Modifying a value inside an enum while matching - enums

Is it possible to directly modify a value embedded inside an enum?
The following fails with error: cannot borrow immutable anonymous field `a.0` as mutable, even though I used ref mut.
enum Foo {
fn main() {
let a = Foo::Bar(10);
match a {
Foo::Bar(ref mut val) => *val = 33,
match a {
Foo::Bar(val) => println!("{}", val), // should print 33
That's not a huge problem because I can do the following as a work-around:
match a {
Foo::Bar(val) => a = Foo::Bar(33),
But is this the correct way?

You need to make the binding to a mutable.
enum Foo {
fn main() {
let mut a = Foo::Bar(10);
match a {
Foo::Bar(ref mut val) => *val = 33,
match a {
Foo::Bar(val) => println!("{}", val), // 33


How to read a value of an enum which associates with a custom type in Rust?

I have an implementation in Rust as follows. In the main function, I am reading a value in SalaryRange enum and this will display High("So High").
// This can be a complex type, just using string for the question
type SRange = String;
type SalEnu = SalaryRange<SRange>;
struct User<SRange> {
username: String,
email: String,
sign_in_count: u64,
active: bool,
income: Income<SRange>,
struct Income<SRange> {
salary_range: SalaryRange<SRange>
enum SalaryRange<SRange> {
fn main() {
let user1 = User {
email: String::from(""),
username: String::from("test_name"),
active: true,
sign_in_count: 1,
income: Income {
salary_range: (
SalaryRange::High("So High")
let mut srange: SalaryRange<&str> = user1.income.salary_range;
println!("{:?}", srange);
Link for this example can be found here.
Just wanted to know if there is a possibility to read and print the value in that enum as println!("{:?}", srange::High);, just to print out the string value?
I only want to print the value So High.
If I use srange::High This will throw an error saying
println!("{:?}", srange::High);
| ^^^^^^ use of undeclared type or module `srange`
error: aborting due to previous error
You can implement a method on your enum to extract the value:
enum SalaryRange<S> {
impl<S> SalaryRange<S> {
fn value(&self) -> &S {
match self {
SalaryRange::Low(value) => value,
SalaryRange::Mid(value) => value,
SalaryRange::High(value) => value,
println!("{:?}", srange.value());
You can pattern match srange with the if let syntax.
if let SalaryRange::High(s) = srange {
println!("{}", s);
will print "so high".
I know it's been a while since the question has been opened, but I would like to complete Peter's answer.
There is a more idiomatic way to achieve what you want. Just implement the std::fmt::Display trait to your enum as following:
pub enum SalaryRange {
impl std::fmt::Display for SalaryRange {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
let content = match self {
SalaryRange::LOW(content) => content,
SalaryRange::MID(content) => content,
SalaryRange::HIGH(content) => content,
write!(f, "{}", content)
The std::fmt::Display trait allows you to display the content held by your enum value like this:
let salary_range = SalaryRange::HIGH("So high".to_string());
println!("{}", salary_range);
// outputs: "So high"
This should work with any type.
Playground to test it:

Is there a way to directly access a field value in an enum struct without pattern matching?

