Proofs in coq using MSet - set

So I am still new to coq and MSets are giving me some issues. Here are two functions to compute whether an element is in a list or set, please let me know if you think the set_contains definition is correct or if there is a better way to do it. Thanks for any help.
Require Import MSets ZArith.
Module mset := MSetAVL.Make Positive_as_OT.
Notation pos_set := mset.t.
Definition set_contains (x : positive) (s : pos_set) :=
mset.mem x s.
Fixpoint list_contains (x : positive) (l : list positive) : bool :=
match l with
| nil => false
| y :: l' =>
if Pos.eqb x y then true
else nodelist_contains x l'
Lemma nodelist_nodeset_contains :
forall x (s : pos_set),
(nodelist_contains x (mset.elements s)) = (nodeset_contains x s).
induction s.
destruct list_contains.
destruct set_contains.
It seems that set_contains evaluates to true at the base case after the destructs and i'm not sure why. Would the set not be mset.empty during that stage of the proof?
I also do not know how to work with the mset.In, I have trouble with the base case of this proof, obviously I have the same problem. I want to eventually state:
Lemma nodelist_containsP :
forall x (l : pos_set),
reflect (mset.In x l) (nodeset_contains x l).
In case anyone is interested here is how I did this proof.
apply iff_reflect.
unfold nodeset_contains.
apply mset.mem_spec.

list_contains and set_contains are functions so it does not make sense to try to destruct them. Coq tries to infer what you meant and guesses that you want to case on the value of an expression starting with list_contains and set_contains respectively.
This is not what you want. What you want is to observe the behaviour of the two functions on the same input. And you can do so by inspecting it.
This should send you in the right direction:
destruct s as [mset mset_isok].
induction mset.
+ unfold set_contains, mset.mem.
+ unfold list_contains, set_contains, mset.mem.


How can I subtract a multiset from a set with a given multiset?

So I'm trying to define a function apply_C :: "('a multiset ⇒ 'a option) ⇒ 'a multiset ⇒ 'a multiset"
It takes in a function C that may convert an 'a multiset into a single element of type 'a. Here we assume that each element in the domain of C is pairwise mutually exclusive and not the empty multiset (I already have another function that checks these things). apply will also take another multiset inp. What I'd like the function to do is check if there is at least one element in the domain of C that is completely contained in inp. If this is the case, then perform a set difference inp - s where s is the element in the domain of C and add the element the (C s) into this resulting multiset. Afterwards, keep running the function until there are no more elements in the domain of C that are completely contained in the given inp multiset.
What I tried was the following:
fun apply_C :: "('a multiset ⇒ 'a option) ⇒ 'a multiset ⇒ 'a multiset" where
"apply_C C inp = (if ∃s ∈ (domain C). s ⊆# inp then apply_C C (add_mset (the (C s)) (inp - s)) else inp)"
However, I get this error:
Variable "s" occurs on right hand side only:
⋀C inp s.
apply_C C inp =
(if ∃s∈domain C. s ⊆# inp
then apply_C C
(add_mset (the (C s)) (inp - s))
else inp)
I have been thinking about this problem for days now, and I haven't been able to find a way to implement this functionality in Isabelle. Could I please have some help?
After thinking more about it, I don't believe there is a simple solutions for that Isabelle.
Do you need that?
I have not said why you want that. Maybe you can reduce your assumptions? Do you really need a function to calculate the result?
How to express the definition?
I would use an inductive predicate that express one step of rewriting and prove that the solution is unique. Something along:
fixes C :: ‹'a multiset ⇒ 'a option›
inductive apply_CI where
‹apply_CI (M + M') (add_mset (the (C M)) M')›
if ‹M ∈ dom C›
distinct: ‹⋀a b. a ∈ dom C ⟹ b ∈ dom C ⟹ a ≠ b ⟹ a ∩# b = {#}› and
strictly_smaller: ‹⋀a b. a ∈ dom C ⟹ size a > 1›
lemma apply_CI_determ:
‹apply_CI⇧*⇧* M M⇩1› and
‹apply_CI⇧*⇧* M M⇩2› and
‹⋀M⇩3. ¬apply_CI M⇩1 M⇩3›
‹⋀M⇩3. ¬apply_CI M⇩2 M⇩3›
shows ‹M⇩1 = M⇩2›
lemma apply_CI_smaller:
‹apply_CI M M' ⟹ size M' ≤ size M›
apply (induction rule: apply_CI.induct)
subgoal for M M'
using strictly_smaller[of M]
by auto
lemma wf_apply_CI:
‹wf {(x, y). apply_CI y x}›
(*trivial but very annoying because not enough useful lemmas on wf*)
I have no clue how to prove apply_CI_determ (no idea if the conditions I wrote down are sufficient or not), but I did spend much thinking about it.
After that you can define your definitions with:
definition apply_C where
‹apply_C M = (SOME M'. apply_CI⇧*⇧* M M' ∧ (∀M⇩3. ¬apply_CI M' M⇩3))›
and prove the property in your definition.
How to execute it
I don't see how to write an executable function on multisets directly. The problem you face is that one step of apply_C is nondeterministic.
If you can use lists instead of multisets, you get an order on the elements for free and you can use subseqs that gives you all possible subsets. Rewrite using the first element in subseqs that is in the domain of C. Iterate as long as there is any possible rewriting.
Link that to the inductive predicate to prove termination and that it calculates the right thing.
Remark that in general you cannot extract a list out of a multiset, but it is possible to do so in some cases (e.g., if you have a linorder over 'a).

