I am trying to use the elements I made in Screen Painter in my source code but I am not quite sure how to link them. Can you provide steps how I can link my elements in Screen Painter with ABAP variables?
The connection is established via the name.
If you declare a variable in your report like this:
DATA foo TYPE c.
Then you can view it on your screen by adding a field called foo.
A useful feature of the screen painter is choosing dictionary/program fields. You can access it by pressing F6.
The reference is made by the name of global variables.
You may - as already mentioned - use a DATA matnr TYPE MATNR. to create a global variable matnr.
If you use DDIC-structures or tables you may also define them as
In screen painter you can reference the fields of the table/structure MARA.
(You can replace MARA with any table/structure).
Depending on the complexity of your program you may define your own structure, just as a interface between the report code and the screen-painter.
The variables used in screen painter should be declared in a TOP in order to be accessed from the includes in the program.
For example, in my screen I request for a Business Partner name and map it to GT_NAME. GT_NAME should be declared in the TOP with something like the code below:
DATA: GT_NAME type bu_first.
That automatically creates the link between the global variables and the input parameters in the screen.
I am facing issues in performing certain actions based on the value in the excel file cell data.
Actions like if value is "NORMAL" then click Container type = Normal (radio button)
Similarly the Unit Container Value
Following is my code:
I am getting this error while performing action .WebElement("Container_Type_Normal").Click
Your error is because you can't start a line with . unless your within a with - and i can't see a with in your function. (i also don't recommend using a with as the can cause needless confusion)
The .webelement object is a catch-all type of object that is the child of other web objects or .page. You need this to be a full and valid path to the object, by this i mean start with browser().page().
You have a couple of options:
You can either make this a full path to your object based on the object repository:
Browser("<<OR Browser name>>").Page("<<OR Page name>>").WebElement("<<Your webelement name>>".click
For this, look at your OR and insert your names.
Or, option 2, you can use descriptive programming:
Browser("CreationTime:=0").Page("index:=0").WebElement("text:=" & fieldValue,"index:=0").click
That will take the browser that was created first (Creation time 0), the only page it has and the first (index 0) web element that contains your text (text is field value).
I'm assuming that you only have one browser, and that the first element that contains the text you want is what you want to click. You may need to add more layers too this or
A good approach is to mirror what is OR or use the object spy to ensure these properties are correct.
There is something I don't understand how to do with Gtkmm 3.
I have a custom business type that I have declared like this:
enum class Eurocents : int {};
I would like to render this type into a Gtk::TreeView which has a Gtk::ListStore as model. So I declare a Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Eurocents>, and add it to the model. I then append_column this model column to the Gtk::TreeView with an appropriate title.
I then append_row to the model and set the value corresponding to the column to (Eurocents)100.
The result I get is that the cell is displayed empty. Understandably so, because I would not expect Gtkmm to know how to render my arbitrary type.
I would like to instruct Gtkmm on how to render my type.
I already know how to display Glib types like Glib::ustring and formatting to Glib::ustring for display is possible, but it is not the subject of the question.
Is it possible to code columns that can display arbitrary types like this? And if so, how? What is required for sorting to work?
The most common, and easiest way, is to use a cell_data_func callback. For instance, you can create your own instance of a Gtk::TreeView::Column (the view column), pack a cell renderer (or more) into your Gtk::TreeView::Column, append your Gtk::TreeView::Column to the TreeView with Gtk::TreeView::append_column(), and call set_cell_data_func() on your Gtk::TreeView::Column():
You callback would then get the value(s) from the model and set the appropriate values of the properties of the renderer(s).
Here is an example that shows the use of set_cell_data_func(), as well as showing other stuff:
This link should also be useful:
If you like, Gtk::TreeView::insert_column_with_data_func() makes this a little more concise: https://developer.gnome.org/gtkmm/stable/classGtk_1_1TreeView.html#a595dcc0b503a7c1004c296b82c51ac54
As for the sorting, you should be able to just call set_sort_func() to specify how the column is sorted: https://developer.gnome.org/gtkmm/stable/classGtk_1_1TreeSortable.html#a3a6454bd0a285324c71edb73e403cb1c
Then this regular sorting advice should apply: https://developer.gnome.org/gtkmm-tutorial/stable/sec-treeview-sort.html.en
I would like to achieve the following thing-
Build a pagetype which has 3 different ContentArea's and that the user can put only a specific block type in each of these areas.
For example - ContentArea1 can only accept block type of "BlockType1", ContentArea2 can only accept "BlockType2" and so on. (It doesn't need to be generic, I can specify hard coded which type should fit in each Content Area.
Is it possible to achieve?
Maybe there is another way?
(I know you can create a property with the block type, but I want to use the same block in different places)
ps: using EPI-SERVER 8
From version 8.0 of EPiServer there is better support for AllowedTypes.
