Executing Shell command in Makefile rule - bash

I am trying to run a shell command from Makefile rule section. I'm using basename command to get file name couldn't provide correct file name through $$file . anyone please, help.
for file in `ls *.fof`; \
do \
$(eval VIP = `basename $$file .fof`) \
echo "filename with ext. is $$file"; \
echo "filename is $(VIP)";\

While you can get there that way, basename(1) is hardly ever needed.
In the shell, the pattern ${file##*/} removes the directory, and ${file%.*} removes the extension. As built-ins, they're faster than invoking an executable.
In GNU make, you have $(notdir $(basename $(file))). BSD make has similar.
I try to avoid loops in make. To accomplish what you're doing, I might do something like
.SUFFIXES = .fof .T
NAMES=$(wildcard *.fof)
all: $(subst .fof,.T,$(NAMES))
echo "filename with ext. is $^"
echo "filename is $(notdir $(basename($#)))"

I could make it work with small changes:
for file in `ls *.txt`; \
do \
VIP=`basename $$file .txt` ;\
echo "filename with ext. is $$file"; \
echo "filename is $$VIP";\
changes in the VIP= line
the last echo uses $$VIP


Makefile issue with calling another shell file for make

I have created a parent makefile. as below:
SHELL = /bin/bash
HOMEDIR = $(shell pwd)
override VERSION = 4.0.3
YESDIR = $(shell echo $(#:install-%=%) | tr A-Z a-z)
NODIR = $(shell echo $(#:clean-%=%) | tr A-Z a-z)
$(MAKE) install-$(VERSION)
#if [ ! -e $(YESDIR) ]; then \
echo "Library $(PKGNAM) Version=$(YESDIR) does not exist"; \
elif [ -e $(YESDIR)/Install.sh ]; then \
echo "Installing $(PKGNAM) version=$(YESDIR)" ; \
cd $(YESDIR) ;\
$(SHELL) Install.sh $(HOMEDIR) 1 ;\
elif [ -e $(YESDIR)/Makefile ]; then \
cd $(YESDIR); \
$(MAKE); \
else \
echo "Installation instruction for $(#:install-%=%) Version=$(YESDIR) does not exist"; \
#$(MAKE) clean-$(VERSION)
#if [! -e ${NODIR} ]; then ;\
echo "Library does not exist $(PKGNAM) version=$(NODIR)" ; \
else \
cd $(NODIR) ;\
echo "Installing $(PKGNAM) version=$(NODIR)" ; \
$(SHELL) Install.sh $(HOMEDIR) 0 ;\
This makefile calls different bash files inside each version of the libraries directories to build them, the bash files can successfully build each library if I call it from the terminal, tho when I call them from my make file using,
make install
after it executes the install.sh and build the library, I get this error that
No rule to make target 'w'. Stop.
any idea why it happens and how can I get rid of it ?
HERE is the bash file if it helps:
if (test $2 = 1) then
make --silent -f Makefile config prefix=$1/exec
make --silent -f Makefile
make --silent -f Makefile install
elif (test $2 = 0) then
make --silent -f Makefile clean
The problem was caused by calling other Makefiles using -C in the library's makefile called in the Install.sh. This sets the MAKEFLAGS to w automatically. unfortunately, the developers of the library has made mistake in calling the makefiles as below:
when the makefile is called from another makefile, this MAKEFLAGS are set to w, but in the bash called from the terminal they are empty. because developers have forgotten to add MAKEFLAGS= before the flags, it assumes that w is another target and because it is not defined it generates the error, I menotiond.
I solved the issue by changing their makefile as below:
and now everything works as expected.

