Given the setup, I would expect when I send a message that the ServiceActivator would be called with a delay of 10 000 between messages.
The first channel takes in a list, then split the messages and then call another QueueChannel. But for some reason each pull polls all the split messages. I know I am missing something stupid, or I'm just too stupid to understand whats happening.
Related test case:
2022-10-26 15:22:02.708 INFO 78647 --- [ scheduling-1] com.example.demo.DemoApplicationTests : Received message Hello
2022-10-26 15:22:02.708 INFO 78647 --- [ scheduling-1] com.example.demo.UpdateLocationFlow : Doing some work for model with id 2
2022-10-26 15:22:03.009 INFO 78647 --- [ scheduling-1] com.example.demo.UpdateLocationFlow : Completed some work for model with id 2
2022-10-26 15:22:03.017 INFO 78647 --- [ scheduling-1] com.example.demo.DemoApplicationTests : Received message World
2022-10-26 15:22:03.018 INFO 78647 --- [ scheduling-1] com.example.demo.UpdateLocationFlow : Doing some work for model with id 3
2022-10-26 15:22:03.319 INFO 78647 --- [ scheduling-1] com.example.demo.UpdateLocationFlow : Completed some work for model with id 3
2022-10-26 15:22:04.322 INFO 78647 --- [ scheduling-1] o.s.i.a.AggregatingMessageHandler : Expiring MessageGroup with correlationKey[1]
My thoughts is that the messages should be something like:
00:01 Doing some work for model with id 2
00:02 Completed some work for model with id 2
00:12 Doing some work for model with id 3
00:13 Completed some work for model it id 3
So, it is a bug in the Spring Integration around lifecycle management for the IntegrationFlowAdapter management. It just starts twice.
As a workaround I suggest to pull your #ServiceActivator handle() into an individual component with its own #Poller configuration and an inputChannel and outputChannel. In other words int must go outside of your UpdateLocationFlow. This way the IntegrationFlowAdapter won't have a control for its lifecycle and won't start it twice.
Meanwhile I'm looking how to fix it.
Thank you for reporting this!
I hope someone of you can help me.
I'm using spring boot 2.3.4 with spring kafka 2.5.6. I recently had to reset an offset and saw some strange behavior. We consumed the messages, but after every X (variating) messages we had a timeout of 10 seconds before the consumption continued.
This is my configuration:
bootstrap-servers: localhost:9092
enable-auto-commit: false
auto-offset-reset: earliest
heartbeat-interval: 1000
max-poll-records: 50
group-id: kafka-fetch-demo
fetch-max-wait: 10000
type: single
concurrency: 1
poll-timeout: 1000
no-poll-threshold: 2
monitor-interval: 10
ack-mode: manual
acks: all
batch-size: 0
retries: 0
This is an examle listener code:
#KafkaListener(id = LISTENER_ID, idIsGroup = false, topicPattern = "#{demoProperties.getTopicPattern()}")
public void onEvent(Acknowledgment acknowledgment, ConsumerRecord<byte[], String> record) {"Received record on topic {}, partition {} and offset {}",
I figured out that the 10 second timeout came from the property. However I'm not able to figure out why this property applies.
As far as I understand the fetch-max-wait property only determines the maximum time the broker waits before providing the consumer with new records even if the fetch.min.bytes is not exceeded. (Which in my case is set to the default 1 and should always be fullfilled)
Furthermore I analyzed that this problem only applies when using topic patterns and "larger" messages.
I uploaded an demo application on Github to reproduce the issue:
How I did reproduce it:
I put a thousand messages with 17,1 KB per message on a kafka topic.
I start my consuming application that listens per topic pattern to this topic. Then you can see this stopping behaviour.
Note: If I do the same with "small" messages (89 Bytes) it works as expected.
