Request redirecting when running a flow in jmeter - jmeter

I have recorded a script in JMeter, when I run it in view result tree URL gets changed automatically to some other page. My original request has no cookies while the page to which it redirects contain cookies. Later , I checked manually in my browser I saw cookies passing in the request. So, I added HTTP header manager with cookie data , I executed the test still it is redirecting. I thought to correlate cookie value but I can't get it in any response above. Can anyone suggest?


Recorded script by blaze Meter & browser is showling all cookies but JMeter is not i.e. ai_user & ai_session, how do I get those cookies values?

Browser shows all cookies when we hit home request
These are the cookies that appear in browser when we execute home page 1st time, but not in Jmeter request
Its JMeter response that shows cookies
My issue is when I execute home page in browser it shows all cookies 1st time when we hit request but in JMeter home request don't show up all cookies as shown in picture.
I want cookies values i.e. ai_user & ai_session and pass them to UserSessionId & AppSessionId in HTTP request header. So how do I get those values? I already user HTTP CookiesManager in my script to handle cookies but can't get ai_user & ai_session cookies values.
Given you send the same request in JMeter as in the real browser you should get the same response so double check all the request details like:
Try using clean browser session or at least private mode
Look at Set-Cookie header for the first request and see if the cookies you're looking for are there. It might be the case that the cookies are being set by JavaScript and as per JMeter Project main page
JMeter is not a browser, it works at protocol level. As far as web-services and remote services are concerned, JMeter looks like a browser (or rather, multiple browsers); however JMeter does not perform all the actions supported by browsers. In particular, JMeter does not execute the Javascript found in HTML pages. Nor does it render the HTML pages as a browser does (it's possible to view the response as HTML etc., but the timings are not included in any samples, and only one sample in one thread is ever displayed at a time).
So if this is the case you will need to mimic the JavaScript code logic using JSR223 PostProcessor or just extract the values from the response if they are there using other suitable Post-Processor

Jmeter Cookie data is missing in request | Getting Object Moved in response and page is redirecting to login page itself again and again

Error in Cookie I'm working on Jmeter and found the authentication is set in cookies. I have added the cookie manager and still finding a redirected response. We have tried follow redirects and redirect automatically settings itself in Jmeter http request and After lot of tries I just found the cookie data is missing in the request sent to the servers.
Cookie Data:
CHMHC%2fMAS%2fWebPortal%2fv2019_testing2_Web.session=; n0=0%2c0%7c; m0=0%2C0%7C
This is after entering the credentials in Login page with Post request.
This is ASP.Net application
How to add this data along with the request sent.[Cookie Data entered partially][1]
Check this guide:
You might have to turn on one setting in

Why does JMeter HTTP Response differ from the browser response?

I have a magic link to access a website without logging in, let's say the magic link is something like this
when I use the link in the browser it works as expected and accesses the home page without asking me to log in. BUT when I use the same link inside HTTP GET Request using JMeter, it redirects me to the login page. Why is that happening and how to solve it?
This is happening as you browser stores specific cookies and caches for the particular request, whereas for jmeter you will request a new session every time, if you are not using HTTP Cookie Manager and HTTP Cache Manager explicitly.
Try clearing your browser history, cookies & caches and hit the same request/url, it would also redriect to the login page and behave same as jmeter does

Can't get authorized response on requests in JMeter, while they have the same CSRF token and sessionID

I'm having trouble with getting my site normally loaded during the performance testing in Apache JMeter. Firstly I recorded the script (by BadBoy), containing authorization and visiting some pages, unavailable without login. Next, I exported it to JMeter, configured Regular Expression Extractor to get the csrftoken from the request right before the authorization request and it looks like it works just fine:
no errors in http-requests
But if to look at the tab "Response data" of every post-authorized request, the content isn't like correctly loaded page, it just starts page with the empty authorization form, i.e. in some way session is new though all the requests have the same session id and csrftoken in Cookie Data and in Set-Cookie (Sample result), appeared in authorization request result.
HTTP Cookie Manager is added.
Did anyone face this trouble?
UPDATE: I've conducted an experiment with transferring cookies from Chrome to Mozilla Firefox, copied 'csrftoken' and 'session id', and - voila! - it worked, I got the same authorized session in two browsers. Still have no idea what's wrong with JMeter
JMeter automatically treats HTTP Response Codes below 400 as successful, it doesn't perform any checks of response body. Most likely your Regular Expression Extractor failed, add a Debug Sampler and double check resulting variable value.
There could be also the following possible reasons:
You might need to send CSRF token in encoded/escaped form so using i.e. __urlEncode() function will be required. Or vice versa.
Application may expect the token in multiple locations, i.e. not only as a form parameter, but as an extra HTTP Header. In that case you will need to pass it via HTTP Header Manager
You might also want to try the new step-by-step debugger for JMeter to get to the bottom of the issue.
This is the default behavior of this token. 1. make sure where these tokens are passed. It might be passed multiple times. Check the header. Generally, "xref-token" is again passed.
It should be in exact format, decode it if required, also remove , or ; or /. You can also use fiddler.
The solution was found after recording a script by Blazemeter plugin in Chrome and further exporting it in '.JMX' format. Adding an HTTP Header Manager like this (with its special fields, of course) to each HTTP Request solved the problem.

Jmeter using cookie manager issue

I have a form based authentication application I am able to log on the system as per my database by posting a request on my log in page.
But after that if try a get request of any internal pages I get a request as www.example\login?dashboard with a cookie but the response html is of my login page.
I have a cookie manager added on the top.
There are a couple things to check that could be causing this:
There is a hardcoded parameter, like sessionID that needs to be unique for each session
The page requests have "automatic redirect" enabled and should not (or vice-versa)
Login is actually failing, but the site is not giving a clear error message
