Optimizing algorithm for every pairs in an array [duplicate] - algorithm

This question already has answers here:
Optimal Algorithm needed for finding pairs divisible by a given integer k
(2 answers)
Number of subarrays divisible by k
(7 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
For a simple algorithmic challenge, I have to make an algorithm to solve this:
You are given an array of n integers, a0, a1,...,an-1, and a positive integer, k. Find and print the number of (i, j) pairs where i < j and ai + aj is evenly divisible by k.
The obvious brute force algorithm is O(n2) time and O(1) space (I think). Pseudo-code:
int count;
for each (i in array) {
for each (j in array) {
if (i >= j)
if ((i + j) % k == 0)
count = count + 1;
I don't think there is a way - there probably is :) - without iterating 2 times through the array to count every pair, because every pair (except those where i >= j of course) has a possible chance of being evenly divisible by k, so I have to iterate through all of them.
So, is there any way to optimize my algorithm?

You can walk through the array once and keep track of the number of elements that have each remainder up to k-1, when they are divided by k. That takes O(k) space, but allows you to solve the problem in O(n + k) steps, which is much better if k is small.
Pseudocode (AKA JavaScript):
function countDivisiblePairs( arr, k ) {
const remainders = Array( k ).fill( 0 );
for ( let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ ) {
remainders[ arr[ i ] % k ]++;
// Count the pairs of elements that were individually
// divisible by `k` (had a remainder of `0`), so
// added together they are still divisible by k
// `remainders[ 0 ]*remainders[ 0 ]` of them if we wanted all, but
// since we only want to count when i < j, so we subtract
// `remainders[0]` to get rid of the cases where `i = j` and then
// we divide by 2 to remove the cases where `i > j`.
let numPairs = (remainders[ 0 ]*remainders[ 0 ] - remainders[ 0 ])/2;
// Count the cases where the remainder wasn't 0,
// if the remainders sum to `k`, then the sum is divisible by `k`.
for ( let i = 1; i <= k/2; i++ ) {
// Note that i + (k - i) = k, so each elements with a
// remainder of `i` can be paired with each element with
// a remainder of `k`, but, if `k` was even there will be a
// final iteration where `i = (k - i)`, so we need to add a
// special case to only count when `i < j`, we do it the same
// way as we did for the case when the remainder was 0. with
// the if statement `(2*i === k)` is another way of writing
// the expression `i === (k - i)`.
if ( 2*i === k )
numPairs += (remainders[ i ]*remainders[ i ] - remainders[ i ])/2;
numPairs += remainders[ i ]*remainders[ k - i ];
return numPairs;
The code above assumes that there are no duplicates in the input array. In that case you need special care EG, [2,2,4,4,4], 2 should ouput 6 but instead outputs 10 (the correct output for [2,4,6,8,10], 2) but it should give you the jist of the algorithm. Output:
countDivisiblePairs( [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], 2 ); // 12
countDivisiblePairs( [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], 3 ); // 10
countDivisiblePairs( [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], 4 ); // 6
countDivisiblePairs( [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], 5 ); // 6
Note that the special case in the loop only happens on the last iteration and only when k is even, EG. if k is 4, then when i = 2, i === (k - i), so if we didn't have the special handling we would count extra elements. EG for the example output where I used a k of 4, there are two elements that have a remainder of 2: [2,6]. If we didn't have the extra handling it would say there are four ways to pair them, amounting to (2,2),(2,6),(6,2),(6,6), but the extra logic subtracts the cases where they're paired with themselves, so we have (2,6),(6,2) remaining and then the division by 2 subtracts the case where i > j, so you're left with only one pair being counted: (2,6).


Find continuous subarrays that have at least 1 pair adding up to target sum - Optimization

I took this assessment that had this prompt, and I was able to pass 18/20 tests, but not the last 2 due to hitting the execution time limit. Unfortunately, the input values were not displayed for these tests.
// Given an array of integers **a**, find how many of its continuous subarrays of length **m** that contain at least 1 pair of integers with a sum equal to **k**
const a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7];
const m = 5, k = 5;
solution(a, m, k) will yield 2, because there are 2 subarrays in a that have at least 1 pair that add up to k
a[0]...a[4] - [1,2,3,4,5] - 2 + 3 = k ✓
a[1]...a[5] - [2,3,4,5,6] - 2 + 3 = k ✓
a[2]...a[6] - [3,4,5,6,7] - no two elements add up to k ✕
Here was my solution:
// strategy: check each subarray if it contains a two sum pair
// time complexity: O(n * m), where n is the size of a and m is the subarray length
// space complexity: O(m), where m is the subarray length
function solution(a, m, k) {
let count = 0;
for(let i = 0; i <= a.length - m; i++){
let set = new Set();
for(let j = i; j < i + m; j++){
if(set.has(k - a[j])){
return count;
I thought of ways to optimize this algo, but failed to come up with any. Is there any way this can be optimized further for time complexity - perhaps for any edge cases?
Any feedback would be much appreciated!
maintain a map of highest position of the last m values (add/remove/query is O(1)) and highest position of the first value of a complementary pair
for each array element, check if complementary element is in the map, update the highest position if necessary.
if at least m elements were processed and higest position is in the range, increase counter
O(n) overall. Python:
def solution(a, m, k):
count = 0
last_pos = {} # value: last position observed
max_complement_pos = -1
for head, num in enumerate(a, 1): # advance head by one
tail = head - m
# deletion part is to keep space complexity O(m).
# If this is not a concern (likely), safe to omit
if tail > 0 and last_pos[a[tail]] <= tail: # time to pop last element
del last_pos[a[tail]]
max_complement_pos = max(max_complement_pos, last_pos.get(k-num, -1))
count += head >= m and max_complement_pos > tail
last_pos[num] =head # add element at head
return count
Create a counting hash: elt -> count.
When the window moves:
add/increment the new element
decrement the departing element
check if (k - new_elt) is in your hash with a count >= 1. If it is, you've found a good subarray.

Have O(n^2) algorithm for "two-sum", convert to O(n) linear solution [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Find a pair of elements from an array whose sum equals a given number
(33 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have an O(n^2) solution to the classic two-sum problem. Where A[1...n] sorted array of positive integers. t is some positive integer.
Need to show that A contains two distinct elements a and b s.t. a+ b = t
Here is my solution so far:
t = a number;
for (i=0; i<A.length; i++)
for each A[j]
if A[i] + A[j] == t
return true
return false
How do I make this a linear solution? O(n) scratching my head trying to figure it out.
Here's an approach I have in mind so far. i will start at the beginning of A, j will start at the end of A. i will increment, j will decrement. So I'll have two counter variables in the for loop, i & j.
There are couple of ways to improve upon that.
