SpEL not able to extract attribute value from Scala object - spring

I have a simple Scala class called Case
case class Case(
#(Id#field) var id: String,
var state: CaseState = new OpenCaseState,
var notes: List[CaseNote] = new ArrayList(),
var assignedGroups:Set[String] = new HashSet(),
var aclTemplateIds: Set[String] = new HashSet()
) extends Serializable { }
I created an instance of this class called a_case, setting id as 123. I am trying to get the value of the id attribute. I tried this
var parser: ExpressionParser = new SpelExpressionParser
var context: EvaluationContext = new StandardEvaluationContext(a_case)
var extractedId = parser.parseExpression("'id'").getValue(context).asInstanceOf[String]
All I get is "id" in my extractedId variable. When I try to parse "id" without the single quotes, I get an exception saying the property id is not found in Case. Am I missing something here or is this a Scala issue?

SpEL can do that for you if your id has getter.
I'm not well with Scala, but:
You can annotate vals and vars with the #BeanProperty annotation. This generates getters/setters that look like POJO getter/setter definitions. If you want the isFoo variant, use the BooleanBeanProperty annotation. The ugly foo$_eq becomes


How can I create Hashmap<String,Int : String,String : String,String> in Kotlin for sorting

I know this character (:) is meaningless in my statement, but I wanted to explain what I want. I want to sort a lot of hashmaps adding Arraylist and using sortedBy but I cant because my values return strings.
Here is my code:
newReference.addValueEventListener(object : ValueEventListener{
override fun onDataChange(p0: DataSnapshot) {
for(ds in p0.child(playerIDmatchWhoIs).children){
var hashMap = ds.getValue() as HashMap<String, String>
var datetime = hashMap.get("datetime").toString()
var usermail = hashMap.get("usermail")
var usermessage = hashMap.get("usermessage")
chatMessages.add("${usermail}: ${usermessage}")
(I want to sort this hashMap, it has datetime value but is returning string.)
println(hashMap): I/System.out: {datetime=1574807563747, usermessage=jmjgmhg, usermail=1#gmail.com}
I assume that chatMessages is of type List<String>. This is generally bad because you cannot to anything with strings. I would suggest you to create a data class which contains all information about a chat message, like so:
data class ChatMessage(val dateTime: Int, val userMail: String?, val userMessage: String?) : Comparable<ChatMessage> {
override fun compareTo(other: ChatMessage) = this.dateTime.compareTo(other.dateTime)
As you can see, this class implements the Comparable<ChatMessage> interface. If you then define the chatMessages list like so
private val chatMessages = mutableListOf<ChatMessage>()
you can call chatMessages.sort() which will then sort the list according to dateTime (see the implementation of compareTo in ChatMessage). The final code would look like that:
data class ChatMessage(val dateTime:Int?, val userMail: String?, val userMessage: String?) : Comparable<ChatMessage> {
override fun compareTo(other: ChatMessage) = this.dateTime.compareTo(other.dateTime)
private val chatMessages = mutableListOf<ChatMessage>()
fun yourCode() {
newReference.addValueEventListener(object : ValueEventListener {
/* Use proper variable naming. Nobody will understand, what p0 is, but if you name
it dataSnapshot, everyone knows at a glance. */
override fun onDataChange(dataSnapshot: DataSnapshot) {
// Again, what is ds exactly? Name it properly.
for (ds in dataSnapshot.child(playerIDmatchWhoIs).children) {
// Kotlin recommends to use val instead of var.
// This way, you know that your variables cannot be modified unless you want them to be modified.
val hashMap = ds.getValue() as HashMap<String, String>
// use indexing instead of the get() method
val dateTime = hashMap["datetime"]
val userMail = hashMap["usermail"]
val userMessage = hashMap["usermessage"]
// TODO: Handle null values properly
chatMessages.add(ChatMessage(dateTime!!.toInt(), userMail, userMessage))
This assumes that you want to store your timestamp as an integer. However, I would rather recommend to use a time library like java.time (built into java). In that case, you can use java.time.Instant which has many more possibilities to handle time and all the difficulties to handle time.
Read more about java.time.Instant in the Android docs. If you want to learn how to parse a String to java.time.Instant, this might be interesting.

