Undefined property: Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder::$where(city_id,1) - laravel

I'm trying to make conditions on my search query, when I use this code I got this error :
my code :
$condition = null;
foreach (session()->get('filters') as $items)`
$condition .= "where(".$items['type'].",".$items['value'].")->";
$cars = Car::where('is_active','active')->$condition->get();
My error:
Undefined property: Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder::$where(city_id,1)

If you want to add methods to an existing query, start your query with $query = Car::newQuery(). Then just append your methods to that variable.
$query = Car::newQuery();
$query = $query->where('is_active', 'active');
foreach (session()->get('filters') as $items) {
$query = $query->where($items['type'], $items['value']);
$cars = $query->get();


Undefined variable: data", exception: "ErrorException",…}

I have an alias in this code that is RIGHT (no_antrian, 3) as code
when I call the alias with $ code, laravel says Undefined variable: data ", exception:" ErrorException ", ...}
$result = DB::table('data_antrian')->select(DB::raw('RIGHT(no_antrian,3) as kode'))->where('tanggal', '=', $tanggal)->orderBy('id', 'desc')->take(1)->get();
$rows = DB::table('data_antrian')->where('tanggal', '=', $tanggal)->count();
if ($rows > 0) {
// $data = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
// $kode = $data['kode']+1;
$kode = $data['kode']+1;
} else {
$kode = '001';
You do not have data defined, meanwhile also you treat your $result variable as a single entity and it is a collection. Therefor i think this is what you want to do.
$result = DB::table('data_antrian')->select(DB::raw('RIGHT(no_antrian,3) as kode'))->where('tanggal', '=', $tanggal)->orderBy('id', 'desc')->take(1)->first();
$rows = DB::table('data_antrian')->where('tanggal', '=', $tanggal)->count();
if ($rows > 0) {
$kode = $result->kode + 1;
} else {
$kode = '001';
In the first query instead of get(), i only get a single result which you can since you only take(1). Using result instead of data and using it as an object since it is an object.

Codeigniter count_all_results with having

I have composed a query using Codeigniter's Query Builder class. The query utilizes aliases and the having method. When I call the count_all_results method on this query, an exception occurs. Inspecting the log, I see that the query has stripped out the 'having' clauses. Is there a way to keep these clauses in while calling count_all_results? Thanks for your help.
EDIT: I first believed the problem was knowledge-based and not code-based and so did not share the code, but here it is. Please let me know if more is needed.
Here's the call on the model in the controller.
$where_array = array(
$parent_key.' is not NULL' => null
$search_post = $request_data['search'];
if (isset($request_data['filter'])) {
$filter_array = $request_data['filter'];
foreach ($filter_array as $filter_pair) {
if (isset($filter_pair['escape'])) {
$where_array[$filter_pair['filterBy']] = null;
} else {
if ($filter_pair['filterBy'] == 'table3_id') {
$where_array['table3.'.$filter_pair['filterBy']] = isset($filter_pair['filterId']) ?
$filter_pair['filterId'] : null;
} else {
$where_array[$table.'.'.$filter_pair['filterBy']] = isset($filter_pair['filterId']) ?
$filter_pair['filterId'] : null;
$like_array = array();
foreach ($request_data['columns'] as $key => $column) {
if (!empty($column['search']['value'])) {
$like_array[$column['data']] = $column['search']['value'];
$totalFiltered = $this->$model_name->modelSearchCount($search, $where_array, $like_array);
Here's the model methods.
public function modelSearchCount($search, $where_array = null, $like_array = null)
$this->joinLookups(null, $search);
if ($where_array) {
if ($like_array) {
foreach($like_array as $key => $value) {
$this->db->having($key." LIKE '%". $value. "%'");
return $this->db->from($this->table)->count_all_results();
protected function joinLookups($display_config = null, $search = null)
$select_array = null;
$join_array = array();
$search_column_array = $search ? array() : null;
$i = 'a';
$config = $display_config ? $display_config : $this->getIndexConfig();
foreach ($config as $column) {
if (array_key_exists($column['field'], $this->lookups)) {
$guest_model_name = $this->lookups[$column['field']];
$join_string =$this->table.'.'.$column['field'].'='.$i.'.'.
$guest_display = $this->$guest_model_name->getDisplay();
if ($search) {
$search_column_array[] = $i.'.'.$guest_display;
$join_array[$this->$guest_model_name->getTable().' as '.$i] = $join_string;
$select_array[] = $i.'.'.
} else {
$select_array[] = $this->table.'.'.$column['field'];
if ($search) {
$search_column_array[] = $this->table.'.'.$column['field'];
$select_array[] = $this->table.'.'.$this->key;
foreach ($join_array as $key => $value) {
$this->db->join($key, $value, 'LEFT');
$this->db->join('table2', $this->table.'.table2_id=table2.table2_id', 'LEFT')
->join('table3', 'table2.table3_id=table3.table3_id', 'LEFT')
->join('table4', $this->table.'.table4_id=table4_id', 'LEFT')
->join('table5', 'table4.table5_id=table5.table5_id', 'LEFT');
$this->db->select(implode($select_array, ', '));
if ($search) {
foreach (explode(' ', $search) as $term) {
$this->db->or_like($this->table.'.'.$this->key, $term);
foreach ($search_column_array as $search_column) {
$this->db->or_like($search_column, $term);
$this->db->select('table2_date, '. $this->table.'.table2_id, table4_id, '. 'table5.table5_description');
Since count_all_results() will basically run a Select count(*) and not count the rows in your resultset (basically rendering the query useless for your purposes) you may use other Codeigniter methods to get the resultset and the row count.
Try running the query into a variable:
$query = $this->db->get();
From then, you can do pretty much anything. Besides returning the result with $query->result(); you can get the number of rows into another variable with:
$rownum = $query->num_rows();
You can then return that into your controller or even just return the $query object and then run the num_rows() method on the controller
To answer this question, count_all_results() transforms the original query by replacing your selects with SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table. the aliased column would not be selected, and the having clause would not recognize the column. This is why count_all_results() does not work with having.