You could extend your algorithm, but instead of doing a simple search for every term, you could do a binary search
t = a number
for (i = 0; i < A.length; i++)
j = binarySearch(A, t - A[i], i, A.length - 1)
if (j != null)
return true
return false
Binary search is done by O(log N) steps, since you perform a binary search per every element in the array, the complexity of the whole algorithm would be O(N*log N)
This already is a tremendous improvement upon O(N^2), but you can do better.
Let's take the sum 11 and the array 1, 3, 4, 8, 9 for example.
You can already see that (3,8) satisfy the sum. To find that, imagine having two pointers, once pointing at the beginning of the array (1), we'll call it H and denote it with bold and another one pointing at the end of the array (9), we'll call it T and denote it with emphasis.
1 3 4 8 9
Right now the sum of the two pointers is 1 + 9 = 10.
10 is less than the desired sum (11), there is no way to reach the desired sum by moving the T pointer, so we'll move the H pointer right:
1 3 4 8 9
3 + 9 = 12 which is greater than the desired sum, there is no way to reach the desired sum by moving the H pointer, moving it right will further increase the sum, moving it left bring us to the initital state, so we'll move the T pointer left:
1 3 4 8 9
3 + 8 = 11 <-- this is the desired sum, we're done.
So the rules of the algorithm consist of moving the H pointer left or moving the T pointer right, we're finished when the sum of the two pointer is equal to the desired sum, or H and T crossed (T became less than H).
t = a number
H = 0
T = A.length - 1
S = -1
while H < T && S != t
S = A[H] + A[T]
if S < t
else if S > t
return S == t
It's easy to see that this algorithm runs at O(N) because we traverse each element at most once.
You make 2 new variables that contain index 0 and index n-1, let's call them i and j respectively.
Then, you check the sum of A[i] and A[j] and if the sum is smaller than t, then increment i (the lower index), and if it is bigger then decrement j (the higher index). continue until you either find i and j such that A[i] + A[j] = t so you return true, or j <= i, and you return false.
int i = 0, j = n-1;
while(i < j) {
if(A[i] + A[j] == t)
return true;
if(A[i] + A[j] < t)
return false;
Given that A[i] is relatively small (maybe less than 10^6), you can create an array B of size 10^6 with each value equal to 0. Then apply the following algorithm:
for i in 1...N:
B[A[i]] += 1
for i in 1...N:
if t - A[i] > 0:
if B[t-A[i]] > 0:
return True
Edit: well, now that we know that the array is sorted, it may be wiser to find another algorithm. I'll leave the answer here since it still applies to a certain class of related problems.

Counting bounded slice codility

I have recently attended a programming test in codility, and the question is to find the Number of bounded slice in an array..
I am just giving you breif explanation of the question.
A Slice of an array said to be a Bounded slice if Max(SliceArray)-Min(SliceArray)<=K.
If Array [3,5,6,7,3] and K=2 provided .. the number of bounded slice is 9,
first slice (0,0) in the array Min(0,0)=3 Max(0,0)=3 Max-Min<=K result 0<=2 so it is bounded slice
second slice (0,1) in the array Min(0,1)=3 Max(0,1)=5 Max-Min<=K result 2<=2 so it is bounded slice
second slice (0,2) in the array Min(0,1)=3 Max(0,2)=6 Max-Min<=K result 3<=2 so it is not bounded slice
in this way you can find that there are nine bounded slice.
(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 2), (2, 3), (3, 3), (4, 4).
Following is the solution i have provided
private int FindBoundSlice(int K, int[] A)
int BoundSlice=0;
Stack<int> MinStack = new Stack<int>();
Stack<int> MaxStack = new Stack<int>();
for (int p = 0; p < A.Length; p++)
for (int q = p; q < A.Length; q++)
if (IsPairBoundedSlice(K, A[p], A[q], MinStack, MaxStack))
return BoundSlice;
private bool IsPairBoundedSlice(int K, int P, int Q,Stack<int> Min,Stack<int> Max)
if (Min.Peek() > P)
if (Min.Peek() > Q)
if (Max.Peek() < P)
if (Max.Peek() < Q)
if (Max.Peek() - Min.Peek() <= K)
return true;
return false;
But as per codility review the above mentioned solution is running in O(N^2), can anybody help me in finding the solution which runs in O(N).
Maximum Time Complexity allowed O(N).
Maximum Space Complexity allowed O(N).
It is possible and I demonstrate it here to write an algorithm that solves the problem you described in linear time in the worst case, visiting each element of the input sequence at a maximum of two times.
This answer is an attempt to deduce and describe the only algorithm I could find and then gives a quick tour through an implementation written in Clojure. I will probably write a Java implementation as well and update this answer but as of now that task is left as an excercise to the reader.
EDIT: I have now added a working Java implementation. Please scroll down to the end.
EDIT: Notices that PeterDeRivaz provided a sequence ([0 1 2 3 4], k=2) making the algorithm visit certain elements three times and probably falsifying it. I will update the answer at later time regarding that issue.
Unless I have overseen something trivial I can hardly imagine significant further simplification. Feedback is highly welcome.
(I found your question here when googling for codility like exercises as a preparation for a job test there myself. I set myself aside half an hour to solve it and didn't come up with a solution, so I was unhappy and spent some dedicated hammock time - now that I have taken the test I must say found the presented exercises significantly less difficult than this problem).
For any valid bounded slice of size we can say that it is divisible into the triangular number of size bounded sub-slices with their individual bounds lying within the slices bounds (including itself).
Ex. 1: [3 1 2] is a bounded slice for k=2, has a size of 3 and thus can be divided into (3*4)/2=6 sub-slices:
[3 1 2] ;; slice 1
[3 1] [1 2] ;; slices 2-3
[3] [1] [2] ;; slices 4-6
Naturally, all those slices are bounded slices for k.
When you have two overlapping slices that are both bounded slices for k but differ in their bounds, the amount of possible bounded sub-slices in the array can be calculated as the sum of the triangular numbers of those slices minus the triangular number of the count of elements they share.
Ex. 2: The bounded slices [4 3 1] and [3 1 2] for k=2 differ in bounds and overlap in the array [4 3 1 2]. They share the bounded slice [3 1] (notice that overlapping bounded slices always share a bounded slice, otherwise they could not overlap). For both slices the triangular number is 6, the triangular number of the shared slice is (2*3)/2=3. Thus the array can be divided into 6+6-3=9 slices:
[4 3 1] [3 1 2] ;; 1-2 the overlapping slices
[4 3] 6 [3 1] 6 [1 2] ;; 3-5 two slices and the overlapping slice
[4] [3] 3 [1] [2] ;; 6-9 single-element slices
As observable, the triangle of the overlapping bounded slice is part of both triangles element count, so that is why it must be subtracted from the added triangles as it otherwise would be counted twice. Again, all counted slices are bounded slices for k=2.
