i mentioned as${value} and it worked.
Thank you.

JMeter MultiUser and single user Auto Login Script

How to check Multiuser and single user Autologin Load test in my website..
I have studied the tutorial but I don't understand it. Below are the steps that I follow..
Test->Add->Theard Group ->Recording Controller
Test->Add->Config Element->HTTP Request Default
Test->Add->Config Element->HttpCookie Manager
Workbench->Add->NonTestElement->Http(s)Test Script Recorder
I set Httpdomain name->, http sampler settings and add exclude patterns in Step 4 and then start. After that I set the browser setting proxy server and run login our site..
Everything is going fine.
Then I add view result and see that the result of each request is fine. Then I pass a dynamic session value by using the following steps:
under Recording controller->login page->add->Post Processer->Regular expression extractor add under reference
name salt (This is my session id)
Regular Expression name="salt" value="(.*?)" />
Match No 1
Default value = session Not found
and then set this session value is my after login page like this : ${salt} and run our script session value is showing on my post data.
My question is
Is my script is correct? if yes then
After login I cannot see on profile page in Response data in View Result trees they are showng blank page ?
How can I make my script to auto login on multiple users and single user?
How can I check load on my site and where
please provide me step and how to check.?
Follow these steps carefully:
List item
test plan->Add->Thread(user)->Thread group
thread group->Add->config element->HTTP Request Defaults
thread group->logic controller->recording controller
Workspace->Add->non-test element->http test script recorder
start your plan & record it.after successful creating of test plan do the following steps: add the csv data set config in your test plan
Thread group->add->config element->csv data set config
in csv data set config file give the parameter values like : in filename:-give your csv file path & in variable name pass the variable as:username,password
in your test plan check the login file in that file change the static values username as "${username}" & password "${password}"
pass the different values in csv file & before start the test plan change the number of thread you want run

How to pass a random User/Pass (for Basic Authentication) with JMeter?

I'm using JMeter to stress test an API. I've got Basic Authentication set up - seems to be working great.
Now, i'm trying to randomize the credentials that JMeter passes across the wire. So, there's two ways I know I can do this.
Add a custom HTTP Header (via an HTTP Header Manager Element) and set then value to the random fields (ie. something I've read in from a csv file)
Use the HTTP Authorization Manager Element and pass in the username and password there.
Now, if I try and use method (1) above, I need to create the following header/data :-
Authorization: Basic <some Base64 encoded string in the format username:password>
Authorization: Basic OnVzZXIxOnBhc3Mx
Kewl. simple. BUT that header value is not getting passed across the wire :( I can add any other header type and it's passed across the wire..
hmm .. ok then .. lets try method (2).
Now that works .. but I can only hardcode in the username & password. I can't see how I can pass in a username VARIABLE (ie. ${usernmae} ) or a password VARIABLE (ie. ${password} ).... If it's hardcoded, then the server correctly replies with the correct page/data.
so .. can someone please help?
I would recommend trying the following:
Create a HTTP Authorization Manager Element
Setup the username and password to be variables, ${username} , ${password}
Create a CSV file with your usernames and passwords (do not use a header row)
create a CSV Data Set Config Element, with the variable names set to "username,password" (no quotes, and no space after the comma)
Each thread/loop will read a different value from the CSV file.
Alternately, if you want the value to be truely random for the login, there are some functions you can use to generate random numbers or send in the time of execution.