In the logs you can see the successful commit, but then the it says Skipping fetch
2021-01-16 15:04:40.773 DEBUG 19244 --- [_LISTENER-0-C-1] essageListenerContainer$ListenerConsumer : Commit list: {publish.LargeTopic.2.test-0=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=488, leaderEpoch=null, metadata=''}}
2021-01-16 15:04:40.773 DEBUG 19244 --- [_LISTENER-0-C-1] essageListenerContainer$ListenerConsumer : Committing: {publish.LargeTopic.2.test-0=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=488, leaderEpoch=null, metadata=''}}
2021-01-16 15:04:40.773 TRACE 19244 --- [_LISTENER-0-C-1] o.a.k.c.c.internals.ConsumerCoordinator : [Consumer clientId=consumer-kafka-fetch-demo-1, groupId=kafka-fetch-demo] Sending OffsetCommit request with {publish.LargeTopic.2.test-0=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=488, leaderEpoch=null, metadata=''}} to coordinator localhost:9092 (id: 2147483647 rack: null)
2021-01-16 15:04:40.773 DEBUG 19244 --- [_LISTENER-0-C-1] org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient : [Consumer clientId=consumer-kafka-fetch-demo-1, groupId=kafka-fetch-demo] Using older server API v7 to send OFFSET_COMMIT {group_id=kafka-fetch-demo,generation_id=4,member_id=consumer-kafka-fetch-demo-1-cf8e747f-531d-457a-aca8-18960c518ef9,group_instance_id=null,topics=[{name=publish.LargeTopic.2.test,partitions=[{partition_index=0,committed_offset=488,committed_leader_epoch=-1,committed_metadata=}]}]} with correlation id 62 to node 2147483647
2021-01-16 15:04:40.778 TRACE 19244 --- [_LISTENER-0-C-1] org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient : [Consumer clientId=consumer-kafka-fetch-demo-1, groupId=kafka-fetch-demo] Completed receive from node 2147483647 for OFFSET_COMMIT with correlation id 62, received {throttle_time_ms=0,topics=[{name=publish.LargeTopic.2.test,partitions=[{partition_index=0,error_code=0}]}]}
2021-01-16 15:04:40.779 DEBUG 19244 --- [_LISTENER-0-C-1] o.a.k.c.c.internals.ConsumerCoordinator : [Consumer clientId=consumer-kafka-fetch-demo-1, groupId=kafka-fetch-demo] Committed offset 488 for partition publish.LargeTopic.2.test-0
2021-01-16 15:04:40.779 TRACE 19244 --- [_LISTENER-0-C-1] o.a.k.c.consumer.internals.Fetcher : [Consumer clientId=consumer-kafka-fetch-demo-1, groupId=kafka-fetch-demo] Skipping fetch for partition publish.LargeTopic.1.test-0 because previous request to localhost:9092 (id: 0 rack: null) has not been processed
2021-01-16 15:04:40.779 TRACE 19244 --- [_LISTENER-0-C-1] o.a.k.c.consumer.internals.Fetcher : [Consumer clientId=consumer-kafka-fetch-demo-1, groupId=kafka-fetch-demo] Skipping fetch for partition publish.LargeTopic.2.test-0 because previous request to localhost:9092 (id: 0 rack: null) has not been processed
2021-01-16 15:04:40.779 TRACE 19244 --- [_LISTENER-0-C-1] o.a.k.c.consumer.internals.Fetcher : [Consumer clientId=consumer-kafka-fetch-demo-1, groupId=kafka-fetch-demo] Skipping fetch for partition publish.LargeTopic.1.test-0 because previous request to localhost:9092 (id: 0 rack: null) has not been processed
2021-01-16 15:04:40.779 TRACE 19244 --- [_LISTENER-0-C-1] o.a.k.c.consumer.internals.Fetcher : [Consumer clientId=consumer-kafka-fetch-demo-1, groupId=kafka-fetch-demo] Skipping fetch for partition publish.LargeTopic.2.test-0 because previous request to localhost:9092 (id: 0 rack: null) has not been processed
When there is a change in the Size of the message, you might need to change below 2 Props
heartbeat-interval: 1000
max-poll-records: 50
Your heart beat interval is 1sec and Max poll wait is 10secs. If the size of the message is high and you are processing the consumed messages in the same thread, then Heartbeat check will fail by the time the next Pull triggered. Make sure to process messages by an Executor using Callable.
Increase the Heart Beat Interval to 5 to 10 secs and Reduce Max Poll records to 15 when the messages size is high. Hope, this can help
I got the exception 'MongoWaitQueueFullException' and I realize the number of connections that my application is using. I use the default configuration of Spring boot (2.2.7.RELEASE) with reactive MongoDB (4.2.8). Transactions are used.
Even when running an integration test that basically creates a bit more than 200 elements then groups them (200 groups). 10 connections are used. When this algorithm is executed over a real data-set, this exception is thrown. The default limit of the waiting queue (500) was reached. This does not make the application scalable.
My question is: is there a way to design a reactive application that helps to reduce the number of connections?