The feature was also available before version 8, but was more limited.
In short, you decorate your ContentArea property with the AllowedTypes attribute and EPiServer takes care of the rest.
Read more about it here:
I have this line of code:
delete_btn = uicontrol(rr_ops, 'Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Delete Graphic', 'Position', [13 135 98 20], ...
'Callback', 'delete_graphic');
and a little bit upper this function:
function delete_graphic
global rr_list
selected = get(rr_list, 'Value');
why this code is not working? I really dont understand...
What do I need? I create one button and a listbox, clicking on button - deleting selected element from a listbox.
Thx for help.
Always getting this error:
??? Undefined function or variable 'delete_graphic'.
??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback
here is all my code: http://paste.ubuntu.com/540094/ (line 185)
The generally-preferred way to define a callback function is to use a function handle instead of a string. When you use a string, the code in the string is evaluated in the base workspace. This means that all the variables and functions used in the string have to exist in the base workspace when the callback is evaluated. This makes for a poor GUI design, since you don't really want the operation of your GUI dependent on the base workspace (which the user can modify easily, thus potentially breaking your GUI).
This also explains the error you are getting. The function delete_graphic is defined as a subfunction in your file rr_intervals.m. Subfunctions can only be called by other functions defined in the same m-file, so delete_graphic is not visible in the base workspace (where your string callback is evaluated). Using a function handle callback is a better alternative. Here's how you would do it:
Change the callback of your button (line 216) from 'delete_graphic' to #delete_graphic.
Change the function definition of delete_graphic (line 185) to:
function delete_graphic(hObject,eventdata)
where hObject is the handle of the object issuing the callback and eventdata is optional data provided when the callback is issued.
If you want to pass other arguments to delete_graphic, you can perform the following steps:
Add the additional input arguments to the end of the function definition. For example:
function delete_graphic(hObject,eventdata,argA,argB)
Use a cell array when you set the callback for your button, where the first cell contains the function handle and the subsequent cells each contain an input argument. For example:
There is one caveat to this, which is that the values A and B stored in the cell array are fixed at what they are when you set the callback. If you change A or B in your code it will not change the values stored in the cell-array callback.
If you aren't able to use the above solution (i.e. if A and B need to change value), there are a few other options for how you can share data among a GUI's callbacks:
You can rework the organization of your code to make use of nested functions. This makes it very easy to share data between callbacks. Some nice examples of using nested functions to create GUIs can be found in the MathWorks File Exchange submission GUI Examples using Nested Functions by Steven Lord.
You can store data in the UserData property of a uicontrol object. To access or update it, you just need the object handle.
You can use the functions SETAPPDATA/GETAPPDATA to attach data to a handle graphics object (i.e. uicontrol).
Since it appears your code was created using GUIDE, you can make use of the handles structure GUIDE creates to store data using the GUIDATA function.
I have an addon that every 5 minuets or so checks an rss feed for a new post, and if there is one, it displays an alert(). Problem is, I'm afraid that if the user opens multiple windows, that when there's a new post a millions of alerts will popup saying the same thing. Is there anyway to have just one "brain" running at a time?
Thanks in advance!
Look up something called "Javascript shared code modules" or JSMs.
Primary docs are here:
Each .js file in your addon that needs shared memory will open with the following line:
Components.utils.import("resource://xxxxxxxx/modules/[yourFilenameHere].jsm", com.myFirefoxAddon.shared);
The above line opens [yourFilenameHere].jsm and loads its exported (see below) functions and variables into the com.myFirefoxAddon.shared object. Each instance of that object loaded will point to the same instance in memory.
Note that if you want to have any hope of you addon making it past moderation, you will need to write all your code in a com.myFirefoxAddon.* type object as the goons at AMO are preventing approval of addons that do not Respect the Global Namespace
The biggest caveat for JSM is that you need to manually export each function that you want to be available to the rest of your code... since JS doesn't support public/private type stuff this strikes me as a sort of poor-man's "public" support... in any case, you will need to create an EXPORTED_SYMBOLS array somewhere in your JSM file and name out each function or object that you want to export, like this:
/* note: primitive type variables need to be stored in the globals object */
[edited] Modules are not the right solution to this problem, since the code will still be imported into every window and the whatever listeners/timers you set up will run in every window. You should be careful with using modules for this -- all the timers/callbacks must be set up in the module code (not just using the observer object defined in the module) and you shouldn't use any references to the window in the module.
The right way to do this is I would prefer to write an XPCOM component (in JS). It's somewhat complicated, yes and I don't have a handy link explaining how to do it. One thing: implementing it using XPCOMUtils is easier, older documentation will throw lots of boilerplate code on you.