unordered_map with iterators as keys, cast iterator to long long? - c++11

Unfortunatly this:
unordered_map<list<int>::iterator, int> foo;
does not work, the compiler says: error C2338: The C++ Standard doesn't provide a hash for this type.
There seems to be a hash for 64 bit integers though, so is it save to use
unordered_map<long long, int> foo;
instead and simply cast the iterators to long long?

No, this is, in general, not possible. While pointers can be cast to and from integer types (more on that later), iterators aren't necessarily pointers and so this cast isn't necessarily allowed. For example, consider something like an istream_iterator, which wraps a stream object. It's unclear what it would mean to cast this to or from a long long. If you're trying to solve the problem this way, you may need to change your approach.
As a note - the type long long is not actually required to be big enough to hold a pointer that's been converted to an integer. The special types intptr_t and uintptr_t are guaranteed to be big enough to store a pointer, so you might want to start using those types instead. You still can't cast list iterators to these types, though.


Why does unsafe.Sizeof return a uintptr?

As per the documentation ( unsafe.Sizeof returns the size of the given expression in bytes. A size of any given expression can ideally be denoted by a uint32 or uint64. Then why does Golang return a uintptr instead? Isn't that confusing? A uintptr is supposed to hold a pointer to some data value but in this case it is not actually a pointer it is just a number right?
There are a lot of good answers in the comments, which boil down to "because that's big enough, yet not too big". I think, though, it might be helpful to view this from a historical perspective, with particular attention to how this all came about in the C programming language.
In very old (pre-standard) C, if you go far back enough in time, there was not even an explicit unsigned integer type. The PDP-11 had:
char, which was 8 bits and signed;
int, which was 16 bits and signed; and
pointers, which were 16 bits and unsigned.
That is:
int i;
int *u;
was how you made two integers, i being signed, and u being unsigned. Setting i to 32767 (0x7fff) and then incrementing it gave you -32768 (0x8000), which gradually increased to -1 (0xffff) and then zero. Setting u to 32767 and then incrementing it gave you 32768, which gradually increased to 65535, and then rolled over to zero.
The lack of distinction between integers and pointers meant that device drivers could read:
struct {
int csr;
int blk;
int bar;
int bcr;
0177440->bcr = count;
0177440->blk = block;
0177440->bar = addr;
0177440->csr = READ | GO;
which might be how one told a device to read some bytes or blocks.
(This is also why struct member names, like st_ino in struct stat, were all prefixed like this: st_ino just meant "some integer offset" and you could use the st_ino member with any pointer, or even with an ordinary variable. The prefix meant you could #include multiple headers without having their struct member names collide.)
All of this turned untenable when C was made to work on 32-bit and other machines. C grew an unsigned integer type, rather than pressing pointers into service as unsigned integers, and Steve Johnson's PCC compiler turned unsigned into a modifier, that could be applied to char and short as well as int. A lot of experimentation occurred. Eventually, in 1989, C was first standardized with most of the syntax and semantics that we have now (though new standards have added new types, and many functions, and so on).
Some of the early C pioneers were involved with creating Go, with particular influence from Ken Thompson. There is a quote on the Wikipedia page that is appropriate here:
When the three of us [Thompson, Rob Pike, and Robert Griesemer] got started, it was pure research. The three of us got together and decided that we hated C++. [laughter] ... [Returning to Go,] we started off with the idea that all three of us had to be talked into every feature in the language, so there was no extraneous garbage put into the language for any reason.
As we see from the early days of C, a pointer-as-integer is a suitable unsigned type that can not only hold any pointer, but, if treated as unsigned, can also hold any object size. A pointer-as-integer is not directly usable as a pointer, of course, and with a GC system and concurrency, we need the language itself to have pointers. But we also need to be able to write the runtime support for the language,1 for which we need integer-ized pointers, which also covers all of our needs for object sizes. So one type, built in to the compiler, covers all the requirements. That is as simple as possible, but no simpler.
1I say "we" as if I had anything to do with it. It's just obvious, once you have implemented a few runtime systems.

List storing pointers or "plain object"

I am designing a class which tracks the user manipulations in a software in order to restore previous application states (i.e. CTRL+Z/CTRL+Y). I symply wanted to clarify something about performances.
I am using the std::list container of the STL. This list is not meant to contain really huge objects, but a significant number. Should I use pointers or not?
For instance, here is the kinds of objects which will be stored:
struct ImagesState
cv::Mat first;
cv::Mat second;
struct StatusBarState
std::string notification;
std::string algorithm;
For now, I store the whole thing under the form of struct pointers, such as:
std::list<ImagesStatee*> stereoImages;
I know (I think) that new and delete operators are time consuming, but I don't want to encounter a stack overflow with "plain object". Is it a bad design?
If you are using a list, i would suggest not to use the pointer. The list items are on the heap anyway and the pointer just adds an unnecessary layer of indirection.
If you are after performance, using std::list is most likely not the best solution. Using std::vector might boost your performance significantly since the objects are better for your caches.
Even in an vector, the objects would lie on the heap and therefore the pointer are not needed (they would even harm you more than with a list). You only have to care about them if you make an array on your stack.
like so:

Go implicit conversion to interface does memory allocation?