This is the output of my test. Basically, it scans all translations of bundle files and them group them per translation key. An element is persisted per translation key.
return Flux
.flatMap(locale ->
.scanTranslations(bundleFileEntity.toLocation(), locale, context)
.map(indexedTranslation ->
indexedTranslation.getT1(), // index
indexedTranslation.getT2().getKey(), // bundle key
indexedTranslation.getT2().getValue() // translation
The grouping function:
private Flux<BundleKeyEntity> groupIntoBundleKeys(BundleFileEntity bundleFile) {
return this
.flatMap(bundleKeyGroup ->
.map(bundleKeys -> {
final BundleKeyGroupKey key = bundleKeyGroup.key();
final BundleKeyEntity entity = new BundleKeyEntity(key.getWorkspace(), key.getBundleFile(), key.getKey());
return entity;
The test output:
560 [main] INFO o.s.b.t.c.SpringBootTestContextBootstrapper - Neither #ContextConfiguration nor #ContextHierarchy found for test class [be.sgerard.i18n.controller.TranslationControllerTest], using SpringBootContextLoader
569 [main] INFO o.s.t.c.s.AbstractContextLoader - Could not detect default resource locations for test class [be.sgerard.i18n.controller.TranslationControllerTest]: no resource found for suffixes {-context.xml, Context.groovy}.
870 [main] INFO o.s.b.t.c.SpringBootTestContextBootstrapper - Loaded default TestExecutionListener class names from location [META-INF/spring.factories]: [org.springframework.boot.test.mock.mockito.MockitoTestExecutionListener, org.springframework.boot.test.mock.mockito.ResetMocksTestExecutionListener, org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.restdocs.RestDocsTestExecutionListener, org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.client.MockRestServiceServerResetTestExecutionListener, org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.servlet.MockMvcPrintOnlyOnFailureTestExecutionListener, org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.servlet.WebDriverTestExecutionListener, org.springframework.test.context.web.ServletTestExecutionListener,,,, org.springframework.test.context.transaction.TransactionalTestExecutionListener, org.springframework.test.context.jdbc.SqlScriptsTestExecutionListener, org.springframework.test.context.event.EventPublishingTestExecutionListener,,]
897 [main] INFO o.s.b.t.c.SpringBootTestContextBootstrapper - Using TestExecutionListeners: [, org.springframework.boot.test.mock.mockito.MockitoTestExecutionListener#232a7d73, org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.SpringBootDependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener#4b41e4dd,, org.springframework.test.context.transaction.TransactionalTestExecutionListener#74960bfa, org.springframework.test.context.jdbc.SqlScriptsTestExecutionListener#42721fe, org.springframework.test.context.event.EventPublishingTestExecutionListener#40844aab,,, org.springframework.boot.test.mock.mockito.ResetMocksTestExecutionListener#66746f57, org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.restdocs.RestDocsTestExecutionListener#447a020, org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.client.MockRestServiceServerResetTestExecutionListener#7f36662c, org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.servlet.MockMvcPrintOnlyOnFailureTestExecutionListener#28e8dde3, org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.servlet.WebDriverTestExecutionListener#6d23017e]
1551 [background-preinit] INFO o.h.v.i.x.c.ValidationBootstrapParameters - HV000006: Using org.hibernate.validator.HibernateValidator as validation provider.
1677 [main] INFO b.s.i.c.TranslationControllerTest - Starting TranslationControllerTest on sgerard with PID 538 (started by sgerard in /home/sgerard/sandboxes/github-oauth/server)
1678 [main] INFO b.s.i.c.TranslationControllerTest - The following profiles are active: test
3250 [main] INFO o.s.d.r.c.RepositoryConfigurationDelegate - Bootstrapping Spring Data Reactive MongoDB repositories in DEFAULT mode.
3747 [main] INFO o.s.d.r.c.RepositoryConfigurationDelegate - Finished Spring Data repository scanning in 493ms. Found 9 Reactive MongoDB repository interfaces.