Swagger 2 UI How to show models that are not explicitly returned by RestController

I'm having following issue, on swagger under Models, i see just abstract Base class that is extended by 3 other classes. My current end point returns Base type of class, because i can have 3 different types returned on one end point.
So basically i have something like this
#ApiModel(description = "Base Details.")
abstract class BaseClass(
open var id: String? = null,
var prop1: String? = null,
var prop2: String? = null,
var prop3: String? = null,
var prop4: String? = null
#ApiModel(description = "Some Specific Details that contains all base properties.")
data class AnotherClass(
val prop4: String,
val prop5: String,
val prop6: Set<Amount>,
val prop7: Set<Amount>,
val prop8: String
) : BaseClass()
#ApiModel(description = "Some more Specific Details that contains all base properties.")
data class OneMoreClass(
val prop4: String,
val prop5: String
) : BaseClass()
And in RestController i have this
#ApiOperation(value = "End point description", notes = "Notes notes notes.")
fun getSomethingFromDatabase(): List<BaseClass> {
return someService.getData();
So issue that i have is on swagger UI, under Models section i see just BaseClass and no other classes at all...
I tried this, because somewhere i seen this example:
#ApiModel(description = "Base Details.", subTypes = {AnotherClass.class})
but this way i have "kotlin" issue, that is saying "name is missing", also i can not do AnotherClass::class...
You will have to add those in the config as below:
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
.additionalModels(typeResolver.resolve(AnotherClass.class), typeResolver.resolve(OneMoreClass.class))
subTypes is still not completely supported in Swagger 2, still has an open ticket
For your Kotlin config, this is how it should look like:
subTypes = [AnotherClass::class, OneMoreClass::class]
I have just added a sample Kotlin controller for you to refer in my github project. Look for AnimalController.kt & SwaggerConfig for required setup.

Castle Core Invocation create a cache key from intercepted method

I'm using a interface interceptor to cache all methods that starts with "Get" but i can't figure out how to generate a unique cache key for every unknown parameter it can be anything and using GetHashCode is not an option as i can't be 100% sure that they have overridden the GetHashCode.
some thoughts was someting in the line of How can I create a unique hashcode for a JObject?
where JSON is used for a JObject i was thinking on JSON serialize every parameter then get the hash code like explained in the link above:
var obj = JToken.Parse(jsonString);
var comparer = new JTokenEqualityComparer();
var hashCode = comparer.GetHashCode(obj);
However i think this will be a performence hit so how can this be solved ?
The code i have so far is this but it wont handle the complex type situation where .ToString won't generate the raw value type like int, string etc.
private string CreateCacheKey(IInvocation invocation)
string className = invocation.TargetType.FullName;
string methodName = invocation.Method.Name;
var builder = new StringBuilder(100);
for (int i = 0; i < invocation.Arguments.Length; i++)
var argument = invocation.Arguments[i];
var argumentValue = invocation.GetArgumentValue(i);
if (argument != argumentValue)
return string.Format("{0}-{1}", this.provider.CacheKey, builder);
I ended up using GetHashCode as it is the only viable solution if thay dont override the method it will not cache.

Returning object of type specified in method arguments instead of AnyRef

I have the following method:
class EntityCacheManager {
def get(cacheId: String, entityClass: Class[_]): AnyRef = { ... }
So to use it, i have to write this:
val cachedEntity = entityCacheManager.get(cacheId, classOf[SomeEntity]).asInstanceOf[SomeEntity]
Is there some way to make EntityCacheManager.get() returning instance of type entityClass which is specified in method params? I'd like to avoid casting asInstanceOf every time i use this method. I know it would be nice to use generic definition of type EntityCacheManager, but it's also a spring-managed bean, so i think using generics will cause troubles.
You can use a more idiomatic scala approach by using the ClassTag typeclass
class EntityCacheManager {
def get[T: ClassTag](cacheId: String): T = {
val entityClass = implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass
val myObject: T = ??? // you retrieve your object somehow using entityClass
you can now use it like this:
val myEntityClassInstance = get[MyEntityClass]("key")

Convert String into Class for TitleWindow

I don't know if this is possible, I am pulling the names for TitleWindows from my database as strings.
Then from my main application I have to launch the TitleWindow. So in my function I need to convert the name of the TitleWindow which is a String to a Class, because the PopUpManager accepts a Class. Below is my code.
When launching my application and trying to launch the TitleWindow I am getting the error:
Implicit coercion of a value of type String to an unrelated type Class.
I don't want to hard code the name of my popUp in the PopUpManager, that is why I am doing it like this. Any way to work around this?
public function getScreen(screenName:String):void
var screen_Name:Class = new Class();
screen_Name = screenName;
var popUpWindow:TitleWindow = PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, screen_Name, false) as TitleWindow;
I have had to do something very similar recently. Here is the function I wrote to do it:
//You have to provice the package signature
private var viewPackage:String = "org.bishop";
//In my case, event.type is the name of a class
var className: String = viewPackage + "." + event.type;
var classRef:Class = getDefinitionByName(className) as Class;
Note: for the class to be created correctly, you will need to include both an import statement:
import org.bishop.Login;
and also declare a variable of the class in the code as follows:
otherwise the classes will not be available to be created.
