How do I create a custom library in GNU? - gcc

How do I create a custom library in GNU? What I mean is:
When we use #include < stdio.h> and printf
we can compile it with gcc main.c
Now I create my custom headers and .a/.so library files, I know I can set the environment variable C_INCLUDE_PATH and include my header files with #include<> instead of #include"". However, I still have to compile it with
gcc main.c -o program -L/whatever/ -lwahtever
(with set environment variable if using .so)
Is it possible to make it behave like #include< stdio.h> where I don't need to include the paths with corresponding command line arguments?

You actually don't need -L/whatever/, just -lwhatever. The first option supplies the path to your library, but you have already taken care of that with the #include and modifying C_INCLUDE_PATH. The second option tells the linker which library to link your executable with. An example of this is when using functions from the C math library, you #include <math.h>, but to compile, you still need the linker option -lmath. So to answer your question, no. You can remove the first option, but you must leave the second.


Does "-Wl,-soname" work on MinGW or is there an equivalent?

I'm experimenting a bit with building DLLs on windows using MINGW.
A very good summary (in my opinion) can be found at:
There is even a basic project which can be used for the purpose of this discussion:
Note there is a cosmetic mistake in this project which will make it fail out of the box: the Makefile does not create an "obj" directory - Either adjust the Makefile or create it manually.
So here is the real question.
How to change the Windows DLL name so it differs from the actual DLL file name ??
Essentially I'm trying to achieve on Windows, the effect which is very well described here on Linux:
Initially I tried changing "InternalName" and ""OriginalFilename" in the resource file used to create the DLL but that does not work.
In a second step, I tried adding "-Wl,-soname,SoName.dll" on the command that performs the final link, to change the Windows DLL name.
However, that does not seem to have the expected effect (I'm using MingW 7.3.0, x86_64-posix-seh-rev0).
Two things makes me say that:
1/ The test executable still works (I would expect it to fail, because it tries to locate SoName.dll but can't find it).
2/ "pexports.exe AddLib.dll" produces the output below, where the library name hasn't changed:
LIBRARY "AddLib.dll"
bar DATA
foo DATA
Am I doing anything wrong ? Are my expectations wrong perhaps ?
Thanks for your help !
First of all, I would like to say it's important to use either a .def file for specifying the exported symbols or use __declspec(dllexport) / __declspec(dllimport), but never mix these two methods. There is also another method using the -Wl,--export-all-symbols linker flag, but I think that's ugly and should only be used when quick and dirty is what you want.
It is possible to tell MinGW to use a DLL filename that does not match the library name. In the link step use -o to specify the DLL and use -Wl,--out-implib, to specify the library file.
Let me illustrate by showing how to build chebyshev as a both static and shared library. Its sources consist of only only 2 files: chebyshev.h and chebyshev.c.
gcc -c -o chebyshev.o chebyshev.c -I. -O3
Create static library
ar cr libchebyshev.a chebyshev.o
Create a .def file (as it wasn't supplied and __declspec(dllexport) / __declspec(dllimport) wasn't used either). Note that this file doesn't contain a line with LIBRARY allowing the linker to specify the DLL filename later.
There are several ways to do this if the .def file wasn't supplied by the project:
3.1. Get the symbols from the .h file(s). This may be hard as sometimes you need to distinguish for example between type definitions (like typedef, enum, struct) and actual functions and variables that need to be exported;
echo "EXPORTS" > chebyshev.def
sed -n -e "s/^.* \**\(chebyshev_.*\) *(.*$/\1/p" chebyshev.h >> chebyshev.def
3.2. Use nm to list symbols in the library file and filter out the type of symbols you need.
echo "EXPORTS" > chebyshev.def
nm -f posix --defined-only -p libchebyshev.a | sed -n -e "s/^_*\([^ ]*\) T .*$/\1/p" >> chebyshev.def
Link the static library into the shared library.
gcc -shared -s -mwindows -def chebyshev.def -o chebyshev-0.dll -Wl,--out-implib,libchebyshev.dll.a libchebyshev.a
If you have a project that uses __declspec(dllexport) / __declspec(dllimport) things are a lot easier. And you can even have the link step generate a .def file using the -Wl,--output-def, linker flag like this:
gcc -shared -s -mwindows -o myproject.dll -Wl,--out-implib,myproject.dll.a -Wl,--output-def,myproject.def myproject.o
This answer is based on my experiences with C. For C++ you really should use __declspec(dllexport) / __declspec(dllimport).
I believe I have found one mechanism to achieve on Windows, the effect described for Linux in
This involves dll_tool
In the example Makefile there was originally this line:
gcc -o AddLib.dll obj/add.o obj/resource.o -shared -s -Wl,--subsystem,windows,--out-implib,libaddlib.a
I simply replaced it with the 2 lines below instead:
dlltool -e obj/exports.o --dllname soname.dll -l libAddLib.a obj/resource.o obj/add.o
gcc -o AddLib.dll obj/resource.o obj/add.o obj/exports.o -shared -s -Wl,--subsystem,windows
Really, the key seems to be the creation with dlltool of an exports file in conjunction with dllname. This exports file is linked with the object files that make up the body of the DLL and it handles the interface between the DLL and the outside world. Note that dlltool also creates the "import library" at the same time
Now I get the expected effect, and I can see that the "Internal DLL name" (not sure what the correct terminology is) has changed:
First evidence:
>> dlltool.exe -I libAddLib.a
Second evidence:
>> pexports.exe AddLib.dll
LIBRARY "soname.dll"
bar DATA
foo DATA
Third evidence:
>> AddTest.exe
Error: the code execution cannot proceed because soname.dll was not found.
Although the desired effect is achieved, this still seems to be some sort of workaround. My understanding (but I could well be wrong) is that the gcc option "-Wl,-soname" should achieve exactly the same thing. At least it does on Linux, but is this broken on Windows perhaps ??