The approach is to find the largest possible bounded slices within the input sequence until all elements have been visited, then to sum them up using the technique described above.
A slice qualifies as one of the largest possible bounded slices (in the following text often referred as one largest possible bounded slice which shall then not mean the largest one, only one of them) if the following conditions are fulfilled:
It is bounded
It may share elements with two other slices to its left and right
It can not grow to the left or to the right without becoming unbounded - meaning: If it is possible, it has to contain so many elements that its maximum-minimum=k
By implication a bounded slice does not qualify as one of the largest possible bounded slices if there is a bounded slice with more elements that entirely encloses this slice
As a goal our algorithm must be capable to start at any element in the array and determine one largest possible bounded slice that contains that element and is the only one to contain it. It is then guaranteed that the next slice constructed from a starting point outside of it will not share the starting element of the previous slice because otherwise it would be one largest possible bounded slice with the previously found slice together (which now, by definition, is impossible). Once that algorithm has been found it can be applied sequentially from the beginning building such largest possible slices until no more elements are left. This would guarantee that each element is traversed two times in the worst case.
Start at the first element and find the largest possible bounded slice that includes said first element. Add the triangular number of its size to the counter.
Continue exactly one element after found slice and repeat. Subtract the triangular number of the count of elements shared with the previous slice (found searching backwards), add the triangular number of its total size (found searching forwards and backwards) until the sequence has been traversed. Repeat until no more elements can be found after a found slice, return the result.
Ex. 3: For the input sequence [4 3 1 2 0] with k=2 find the count of bounded slices.
Start at the first element, find the largest possible bounded slice:
[4 3], count=2, overlap=0, result=3
Continue after that slice, find the largest possible bounded slice:
[3 1 2], size=3, overlap=1, result=3-1+6=8
[1 2 0], size=3, overlap=2, result=8-3+6=11
Process behavior
In the worst case the process grows linearly in time and space. As proven above, elements are traversed two times at max. and per search for a largest possible bounded slice some locals need to be stored.
However, the process becomes dramatically faster as the array contains less largest possible bounded slices. For example, the array [4 4 4 4] with k>=0 has only one largest possible bounded slice (the array itself). The array will be traversed once and the triangular number of the count of its elements is returned as the correct result. Notice how this is complementary to solutions of worst case growth O((n * (n+1)) / 2). While they reach their worst case with only one largest possible bounded slice, for this algorithm such input would mean the best case (one visit per element in one pass from start to end).
The most difficult part of the implementation is to find a largest bounded slice from one element scanning in two directions. When we search in one direction, we track the minimum and maximum bounds of our search and see how they compare to k. Once an element has been found that stretches the bounds so that maximum-minimum <= k does not hold anymore, we are done in that direction. Then we search into the other direction but use the last valid bounds of the backwards scan as starting bounds.
Ex.4: We start in the array [4 3 1 2 0] at the third element (1) after we have successfully found the largest bounded slice [4 3]. At this point we only know that our starting value 1 is the minimum, the maximum (of the searched largest bounded slice) or between those two. We scan backwards (exclusive) and stop after the second element (as 4 - 1 > k=2). The last valid bounds were 1 and 3. When we now scan forwards, we use the same algorithm but use 1 and 3 as bounds. Notice that even though in this example our starting element is one of the bounds, that is not always the case: Consider the same scenario with a 2 instead of the 3: Neither that 2 or the 1 would be determined to be a bound as we could find a 0 but also a 3 while scanning forwards - only then it could be decided which of 2 or 3 is a lower or upper bound.
To solve that problem here is a special counting algorithm. Don't worry if you don't understand Clojure yet, it does just what it says.
(defn scan-while-around
"Count numbers in `coll` until a number doesn't pass an (inclusive)
interval filter where said interval is guaranteed to contain
`around` and grows with each number to a maximum size of `size`.
Return count and the lower and upper bounds (inclusive) that were not
passed as [count lower upper]."
([around size coll]
(scan-while-around around around size coll))
([lower upper size coll]
(letfn [(step [[count lower upper :as result] elem]
(let [lower (min lower elem)
upper (max upper elem)]
(if (<= (- upper lower) size)
[(inc count) lower upper]
(reduced result))))]
(reduce step [0 lower upper] coll))))
Using this function we can search backwards, from before the starting element passing it our starting element as around and using k as the size.
Then we start a forward scan from the starting element with the same function, by passing it the previously returned bounds lower and upper.
We add their returned counts to the total count of the found largest possible slide and use the count of the backwards scan as the length of the overlap and subtract its triangular number.
Notice that in any case the forward scan is guaranteed to return a count of at least one. This is important for the algorithm for two reasons:
We use the resulting count of the forward scan to determine the starting point of the next search (and would loop infinitely with it being 0)
The algorithm would not be correct as for any starting element the smallest possible largest possible bounded slice always exists as an array of size 1 containing the starting element.
Assuming that triangular is a function returning the triangular number, here is the final algorithm:
(defn bounded-slice-linear
"Linear implementation"
[s k]
(loop [start-index 0
acc 0]
(if (< start-index (count s))
(let [start-elem (nth s start-index)
[backw lower upper] (scan-while-around start-elem
(rseq (subvec s 0
[forw _ _] (scan-while-around lower upper k
(subvec s start-index))]
(recur (+ start-index forw)
(-> acc
(+ (triangular (+ forw
(- (triangular backw)))))
(Notice that the creation of subvectors and their reverse sequences happens in constant time and that the resulting vectors share structure with the input vector so no "rest-size" depending allocation is happening (although it may look like it). This is one of the beautiful aspects of Clojure, that you can avoid tons of index-fiddling and usually work with elements directly.)
Here is a triangular implementation for comparison:
(defn bounded-slice-triangular
"O(n*(n+1)/2) implementation for testing."
[s k]
(reduce (fn [c [elem :as elems]]
(+ c (first (scan-while-around elem k elems))))
(take-while seq
(iterate #(subvec % 1) s))))
Both functions only accept vectors as input.
