NativeScript Scroll ListView with Title - nativescript

I have this code in main-page.xml:
<GridLayout rows="auto, *">
<Label text="Title" class="title" row="0" />
<ListView id="listView" items="{{ listItems }}" row="1">
<Button text="{{ name }}" tap="dd" />
When I scroll the title stick to the top (stay and don't move), is there is a way to make it behave normally ?

I found a cleaner solution using :
<Label text="Title" class="title" />
<Repeater id="listItems" items="{{ listItems }}">
<Button text="{{ name }}" tap="loadGuide" />

This is definitely the expected behavior when placing a Label at a row of a GridLayout which is set to auto. What you want to achieve can be done but will require additional implementations for example like this (No boring ActionBar) third party Android library. What you can do is either implement the same using pure JavaScript/TypeScript directly in your app (by managing the size of the ActionBar) or create a custom NativeScript plugin that uses the mentioned android library.
One of the many beauties of NativeScript is that 100% of the native iOS and Android APIs are accessible meaning anything that is achievable in an native iOS or Android app is achievable in {N}.


Images with remote source not in cache Nativescript vuejs

I use Nativescript with vuejs (NS 8.2 & VueJs 2.6).
The problem I have is the following :
The images fetched on a remote url, seem to be refreshed each time I navigate on the component.
This is not very user friendly :-( when I arrive on the Home I have white blocks and they take a bit of time to be loaded (slow internet).
It looks like my pictures are not in cache...
Is there anything I can do to solve the problem ?
Here is a part of the code :
<ListView height="850" for="item in list_items" #itemTap="onFlickTap" >
rows="*, auto, auto"
margin="5 10"
<image row="0" margin="0" height="200" stretch="aspectFill" :src="'https://my_remote_web_site.Com/upload/pictures/small_'+item.picture" />
margin="10 10 0 10"
*One precision I test my app on phone android with usb
Thanks a lot !

Nativescript performance with custom components

Let's say I have a Nativescript Vue component that looks like this:
<GridLayout columns="auto, auto">
<TextField col="0" />
<Button col="1" />
I would like to use this component for example 10 times in a form. As far as I know using the component like this would be rather inefficient in nativescript.
For the performance it would be better to not use a custom vue component and just create a component with one GridLayout that contains the above components 10 times.
I mean something like this:
<GridLayout rows="10" columns="auto, auto">
<TextField row="0" col="0" />
<Button row="0" col="1" />
<TextField row="1" col="0" />
<Button row="1" col="1" />
With a custom component it would look like this:
<GridLayout rows="10" columns="auto, auto">
<CustomComponent row="0" />
<CustomComponent row="1" />
which would translate to:
<GridLayout rows="10" columns="auto, auto">
<GridLayout row="0" columns="auto, auto">
<TextField col="0" />
<Button col="1" />
<GridLayout row="1" columns="auto, auto">
<TextField col="0" />
<Button col="1" />
In this case I have only one GridLayout instead of 11 with the custom component. Using a custom component would be a lot more convenient though.
I could easily tweak the component and don't have duplicate code. I also can do animations with ref more easily (not giving each Label/Button a unique name etc.).
I wonder if the second approach is the best one could do if you want better performance? Is there a way to achive the same performance with custom components?
Using custom Vue components are never a issue but it's all about how your design and what layouts you use. There are two simple ways you could retain the performance here,
Choose right layout: Instead of using GridLayout with 10 rows, you should consider using a StackLayout. GridLayout is good when you have known number of limited partitions. When you just want to stack items one after another you must go with StackLayout.
Use ListView / RadListView: The more UI elements you add to screen, the main / UI thread becomes heavy and looses responsiveness. It's not just with NativeScript, but even with native apps. You must consider using ListView / RadListView with one or more item templates as needed. The component has its own logics to reuse the views (item templates) as you scroll down / up. You should not use Id / Ref with this component as the templates will be reused as needed, so prefer playing with data, binding class names etc.,

angular ng-template with nativescript is really weird buggy

Sorry for that not so concrete title but starting with angular + NS I experience so much weird exceptional behavior that really wonders me.
That works ok:
<ListView [items]="items" class="list-group">
<ng-template let-item="item">
<Label [nsRouterLink]="['/item',]" [text]="" class="list-group-item"></Label>
That works not: (getting no concrete exception message just that getView call failed... great thanks...)
<ListView [items]="items" class="list-group">
<ng-template let-item="item">
<Label [nsRouterLink]="['/item',]" [text]="" class="list-group-item"></Label>
That works partially: (getting no exception here but the bold word shit is not visible)
<ListView [items]="items" class="list-group">
<ng-template let-item="item">
<StackLayout> <Label [nsRouterLink]="['/item',]" [text]="" class="list-group-item"></Label>
Why result those code in such confusing cases?
Do I not understand the listview enough? What am I missing here?
Probably the case is that html tags like bold-tag seems not to be allowed within an ng-template used with NS but using a button/datepicker NS_angular component does not work either and result in an exception inside getView...
Update 1
Ok I just found out that I can not put more than one element inside ng-template that everything crashes oh come on what a lousy tooling behavior!!!
Putting a StackPanelLayout around the Label and Button then it is rendered!
I thought with NS + angular I can code with angular I was used to and just have a NS wrapper around not disturbing me. But it seems I have to learn NS a lot and put little angular knowledge inside, rather disappointing.
I would recommend you to go through the basics of {N} documentation to avoid further confusions.
Your app is totally native here therefore you can't use HTML tags those are specific to Web Browsers. You must use the standard {N} UI widgets, to make text bold, you must use the fontWeight property or font-weight in CSS. If you like part of your text to be bold then you suppose to use FormattedString.