5143 [main] INFO o.s.c.s.PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker - Bean '' of type [] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
5719 [main] INFO org.mongodb.driver.cluster - Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:27017], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500}
5996 [cluster-ClusterId{value='5f42490f1c60f43aff9d7d46', description='null'}-localhost:27017] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:1, serverValue:4337}] to localhost:27017
6010 [cluster-ClusterId{value='5f42490f1c60f43aff9d7d46', description='null'}-localhost:27017] INFO org.mongodb.driver.cluster - Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:27017, type=REPLICA_SET_PRIMARY, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[4, 2, 8]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=8, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=30, roundTripTimeNanos=12207332, setName='rs0', canonicalAddress=4802c4aff450:27017, hosts=[4802c4aff450:27017], passives=[], arbiters=[], primary='4802c4aff450:27017', tagSet=TagSet{[]}, electionId=7fffffff0000000000000013, setVersion=1, lastWriteDate=Sun Aug 23 12:46:30 CEST 2020, lastUpdateTimeNanos=384505436362981}
6019 [main] INFO org.mongodb.driver.cluster - Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:27017], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500}
6040 [cluster-ClusterId{value='5f42490f1c60f43aff9d7d47', description='null'}-localhost:27017] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:2, serverValue:4338}] to localhost:27017
6042 [cluster-ClusterId{value='5f42490f1c60f43aff9d7d47', description='null'}-localhost:27017] INFO org.mongodb.driver.cluster - Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:27017, type=REPLICA_SET_PRIMARY, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[4, 2, 8]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=8, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=30, roundTripTimeNanos=1727974, setName='rs0', canonicalAddress=4802c4aff450:27017, hosts=[4802c4aff450:27017], passives=[], arbiters=[], primary='4802c4aff450:27017', tagSet=TagSet{[]}, electionId=7fffffff0000000000000013, setVersion=1, lastWriteDate=Sun Aug 23 12:46:30 CEST 2020, lastUpdateTimeNanos=384505468960066}
7102 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-2] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:3, serverValue:4339}] to localhost:27017
11078 [main] INFO o.s.b.a.e.web.EndpointLinksResolver - Exposing 1 endpoint(s) beneath base path ''
11158 [main] INFO o.h.v.i.x.c.ValidationBootstrapParameters - HV000006: Using org.hibernate.validator.HibernateValidator as validation provider.
11720 [main] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:4, serverValue:4340}] to localhost:27017
12084 [main] INFO o.s.s.c.ThreadPoolTaskScheduler - Initializing ExecutorService 'taskScheduler'
12161 [main] INFO b.s.i.c.TranslationControllerTest - Started TranslationControllerTest in 11.157 seconds (JVM running for 13.532)
20381 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-3] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:5, serverValue:4341}] to localhost:27017
20408 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-2] INFO b.s.i.s.w.WorkspaceManagerImpl - Synchronize, there is no workspace for the branch [master], let's create it.
20416 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-3] INFO b.s.i.s.w.WorkspaceManagerImpl - The workspace [master] alias [e3cea374-0d37-4c57-bdbf-8bd14d279c12] has been created.
20421 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-3] INFO b.s.i.s.w.WorkspaceManagerImpl - Initializing workspace [master] alias [e3cea374-0d37-4c57-bdbf-8bd14d279c12].
20525 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-2] INFO b.s.i.s.i18n.TranslationManagerImpl - A bundle file has been found located in [server/src/main/resources/i18n] named [exception] with 2 file(s).
20812 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-4] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:6, serverValue:4342}] to localhost:27017
21167 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-8] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:10, serverValue:4345}] to localhost:27017
21167 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-6] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:8, serverValue:4344}] to localhost:27017
21393 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-5] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:7, serverValue:4343}] to localhost:27017
21398 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-7] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:9, serverValue:4346}] to localhost:27017
21442 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-2] INFO b.s.i.s.i18n.TranslationManagerImpl - A bundle file has been found located in [server/src/main/resources/i18n] named [validation] with 2 file(s).
21503 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-2] INFO b.s.i.s.i18n.TranslationManagerImpl - A bundle file has been found located in [server/src/test/resources/be/sgerard/i18n/service/i18n/file] named [file] with 2 file(s).
21621 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-2] INFO b.s.i.s.i18n.TranslationManagerImpl - A bundle file has been found located in [front/src/main/web/src/assets/i18n] named [i18n] with 2 file(s).
22745 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO o.s.s.c.ThreadPoolTaskScheduler - Shutting down ExecutorService 'taskScheduler'
22763 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:4, serverValue:4340}] to localhost:27017 because the pool has been closed.
22766 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:9, serverValue:4346}] to localhost:27017 because the pool has been closed.
22767 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:6, serverValue:4342}] to localhost:27017 because the pool has been closed.
22768 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:8, serverValue:4344}] to localhost:27017 because the pool has been closed.
22768 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:5, serverValue:4341}] to localhost:27017 because the pool has been closed.