I have extensively tested their behavior for correctness using various strategies. Please try to prove them wrong anyway. Here is a link to a full file to hack on: https://www.refheap.com/32229
Here is the algorithm implemented in Java (not tested as extensively but seems to work, Java is not my first language. I'd be happy about feedback to learn)
public class BoundedSlices {
private static int triangular (int i) {
return ((i * (i+1)) / 2);
public static int solve (int[] a, int k) {
int i = 0;
int result = 0;
while (i < a.length) {
int lower = a[i];
int upper = a[i];
int countBackw = 0;
int countForw = 0;
for (int j = (i-1); j >= 0; --j) {
if (a[j] < lower) {
if (upper - a[j] > k)
lower = a[j];
else if (a[j] > upper) {
if (a[j] - lower > k)
upper = a[j];
for (int j = i; j <a.length; j++) {
if (a[j] < lower) {
if (upper - a[j] > k)
lower = a[j];
else if (a[j] > upper) {
if (a[j] - lower > k)
upper = a[j];
result -= triangular(countBackw);
result += triangular(countForw + countBackw);
i+= countForw;
return result;
Now codility release their golden solution with O(N) time and space.
if you still confused after read the pdf, like me.. here is a
very nice explanation
The solution from the pdf:
def boundedSlicesGolden(K, A):
N = len(A)
maxQ = [0] * (N + 1)
posmaxQ = [0] * (N + 1)
minQ = [0] * (N + 1)
posminQ = [0] * (N + 1)
firstMax, lastMax = 0, -1
firstMin, lastMin = 0, -1
j, result = 0, 0
for i in xrange(N):
while (j < N):
# added new maximum element
while (lastMax >= firstMax and maxQ[lastMax] <= A[j]):
lastMax -= 1
lastMax += 1
maxQ[lastMax] = A[j]
posmaxQ[lastMax] = j
# added new minimum element
while (lastMin >= firstMin and minQ[lastMin] >= A[j]):
lastMin -= 1
lastMin += 1
minQ[lastMin] = A[j]
posminQ[lastMin] = j
if (maxQ[firstMax] - minQ[firstMin] <= K):
j += 1
result += (j - i)
if result >= maxINT:
return maxINT
if posminQ[firstMin] == i:
firstMin += 1
if posmaxQ[firstMax] == i:
firstMax += 1
return result
Others have explained the basic algorithm which is to keep 2 pointers and advance the start or the end depending on the current difference between maximum and minimum.
It is easy to update the maximum and minimum when moving the end.
However, the main challenge of this problem is how to update when moving the start. Most heap or balanced tree structures will cost O(logn) to update, and will result in an overall O(nlogn) complexity which is too high.
To do this in time O(n):
Advance the end until you exceed the allowed threshold
Then loop backwards from this critical position storing a cumulative value in an array for the minimum and maximum at every location between the current end and the current start
You can now advance the start pointer and immediately lookup from the arrays the updated min/max values
You can carry on using these arrays to update start until start reaches the critical position. At this point return to step 1 and generate a new set of lookup values.
Overall this procedure will work backwards over every element exactly once, and so the total complexity is O(n).
For the sequence with K of 4:
Step 1 advances the end until we exceed the bound
Step 2 works backwards from end to start computing array MAX and MIN.
MAX[i] is maximum of all elements from i to end
Data = start,4,1,2,3,4,5,end,6,10,12
MAX = start,5,5,5,5,5,5,critical point=end -
MIN = start,1,1,2,3,4,5,critical point=end -
Step 3 can now advance start and immediately lookup the smallest values of max and min in the range start to critical point.
These can be combined with the max/min in the range critical point to end to find the overall max/min for the range start to end.
def count_bounded_slices(A,k):
if len(A)==0:
return 0
inf = max(abs(a) for a in A)
left_lows = [inf]*len(A)
left_highs = [-inf]*len(A)
critical = 0
right_low = inf
right_high = -inf
# Loop invariant
# t counts number of bounded slices A[a:b] with a<left
# left_lows[i] is defined for values in range(left,critical)
# and contains the min of A[left:critical]
# left_highs[i] contains the max of A[left:critical]
# right_low is the minimum of A[critical:right]
# right_high is the maximum of A[critical:right]
while left<len(A):
# Extend right as far as possible
while right<len(A) and max(left_highs[left],max(right_high,A[right]))-min(left_lows[left],min(right_low,A[right]))<=k:
right_low = min(right_low,A[right])
right_high = max(right_high,A[right])
# Now we know that any slice starting at left and ending before right will satisfy the constraints
t += right-left
# If we are at the critical position we need to extend our left arrays
if left==critical:
left_low = inf
left_high = -inf
for x in range(critical-1,left,-1):
left_low = min(left_low,A[x])
left_high = max(left_high,A[x])
left_lows[x] = left_low
left_highs[x] = left_high
right_low = inf
right_high = -inf
return t
A = [3,5,6,7,3]
print count_bounded_slices(A,2)
Here is my attempt at solving this problem:
- you start with p and q form position 0, min =max =0;
- loop until p = q = N-1
- as long as max-min<=k advance q and increment number of bounded slides.
- if max-min >k advance p
- you need to keep track of 2x min/max values because when you advance p, you might remove one or both of the min/max values
- each time you advance p or q update min/max
I can write the code if you want, but I think the idea is explicit enough...
Hope it helps.
Finally a code that works according to the below mentioned idea. This outputs 9.
(The code is in C++. You can change it for Java)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int A[] = {3,5,6,7,3};
int K = 2;
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int minValue = A[0];
int maxValue = A[0];
int minIndex = 0;
int maxIndex = 0;
int length = sizeof(A)/sizeof(int);
int count = 0;
bool stop = false;
int prevJ = 0;
while ( (i < length || j < length) && !stop ) {
if ( maxValue - minValue <= K ) {
if ( j < length-1 ) {
if ( A[j] > maxValue ) {
maxValue = A[j];
maxIndex = j;
if ( A[j] < minValue ) {
minValue = A[j];
minIndex = j;
} else {
count += j - i + 1;
stop = true;
} else {
if ( j > 0 ) {
int range = j - i;
int count1 = range * (range + 1) / 2; // Choose 2 from range with repitition.
int rangeRep = prevJ - i; // We have to subtract already counted ones.
int count2 = rangeRep * (rangeRep + 1) / 2;
count += count1 - count2;
prevJ = j;
if ( A[j] == minValue ) {
// first reach the first maxima
while ( A[i] - minValue <= K )
// then come down to correct level.
while ( A[i] - minValue > K )
maxValue = A[i];
} else {//if ( A[j] == maxValue ) {
while ( maxValue - A[i] <= K )
while ( maxValue - A[i] > K )
minValue = A[i];
cout << count << endl;
return 0;
Algorithm (minor tweaking done in code):
Keep two pointers i & j and maintain two values minValue and maxValue..
1. Initialize i = 0, j = 0, and minValue = maxValue = A[0];
2. If maxValue - minValue <= K,
- Increment count.
- Increment j.
- if new A[j] > maxValue, maxValue = A[j].
- if new A[j] < minValue, minValue = A[j].
3. If maxValue - minValue > K, this can only happen iif
- the new A[j] is either maxValue or minValue.
- Hence keep incrementing i untill abs(A[j] - A[i]) <= K.