make is not using -std=c++11 option for g++

I am trying to compile c++ files using make. But, it is not using -std=c++11 flag by default. Whenever I need to compile a program which uses c++11 specific features, I have to explicitly compile it using g++.
So, I want to ask how can I have make automatically use the option -std=c++11 for all my c++ files on my system.
If I need to change some global makefile for g++ , what is the location of the makefile on Linux Mint 18 and what needs to be changed or added?
Or do I need to create a Makefile for myself?
EDIT 1: I am invoking make like make myfile
And there are only .cpp files and their binaries in the directory. I don't have any Makefile in the directory.
EDIT 2: Here, myfile is the name of the c++ file which I want to compile.
When I run make with the -d option, I get the following output (I can not paste all of the output as it is quite long and is exceeding the body size limit so, I am including the screenshots of the output).
Image 1
And this image(2) has some lines from the end.
Image 2
I intentionally made a change in the file "MagicalWord.cpp" so that make finds something to make!
There is no "global makefile" and there is no way to change the default flags for all invocations of make (unless you edit the source code to GNU make and compile it yourself, which is a bad idea in this situation).
In your makefile(s), add the line:
CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11
Assuming you're using the built-in rules for compiling things, or that you're using the standard variables with your own rules, that will do what you need.
If that doesn't work we'll need to see your makefile or at least the rules you use to build your C++ source files (things like the -d output aren't useful here--that would be interesting if files weren't being built, that you thought should be or similar).
Setting a system-wide language for all your C++ projects isn't necessarily a good idea. Instead, define a Makefile that specifies any compiler options you'd like:
CXXFLAGS := -std=c++11 $(CXXFLAGS)
The CXXFLAGS are then passed to your compiler when compiling a C++ program (assuming you're using the default GNU Make rules).
If the Makefile lives in your current working directory, you can now run make target in order to compile a target.cpp file into a target executable.
If the Makefile is in another directory, you must specify the path to it:
make -f path/to/your/Makefile target
If you want to add extra parameters just for one run, you can set an environment variable or a make variable on the command line:
# environment:
CXXFLAGS='-std=c++11' make target
# make variable:
make target CXXFLAGS='-std=c++11'
Any of these will cause the execution of g++ -std=c++11 target.cpp -o target or equivalent.
In theory you can edit your shell profile to export CXXFLAGS='-std=c++11' which will make that environment variable available to all programs you run. In practice, setting compiler options through environment variables tends to cause more problems than it solves.
Of all these solutions, just writing a normal Makefile is by far the easiest approach. That way, all of the build configuration is in one place and completely automated.

What is the -DLINUX flag for gcc?

