Dropping an index while DML operations in progress - oracle

I am working on a script to create an index online on one of the tables that is constantly being accessed by the application. I would like to know, if there is a way for me to drop the index online as well just in case if a back out is required.
I am using Oracle Database 11g
The reason why I am asking this is because if I try to delete the index without taking an exclusive lock it will give ORA-00054 - resource busy. The oracle doc says I can use online for 12c, is there a way to achieve this in 11g as well? DROP INDEX [ schema. ] index [ ONLINE ] [ FORCE ] ;
Any suggestions?

You should try ddl_lock_timeout (I guess the table won't be locked forever):
DDL_LOCK_TIMEOUT specifies a time limit for how long DDL statements
will wait in a DML lock queue
alter session set ddl_lock_timeout = 1000000;
drop index idxName;
Maybe you should consider changing it to INVISIBLE first:


Does creating index in Oracle locks the table for reads?

If we specify ONLINE in the CREATE INDEX statement, the table isn't locked during creation of the index. Without ONLINE keyword it isn't possible to perform DML operations on the table. But is the SELECT statement possible on the table meanwhile? After reading the description of CREATE INDEX statement it still isn't clear to me.
I ask about this, because I wonder if it is similar to PostgreSQL or SQL Server:
In PostgreSQL writes on the table are not possible, but one can still read the table - see the CREATE INDEX doc > CONCURRENTLY parameter.
In SQL Server writes on the table are not possible, and additionally if we create a clustered index reads are also not possible - see the CREATE INDEX doc > ONLINE parameter.
Creating an index does NOT block other users from reading the table. In general, almost no Oracle DDL commands will prevent users from reading tables.
There are some DDL statements that can cause problems for readers. For example, if you TRUNCATE a table, other users who are in the middle of reading that table may get the error ORA-08103: Object No Longer Exists. But that's a very destructive change that we would expect to cause problems. I recently found a specific type of foreign key constraint that blocked reading the table, but that was likely a rare bug. I've caused a lot of production problems while adding objects, but so far I've never seen adding an index prevent users from reading the table.

How to change table monitoring setting

I'm working on improving Oracle tables' performances.
The table that I have been working on created with 'monitoring' and 'logging' clause. These two, decreasing performance of query and I need to change monitoring to nomonitoring(without dropping tables).
This is working well:
alter table some_table nologging
But to alter monitoring to nomonitoring I use;
alter table some_table nomonitoring
query executes without any errors but there is no change in table structure.
I've been researching on internet for days and also as I saw here there is no such topic for my specific problem.
Thanks in advance.
The monitoring/nomonitoring options are deprecated and are no longer used in Oracle.
Quote from the Oracle 11.2 manual
Formerly, you enabled DBMS_STATS to automatically gather statistics for a table by specifying the MONITORING keyword in the CREATE (or ALTER) TABLE statement. Starting with Oracle Database 11g, the MONITORING and NOMONITORING keywords have been deprecated and statistics are collected automatically. If you do specify these keywords, they are ignored.
(Emphasis mine)

Is okay to create indexes on a table while insertion

Is it okay to create an index on a table while , lets say when are there some tasks which creates some new rows into the table at the same time?? Would there be any locking issues???
EX: FEEDBACK TABLE --> creating an index on (Name, feedbackrule) while there are any inserts happening simultaneously , is this BAD?? if so what.
I'm assuming, Oracle will just not use this index when the inserts are happening, later this will be used.
Normally, creating an index requires locking the table, so all the DML operations would block; and if there are active transactions on the table when you initiate the index creation, you'd likely get the error "ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired".
If the table is small, this may not be much of an issue - transactions would just be blocked for a few moments. But if it is very large it would be a bad idea to try creating an index while the table is in use.
However, if you using Enterprise Edition, you can add the ONLINE keyword to your CREATE INDEX statement, which will allow transactions to proceed against the table while the index is building. It may still cause slower performance.

Drop Empty Partition. Are indexes marked as invalid?

I want to drop a partition that is empty but I am aware about oracle setting all indexes to unusable whenever you perform a partition DDL statement like DROP, therefore, I should add UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES to the statement though it looks unnecessary.
Then I came up with this post where it says that it wont mark it as unusable so I decided to test it. The thing is that I tested it in two oracle versions and it worked different!
Having two instances:
DBa(Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production)
DBb(Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production)
In DBa it marked them as invalid and in DBb which contained the same data than the other db (cloned with exp/imp) it succeed to drop without marking them unusable.
Is it possible to explicitly tell Oracle that you want to keep the indexes usable because there is no data in the partition (without rebuilding the indexes) ?
So far I am not able to find out why it was marked as invalid in a placed but not in the other one but there is something to say in case someone have the same problem.
Run it always with UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES since if the partition is empty it will take no time to perform the drop and it ensures that the indexes will not be marked as invalid. Therefore, there is no reason to hope that oracle won't mark them
May be you can try below, this maintains index validity during the drop.
yes .. use LOCAL indexes while creating indexes over partitioned table

Oracle drop and create index

I would like to know if dropping Oracle index and recreating them will pose any data issues if assuming these are done during scheduled downtime.
Recently discovered that some indexes were parked on incorrect table space, would like to correct it by dropping the index and recreating it on the correct table space.
Please kindly advise.
I don't see a problem with that, but instead of drop/create you could also use the syntax below:
alter index <INDEX_NAME> rebuild tablespace <TABLESPACE_NAME>
To address what you asked in the comment below, the alter index rebuild should be faster. The reason for that is when you drop the index and create it again, index tree will be built from the table itself. But with alter index rebuild, Oracle reads the index itself, thus resulting in a smaller amount of I/O.