22769 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:10, serverValue:4345}] to localhost:27017 because the pool has been closed.
22770 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:7, serverValue:4343}] to localhost:27017 because the pool has been closed.
22776 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:3, serverValue:4339}] to localhost:27017 because the pool has been closed.
Process finished with exit code 0
Spring Reactive is asynchronous. Imagine you have 3 items in your dataset. It opens a connection for the save of the first item. But it won't wait for it to finish and use for the second save. Instead, it opens a second connection as soon as possible. Thus you'll end up overloading all the possible connections in the pool.
I have spent days on this simple issue , I am giving up and finally posting this issue which I am facing locally. I am trying to set up a microservices flow in my local for my hand itching learning purpose. This is no brainer. I have Eureka , Zuul Gateway , Simple Microservice. When I try to reach to the underlying service with the "url route" its working. But when I try to do serviceId look up its not working. Guys help me fixing it.
Git hub link is Git hub source code link
I have also raised an issue Git hut Issue link
Eureka Screenshot
Zuul Gateway logs
2019-10-06 11:11:24.611 INFO 26980 --- [nio-2020-exec-4] o.a.c.c.C.[Tomcat].[localhost].[/] : Initializing Spring DispatcherServlet 'dispatcherServlet'
2019-10-06 11:11:24.611 INFO 26980 --- [nio-2020-exec-4] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet : Initializing Servlet 'dispatcherServlet'
2019-10-06 11:11:24.633 INFO 26980 --- [nio-2020-exec-4] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet : Completed initialization in 22 ms
2019-10-06 11:11:25.103 INFO 26980 --- [nio-2020-exec-4] : Flipping property: CHECKOUT-SERVICE.ribbon.ActiveConnectionsLimit to use NEXT property: niws.loadbalancer.availabilityFilteringRule.activeConnectionsLimit = 2147483647
2019-10-06 11:11:25.157 INFO 26980 --- [nio-2020-exec-4] c.n.u.concurrent.ShutdownEnabledTimer : Shutdown hook installed for: NFLoadBalancer-PingTimer-CHECKOUT-SERVICE
2019-10-06 11:11:25.157 INFO 26980 --- [nio-2020-exec-4] : Client: CHECKOUT-SERVICE instantiated a LoadBalancer: DynamicServerListLoadBalancer:{NFLoadBalancer:name=CHECKOUT-SERVICE,current list of Servers=[],Load balancer stats=Zone stats: {},Server stats: []}ServerList:null
2019-10-06 11:11:25.167 INFO 26980 --- [nio-2020-exec-4] c.n.l.DynamicServerListLoadBalancer : Using serverListUpdater PollingServerListUpdater
2019-10-06 11:11:25.215 INFO 26980 --- [nio-2020-exec-4] : Flipping property: CHECKOUT-SERVICE.ribbon.ActiveConnectionsLimit to use NEXT property: niws.loadbalancer.availabilityFilteringRule.activeConnectionsLimit = 2147483647
2019-10-06 11:11:25.218 INFO 26980 --- [nio-2020-exec-4] c.n.l.DynamicServerListLoadBalancer : DynamicServerListLoadBalancer for client CHECKOUT-SERVICE initialized: DynamicServerListLoadBalancer:{NFLoadBalancer:name=CHECKOUT-SERVICE,current list of Servers=[],Load balancer stats=Zone stats: {defaultzone=[Zone:defaultzone; Instance count:1; Active connections count: 0; Circuit breaker tripped count: 0; Active connections per server: 0.0;]
},Server stats: [[Server:; Zone:defaultZone; Total Requests:0; Successive connection failure:0; Total blackout seconds:0; Last connection made:Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 EST 1969; First connection made: Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 EST 1969; Active Connections:0; total failure count in last (1000) msecs:0; average resp time:0.0; 90 percentile resp time:0.0; 95 percentile resp time:0.0; min resp time:0.0; max resp time:0.0; stddev resp time:0.0]
2019-10-06 11:11:26.177 INFO 26980 --- [erListUpdater-0] : Flipping property: CHECKOUT-SERVICE.ribbon.ActiveConnectionsLimit to use NEXT property: niws.loadbalancer.availabilityFilteringRule.activeConnectionsLimit = 2147483647
Never mind guys it was a mistake from my side in resolving the API path
Offset is getting reset when single topic is consumed by two different consumer groups.
I am using Kafka version and Spring-Kafka version 2.2.4 Release.