I have seen makefiles use the -DLINUX flag but can't find any documentation on it.
Is there a place to find information on tools like 'gcc' that are more up-to-date than
the officially released manuals?
It just defines the LINUX symbol for the C preprocessor.
Probably there are pieces of the code that look like:
#ifdef LINUX
//Linux-specific code
#elif defined WINDOWS
//Windows-specific code
It's the -D option controlling the preprocessor. It defines the LINUX macro, that you can then use with #ifdef.
According to man gcc:
-D name
Predefine name as a macro, with definition 1.
Hence, it let define a constant from the compilation command line.
It defines a preprocessor macro named LINUX. That's it. The macro itself, LINUX, is not a predefined one, it's probably used for a cross-platform codebase where specific sections of code are enabled for a Linux target. For this purpose, one could actually have re-used the predefined linux or __linux__ ones (see the output of gcc -dP -E - < /dev/null to get all the predefined macros on your system).
See for the standard documentation on gcc (that's obviously for GCC 4.8.2). To my knowledge, that's the best place to look for if this documentation is not already installed (or up-to-date) on your system.

Pre-processing C code with GCC

I have some C source files that need to be pre-processed so that I can use another application to add Code Coverage instrumentation code in my file.
To do so, I use GCC (I'm using this on a LEON2 processor so it's a bit modified but it's essentially GCC 3.4.4) with the following command line:
sparc-elf-gcc -DUNIT_TEST -I. ../Tested_Code/0_BSW/PKG_CMD/MEMORY.c -E > MEMORY.i
With a standard file this works perfectly, but this one the programmer used a #ifndef UNIT_TEST close and no matter what I do the code won't be pre-processed. I don't understand why since I'm passing -DUNIT_TEST to GCC explicitly defining it.
Does anyone have any clue what could cause this? I checked the resulting .i file and as expected my UNIT_TEST code is not present in it so I get an error when instrumenting it.
Anything wrapped in an #ifndef will only be parsed if it's NOT defined so you need to remove that definition to get all the code that is inside that block. GCC can't spit out preprocessed info for all the #ifdef and #ifndef if at preprocessing times symbols are/aren't defined.

How to force gcc to link like g++?

In this episode of "let's be stupid", we have the following problem: a C++ library has been wrapped with a layer of code that exports its functionality in a way that allows it to be called from C. This results in a separate library that must be linked (along with the original C++ library and some object files specific to the program) into a C program to produce the desired result.
The tricky part is that this is being done in the context of a rigid build system that was built in-house and consists of literally dozens of include makefiles. This system has a separate step for the linking of libraries and object files into the final executable but it insists on using gcc for this step instead of g++ because the program source files all have a .c extension, so the result is a profusion of undefined symbols. If the command line is manually pasted at a prompt and g++ is substituted for gcc, then everything works fine.
There is a well-known (to this build system) make variable that allows flags to be passed to the linking step, and it would be nice if there were some incantation that could be added to this variable that would force gcc to act like g++ (since both are just driver programs).
I have spent quality time with the gcc documentation searching for something that would do this but haven't found anything that looks right, does anybody have suggestions?
Considering such a terrible build system write a wrapper around gcc that exec's gcc or g++ dependent upon the arguments. Replace /usr/bin/gcc with this script, or modify your PATH to use this script in preference to the real binary.
if [ "$1" == "wibble wobble" ]
exec /usr/bin/gcc-4.5 $*
exec /usr/bin/g++-4.5 $*
The problem is that C linkage produces object files with C name mangling, and that C++ linkage produces object files with C++ name mangling.
Your best bet is to use
extern "C"
before declarations in your C++ builds, and no prefix on your C builds.
You can detect C++ using
#if __cplusplus
Many thanks to bmargulies for his comment on the original question. By comparing the output of running the link line with both gcc and g++ using the -v option and doing a bit of experimenting, I was able to determine that "-lstdc++" was the magic ingredient to add to my linking flags (in the appropriate order relative to other libraries) in order to avoid the problem of undefined symbols.
For those of you who wish to play "let's be stupid" at home, I should note that I have avoided any use of static initialization in the C++ code (as is generally wise), so I wasn't forced to compile the translation unit containing the main() function with g++ as indicated in item 32.1 of FAQ-Lite (