When defining a function with variadic arguments of type interface{} (e.g. Printf), the arguments are apparently implicitly converted to interface instances.
Does this conversion imply memory allocation? Is this conversion fast? When concerned by code efficiency, should I avoid using variadic functions?
The best explanation i found about the interface memory allocation in Go is still this article from Rus Cox, one of the core Go programmer. It's well worth to read it.
I picked up some of the most interesting parts:
Values stored in interfaces might be arbitrarily large, but only one
word is dedicated to holding the value in the interface structure, so
the assignment allocates a chunk of memory on the heap and records the
pointer in the one-word slot.
Calling fmt.Printf(), the Go compiler generates code that calls the
appropriate function pointer from the itable, passing the interface
value's data word as the function's first (in this example, only)
Go's dynamic type conversions mean that it isn't reasonable for the
compiler or linker to precompute all possible itables: there are too
many (interface type, concrete type) pairs, and most won't be needed.
Instead, the compiler generates a type description structure for each
concrete type like Binary or int or func(map[int]string). Among other
metadata, the type description structure contains a list of the
methods implemented by that type.
The interface runtime computes the itable by looking for each method
listed in the interface type's method table in the concrete type's
method table. The runtime caches the itable after generating it, so
that this correspondence need only be computed once.
If the interface type involved is empty—it has no methods—then the
itable serves no purpose except to hold the pointer to the original
type. In this case, the itable can be dropped and the value can point
at the type directly.
Because Go has the hint of static typing to go along with the dynamic method lookups, it can move the lookups back from the call sites to the point when the value is stored in the interface.
Converting to an interface{} is a separate concept from variadic arguments which are contained in a slice and can be of any type. However these are all probably free in the sense of allocations as long as they don't escape to the heap (in the GC toolchain).
The excess allocations you would see from fmt functions like Printf are going to be from reflection rather than from the use of interface{} or variadic arguments.
If you're concerned with efficiency though, avoiding indirection will always be more efficient than not, so using the correct value types will yield more efficient code. The difference can be minimal though, so benchmark the code first before concerning yourself with minor optimizations.
Go passes arguments copy_by_value, so it does memory allocation anyway. You always should better avoid using interface{} if possible. In described case your function will need to reflect arguments to use them. Reflection is quite expensive operation that's why fmt.Printf() is so slow.

In Golang, uint16 VS int, which is less cost?

I am using a 64Bit server. My golang program needs integer type.
SO, If I use uint16 and uint32 type in source code, does it cost more than use most regular int type?
I am considering both computing cost and developing cost.
For the vast majority of cases using int makes more sense.
Here are some reasons:
Go doesn't implicitly convert between the numeric types, even when you think it should. If you start using some unsigned type instead of int, you should expect to pepper your code with multiple type conversions, because of other libraries or APIs preferring not to bother with unsigned types, because of untyped constant numerical expressions returning int values, etc.
Unsigned types are more prone to underflowing than signed types, because 0 (an unsigned type's boundary value) is much more of a naturally occurring value in computer programs than, for example, -9223372036854775808.
If you want to use an unsigned type because it restricts the values that you can put in it, keep in mind that when you combine silent underflow and compile time-only constant propagation, you probably aren't getting the bargain you were looking for. For example, while you cannot convert the constant math.MinInt64 to a uint, you can easily convert an int variable with value math.MinInt64 to a uint. And arguably it's not a bad Go style to have an if check whether the value you're trying to assign is valid for your program.
Unless you are experiencing significant memory pressure and your value space is somewhere slightly over what a smaller signed type would offer you, I'd think that using int will be much more efficient even if only because of development cost.
And even then, chances are that either there's a problem somewhere else in your program's memory footprint, or a managed language like Go is not the best fit for your needs.

What are reasons to use a sized or unsigned integer type in go?

Doing the go tour in chapter "Basics/Basic types" it says:
When you need an integer value you should use int unless you have a specific reason to use a sized or unsigned integer type.
What are those specific reasons? Can we name them all?
Other available ressources only talk about 32 and 64 bit signed and unsigned types. But why would someone use int types < 32 bit?
If you cannot think of a reason not to use a standard int, you should use a standard int. In most cases, saving memory isn't worth the extra effort and you are probably not going to need to store that large values anyway.
If you are saving a very large number of small values, you might be able to save a lot of memory by changing the datatype to a smaller one, such as byte. Storing 8bit values in an int means we are storing 24bits of zeroes for every 8 bits of data, and thus, wasting a lot of space. Of course, you could store 4 (or maybe 8) bytes inside an int with some bitshift magic, but why do the hard work when you can let the compiler and the cpu do it for you?
If you are trying to do computations that might not fit inside a 32bit integer, you might want an int64 instead, or even bigint.