$(eval ) in makefile causing recipe commences before first target error

define Format_File :=
#echo Formatting
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(1))","")
#echo if1
# The default extensions for intermediate files are not used,
# to avoid collisions with backup files open in the editor, etc.
# Save the original source file with an '_X' suffix on the extension.
ifneq("$(wildcard $(1)_X)","")
#echo if2
#echo else2
#ren $(1) $(1)_X
# C-Comment is invoked separately, due to pathing limitations
# The redirection is a means to suppress blabbering.
#echo Formatting $(1) . . .
$(CFORMAT_PATH)\Cformat -h$(CFORMAT_PATH) $(1)_X -o$[Base, $(1)].tmp -ino >temp.tmp;
$(CFORMAT_PATH)\Ccomment -h$(CFORMAT_PATH) $[Base, $(1)].tmp -o$(1) >temp.tmp;
#echo else1
FormatAll: CFormat
$(foreach loopFile,$(ALL_S_SOURCES),$(eval $(call Format_File,$(loopFile))))
.PHONY: FormatAll
When I replaced eval with info it printed out the function call correctly but every time I try to actually eval the formatter it gives me the error in the title.
Edit: This question was plagued with syntax errors everywhere but following the advice of #MadScientist I was eventually able to get it to work using shell loops.
The shortest answer is, you can't do it that way. A single function like $(foreach ...), or a single variable expansion, can never expand to multiple logical lines in a makefile. That's just not how the make parser works.
Further, $(eval ...) can be used to construct a complete rule but you can't use it to build just part of a rule: before make starts to parse the output of the evaluation it will "close" any rule that's currently being defined (just like you can't put the introduction of a rule in one file and the recipe in another file and use include to include the recipe).
You haven't really explained why you want to do things in just this way. One simple answer is to use shell loops, not makefile loops, like this:
FormatAll: CFormat
#for f in $(ALL_S_SOURCES); do \
echo Formatting; \
if [ -f $$f ]; then \
echo if1; \
if [ -f $${f}_X ]; then \
echo if2; \
else \
echo else2; \
fi; \
ren $$f $${f}_X; \
echo Formatting $$f . . .; \
$(CFORMAT_PATH)\Cformat -h$(CFORMAT_PATH) $F{f}_X -o$[Base, $$f].tmp -ino >temp.tmp; \
$(CFORMAT_PATH)\Ccomment -h$(CFORMAT_PATH) $[Base, $$f].tmp -o$$f >temp.tmp; \
else \
echo else1; \
fi; \
I agree with Etan that the $[Base ...] syntax is weird and certainly isn't right.
If you want more details about eval and debugging, you might check out this post and the earlier ones in the series.
The error message is pretty clear: the foreach loop spits out recipe commands before/outside of a target recipe definition.
You can try something like:
$(foreach loopFile,$(ALL_S_SOURCES),$(eval $(call Format_File,$(loopFile))))
.PHONY: all

Modifying file extensions using Makefiles

I'm new to Makefiles and I want to modify the extension of a set of files. The following command works on the shell:
for file in path/*.ext1; do j=`echo $file | cut -d . -f 1`;j=$j".ext2";echo mv $file $j; done
However, I'm not sure how to run this in a Makefile. I tried running
$(shell for file in path/*.ext1; do j=`echo $file | cut -d . -f 1`;j=$j".ext2";echo mv $file $j; done)
But this never did what I needed it to do. What do I need to do to make this work on the Makefile? How do I call it in a section?
The immediate answer to your question is that the $ character is special to make: it introduces a make variable. If you want to pass a $ to the shell, you'll have to write two of them: $$.
So, your shell function invocation would have to be written as:
$(shell for file in path/*.ext1; do j=`echo $$file | cut -d . -f 1`;j=$$j".ext2";echo mv $$file $$j; done)
However, this is almost certainly not a good way to do what you want. You don't really describe clearly what you want to do, however. If you just want to have a target in a makefile that can be invoked to make this change, you can use:
for file in path/*.ext1; do \
j=`echo $$file | cut -d . -f 1`; \
j=$$j".ext2"; \
echo mv $$file $$j; \
Or, taking advantage of some useful shell shortcuts, you could just run:
for file in path/*.ext1; do \
echo mv $$file $${file%.*}.ext2; \
Now if you run make fixext it will perform those steps.
But, a much more make-like way to do it would be to write a single rule that knows how to rename one file, then use prerequisites to have them all renamed:
TARGETS = $(patsubst %.ext1,%.ext2,$(wildcard path/*.ext1))
fixext: $(TARGETS)
%.ext2 : %.ext1
mv $< $#
Now you can even run make -j5 and do 5 of the move commands in parallel...
you can also add rename blocks at the top of your file eg to change a suffix
output := $(input:.mov=.mp4)
but this won't work inside a make command as far as I can see
output := $(input:.mov=.mp4)
$ input=walkthrough.mov make check
output := walkthrough.mp4
make: output: No such file or directory
make: *** [check] Error 1

