Change API display order in Swagger (using Django REST Framework) - django-rest-framework

I'm using the django-rest-framework and django-rest-swagger to generate and display my API respectively. They're working beautifully. But...
I'd like to change the order that my models are being displayed in the Swagger schema view.
I have:
This order seems strange (not alphabetical, or based on any of my code I can find) but consistent (always the same) to me.
I would like (for example) the "phages" model to be first in the list.
How can I reorder these?

Django Rest Swagger will follow the order you insert the urls in your code.
For instance, something like:
# ...
url(r'^phages', include('phages.urls')),
url(r'^subclusters/', include('subclusters.urls')),
# ...
this will get phages at the top.


How to comunicate available filter options to the frontend using Django REST framework / django filter?

We are running DRF in combination with django filter to narrow down list view results.
As filters and filter options are increasing, we would like the frontend to display only the available (the select-able) filter choices.
Simple example: There are a lot of products but none is green. The frontend should be able to disable/hide the checkbox for green by asking the DRF
More complex example: There are a lot of products and all of the red ones are small. If the user selected the red filter (e.g. frontend calls /products/?color=red) there is no need to bother the user with filters for medium and large.
Currently, we are about to create a custom implementation based on DRF's options method: That is manually checking for available filter choices depending on the current query set and returning this info as the "actions":{ "GET": {...}} dict using e.g. custom metadata.
We could also augment the GET response similar to the pagination API which already adds count, next and previous to the answer.
However, this seems to be a rather common use case (e.g. in online shops) and thus I was wondering if there is a django-filter/DRF-onic way (a best practice) or even a library for that.

Custom child commands for UI elements

We're currently using Select2 for all our <select> elements and for obvious reasons cy.get("#element").select("foo") won't work. As per the docs we've created our own custom command cy.get("#element").select2("foo") which just wraps a number of steps to select "foo".
This works well when trying to select a value but we'd like to avoid adding custom commands for clear(), value(), etc.
We'd also like to avoid using the Select2 API because this would require someone to understand that API as opposed to just working in the Cypress API.
We'd like to create something a bit more flexible by instead having a Cypress friendly object. Something that would look like this:
cy.get("#select2").should("be.equal", "foo");
Is it possible to create a child-command that returns an object that can then override these built in commands?
We're unable to return our custom object from our custom command without first cy.wraping it which defeats the purpose.

ApiBlueprints parameter that yield result like Stripe's errors "attributes"?

I'm new to Stripe and I'd like generate a result that looks like the "Attributes" part of the Errors part :
It's looks like a table with two column, even though it's not a table.
I don't know how I can make this.
For information, I'm using Aglio to generate the template.
There is no easy way to do this in Markdown that I know of. You have two options:
Create your own layout template that manually adds this information, then tell aglio to use it.
Include some basic HTML in your API Blueprint. Here is an example. It just creates a definition list which describes the error attributes using the same CSS that already exists on the page to describe URI parameters.
You can use Markdown to create the tables of response types and codes, and if you want to use a three-column layout you can use the middle and right CSS classes.
Hope this helps!

How to pass route values to controllers in Laravel 4?

I am struggling to understand something that I am sure one of you will be able to easily explain. I am somewhat new to MVC so please bear with me.
I have created a controller that handles all of the work involved with connecting to the Twitter API and processing the returned JSON into HTML.
Route::get('/about', 'TwitterController#getTweets');
I then use:
return View::make('templates.about', array('twitter_html' => $twitter_html ))
Within my controller to pass the generated HTML to my view and everything works well.
My issue is that I have multiple pages that I use to display a different Twitter user's tweets on each page. What I would like to do is pass my controller an array of values (twitter handles) which it would then use in the API call. What I do not want to have to do is have a different Controller for each user group. If I set $twitter_user_ids within my Controller I can use that array to pull the tweets, but I want to set the array and pass it into the Controller somehow. I would think there would be something like
Route::get('/about', 'TwitterController#getTweets('twitter_id')');
But that last doesn't work.
I believe that my issue is related to variable scope somehow, but I could be way off.
Am I going down the wrong track here? How do I pass my Controllers different sets of data to produce different results?
EDIT - More Info
Markus suggested using Route Parameters, but I'm not sure that will work with what I am going for. Here is my specific use case.
I have an about page that will pull my tweets from Twitters API and display them on the page.
I also have a "Tweets" page that will pull the most recent tweets from several developers accounts and display them.
In both cases I have $twitter_user_ids = array() with different values in the array.
The controller that I have built takes that array of usernames and accesses the API and generates HTML which is passed to my view.
Because I am working with an array (the second of which is a large array), I don't think that Route Parameters will work.
Thanks again for the help. I couldn't do it without you all!
First of all, here's a quick tip:
Instead of
return View::make('templates.about', array('twitter_html' => $twitter_html ))
return View::make('templates.about', compact('twitter_html'))
This creates the $twitter_html automatically for you. Check it out in the PHP Manual.
Now to your problem:
You did the route part wrong. Try:
Route::get('/about/{twitter_id}', 'TwitterController#getTweets');
This passes the twitter_id param to your getTweets function.
Check out the Laravel Docs:

Ajax results filtering and URL parameters

I am building a results filtering page using AJAX requests. I would like to reflect the filters in the URL. For example: for price_from I want to add ?price_from=VAL to the URL.
I have a backend that is capable of rendering the page with URL parameters.
After some googling I would a Backbone.router solution which has a hash fallback for the IE that does not support HTML5 history API.
I have a problem with setting a good philosophy of routes. I have a set of filtering parameters (price_from, price_to, color, ...) and I would like to attach each parameter to one route.
Is that possible to chain the routes to match for example: ?price_from=0&price_to=1&color=red? (the item order can change)
It means: call all the routes at the same time and keep the ie backwards compatibility?
Your best bet would be to have a query portion of the URL rather than using GET parameters to denote the search criteria. For example:
Push state: /search/query/price_from=0&price_to=1&color=red
Hash based: #search/query/price_from=0&price_to=1&color=red
Your backend would of course need to change a bit to be able to parse the new URL structure.