How to align text inside list view to the right instead of the default left?

I am creating an Arabic app with NativeScript. I want each row inside list view to be viewed in rtl direction so the text in the row is aligned to the right.
I tired using text-align:right and horizontal-align:right but didn't worked.
How can I do this?
Thank you.
As there is no code snippet of what you have tried so far we can only speculate what is your code structure.(see here)
However here is a very basic example on how to align all list-view cell templates to the right by default.
<GridLayout rows="*" columns="*">
<Label row="0" col="0" text="right aligned text" textAlignment="right" textWrap="true" />

NativeScript Floating Button

I just recently started with NativeScript and ran into a roadblock.
I have a AppBuilder/NativeScript project (iOS only for now) in which I want to implement a floating action button. I have seen plenty of examples where the FAB is positioned above a ListView however my scenario is different:
I have 3 repeaters (displaying unrelated data).
each repeater may or may not be visible on the page (if there is no data to display, I am hiding it)
I would like to place the FAB on the bottom right regardless of what the content is
The whole page is wrapped in a ScrollView
I tried using nativescript-floatingactionbutton, but I cannot compile with this module installed. I keep getting "Cannot build project because module nativescript-floatingactionbutton contains insecure code. Remove the module and try again."
I also tried an AbsoluteLayout on the page level, but it seems that the layout overlays the rest of the page and I cannot even see the content, just the FAB.
Here is the markup
<Page id="MainPage" xmlns="" actionBarHidden="true" loaded="pageLoaded" xmlns:drawer="nativescript-telerik-ui/sidedrawer" xmlns:sharedDrawers="widgets/drawers">
<drawer:RadSideDrawer id="mainDrawer">
<ScrollView id="wrapper" opacity="0">
<DockLayout stretchLastChild="false">
<GridLayout id="mainHeader" cssClass="header" dock="top" columns="50, *, 50">
<Label class="icomoon-icon" text="" row="0" col="0" horizontalAlignment="center" tap="openDrawer" fontSize="18" />
<Label horizontalAlignment="center" text="{{ pageTitle }}" row="0" col="1" />
<Label class="icomoon-icon" text="" row="0" col="2" horizontalAlignment="center" tap="notifications" fontSize="18" />
<GridLayout cssClass="main" rows="auto, *" >
<StackLayout row="0">
<StackLayout cssClass="{{arr.length ? '' : 'hidden' }}">
<label cssClass="section-title" text="{{strings.activeLoans}}"></label>
<Repeater items="{{ arr }}" >
<Repeater.itemTemplate cssClass="item">
<StackLayout cssClass="{{arr2.length ? '' : 'hidden' }}">
<label cssClass="section-title" text="{{strings.history}}" marginTop="20" />
<Repeater items="{{ arr2 }}">
<StackLayout cssClass="{{arr3.length ? '' : 'hidden' }}">
<label cssClass="section-title" text="{{}}" marginTop="20" />
<Image src="~/images/pic.jpg" />
<Repeater items="{{ arr3 }}">
<sharedDrawers:mainDrawer />
<!--<AbsoluteLayout cssClass="fabContainer">
<Image src="res://fab_add" tap="newLoan" cssClass="fab" />
I have truncated and changed some of the non-relevant code.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Аs Brad Martin says, the plugin cannot be built inside Telerik Platform as not all of its maintainers are white listed. To be more precise, when an iOS build of a plugin containing a pod file is initiated in Telerik Platform, the service checks its maintainers. As a pod file can contain post build scripts, Telerik Platform is currently flagging plugins as safe by keeping a list of white listed maintainers.
This plugin has 5 maintainers - Brad Martin being only one of them. Brad’s email is white listed but ‘gabrielbiga’ and ‘lazaromenezes’ are not yet whitelisted. #Brad Martin- can you please let us know whether we should whitelist these users emails as well?
The other approach would be to replace the pod file with frameworks instead.
One last thing, moving forward with Telerik Platform releases Telerik Platform team will be working on improving the support for plugins containing pods. They will probably remove the "whitelisting” approach with sandboxing instead but we couldn’t yet comment on any specifics. 