I produce a message in topic "topic_X" which should be consumed by two different consumer groups "consumerA" and "consumerB" with single consumers each.
Lets say "consumerB" is down I have produced 100 messages on "topic_X" and "consumerA" is already running and consumed all of them. When I bring "consumberB" up again the offset is set to 100 instead of starting from 0.
I have tried by setting auto-offset-reset:earliest and still it is not working. Below are the logs I got from console.
When I start the "consumberB" I dont want to reset the offset how can do that?
2019-05-15 11:28:44.309 INFO 16152 --- [eted-Data-0-C-1] o.a.k.c.c.internals.AbstractCoordinator : [Consumer clientId=consumer-4, groupId=consumer_group] (Re-)joining group
2019-05-15 11:28:44.536 INFO 16152 --- [ment-Data-0-C-1] o.a.k.c.c.internals.AbstractCoordinator : [Consumer clientId=consumer-2, groupId=consumer_group] Successfully joined group with generation 25
2019-05-15 11:28:44.539 INFO 16152 --- [ment-Data-0-C-1] o.a.k.c.c.internals.ConsumerCoordinator : [Consumer clientId=consumer-2, groupId=consumer_group] Setting newly assigned partitions [topic_x-0]
2019-05-15 11:28:44.788 INFO 16152 --- [ment-Data-0-C-1] o.s.k.l.KafkaMessageListenerContainer : partitions assigned: [topic_x-0]
2019-05-15 11:28:45.906 INFO 16152 --- [ment-Data-0-C-1] o.a.k.c.consumer.internals.Fetcher : [Consumer clientId=consumer-2, groupId=consumer_group] Fetch offset 5411 is out of range for partition topic_x-0, resetting offset
2019-05-15 11:28:46.187 INFO 16152 --- [ment-Data-0-C-1] o.a.k.c.consumer.internals.Fetcher : [Consumer clientId=consumer-2, groupId=consumer_group] Resetting offset for partition topic_x-0 to offset 5651.
2019-05-15 11:28:47.864 INFO 16152 --- [ment-Data-0-C-1] o.a.k.c.c.internals.AbstractCoordinator : [Consumer clientId=consumer-2, groupId=consumer_group] Attempt to heartbeat failed since group is rebalancing
2019-05-15 11:28:48.142 INFO 16152 --- [ment-Data-0-C-1] o.a.k.c.c.internals.ConsumerCoordinator : [Consumer clientId=consumer-2, groupId=consumer_group] Revoking previously assigned partitions [topic_x-0]
2019-05-15 11:28:48.142 INFO 16152 --- [ment-Data-0-C-1] o.s.k.l.KafkaMessageListenerContainer : partitions revoked: [topic_x-0]
2019-05-15 11:28:48.142 INFO 16152 --- [ment-Data-0-C-1] o.a.k.c.c.internals.AbstractCoordinator : [Consumer clientId=consumer-2, groupId=consumer_group] (Re-)joining group
2019-05-15 11:28:48.976 INFO 16152 --- [eted-Data-0-C-1] o.a.k.c.c.internals.AbstractCoordinator : [Consumer clientId=consumer-4, groupId=consumer_group] Successfully joined group with generation 26
2019-05-15 11:28:48.976 INFO 16152 --- [ment-Data-0-C-1] o.a.k.c.c.internals.AbstractCoordinator : [Consumer clientId=consumer-2, groupId=consumer_group] Successfully joined group with generation 26
2019-05-15 11:28:48.976 INFO 16152 --- [ment-Data-0-C-1] o.a.k.c.c.internals.ConsumerCoordinator : [Consumer clientId=consumer-2, groupId=consumer_group] Setting newly assigned partitions [topic_x-0]
2019-05-15 11:28:48.976 INFO 16152 --- [eted-Data-0-C-1] o.a.k.c.c.internals.ConsumerCoordinator : [Consumer clientId=consumer-4, groupId=consumer_group] Setting newly assigned partitions [topic_y-0]
2019-05-15 11:28:49.246 INFO 16152 --- [ment-Data-0-C-1] o.s.k.l.KafkaMessageListenerContainer : partitions assigned: [topic_x-0]
Below is the code I am using to create consumer. Another consumer in group "consumerA" is already running in different application. When I start my application consumer in group "consumerB" the offset is getting reset.
#KafkaListener(id="client-1", topics= "topic_x", groupId = "consumerB")
public void completed(final byte[] bytes) throws IOException {
//Handler code