makefile: using for and ifneq

I have an objective in my makefile named "cambios" that makes a cvs commit on each file of the project (by separate) and shows the last revision.
Now, I have an auxiliar shellscript that do that, but I'd like to know how I can do it in the makefile. I've created the objective cambios2 that do the same without the auxiliar shellscript, but it has some syntax problems.
TODO= makefile cambiosaux.sh lib/libreria.cc include/libreria.h src/principal.cc
#./cambiosaux.sh "$(TODO)"
#for dir in $(TODO); do \
A = $(cvs commit -m "Incorporando cambios automáticamente." $$dir) \
ifneq ($(A),)
echo $dir ; \
echo "Última revisión:"$(echo $(A) | sed 's/.*new revision: //' | sed 's/;.*//') ; \
endif ; \
cambiosaux.sh :
for dir in $1
A=$(cvs commit -m "Incorporando cambios automáticamente." $dir)
if [ "$A" != "" ]; then
echo $dir
echo "Última revisión:"$(echo $A | sed 's/.*new revision: //' | sed 's/;.*//')
There are some syntax problems in the objective cambios2, but I'm really new on doing makefiles and I really don't know how to solve that problems.
You forgot to escape dollars that are parts of Bash command command substitution, and Make tries to perform variable expansion: $(cvs commit ...), $(echo $(A) ...).
Also you can't assign a Make variable inside a recipe. A = $(cvs commit ...) is illegal, it won't be treated neither as Make assignment nor as Bash. Try to run make with --warn-undefined-variables, I guess it will say lots of interesting details.
Finally ifneq conditional is part of Make language, and it gets interpreted at the very early stage of reading Makefile. Thus you must not indent ifneq and endif with tabs. How Make reads a Makefile chapter gives a good explanation.
To conclude, I would recommend you to leave a separate sh as is and just invoke it from your Makefile. It is not good practice to mix code in two different languages.
Okay, I found the way it works:
#for dir in $?; do \
echo $$dir ; \
echo "Última revisión:" $$(cvs commit -m "Incorporando cambios automáticamente." $$dir | grep "new revision" | sed 's/.*new revision: //' | sed 's/;.*//') ; \
cambios: CVS

Makefile (counting)

I'm completely stumped on how to do this in a Makefile
Let's say I have a target. Inside the target I have a loop. How do i change a variable to keep track of the iterations?
For example:
I know that variables in Makefiles are only expanded, and I'm not sure if they can be permanently changed, but there has to be a way to do this, right? :(
Here are some sources that are asking similar questions. It seems like those examples only change the variable temporarily:
How do I perform arithmetic in a makefile?
How to do arithmetic operation in makefile?
Doing simple math in Makefile
Maybe I have to use the eval function somehow?
Maybe I have to append onto a Makefile string a character each time and then use something in the shell to count the characters?
If the variable doesn't have to survive the rule, this should do (I'm assuming bash):
#n=0 ; \
for x in $(THINGS_TO_BE_DELETED); do \
if [ -f $$x ] ; then \
rm $$x; \
let "n+=1" ; \
fi ; \
done ; \
echo deleted $$n files;
Here is one solution: Write a simple script like this:
count=`cat count.txt`
count=$((count + 1))
echo $count
cat $count > count.txt
Initialize the file by doing
$ echo "0" > count.txt
Then include it as a .PHONY requirement to build whatever you'd like.
This is similar to the accepted answer, but the syntax below should work with a POSIX compliant shell. Quotes should also be used inside of the test.
#n=0; \
for x in *.a *.b *.c ; do \
if [ -f "$$x" ]; then \
rm "$$x"; \
n=$$((n+1)); \
fi; \
done; \
echo deleted $$n files;
Note: tabs must be used for indentation