How to define an empty set with axiom of subsets in coq

I have an axiom
Parameter set : Type.
Parameter IN : set->set->Prop.
forall prop x, exists y, forall u,
IN u y <-> IN u x /\ (prop u)
Now I would like to build an empty set out of this, like
Definition EMPTYSET : set.
Check (AXIOM_OF_SUBSETS (fun _ : set => False) x).
The result of Check is:
AXIOM_OF_SUBSETS (fun _ : set => False) x
: exists y : set,
forall u : set, IN u y <-> IN u x /\ False
Is there a way to define an EMPTYSET in this situation?
I have found a very simple, but dangerous solution for this:
Just change Parameter set : Type. to Parameter set : Prop..
It worked well at least for axioms, lemmas and theorems that I have written so far.
Will this be the right way to resolve the issue for the rest of the program?
For the problem right above, refer to the .
I take it that you want to formalize Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory in Coq. There are two issues with your code:
In order to apply your axiom, you need to have some set lying around. (Your code mentions a variable x that is not defined anywhere.) One popular option is to combine the axiom of subsets with another axiom that guarantees the existence of some set, such as the axiom of infinity. If you go this way, you need to declare this axiom explicitly.
Coq does not allow the axiom of choice by default. As a result, it is not possible to extract a witness of an existence proof, and to define EMPTYSET based on the proof term you gave. You can solve this issue by either assuming the axiom of choice (check singleton_choice in Coq.Logic.ClassicalChoice (, or by slightly changing your formulation of your axiom to avoid the existential quantifier.
Axiom set : Type.
Axiom In : set -> set -> Prop.
Axiom comprehension : (set -> Prop) -> set -> set.
Axiom comprehension_spec :
forall prop x u, In u (comprehension prop x) <-> In u x /\ prop u.

Can you prove Excluded Middle is wrong in Coq if I do not import classical logic

I know excluded middle is impossible in the logic of construction. However, I am stuck when I try to show it in Coq.
Theorem em: forall P : Prop, ~P \/ P -> False.
My approach is:
intros P H.
unfold not in H.
The system says following:
2 subgoals
P : Prop
H0 : P -> False
How should I proceed?
What you are trying to construct is not the negation of LEM, which would say "there exists some P such that EM doesn't hold", but the claim that says that no proposition is decidable, which of course leads to a trivial inconsistency:
Axiom not_lem : forall (P : Prop), ~ (P \/ ~ P).
Goal False.
now apply (not_lem True); left.
No need to use the fancy double-negation lemma; as this is obviously inconsistent [imagine it would hold!]
The "classical" negation of LEM is indeed:
Axiom not_lem : exists (P : Prop), ~ (P \/ ~ P).
and it is not provable [otherwise EM wouldn't be admissible], but you can assume it safely; however it won't be of much utility for you.
One cannot refute the law of excluded middle (LEM) in Coq.
Let's suppose you proved your refutation of LEM. We model this kind of situation by postulating it as an axiom:
Axiom not_lem : forall (P : Prop), ~ (P \/ ~ P).
But then we also have a weaker version (double-negated) of LEM:
Lemma not_not_lem (P : Prop) :
~ ~ (P \/ ~ P).
intros nlem. apply nlem.
right. intros p. apply nlem.
left. exact p.
These two facts together would make Coq's logic inconsistent:
Lemma Coq_would_be_inconsistent :
apply (not_not_lem True).
apply not_lem.
I'm coming from mathoverflow, but I don't have permission to comment on #Anton Trunov's answer. I think his answer is unjust, or at least incomplete: he hides the following "folklore":
Coq + Impredicative Set + Weak Excluded-middle -> False
This folklore is a variation of the following facts:
proof irrelevance + large elimination -> false
And Coq + Impredicative Set is canonical, soundness, strong normalization, So it is consistent.
Coq + Impredicative Set is the old version of Coq. I think this at least shows that the defense of the LEM based on double negative translation is not that convincing.
If you want to get information about the solutions, you can get it from here
On the other hand, you may be interested in the story of how Coq-HoTT+UA went against LEM∞...
Ok, let's have some solutions.
use command-line flag -impredicative-set, or the install old version(<8.0) of coq.
excluded-middle -> proof-irrelevance
proof-irrelevance -> False
Or you can work with standard coq + coq-hott.
install coq-hott
Univalence + Global Excluded-middle (LEM∞) -> False
It is not recommended that you directly click on the code in question without grasping the specific concept.
I skipped a lot about meta-theoretic implementations, such as Univalence not being computable in Coq-HoTT but only in Agda-CuTT, such as the consistency proof for Coq+Impredicative Set/Coq-HoTT.
However, metatheoretical considerations are important. If we just want to get an Anti-LEM model and don't care about metatheory, then we can use "Boolean-valued forcing" in coq to wreak havoc on things that only LEM can introduce, such as "every function about real set is continuous", Dedekind infinite...
But this answer ends there.