I wish that enums in Rust can be used like Haskell's productive type. I want to
access a field's value directly
assign a field's value directly or make a clone with the changing value.
Directly means that not using too long pattern matching code, but just could access like let a_size = a.size.
In Haskell:
data TypeAB = A {size::Int, name::String} | B {size::Int, switch::Bool} deriving Show
main = do
let a = A 1 "abc"
let b = B 1 True
print (size a) -- could access a field's value directly
print (name a) -- could access a field's value directly
print (switch b) -- could access a field's value directly
let aa = a{size=2} -- could make a clone directly with the changing value
print aa
I tried two styles of Rust enum definition like
Style A:
enum EntryType {
struct TypeA {
size: u32,
name: String,
struct TypeB {
size: u32,
switch: bool,
fn main() {
let mut ta = TypeA {
size: 3,
name: "TAB".to_string(),
println!("{:?}", &ta);
ta.size = 2; = "TCD".to_string();
println!("{:?}", &ta);
let mut ea = EntryType::A(TypeA {
size: 1,
name: "abc".to_string(),
let mut eb = EntryType::B(TypeB {
size: 1,
switch: true,
let vec_ab = vec![&ea, &eb];
println!("{:?}", &ea);
println!("{:?}", &eb);
println!("{:?}", &vec_ab);
// Want to do like `ta.size = 2` for ea
// Want to do like ` = "bcd".to_string()` for ea
// Want to do like `tb.switch = false` for eb
// ????
println!("{:?}", &ea);
println!("{:?}", &eb);
println!("{:?}", &vec_ab);
Style B:
enum TypeCD {
TypeC { size: u32, name: String },
TypeD { size: u32, switch: bool },
fn main() {
// NOTE: Rust requires representative struct name before each constructor
// TODO: Check constructor name can be duplicated
let mut c = TypeCD::TypeC {
size: 1,
name: "abc".to_string(),
let mut d = TypeCD::TypeD {
size: 1,
switch: true,
let vec_cd = vec![&c, &d];
println!("{:?}", &c);
println!("{:?}", &d);
println!("{:?}", &vec_cd);
// Can't access a field's value like
// let c_size = c.size
let c_size = c.size; // [ERROR]: No field `size` on `TypeCD`
let c_name =; // [ERROR]: No field `name` on `TypeCD`
let d_switch = d.switch; // [ERROR]: No field `switch` on `TypeCD`
// Can't change a field's value like
// c.size = 2;
// = "cde".to_string();
// d.switch = false;
println!("{:?}", &c);
println!("{:?}", &d);
println!("{:?}", &vec_cd);
I couldn't access/assign values directly in any style. Do I have to implement functions or a trait just to access a field's value? Is there some way of deriving things to help this situation?
What about style C:
enum Color {
Green { name: String },
Blue { switch: bool },
struct Something {
size: u32,
color: Color,
fn main() {
let c = Something {
size: 1,
color: Color::Green {
name: "green".to_string(),
let d = Something {
size: 2,
color: Color::Blue { switch: true },
let vec_cd = vec![&c, &d];
println!("{:?}", &c);
println!("{:?}", &d);
println!("{:?}", &vec_cd);
let _ = c.size;
If all variant have something in common, why separate them?
Of course, I need to access not common field too.
This would imply that Rust should define what to do when the actual type at runtime doesn't contain the field you required. So, I don't think Rust would add this one day.
You could do it yourself. It will require some lines of code, but that matches the behavior of your Haskell code. However, I don't think this is the best thing to do. Haskell is Haskell, I think you should code in Rust and not try to code Haskell by using Rust. That a general rule, some feature of Rust come directly from Haskell, but what you want here is very odd in my opinion for Rust code.
enum Something {
A { size: u32, name: String },
B { size: u32, switch: bool },
impl Something {
fn size(&self) -> u32 {
match self {
Something::A { size, .. } => *size,
Something::B { size, .. } => *size,
fn name(&self) -> &String {
match self {
Something::A { name, .. } => name,
Something::B { .. } => panic!("Something::B doesn't have name field"),
fn switch(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Something::A { .. } => panic!("Something::A doesn't have switch field"),
Something::B { switch, .. } => *switch,
fn new_size(&self, size: u32) -> Something {
match self {
Something::A { name, .. } => Something::A {
name: name.clone(),
Something::B { switch, .. } => Something::B {
switch: *switch,
// etc...
fn main() {
let a = Something::A {
size: 1,
name: "Rust is not haskell".to_string(),
println!("{:?}", a.size());
let b = Something::B {
size: 1,
switch: true,
println!("{:?}", b.switch());
let aa = a.new_size(2);
println!("{:?}", aa);
I think there is currently no built-in way of accessing size directly on the enum type. Until then, enum_dispatch or a macro-based solution may help you.

How do I conditionally check if an enum is one variant or another?

