solve equation using a list as coefficient - wolfram-mathematica

I am trying to solve this equation :
solve[-Log2[0.001]/1000 == k*Log2[k/q] + (1 - k)*Log2[(1 - k)/(1 - q)], q]
k is a value from a list
v1 = {7,8,9}
So the desired results should be
q={somevaule1, somevaule2, somevalue2} corresponding to different choice of k in v1
I searched online but no luck. Thanks for your help!

This will do it
v1 = {7, 8, 9};
It complains about not being able to get the accuracy that it wants, but you may be able to ignore that. Giving it a WorkingPrecision or an AccuracyGoal option can perhaps overcome that. I changed the 0.001 to 10^-3 because that was the only number in your post that had a decimal point and I hoped by making that an exact fraction it might get rid of the warnings about accuracy, but that wasn't enough.
What that does is turn the whole FindRoot into a function, using # with & as the variable, and then uses Map (which has a shorthand of /#) to use that function on each item in your v1 list and returns you the list of the results. You could write exactly the same thing with
Map[FindRoot[....]&, v1]
if that is more understandable for you.


Trouble implementing Perceptron in Scala

I'm taking the CalTech online course Learning From Data, and I'm stumped with creating a Perceptron in Scala. I chose Scala because I'm learning it and wanted to challenge myself. I understand the theory, and I also understand others' solutions in Python and Ruby. But I can't figure out why my own Scala code doesn't work.
For a background in the Perceptron code: Learning_algorithm
I'm running Scala 2.11 on OSX 10.10.
Per the algorithm, I start off with weights (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), where weight[2] is a learned bias component. I've already generated a test set in the space [-1, 1],[-1,1] on the X-Y plane. I do this by a) picking two random points and drawing a line through them, then b) generating some other random points and calculating if they are on one side of the line or the other. As far as I can tell by plotting it in Python, this generates linearly separable data.
My next step is to take my initialized weights and check against every point to find miss-classified points, i.e. points that don't generate the right +1 or -1 result. Here is the code that simply calculates dot-product of the weight and the vector x:
def h(weight:List[Double], p:Point ): Double = if ( (weight(0)*p.x + weight(1)*p.y + weight(2)) > 0) 1 else -1
It's the initial weights, so they are all miss-classified. I then update the weights, like so:
def newH(weight:List[Double], p:Point, y:Double): List[Double] = {
val newWt = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Double](0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
newWt(0) = weight(0) + p.x*y
newWt(1) = weight(1) + p.y*y
newWt(2) = weight(2) + 1*y
return newWt.toList
Then I identify miss-classified points again by checking the test set against the value output by h() above, and continue iterating.
This follows the algorithm (or is supposed to, at least) that Prof Yaser shows here: Library
The problem is that the algorithm never converges. My weights -- the third component of which is the bias -- keep getting more negative or more positive. My weight vector after every adjustment resembles this:
Weights: List(16.43341624736786, 11627.122008800507, -34130.0)
Weights: List(15.533397436141968, 11626.464265227318, -34131.0)
Weights: List(14.726969361305237, 11626.837346673012, -34132.0)
Weights: List(14.224745154380798, 11627.646470665932, -34133.0)
Weights: List(14.075232982635498, 11628.026384592056, -34134.0)
I'm a Scala newbie so my code is probably atrocious. But am I missing something in Scala, e.g. reassignment, that could be causing my weight to be messed up? Or have I completely misunderstood how the Perceptron even operates? Is my weight update just wrong?
Thanks for any help you can give me on this!
Thanks Till. I've discovered the two problems with my code and I'll share them, but to address your point: Someone else asked about this on the class's forum and it looks like what the Wiki formula does is simply to change the learning rate. Alpha can be picked randomly, and y-h(weight, p) would give you weights like
-1-1 = 2
In the case that y=-1 and h()=1, or
1-(-1) = 2
In the case that y=1 and h()=-1
My/the class formula takes 1*p.x instead of alpha*2, which seems to be a matter of different learning rates. Hope that makes sense.
My two problems were as follows:
The y value passed into the recalculation formula newH needs to be the target value of y, that is, the "correct y" that was discovered while generating the test points. I was passing in the y that was generated through h(), which is the guessed-at function. This makes sense obviously since we are looking to correc the weight by using the target y, not the incorrect y.
I was doing a comparison of target y and h()=yin Scala, but was comparison an element obtained from a map through .get(). My Scala map looks like Map[Point,Double] where the Double value refers to the y value generated during the test set creation. But doing a .get() gives you Option[Double] and not a Double value at all. This is explained in Scala Map#get and the return of Some() and makes a lot of sense now. I did map.get(<some Point>).get() for now, since I was focusing on debugging and not code perfection, and then I was accurately able to compare two Double values.