- Then update the minValue and maxValue and proceed accordingly.
4. Goto step 2 if ( i < length-1 || j < length-1 )
I have provided the answer for the same question in different SO Question
(1) For an A[n] input , for sure you will have n slices , So add at first.
for example for {3,5,4,7,6,3} you will have for sure (0,0)(1,1)(2,2)(3,3)(4,4) (5,5).
(2) Then find the P and Q based on min max comparison.
(3) apply the Arithmetic series formula to find the number of combination between (Q-P) as a X . then it would be X ( X+1) /2 But we have considered "n" already so the formula would be (x ( x+1) /2) - x) which is x (x-1) /2 after basic arithmetic.
For example in the above example if P is 0 (3) and Q is 3 (7) we have Q-P is 3 . When apply the formula the value would be 3 (3-1)/2 = 3. Now add the 6 (length) + 3 .Then take care of Q- min or Q - max records.
Then check the Min and Max index .In this case Min as 0 Max as 3 (obivously any one of the would match with currentIndex (which ever used to loop). here we took care of (0,1)(0,2)(1,2) but we have not taken care of (1,3) (2,3) . Rather than start the hole process from index 1 , save this number (position 2,3 = 2) , then start same process from currentindex( assume min and max as A[currentIndex] as we did while starting). finaly multiply the number with preserved . in our case 2 * 2 ( A[7],A[6]) .
It runs in O(N) time with O(N) space.
I came up with a solution in Scala:
package test
import scala.collection.mutable.Queue
object BoundedSlice {
def apply(k:Int, a:Array[Int]):Int = {
var c = 0
var q:Queue[Int] = Queue()
a.map(i => {
if(!q.isEmpty && Math.abs(i-q.last) > k)
q = q.dropWhile(j => (Math.abs(i-j) > k)).toQueue
q += i
c += q.length
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val a = Array[Int](3,5,6,7,3)
println(BoundedSlice(2, a))

Counting the bits set in the Fibonacci number system?

We know that, each non negative decimal number can be represented uniquely by sum of Fibonacci numbers(here we are concerned about minimal representation i.e- no consecutive Fibonacci numbers are taken in the representation of a number and also each Fibonacci number is taken at most one in the representation).
For example:
1-> 1
2-> 10
4->101, here f1=1 , f2=2 and f(n)=f(n-1)+f(n-2);
so each decimal number can be represented in the Fibonacci system as a binary sequence. If we write all natural numbers successively in Fibonacci system, we will obtain a sequence like this: 110100101… This is called “Fibonacci bit sequence of natural numbers”.
My task is is counting the numbers of times that bit 1 appears in first N bits of this sequence.Since N can take value from 1 to 10^15,Can i do this without storing the Fibonacci sequence ?
for example: if N is 5,the answer is 3.
So this is just a preliminary sketch of an algorithm. It works when the upper bound is itself a Fibonacci number, but I'm not sure how to adapt it for general upper bounds. Hopefully someone can improve upon this.
The general idea is to look at the structure of the Fibonacci encodings. Here are the first few numbers:
The invariant in each of these numbers is that there's never a pair of consecutive 1s. Given this invariant, we can increment from one number to the next using the following pattern:
If the last digit is 0, set it to 1.
If the last digit is 1, then since there aren't any consecutive 1s, set the last digit to 0 and the next digit to 1.
Eliminate any doubled 1s by setting them both to 0 and setting the next digit to a 1, repeating until all doubled 1s are eliminated.
The reason that this is important is that property (3) tells us something about the structure of these numbers. Let's revisit the first few Fibonacci-encoded numbers once more. Look, for example, at the first three numbers:
Now, look at all four-bit numbers:
The next number will have five digits, as shown here:
1011 → 1100 → 10000
The interesting detail to notice is that the number of numbers with four digits is equal to the number of values with up to two digits. In fact, we get the four-digit numbers by just prefixing the at-most-two-digit-numbers with 10.
Now, look at three-digit numbers:
And look at five-digit numbers:
Notice that the five-digit numbers are just the three-digit numbers with 10 prefixed.
This gives us a very interesting way for counting up how many 1s there are. Specifically, if you look at (k+2)-digit numbers, each of them is just a k-digit number with a 10 prefixed to it. This means that if there are B 1s total in all of the k-digit numbers, the number of Bs total in numbers that are just k+2 digits is equal to B plus the number of k-digit numbers, since we're just replaying the sequence with an extra 1 prepended to each number.
We can exploit this to compute the number of 1s in the Fibonacci codings that have at most k digits in them. The trick is as follows - if for each number of digits we keep track of
How many numbers have at most that many digits (call this N(d)), and
How many 1s are represented numbers with at most d digits (call this B(d)).
We can use this information to compute these two pieces of information for one more digit. It's a beautiful DP recurrence. Initially, we seed it as follows. For one digit, N(d) = 2 and B(d) is 1, since for one digit the numbers are 0 and 1. For two digits, N(d) = 3 (there's just one two-digit number, 10, and the two one-digit numbers 0 and 1) and B(d) is 2 (one from 1, one from 10). From there, we have that
N(d + 2) = N(d) + N(d + 1). This is because the number of numbers with up to d + 2 digits is the number of numbers with up to d + 1 digits (N(d + 1)), plus the numbers formed by prefixing 10 to numbers with d digits (N(d))
B(d + 2) = B(d + 1) + B(d) + N(d) (The number of total 1 bits in numbers of length at most d + 2 is the total number of 1 bits in numbers of length at most d + 1, plus the extra we get from numbers of just d + 2 digits)
For example, we get the following:
d N(d) B(d)
1 2 1
2 3 2
3 5 5
4 8 10
5 13 20
We can actually check this. For 1-digit numbers, there are a total of 1 one bit used. For 2-digit numbers, there are two ones (1 and 10). For 3-digit numbers, there are five 1s (1, 10, 100, 101). For four-digit numbers, there are 10 ones (the five previous, plus 1000, 1001, 1010). Extending this outward gives us the sequence that we'd like.
This is extremely easy to compute - we can compute the value for k digits in time O(k) with just O(1) memory usage if we reuse space from before. Since the Fibonacci numbers grow exponentially quickly, this means that if we have some number N and want to find the sum of all 1s bits to the largest Fibonacci number smaller than N, we can do so in time O(log N) and space O(1).
That said, I'm not sure how to adapt this to work with general upper bounds. However, I'm optimistic that there is some way to do it. This is a beautiful recurrence and there just has to be a nice way to generalize it.
Hope this helps! Thanks for an awesome problem!
Lest solve 3 problems. Each next is harder then previous, each one uses result of previous.