Coq: apply transitivity with substitution

I want to proof this lemma in Coq:
a : Type
b : Type
f : a -> b
g : a -> b
h : a -> b
(forall x : a, f x = g x) ->
(forall x : a, g x = h x) -> forall x : a, f x = h x
I know that Coq.Relations.Relation_Definitions defines transitivity for relations:
Definition transitive : Prop := forall x y z:A, R x y -> R y z -> R x z.
Simply using the proof tactic apply transitivity obviously fails. How can I apply the transitivity lemma to the goal above?
The transitivity tactic requires an argument, which is the intermediate term that you want to introduce into the equality. First call intros (that's almost always the first thing to do in a proof) to have the hypotheses nicely in the environment. Then you can say transitivity (g x) and you're left with two immediate applications of an assumption.
transitivity (g x); auto.
You can also make Coq guess which intermediate term to use. This doesn't always work, because sometimes Coq finds a candidate that doesn't work out in the end, but this case is simple enough and works immediately. The lemma that transitivity applies is eq_trans; use eapply eq_trans to leave a subterm open (?). The first eauto chooses a subterm that works for the first branch of the proof, and here it also works in the second branch of the proof.
eapply eq_trans.
This can be abbreviated as intros; eapply eq_trans; eauto. It can even be abbreviated further to
eauto using eq_trans.
eq_trans isn't in the default hint database because it often leads down an unsuccessful branch.
Ok, I was on the wrong track. Here is the proof of the lemma:
Lemma fun_trans : forall (a b:Type) (f g h:a->b),
(forall (x:a), f x = g x) ->
(forall (x:a), g x = h x) ->
(forall (x:a), f x = h x).
intros a b f g h f_g g_h x.
rewrite f_g.
rewrite g_h.

existential search and query without the fuss

Is there an extensible, efficient way to write existential statements in Haskell without implementing an embedded logic programming language? Oftentimes when I'm implementing algorithms, I want to express existentially quantified first-order statements like
∃x.∃y.x,y ∈ xs ∧ x ≠ y ∧ p x y
where ∈ is overloaded on lists. If I'm in a hurry, I might write perspicuous code that looks like
find p [] = False
find p (x:xs) = any (\y -> x /= y && (p x y || p y x)) xs || find p xs
find p xs = or [ x /= y && (p x y || p y x) | x <- xs, y <- xs]
But this approach doesn't generalize well to queries returning values or predicates or functions of multiple arities. For instance, even a simple statement like
∃x.∃y.x,y,z ∈ xs ∧ x ≠ y ≠ z ∧ f x y z = g x y z
requires writing another search procedure. And this means a considerable amount of boilerplate code. Of course, languages like Curry or Prolog that implement narrowing or a resolution engine allow the programmer to write statements like:
find(p,xs,z) = x ∈ xs & y ∈ xs & x =/= y & f x y =:= g x y =:= z
to abuse the notation considerably, which performs both a search and returns a value. This problem arises often when implementing formally specified algorithms, and is often solved by combinations of functions like fmap, foldr, and mapAccum, but mostly explicit recursion. Is there a more general and efficient, or just general and expressive, way to write code like this in Haskell?
There's a standard transformation that allows you to convert
∃x ∈ xs : P
exists (\x -> P) xs
If you need to produce a witness you can use find instead of exists.
The real nuisance of doing this kind of abstraction in Haskell as opposed to a logic language is that you really must pass the "universe" set xs as a parameter. I believe this is what brings in the "fuss" to which you refer in your title.
Of course you can, if you prefer, stuff the universal set (through which you are searching) into a monad. Then you can define your own versions of exists or find to work with the monadic state. To make it efficient, you can try Control.Monad.Logic, but it may involve breaking your head against Oleg's papers.
Anyway, the classic encoding is to replace all binding constructs, including existential and universal quantifiers, with lambdas, and proceed with appropriate function calls. My experience is that this encoding works even for complex nested queries with a lot of structure, but that it always feels clunky.
Maybe I don't understand something, but what's wrong with list comprehensions? Your second example becomes:
[(x,y,z) | x <- xs, y <- xs, z <- xs
, x /= y && y /= z && x /= z
, (p1 x y z) == (p2 x y z)]
This allows you to return values; to check if the formula is satisfied, just use null (it won't evaluate more than needed because of laziness).
