How to drag the scene in four direction using mouse? - three.js

Right now the whole the scene is rotating when moving the scene to left/right/top/bottom. I want to drag it in four directions.

You are using the trackballcontrols to manipulate the camera movement. The trackballcontrols has a pan functionality but it is triggered when right clicking with a mouse. This functionality is not configurable.
A very quick hack to enforce this would be changing this line to
_state = STATE.PAN;
A better way would be to create a PR to three.js to make this mouse inputs configurable.


Dragging 3D objects on walls using mouse in three.js

I am trying to achieve movement of an object on walls, instead of only one plane. In this example, an object dragged on walls by using:
intersects = raycaster.intersectObjects([walls]);
However, with this method, the object jumps because the object's center moves to the mouse. There is a related question and helpful JSFiddle for dragging on one plane without jumpin Would you please help me to modify it for multiples planes (walls)? Thanks
After reading your comment, I think what you're looking for is you want the object to animate to the position. You can do this a few ways. The "threejs" way is to move it each frame (within the animate/update loop). You could do this with Vector3.lerp by storing intersects[0].point as your target location and lerping your object.position to it each frame. Another option is to use an animation library like animejs or gsap.

How to do zoom, rotation and pan operations programmatically using trackballcontrols in three.js?

I am trying to do some cad operations like zoom, rotate and pan. I want to provide a button for each operation and do the corresponding operation on click.
The controls should automatically allow the user to use the mouse to perform those operations. Button controls wouldn't be as smooth or freeform as the default controls, since a click has no direction or duration. For instance, a rotate button would only be able to rotate a certain number of radians at a time in one direction, while the default controls allow for any amount of rotation.
But if you do really want buttons, I'd suggest implementing them in the following ways:
Zoom: Two buttons to move the camera's position a certain amount forward or backward.
Rotate: Buttons rotate the object n radians.
Pan: Buttons shift the camera's position left or right.
You may notice that none of these solutions use Trackballcontrols. Trackballcontrols is a set of mouse controls, it's not meant to be transferred to button commands. You can achieve the same result much more simply by assigning functions to the buttons that change the object's or camera's rotation or position. I think you'll find the following list useful: Look at the rotate and translate methods.

Aframe orbit control camera pan and rotation ease animation when reach limit

I am trying to do a navigation system like google cloud infrastructure like this:
google cloud infrastructure.
I want to do this using aframe rather than threejs. So I am now customising aframe orbit control by keven ngo:
aframe orbit control.
The problem is that, I succeeded in limiting the auto rotation in a certain angle, so as pan. But I have some following problem that I do not know how to do after searching every posiblities and tried my self:
how to achieve the same effect of bouncing back smoothly after reaching out the pan limit;
for some reason if I pan and after mouseup then when mouse moves, it still pans rather than rotate. Why is that?
how to make camera rotates slightly like in google's example(I modified the original library to rotate camera when mousemove rahter than mousedown)?
Below is the glitch link of my experiment:
aframe customized orbit control
what I customized(I notated my change with slashes and ADDITION text):
autorotates between set angle;
mouse click only pans; when mouse move, camera rotates and autorotate stops;
pan can be limited.
This is a long question, very appreciated if anyone can help!!
how to achieve the same effect of bouncing back smoothly after reaching out the pan limit?
One idea: on mouseup (ie release of pan mode), check if the camera target is outside of the camera's viewing frustrum. If so, calculate a new target position, say half way between current target position, and a point in line with the camera z axis( ie, the center of the screen). Then make an animation, that moves the camera target from current location, to new location.
for some reason if I pan and after mouseup then when mouse moves, it still pans rather than rotate. Why is that?
It seems that the navigation mode (panning, orbitting,or zooming), does not change on mouse up. Make a new (mouseup) listener, that forces orbit mode back to a default mode (orbit?).
how to make camera rotates slightly like in google's example(I modified the original library to rotate camera when mousemove rahter than mousedown)?
It looks like in the google example, orbit direction is determined by which side of center the cursor is in. Left side makes autorotate go clockwise, and right side counterclockwise. You will need to use the cursor component to detect this, and change the orbit direction accordingly.
Also, it appears that in the google version, orbitting is not determined by mousedown (ie dragging), but by cursor distance to center, and this is added to the auto rotate. It appears to be a buffer system, where distance to center initially creates a value to alter the auto orbit (by adding or subtracting to the orbit amount), but that value is a buffer, meaning that it degrades to 0 over time (each frame the value is reduced slowly to 0).

How to offset target position in ThreeJS controls

I am using ThreeJS's OrbitControls so that when an object in my scene is clicked, the camera travels close to it and and starts orbiting around it. I'm just moving the position, camera position and setting controls.autoRotate = true.
The clicked object gets centered on screen, which is nice, but sometimes I need to show a text covering up to 50% of the bottom area of the screen, and then the selected objects gets hidden by it. So, I'd need to somehow offset the rotation center up a bit.
Perhaps another way of asking this is that I need to change the center of rotation so that it is NOT the center of the screen (or the center of the renderer canvas)
I've tried moving the target up but, of course, then the camera doesn't orbit around the selected 3D object but around an empty space close to it. Any idea on how to proceed?
Many thanks!
I finally got the desired results following the comments in this other thread:
by using camera.setViewOffset

How to setup exactly same two 3d viewport

First of all, sorry for my english
I have two 3d viewport, the first one for editing and the other for live render. The problem is i need to orbit again so they have same viewing angle. So is there any other way to do it more easily?
If you have both 3D viewports showing the camera view numpad 0 you can enable Lock Camera to View and both viewports will show the same movement. You can find the lock to view option in the View panel in the properties region N. You only need to lock the one viewport that you will be using to move around in.
As this will actually move the location of the camera, you may want to have a second camera to use for this and switch the active camera between your viewport and rendering camera in the scene properties.