1. How many ones are set if you write down every number from 0 to fib[i]-1.
Call this dp[i]. Lets look at the numbers
1010 <-- we want to count ones up to here
If you write all numbers up to fib[i]-1, first you write all numbers up to fib[i-1]-1 (dp[i-1]), then you write the last block of numbers. There are exactly fib[i-2] of those numbers, each has a one on the first position, so we add fib[i-2], and if you erase those ones
then remove leading zeros, you can see that each number from 0 to fib[i-2]-1 is written down. Numbers of one there is equal to dp[i-2], which gives us:
dp[i] = fib[i-2] + dp[i-2] + dp[i-1];
2. How many ones are set if you write down every number from 0 to n.
1001 <-- we want to count ones up to here
Lets call this solNumber(n)
Suppose, that your number is f[i] + x, where f[i] is a maximum possible fibonacci number. Then anser if dp[i] + solNumber(x). This can be proved in the same way as in point 1.
3. How many ones are set in first n digits.
3a. How many numbers have representation length exactly l
if l = 1 the answer is 1, else its fib[l-2] + 1.
You can note, that if you erase leading ones and then all leading zeros you'll have each number from 0 to fib[l-1]-1. Exactly fib[l] numbers.
//End of 3a
Now you can find such number m than, if you write all numbers from 1 to m, their total length will be <=n. But if you write all from 1 to m+1, total length will be > n. Solve the problem manually for m+1 and add solNumber(m).
All 3 problems are solved in O(log n)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define FOR(i, a, b) for(int i = a; i < b; ++i)
#define RFOR(i, b, a) for(int i = b - 1; i >= a; --i)
#define REP(i, N) FOR(i, 0, N)
#define RREP(i, N) RFOR(i, N, 0)
typedef long long Long;
const int MAXL = 30;
long long fib[MAXL];
//How much ones are if you write down the representation of first fib[i]-1 natural numbers
long long dp[MAXL];
void buildDP()
fib[0] = 1;
fib[1] = 1;
fib[i] = fib[i-1] + fib[i-2];
dp[0] = 0;
dp[1] = 0;
dp[2] = 1;
dp[i] = fib[i-2] + dp[i-2] + dp[i-1];
//How much ones are if you write down the representation of first n natural numbers
Long solNumber(Long n)
if(n == 0)
return n;
Long res = 0;
n -= fib[i];
res += dp[i];
res += (n+1);
return res;
int solManual(Long num, Long n)
int cr = 0;
if(n == 0)
num -= fib[i];
if(cr != 0)
return cr;
Long num(int l)
return 1;
return fib[l-1];
Long sol(Long n)
//length of fibonacci representation
int l = 1;
//totatl acumulated length
int cl = 0;
while(num(l)*l + cl <= n)
cl += num(l)*l;
//Number of digits, that represent numbers with maxlength
Long nn = n - cl;
//Number of full numbers;
Long t = nn/l;
//The last full number
n = fib[l] + t-1;
return solNumber(n) + solManual(n+1, nn%l);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Long n;
cout<<"ANS: "<<sol(n)<<endl;
return 0;
Compute m, the number responsible for the (N+1)th bit of the sequence. Compute the contribution of m to the count.
We have reduced the problem to counting the number of one bits in the range [1, m). In the style of interval trees, partition this range into O(log N) subranges, each having an associated glob like 10100???? that matches the representations of exactly the numbers belonging to that range. It is easy to compute the contribution of the prefixes.
We have reduced the problem to counting the total number T(k) of one bits in all Fibonacci words of length k (i.e., the ???? part of the globs). T(k) is given by the following recurrence.
T(0) = 0
T(1) = 1
T(k) = T(k - 1) + T(k - 2) + F(k - 2)
Mathematica says there's a closed form solution, but it looks awful and isn't needed for this polylog(N)-time algorithm.
This is not a full answer but it does outline how you can do this calculation without using brute force.
The Fibonacci representation of Fn is a 1 followed by n-1 zeros.
For the numbers from Fn up to but not including F(n+1), the number of 1's consists of two parts:
There are F(n-1) such numbers, so there are F(n-1) leading 1's.
The binary digits after the leading numbers are just the binary representations of all numbers up to but not including F(n-1).
So, if we call the total number of bits in the sequence up to but not including the nth Fibonacci number an, then we have the following recursion:
a(n+1) = an + F(n-1) + a(n-1)
You can also easily get the number of bits in the sequence up to Fn.
If it takes k Fibonacci numbers to get to (but not pass) N, then you can count those bits with the above formula, and after some further manipulation reduce the problem to counting the number of bits in the remaining sequence.
[Edit] : Basically I have followed the property that for any number n which is to be represented in fibonacci base, we can break it as n = n - x where x is the largest fibonacci just less than n. Using this property, any number can be broken in bit form.
First step is finding the decimal number such that Nth bit ends in it.
We can see that all numbers between fibonacci number F(n) and F(n+1) will have same number of bits. Using this, we can pre-calculate a table and find the appropriate number.
Lets say that you have the decimal number D at which there is the Nth bit.
Now, let X be the largest fibonacci number lesser than or equal to D.
To find set bits for all numbers from 1 to D we represnt it as ...
X+0, X+1, X+2, .... X + D-X. So, all the X will be repsented by 1 at the end and we have broken the problem into a much smaller sub-problem. That is, we need to find all set bits till D-X. We keep doing this recusively. Using the same logic, we can build a table which has appropriate number of set bits count for all fibonacci numbers (till limit). We would use this table for finding number of set bits from 1 to X.
Findsetbits(D) { // finds number of set bits from 1 to D.
find X; // largest fibonacci number just less than D
ans = tablesetbits[X];
ans += 1 * (D-x+1); // All 1s at the end due to X+0,X+1,...
ans += Findsetbits(D-x);
return ans;
I tried some examples by hand and saw the pattern.