I have an enum with two variants:
enum DatabaseType {
What do I need in order to make a conditional if inside a function that checks if an argument is DatabaseType::Memory or DatabaseType::RocksDB?
fn initialize(datastore: DatabaseType) -> Result<V, E> {
if /* Memory */ {
} else if /* RocksDB */ {
First have a look at the free, official Rust book The Rust Programming Language, specifically the chapter on enums.
fn initialize(datastore: DatabaseType) {
match datastore {
DatabaseType::Memory => {
// ...
DatabaseType::RocksDB => {
// ...
if let
fn initialize(datastore: DatabaseType) {
if let DatabaseType::Memory = datastore {
// ...
} else {
// ...
enum DatabaseType {
fn initialize(datastore: DatabaseType) {
if DatabaseType::Memory == datastore {
// ...
} else {
// ...
This is available since Rust 1.42.0
fn initialize(datastore: DatabaseType) {
if matches!(datastore, DatabaseType::Memory) {
// ...
} else {
// ...
See also:
How to compare enum without pattern matching
Read from an enum without pattern matching
Compare enums only by variant, not value
// A simple example that runs in rust 1.58:
enum Aap {
Noot(i32, char),
Mies(String, f64),
fn main() {
let aap: Aap = Aap::Noot(42, 'q');
let noot: Aap = Aap::Mies(String::from("noot"), 422.0);
println!("{}", doe(aap));
println!("{}", doe(noot));
fn doe(a: Aap) -> i32 {
match a {
Aap::Noot(i, _) => i,
Aap::Mies(_, f) => f as i32,

How to create a macro that gets the value of an enum type?

My enum looks like this:
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Type {
GLfloat_4fv((GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)),
macro_rules! get{
($e:expr) => {
match $e {
Type::GLsizei(x) => { x }
Type::GLbitfield(x) => { x }
_ => { 0 }
Now how do I create a macro that gets the value of the enum type?
Like #aochagavia say there is no point to have a macro if you must do specific stuff with your enum.
The following macro could help you, the purpose is to have a macro that create a enum and generate some method. This only work if all variant have one type.
macro_rules! foo {
($($(#[$meta:meta])* foo $name:ident($ty:ty),)*) => {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Foo {
$($(#[$meta])* $name($ty),)*
impl Foo {
pub fn display(&self) {
match *self {
$(Foo::$name(x) => println!("{}", x),)*
foo! {
foo A(i32),
foo B(i64),
fn main() {
let a = Foo::A(32);
let b = Foo::B(64);
The original macro is from #koka-el-kiwi, I take it as an example and modification for your case.
The following method is also available
pub enum Type<T> {
impl<T> Type<T> {
pub fn unwarp(&self) -> &T {
match *self {
Type::gli32(ref x) => x,
Type::gli64(ref x) => x,
Type::glfloat4fv(ref x) => x,
Type::glString(ref x) => x,
Type::glVec(ref x) => x,
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
let f = Type::gli32(32 as i32);
let ff64 = Type::gli64((64, 32));
let f4fv = Type::glfloat4fv((0.1, 0.2, 0.0));
let cstr = Type::glString(CString::new("glstring").unwrap());
let ve = [1, 2, 3, 5];
let glve = Type::glVec(ve);
println!("f ={} {:?} {:?} {:?}",

Return an inline-defined enum from a function?

I'm diving into rust, and I'm trying to do something like this:
match send("select * from User;") {
ConnError => println!("Connection error!"),
DBError(e) => println!("Database error {}", e),
Ok(response) => {
and I'm trying to figure out a compact way of defining the send function. I saw the Result enum, but it only handles one kind of error at a time. I was hoping that I could define my own enum like this:
fn send(query: str) -> enum { Ok(Box<Response>), ConnError, DBError(str) } {
alas, it is not possible, it's complaining about the unexpected 'enum' keyword. Is there any way to do what I'm trying here, or perhaps make Result handle multiple error types? Thanks!
As you say, you can use Result but you have to define the enum with your error types separately, as you can't define it directly in the return of your function.
Something like this:
use std::rand::distributions::{IndependentSample, Range};
fn main() {
match send("select * from foo") {
Ok(Response) => println!("response"),
Err(e) => match e {
ConnError => println!("connection error"),
DbError(err) => println!("{}", err)
// the enum with your errors
enum DataLayerError {
struct Response; /*...*/
fn send(_query: &str) -> Result<Response, DataLayerError> {
let between = Range::new(0u, 2);
let mut rng = std::rand::task_rng();
// return a random result
match between.ind_sample(&mut rng) {
0 => Ok(Response),
1 => Err(DbError("yikes".to_string())),
2 => Err(ConnError),
_ => unreachable!()
