How can I validate dsym file of xcode build? - xcode

I extract Dsym file from the xarchive of release version and uploaded on crittercism but not able to find the symbolic crash report from the tool.
I contact crittercism helpDesk and all I come to know that I need to upload dsym file with all symbols... so, how can I validate that the file which I'm uploading is valid or not?
File extract step : organizer > xarchive > release build > show package contents > dsyms > dsym.file

Apteligent also provides an automatic way using which, you'll never have to worry about tracking down your dSYMs again. This can be achieved by uploading the build_script file which is available inside the Apteligent iOS library (v4.0.1 and higher). All you need to do is specify the APP ID, API Key and the source path in order to configure your Xcode. Refer to the following article for complete description :
Once done, whenever you build your Xcode application, the dSYM files for your application (and any dependent modules to which you added the Run Script) will be uploaded to Apteligent and become available for crash symbolication.


unable to take IPA from xcode build step to App Center Distribute step, but Publish Artifact works

I have an xCode build task (version 5) that builds and signs without error. I can then use the publish artificats step to be able to manually download the file from the pipeline.
I need to publish this file to app center though, but even when using the $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\filename.ipa - it's unable to find the file.
I have tried running a bash script to find the file ls -R, but I haven't been able to locate where the file is placed that the xcode step is building.
Error from App Center:
[error]Error: Cannot find any file based on /Users/runner/runners/2.160.1/work/1/s/filename.ipa
Did you specifically copy or stored the ipa file in folder $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)? the pipeline task would not find the ipa file if it didnot exist in folder your specified.
You can check the archive path parameter for Xcode task. The ipa file is placed in the folder defined in archive path. You can specify a place to store the ipa file. For below example i place the ipa file in folder $(system.defaultworkingdirectory)/archive. Then in the following task I will refer to the ipa file by the path $(system.defaultworkingdirectory)/archive/*.ipa
If you leave the archive path to its default value. You can refer to the ipa file with wild-cards **\*.ipa which means the pipeline will search all the file with ipa extension within current working folder.
You can also check the xcode pipeline example here.

How to fix ERROR ITMS-90680 StickerPackExtension.appex is not contained in a correctly named directory. It should be under "PlugIns"

Using XCode 10.2.1
Submitting my first stickers app for iOS for testing.
When uploading archive to itunesconnect I'm now getting this error:
ERROR ITMS-90680: "Invalid directory. The bundle Payload/App Name StickerPackExtension.appex is not contained in a
correctly named directory. It should be under "PlugIns".
My project structure is now:
App Name
- Stickers.xcstickers
- Products
- App
- App Name StickerPackExtension.appex
I don't see any way to move .appex to a PlugIns folder (non existing) as the error suggests.
Additionally the project structure is the default structure I'm getting when creating "Sticker Pack App" in Xcode.
So I'm not sure why is the process complaining about the .appex being in a wrong directory and I have no idea how to fix this to proceed further.
Any help appreciated!
for me the problem was that extension was included in Copy Bundle Resources build phase. Make sure it's not there, it should be only under Dependencies and Embed App Extension build phases

Upload .app file to Hockey app using Jenkins

I have created a job in jenkins for Mac application. I am able to build the app successfully. The problem is I am unable to upload the .app file to Hockey app.
It was described in Hockey Jenkins plugin we need (MacOS).
I am unable to create file.
How to create such kind of file or is there any other way we can upload the .app to Hockeyapp?
As far as I'm aware, you shouldn't have a .app file — it should be a directory.
Xcode should be able to create both the directory and a file.
If you can't find a file in the build output, you should be able to create one yourself by zipping the .app directory.
e.g. From Jenkins, you could add an "Execute shell" build step that just does:
cd <app-output-dir>; zip -r9
Then from the HockeyApp plugin, you can choose **/* as the file to upload.

MBProgressHud Swift Compile Error when Archiving

I already finished my project, it works and runs perfectly on the simulator or in my own device. When I select to Archive the project to upload de build to Itunes Connect, I get all these compile errors
"Use of undeclared type MBProgressHUD"
"Use of unresolved identifier MPProgressHUD"
And so on..
NOTE: I'm using CocoaPods for this library
What solved it for me was adding import MBProgressHUD in the classes where I use this library, not only in the Bridge-Header.h
Navigate to your project build settings and find the “Swift Compiler – Code Generation” section (You may find it faster to type in “Swift Compiler” into the search box to narrow down the results)
Next to “Objective-C Bridging Header” you will need to add the name/path of your header file. If your file resides in your project’s root folder simply put the name of the header file there. Examples: “ProjectName/ProjectName-Bridging-Header.h” or simply “ProjectName-Bridging-Header.h”.
Refer this link
Welcome to Cocoapods Hell (a.k.a. : where the magic ends), where one must dive into his project build settings and make sense of what went wrong...
It's very hard to answer to you, as any number of reasons might be causing that.
Do you use the same target for Build / Run & Archive ? It might be because your libPods.a isn't copied into your Archive target
Have you installed Pods using pod install , have you tried playing that command again. (yes, faced with magic going wrong, one can sometimes rely on magic to save him again)
'Build' and 'Archive' product often differ in the build configuration they use (Build most of the time uses 'debug' configuration, while Archive uses 'release' configuration... ). Check your Pods configuration files (debug/release) and make sure they both include your MBProgressHud. Also, in your Project 'Info', check which pods Xcode configuration files are selected for 'debug' and 'release'
Good luck !
(PS : as MBProgressHud is a single file, and one you can often change, another solution is to get rid of Cocoapods and just copy/paste it)

xcode distributing application with 2 project

i have a problem to distributing application with 2 project (one project with sub-project include inside). When i try to make as usual "archive", i'm not able to send application.
Could someone help me?
I'm guessing the sub-project is a library? And when you do Build > Archive you get an .xcarchive file instead of a .ipa? If so, you need to set the Skip Install flag to No on your library (see this answer), then Build > Archive will generate a .ipa file.
The reason this is happening is because you have two projects.
For the sub-project you need to edit the Target > Build Settings and set the Skip Install setting to Yes.
Afterwards the "Archive" action will work as usual.