I have coded a rough solution which I have checked by hand for N <= 35. It works pretty fast for large numbers, though I can't be sure that it is correct. If it is an online judge problem, please give the link to it.
using namespace std;
#define pb push_back
typedef long long LL;
void init() {
int i = 2;
LL c = 1;
while ( c < 100000000000000LL ) {
c = fib[i-1] + fib[i-2];
LL answer(LL n) {
if (n <= 3) return n;
int a = (lower_bound(fib.begin(),fib.end(),n))-fib.begin();
int c = 1;
if (fib[a] == n) {
c = 0;
LL ans = cfones[a-1-c] ;
return ans + answer(n - fib[a-c]) + 1 * (n - fib[a-c] + 1);
int fillarr(vector<int>& a, LL n) {
if (n == 0)return -1;
if (n == 1) {
a[0] = 1;
return 0;
int in = lower_bound(fib.begin(),fib.end(),n) - fib.begin(),v=0;
if (fib[in] != n) v = 1;
LL c = n - fib[in-v];
a[in-v] = 1;
fillarr(a, c);
return in-v;
int main() {
int b = 2;
LL c;
for (int i = 1; i < fib.size()-2; i++) {
c = fib[i+1] - fib[i] ;
c = c*(LL)b;
for (int i = 1; i < numbits.size(); i++) {
numbits[i] += numbits[i-1];
for (int i = 3; i < fib.size(); i++ ) {
LL c = 0;
c += cfones[i-2]+ 1 * fib[i-1];
cfones.pb(c + cfones[i-1]);
for (int i = 1; i < numones.size(); i++) {
numones[i] += numones[i-1];
if (N == 1) {
return 0;
// find the integer just before Nth bit
int pos;
for (int i = 0;; i++) {
if (numbits[i] >= N) {
pos = i;
LL temp = (N-numbits[pos-1])/(pos+1);
LL temp1 = (N-numbits[pos-1]);
LL num = fib[pos]-1 + (temp1>0?temp+(temp1%(pos+1)?1:0):0);
temp1 -= temp*(pos+1);
if(!temp1) temp1 = pos+1;
int in = fillarr(arr, num);
int sub = 0;
for (int i = in-(temp1); i >= 0; i--) {
if (arr[i] == 1)
sub += 1;
cout<<"\nNumber answer "<<num<<" "<<answer(num) - sub<<"\n";
return 0;
Here is O((log n)^3).
Lets compute how many numbers fits in first N bits
Imagine that we have function:
long long number_of_all_bits_in_sequence(long long M);
It computes length of "Fibonacci bit sequence of natural numbers" created by all numbers that aren't greater than M.
With this function we could use binary search to find how many numbers fits in the first N bits.
How many bits are 1's in representation of first M numbers
Lets create function which calculates how many numbers <= M have 1 at k-th bit.
long long kth_bit_equal_1(long long M, int k);
First lets preprocess results of this function for all small values, lets say M <= 1000000.
Implementation for M > PREPROCESS_LIMIT:
long long kth_bit_equal_1(long long M, int k) {
if (M <= PREPROCESS_LIMIT) return preprocess_result[M][k];
long long fib_number = greatest_fib_which_isnt_greater_than(M);
int fib_index = index_of_fib_in_fibonnaci_sequence(fib);
if (fib_index < k) {
// all numbers are smaller than k-th fibbonacci number
return 0;
if (fib_index == k) {
// only numbers between [fib_number, M] have k-th bit set to 1
return M - fib_number + 1;
if (fib_index > k) {
long long result = 0;
// all numbers between [fib_number, M] have bit at fib_index set to 1
// so lets subtrack fib_number from all numbers in this interval
// now this interval is [0, M - fib_number]
// lets calculate how many numbers in this inteval have k-th bit set.
result += kth_bit_equal_1(M - fib_number, k);
// don't forget about remaining numbers (interval [1, fib_number - 1])
result += kth_bit_equal_1(fib_number - 1, k);
return result;
Complexity of this function is O(M / PREPROCESS_LIMIT).
Notice that in reccurence one of the addends is always one of fibbonaci numbers.
kth_bit_equal_1(fib_number - 1, k);
So if we memorize all computed results than complexity will improve to T(N) = T(N/2) + O(1) . T(n) = O(log N).
Lets get back to number_of_all_bits_in_sequence
We can slighly modify kth_bit_equal_1 so it would also count bits equal to 0.
Here's a way to count all the one digits in the set of numbers up to a given digit length bound. This seems to me to be a reasonable starting point for a solution
Consider 10 digits. Start by writing;
Now we can turn some number of these zeros into ones, keeping the last digit always as a 0. Consider the possibilities case by case.
0 There's just one way to chose 0 of these to be ones. Summing the 1-bits in this one case gives 0.
1 There are {9 choose 1} ways to turn one of the zeros into a one. Each of these contributes 1.
2 There are {8 choose 2} ways to turn two of the zeros into ones. Each of these contributes 2.
5 There are {5 choose 5} ways to turn five of the zeros into ones. Each of these contributes 5 to the bit count.
It's easy to think of this as a tiling problem. The string of 10 zeros is a 10x1 board, which we want to tile with 1x1 squares and 2x1 dominoes. Choosing some number of the zeros to be ones is then the same as choosing some of the tiles to be dominoes. My solution is closely related to Identity 4 in "Proofs that really count" by Benjamin and Quinn.
Second step Now try to use the above construction to solve the original problem
Suppose we want to the one bits in the first 100100010 bits (the number is in Fibonacci representation of course). Start by overcounting the sum for all ways to replace the x's with zeros and ones in 10xxxxx0. To overcompensate for overcounting, subract the count for 10xxx0. Continue the procedure of overcounting and overcompensation.
This problem has a dynamic solution, as illustrated by the tested algorithm below.
Some points to keep in mind, which are evident in the code:
The best solution for each number i will be obtained by using the fibonacci number f where f == i
OR where f is less than i then it must be f and the greatest number n <= f: i = f+n.
Note that the fib sequence is memoized over the entire algorithm.
public static int[] fibonacciBitSequenceOfNaturalNumbers(int num) {
int[] setBits = new int[num + 1];
setBits[0] = 0;//anchor case of fib seq
setBits[1] = 1;//anchor case of fib seq
int a = 1, b = 1;//anchor case of fib seq
for (int i = 2; i <= num; i++) {
int c = b;
while (c < i) {
c = a + b;
a = b;
b = c;
if (c == i) {
setBits[i] = 1;
c = a;
int tmp = c;//to optimize further, make tmp the fib before a
while (c + tmp != i) {
setBits[i] = 1 + setBits[tmp];
return setBits;
Test with:
public static void main(String... args) {
int[] arr = fibonacciBitSequenceOfNaturalNumbers(23);
//print result
for(int i=1; i<arr.length; i++)
System.out.format("%d has %d%n", i, arr[i]);
RESULT OF TEST: i has x set bits
1 has 1
2 has 1
3 has 1
4 has 2
5 has 1
6 has 2
7 has 2
8 has 1
9 has 2
10 has 2
11 has 2
12 has 3
13 has 1
14 has 2
15 has 2
16 has 2
17 has 3
18 has 2
19 has 3
20 has 3
21 has 1
22 has 2
23 has 2
//to return total number of set between 1 and n inclusive
//instead of returning as in original post, replace with this code
int total = 0;
for(int i: setBits)
return total;

checking if 2 numbers of array add up to I

I saw a interview question as follows:
Give an unsorted array of integers A and and an integer I, find out if any two members of A add up to I.
any clues?
time complexity should be less
Insert the elements into hashtable.
While inserting x, check if I-x already exists. O(n) expected time.