Making a custom Distribution of Random Numbers

I am trying to make sense of the different distribution objects in c++11 and I am finding it overwhelming. I hope some of you can and will help.
This is why I am looking into all this:
I need a random number generator that I can adjust every time it is used so that it is more likely to produce the same number again. The second requirement I need to fill is that I need the random numbers generated to only be these numbers:
{1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ..., 128}
Third and last requirement is that on certain occasions I need to skip one or more numbers from the above set.
My problem is that I don't understand the descriptions of various distribution objects. I, thus, cannot determine what tools I need to use to meet my above needs.
Can somebody tell me what tools I need and how I need to use them? The more clear, concise and detailed the response the better.
Your range can be generated with a random number j in the range [0, 7], then you compute:
1 << j
to get your number. std::uniform_int_distribution<> would be handy for generating the value in [0, 7].
Additionally you could use a std::bernoulli_distribution (which returns a random bool) to decide if the next number is going to be the same as the last one, or if you should generate a new number. The std::bernoulli_distribution defaults to a 50/50 chance of true/false, but you can customize that distribution in the bernoulli_distribution constructor to anything you like (e.g. 80/20 or whatever).
If this isn't clear enough, just jump in with some code. Try coding it up, and if it isn't working, post what you have, and I'm sure somebody will help.
Oh, forgot about your 3rd requirement: For that just put your [0, 7] generation in a loop, and if you come up with a number you're supposed to skip, then iterate the loop, else break out of it.
For skipping numbers I completely agree with Howard that manual checking is probably the way to go, but there might be a better way altering the probability of a given number being generated.
Another way to do this would be to use a discrete_distribution object, which allows you to specify the probability of generating any given value, so for your example it would be something like
std::default_random_engine entropy;
std::array<double, 128> probs;
std::discrete_distribution<int> choose(probs.begin(), probs.end());
then when you're in your loop, in addition to deciding whether or not to skip, you can increment one of those values by some amount to increase the odds of it coming up again, making sure to reinitialize the discrete distribution, like this:
int x;
double myValue = 0.2;//or whatever increment you want
for (something; something else; something else else)
x = choose(entropy);
if (skip(x))
continue;//alternately you could set = 0
//only if you never want to generate it again += myValue;
choose = std::discrete_distribution<int>(probs.begin(), probs.end());
where skip and output are your functions to decide if x should be skipped and do whatever you want with the generated value respectively

Mathematica variable defined outside Do loop

I want mathematica to display the result in decimal form.Say 3 decimal places together with 10 to some power. What function shall I use?
r = 0;
Do[r += (i/100), {i, 1, 100}];
I tried ScientificForm[r,3]andNumberForm[r,3] and both do not work.
Thanks in advance!
The problem you have, though you don't quite state this, is that Mathematica can compute r accurately. Your code sets the value of 2 to the rational number 101/2 and Mathematica's default behaviour is to display accurate numbers accurately. That's what you (or whoever bought your licence) pay for.
The expression
will produce a decimal representation of r, ie 50.5 and
gives the result
(though formatted rather more nicely in the Mathematica front end).

Constrained Random Number Generation

I need to generate 500 numbers, 250 1s and 250 0s, randomly located. Below is what I do now. But it does not feel right while the output is correct.
RandomSample#Flatten[Table[#, {trialNo/2}] & /# {0, 1}]
I'd actually do something slightly different. Since you're looking for a random permutation of Flatten[{ConstantArray[0,250], ConstantArray[1,250]}], I'd generate the permutation and use Part to get the list you're looking for. As follows,
perm = RandomSample[Range[trialNo]];
Flatten[{ConstantArray[0, trialNo/2], ConstantArray[1, trialNo/2]}][[ perm ]]
This isn't operationally different than what you're doing, but I think it captures mathematically what your trying to accomplish better.
Here is another way to do this.
Round[Ordering[1~RandomReal~#] / N##]& # 500
Now with more magic for the guys in Chat.
Mod[RandomSample#Range##, 2] & # 500