laravel error "strtolower() expects parameter 1 to be string"?

I am passing json to a laravel route as following and I am runnig this query sql view.
{"columns":["fname","lname","mobile"], "offset":"1", "limit":"25",
And this is the function placed in controller which will going to call on route
public function fetch_contacts(Request $request){
if($request->header('content-type') == 'application/json' && !empty($request->header('Device')) && !empty($request->header('UID'))){
$query = DB::connection('mysql_freesubs')->table("contact_view")
$query = $query->where($request->filter);
$query = $query->offset($request->offset);
$query = $query->limit($request->limit);
$query = $query->orderBy($request->order);
$contacts = $query->get();
return $contacts;
where am I going wrong ?
You're passing multidimensional array to orderBy, try this instead:
$query = $query->orderBy($request->order[0][0], $request->order[0][1]);
$query = $query->orderBy($request->order[1][0], $request->order[1][1]);

Codeigniter confusing with $this->db queries

I'm trying to access data by using another model's method in my model but it gives me error because it confuses by previous $this->db parameters:
$locations = $this->place_model->search_ids_by_name($location);
and the search_ids_by_name() of Place_model is like this:
public function search_ids_by_name($q) {
$qry = $this->db->get('places');
$results = $qry->result_array();
$place_ids = array();
foreach ($results as $result) {
array_push($place_ids, $result['id']);
return $place_ids;
But it gives me below error
Error Number: 1054, Unknown column 'category' in 'where clause'
Filename: models/Place_model.php
It seems in my place_model function also using like and or_like methods. How can I seperate them.
I found a solution. I made another connection:
public function search_ids_by_name($q) {
$places_db = $this->load->database('default', TRUE);
$qry = $places_db->get('places');
$results = $qry->result_array();
$place_ids = array();
foreach ($results as $result) {
array_push($place_ids, $result['id']);
return $place_ids;

How can I use CodeIgniter form dropdown function?

codeIgniter form_dropdown() function can receive only associative array but I have multi dimension array by using result_array() function. How can I fetch my data on form_dropdown() function?
Let's say you want a dropdown of items, using result_array():
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT id, item_name FROM items");
$options = array();
foreach ($query->result_array() as $row){
$options[$row['id']] = $row['item_name'];
echo form_dropdown('my_items_dropdown', $options, '1');
I have extended the class DB_result.php in system/database with this new function
public function dropdown_array($id_field = FALSE, $list_field = FALSE)
$result = array();
if ($id_field === FALSE || $list_field === FALSE) return $result;
$array = $this->result_array();
foreach ($array as $value) {
$result[$value[$id_field]] = $value[$list_field];
return $result;
Now you can simply call from every Model class your new function to generate a dropdown-compliant array like this:
$customers = $this->db->get('customers');
$result = $customers->dropdown_array('id', 'name');
return $result;