Otherwise, sort the array ascending (from index 0 to n-1). Have two pointers, one at max and one at min (call them M and m respectively).
If a[M] + a[m] > I then M--
If a[M] + a[m] < I then m++
If a[M] + a[m] == I you have found it
If m > M, no such numbers exist.
If you have the range which the integers are within, you can use a counting sort-like solution where you scan over the array and count an array up. Ex you have the integers
input = [0,1,5,2,6,4,2]
And you create an array like this:
count = int[7]
which (in Java,C# etc.) are suited for counting integers between 0 and 6.
foreach integer in input
count[i] = count[i] + 1
This will give you the array [1,1,2,0,1,1,1]. Now you can scan over this array (half of it) and check whether there are integers which adds up to i like
for j = 0 to count.length - 1
if count[j] != 0 and count[i - j] != 0 then // Check for array out-of-bounds here
WUHUU! the integers j and i - j adds up
Overall this algorithm gives you O(n + k) where n is from the scan over the input of length n and k is the scan over the count array of length k (integers between 0 and k - 1). This means that if n > k then you have a guaranteed O(n) solution.
For example, loop and add possible number to set or hash and if found, just return it.
>>> A = [11,3,2,9,12,15]
>>> I = 14
>>> S = set()
>>> for x in A:
... if x in S:
... print I-x, x
... S.add(I-x)
11 3
2 12
sort the array
for each element X in A, perform a binary search for I-X. If I-X is in A, we have a solution.
This is O(nlogn).
If A contains integers in a given (small enough) range, we can use a trick to make it O(n):
we have an array V. For each element X in A, we increment V[X].
when we increment V[X] we also check if V[I-X] is >0. If it is, we have a solution.
public static boolean findSum2(int[] a, int sum) {
if (a.length == 0) {
return false;
int i = 0;
int j = a.length - 1;
while (i < j) {
int tmp = a[i] + a[j];
if (tmp == sum) {
System.out.println(a[i] + "+" + a[j] + "=" + sum);
return true;
} else if (tmp > sum) {
} else {
return false;
O(n) time and O(1) space
If the array is sorted there is a solution in O(n) time complexity.
Suppose are array is
array = {0, 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 14}
And our x1 + x2 = k = 13, so output should be= 5, 8
Take two pointers one at start of array, one at end of array
Add both the elements at ptr1 and ptr2
array[ptr1] + array[ptr2]
if sum > k then decrement ptr2 else increment ptr1
Repeat step2 and step3 till ptr1 != ptr2
Same thing explained in detail here. Seems like an Amazon interview Question
for nlogn : Sort the array and for each element [0<=j<len A] , subtract i-A[j] and do a binary search for this element in sorted array.
hashmap (frequency of no, number) should work in O(n).
for each ele in the array
if (sum - ele) is hashed and hashed value is not equal to index of ele
print ele, sum-ele
Hash ele as key and index as value
PERL implementation to detect if a sorted array contains two integer that sum up to Number
my #a = (11,3,2,9,12,15);
my #b = sort {$a <=> $b} #a;
my %hash;
my $sum = 14;
my $index = 0;
foreach my $ele (#b) {
my $sum_minus_ele = $sum - $ele;
print "Trace: $ele :: $index :: $sum_minus_ele\n";
if(exists($hash{$sum_minus_ele}) && $hash{$sum_minus_ele} != $index ) {
print "\tElement: ".$ele." :: Sum-ele: ".$sum_minus_ele."\n";
$hash{$ele} = $index;
This might be possible in the following way: Before putting the elements into the hashmap, you can check if the element is greater than the required sum. If it is, you can simply skip that element, else you can proceed with putting it into the hashmap. Its a slight improvement on your algorithm, although the overall time still remains the same.
This can be solved using the UNION-FIND algorithm, which can check in constant time whether an element is into a set.
So, the algorithm would be so :
foundsum0 = false;
foreach (el: array) {
if find (-x): foundsum0 = true;
else union (x);
FIND and UNION are constant, O(1).
here is a O(n) solution in java using O(n) extra space. This uses hashSet to implement it
Here is a solution witch takes into account duplicate entries. It is written in javascript and assumes array is sorted. The solution runs in O(n) time and does not use any extra memory aside from variable. Choose a sorting algorithm of choice. (radix O(kn)!) and then run the array through this baby.
var count_pairs = function(_arr,x) {
if(!x) x = 0;
var pairs = 0;
var i = 0;
var k = _arr.length-1;
if((k+1)<2) return pairs;
var halfX = x/2;
while(i<k) {
var curK = _arr[k];
var curI = _arr[i];
var pairsThisLoop = 0;
if(curK+curI==x) {
// if midpoint and equal find combinations
if(curK==curI) {
var comb = 1;
while(--k>=i) pairs+=(comb++);
// count pair and k duplicates
while(_arr[--k]==curK) pairsThisLoop++;
// add k side pairs to running total for every i side pair found
while(_arr[++i]==curI) pairs+=pairsThisLoop;
} else {
// if we are at a mid point
if(curK==curI) break;
var distK = Math.abs(halfX-curK);
var distI = Math.abs(halfX-curI);
if(distI > distK) while(_arr[++i]==curI);
else while(_arr[--k]==curK);
return pairs;
I solved this during an interview for a large corporation. They took it but not me.
So here it is for everyone.
Start at both side of the array and slowly work your way inwards making sure to count duplicates if they exist.
It only counts pairs but can be reworked to
find the pairs
find pairs < x
find pairs > x
Enjoy and don't forget to bump if its the best solution!
Split the array into two groups <= I/2 and > I/2. Then split those into <= I/4,>I/4 and <= 3I/4,>3I/4
And repeat for log(I) steps and check the pairs joining from the outside e.g 1I/8<= and >7I/8 and if they both contain at least one element then they add to I.
This will take n.Log(I) + n/2 steps and for I
An implementation in python
def func(list,k):
temp={} ## temporary dictionary
for i in range(len(list)):
if(list[i] in temp): ## if temp already has the key just increment its value
temp[list[i]] +=1
else: ## else initialize the key in temp with count as 0
if(k-list[i] in temp and ((k/2 != list[i]) or temp[list[i]]>=1)): ## if the corresponding other value to make the sum k is in the dictionary and its either not k/2 or the count for that number is more than 1
return True
return False
list is a list of numbers (A in the question above)...
k is the sum (I in the question above)....
The function outputs True if there exist a pair in the list whose sum is equal to k and False otherwise...
I am using a dictionary whose key is the element in the array(list) and value is the count of that element(number of times that element is present in that list).
Average running time complexity is O(n).
This implementation also takes care of two important edge cases:
repeated numbers in the list and
not adding the same number twice.