Iterative solving for unknowns in a fluids problem

I am a Mechanical engineer with a computer scientist question. This is an example of what the equations I'm working with are like:
x = √((y-z)×2/r)
z = f×(L/D)×(x/2g)
f = something crazy with x in it
etc…(there are more equations with x in it)
The situation is this:
I need r to find x, but I need x to find z. I also need x to find f which is a part of finding z. So I guess a value for x, and then I use that value to find r and f. Then I go back and use the value I found for r and f to find x. I keep doing this until the guess and the calculated are the same.
My question is:
How do I get the computer to do this? I've been using mathcad, but an example in another language like C++ is fine.
The very first thing you should do faced with iterative algorithms is write down on paper the sequence that will result from your idea:
x_0 = ..., f_0 = ..., r_0 = ...
x_1 = ..., f_1 = ..., r_1 = ...
x_n = ..., f_n = ..., r_n = ...
Now, you have an idea of what you should implement (even if you don't know how). If you don't manage to find a closed form expression for one of the x_i, r_i or whatever_i, you will need to solve one dimensional equations numerically. This will imply more work.
Now, for the implementation part, if you never wrote a program, you should seriously ask someone live who can help you (or hire an intern and have him write the code). We cannot help you beginning from scratch with, eg. C programming, but we are willing to help you with specific problems which should arise when you write the program.
Please note that your algorithm is not guaranteed to converge, even if you strongly think there is a unique solution. Solving non linear equations is a difficult subject.
It appears that mathcad has many abstractions for iterative algorithms without the need to actually implement them directly using a "lower level" language. Perhaps this question is better suited for the mathcad forums at:
If you are using Mathcad, it has the functionality built in. It is called solve block.
Start with the keyword "given"
define the guess values for all unknowns
define your constraints
x = √((y-z)×2/r)
z = f×(L/D)×(x/2g)
f = something crazy with x in it
etc…(there are more equations with x in it)
calculate the solution
find(x, y, z, r, ...)=
Check Mathcad help or Quicksheets for examples of the exact syntax.
The simple answer to your question is this pseudo-code:
X = startingX;
lastF = Infinity;
F = 0;
tolerance = 1e-10;
while ((lastF - F)^2 > tolerance)
lastF = F;
X = ?;
R = ?;
F = FunctionOf(X,R);
This may not do what you expect at all. It may give a valid but nonsense answer or it may loop endlessly between alternate wrong answers.
This is standard substitution to convergence. There are more advanced techniques like DIIS but I'm not sure you want to go there. I found this article while figuring out if I want to go there.
In general, it really pays to think about how you can transform your problem into an easier problem.
In my experience it is better to pose your problem as a univariate bounded root-finding problem and use Brent's Method if you can
Next worst option is multivariate minimization with something like BFGS.
Iterative solutions are horrible, but are more easily solved once you think of them as X2 = f(X1) where X is the input vector and you're trying to reduce the difference between X1 and X2.
As the commenters have noted, the mathematical aspects of your question are beyond the scope of the help you can expect here, and are even beyond the help you could be offered based on the detail you posted.
However, I think that even if you understood the mathematics thoroughly there are computer science aspects to your question that should be addressed.
When you write your code, try to make organize it into functions that depend only upon the parameters you are passing in to a subroutine. So write a subroutine that takes in values for y, z, and r and returns you x. Make another that takes in f,L,D,G and returns z. Now you have testable routines that you can check to make sure they are computing correctly. Check the input values to your routines in the routines - for instance in computing x you will get a divide by 0 error if you pass in a 0 for r. Think about how you want to handle this.
If you are going to solve this problem interatively you will need a method that will decide, based on the results of one iteration, what the values for the next iteration will be. This also should be encapsulated within a subroutine. Now if you are using a language that allows only one value to be returned from a subroutine (which is most common computation languages C, C++, Java, C#) you need to package up all your variables into some kind of data structure to return them. You could use an array of reals or doubles, but it would be nicer to choose to make an object and then you can reference the variables by their name and not their position (less chance of error).
Another aspect of iteration is knowing when to stop. Certainly you'll do so when you get a solution that converges. Make this decision into another subroutine. Now when you need to change the convergence criteria there is only one place in the code to go to. But you need to consider other reasons for stopping - what do you do if your solution starts diverging instead of converging? How many iterations will you allow the run to go before giving up?
Another aspect of iteration of a computer is round-off error. Mathematically 10^40/10^38 is 100. Mathematically 10^20 + 1 > 10^20. These statements are not true in most computations. Your calculations may need to take this into account or you will end up with numbers that are garbage. This is an example of a cross-cutting concern that does not lend itself to encapsulation in a subroutine.
I would suggest that you go look at the Python language, and the extensions. There are people in the associated forums that would be a good resource for helping you learn how to do iterative solving of a system of equations.
