Visual Studio Release management from bit buclket - continuous-integration

I have a question about setting up CI/CD for my WebAPI project. I am using Bitbucket as my code repository and I was planning to use visual studio release management to for CI. I was wondering if its possible?

Yes, you can. But you need to use the "Build" feature in Visual Studio Team Service for CI since Release Management is for CD.
For the configuration, refer to this link for details: Visual Studio Team Services: Connecting a BitBucket Repository.


Can I connect an on-premise Release Management server to Visual Studio Online?

I'm working with Release Management and we need to connect RM to TFS which is on VSO. In VSO we have several accounts set up with LiveIDs - eg - however in Release Management we require a service account (DOMAIN\USERNAME).
Is there any way I can add the local service account (DOMAIN\USERNAME) to our VSO project? If not, how can I specify a LiveID from within RM's Administration > Manage TFS interface?
On-prem Release Management server does not work with Visual Studio Online, and it never will. Visual Studio Online has a hosted release management service, which only supports vNext release templates and releases to Azure environments.
Visual Studio Online and TFS will be getting a new, totally redesigned release management experience later this year, with no separate client/server.
And, to add to what Daniel said, the new release management in TFS on-premise will have the option to connect to Visual Studio Online to pull down builds.

TF225001: Creating a build definition requires a build controller be defined for this team project collection

I have installed TFS 2013 Express edition. I also want to activate the Continuous integration option, but when I click New Build Definition, I see the error below:
TF225001: Creating a build definition requires a build controller be defined for this team project collection.There may not be any controllers configured or you may not have the permissions to view them. Contract your Team Foundation Server administrator.
My Visual Studio is 2013 Community Edition and my Team Foundation Server is 2013 express edition.
You need to install and configure a TFS Build Controller. Normally you would do this from the TFS Install, not sure if TFS Community includes the ability to be used as a build server also though.

Can Visual Studio Online synchronize with TFS on a given project

We have a project source-controlled by local TFS installation (both are 2013 version).
The scenario that we want to accomplish is:
Developers located in the company use the local TFS as usual.
When they finish they check-in the code to the local TFs and Visual Studio Online.
Developers working from outside the company, get latest from the Visual studio Online.
When they finish, they check-in the changes back to Visual Studio Online.
The target is to have local and online code repositories that can be synchronized either manually or automatically. Is this possible using Visual Studio Online? If not, are there any workaround to achieve this scenario?
You can synchronise the work using the TFS Integration Tools. They are complicated to setup and will be painfull to run. There are commercial options that are ridiculously expensive, like OpsHub, and I would suggest you just pick a server.
Either have your local server with remote users on VPN, or have a VSO server that everyone accesses. I would recommend VSO with local Build servers.
You can check here. How to access VS 2010 TFS over the internet from remote office
It is about vs2010 but i guess the second answer is for you.

Connecting Visual Studio 2012 to

I have added the MS github extension to my project. Now how do I connect it to my Github account?
The above link put me on the right track to integrating Team Foundation Service with Visual Studio 2012. I misunderstood Git vs Github and will continue to use Github as my ALM for the moment. The integration of git version control integrated within VS will be worth another look for the next project.

Minimum CI slave requirements to build MVC TFS solution

What are the minimum requirements for pulling and building a TFS hosted Visual Studio 2012 MVC solution on a clean Windows 2012 Server VM?
I'm setting up a continuous integration slave and I want to install as few tools as possible to get set of projects out of Team Foundation Server source control and building.
My working assumption is that I'll need Team Explorer to get the files from the TFS server, and Visual Studio Express 2012 (Web) to actually build the solution.
The CI slave will NOT use Team Foundation Build, rather it will be part of a Jenkins grid. I know they have a plugin for TFS, but I don't know if it can be used in lieu of Team Explorer.
Running of unit tests will follow but the framework to be used has not be decided yet.
The solution has existing NuGet package dependencies and those are not checked in.
Team Explorer Everywhere
Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4
