I am create a runner game like Hilclimb, But i don't know how to generated coin in the surface of zigzag path.
This is my Path
it is generated in random. But how to get y position in path in run time, because when coin generated in random position then coin is some time below the and some time above the path.
So please help me how to get path y position in run time so generate coin in the surface.
Path generate code is this, and coin also.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class TerrainGenerator : MonoBehaviour {
public chunk previousChunk;
public chunk currentChunk;
public chunk nextChunk;
public ManagePower power;
public GameObject character;
public Resize resize;
public Coin coin;
private PickupResize rise;
private pickupPower pick;
private PickupCoin pCoin;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
float widthprefabs = previousChunk.WidthGroundPrefab;
previousChunk.RepositionChunk (new Vector3(-widthprefabs*chunk.CHUNK_SIZE,0,0));
currentChunk.RepositionChunk (Vector3.zero);
nextChunk.RepositionChunk (new Vector3(widthprefabs*chunk.CHUNK_SIZE,0,0));
power.RepositionPower (new Vector3(widthprefabs*chunk.CHUNK_SIZE,-0.1f,0));
resize.ResizeSquire (new Vector3(25f,-0.1f,0));
coin.ResetCoin (new Vector3(5f,-0.17f,0));
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
if (rise.rePick) {
resize.ResizeSquire(new Vector3 (rise.distancere, -0.1f, 0));
if (pick.poPick) {
power.RepositionPower (new Vector3 (pick.powerdist, -0.1f, 0));
if (pCoin.distancere < ObjectScript.distance) {
int random = Random.Range (1, 10);
pCoin.distancere += random;
pCoin.reCoin = true;
if (pCoin.reCoin) {
coin.ResetCoin (new Vector3 (pCoin.distancere, -0.1f, 0));
//print ("ddhdhdhdhhd"+ObjectScript.distance);
private bool playerReachedNextChunk(){
bool playerReachedNextChunk = false;
float distance = character.transform.position.x - nextChunk.transform.position.x;
//print ("Distance " +distance);
if (distance > 0) {
return playerReachedNextChunk;
private void reassineChunk(){
chunk refToprivesChunk = previousChunk;
previousChunk = currentChunk;
currentChunk = nextChunk;
nextChunk = refToprivesChunk;
float xPosition = nextChunk.transform.position.x+3 * nextChunk.WidthGroundPrefab * chunk.CHUNK_SIZE;
nextChunk.RepositionChunk (new Vector3(xPosition,0,0));
If you do not have access to exact points on your path, but you are using a collider, that approximates the path, then you can use a Physics.Raycast or Physics2D.Raycast to determine the y-coordinate of the path given x (and if you are in 3D space z).
Given x (assuming you are in 2D space) you could proceed as follows:
1. Choose a value for y that is guaranteed to be below/above your path
2. If you select a value for y that is above, then perform a Physics.Raycast starting from (x,y) in direction Vector2.down. You can also utilize layer masks to make sure, you only hit the collider of your path.
3. The y-component of the hit point is the value for y of the path you are looking for
I'm working on a game in LibGDX. Right now, I am working on drawing a line from a moving entity's body current position in the direction that it is moving. Maybe I didn't word that correctly, so here's my very artistic representation of what I'm talking about.
The problem that I'm having is that vertical lines are always much longer than diagonal lines, and diagonal lines are always much longer than horizontal lines. What I'm wanting is for the line being projected from the entity to always be the same length regardless of the direction.
Below is the code used for drawing lines from the center of an entity's body. As you can see, I am scaling the line (e.g., by 25.0f). Maybe there's a formula that I could use to dynamically change this scalar depending on the direction?
public class BodyMovementProjection implements Updatable {
public final Body body;
public final ShapeRenderer shapeRenderer;
public boolean debugProjection = false;
public float scalar = 25.0f;
private final Vector2 posThisFrame = new Vector2();
private final Vector2 posLastFrame = new Vector2();
private final Vector2 projection = new Vector2();
private float[] debugColorVals = new float[4];
public BodyMovementProjection(Body body) {
this.body = body;
this.shapeRenderer = body.entity.gameScreen.shapeRenderer;
} // BodyMovementProjection constructor
public void update() {
if (debugProjection) {
shapeRenderer.setColor(debugColorVals[0], debugColorVals[1], debugColorVals[2], debugColorVals[3]);
shapeRenderer.line(posLastFrame, projection);
} // if
} // update
public void setDebugColorVals(float r, float g, float b, float a) {
debugColorVals[0] = r;
debugColorVals[1] = g;
debugColorVals[2] = b;
debugColorVals[3] = a;
} // setDebugColorVals
} // BodyMovementProjection
Normalize before you scale.
By normalizing you are making the directional vector 1 unit in length, and by scaling it after by 25 you get a vector that is 25 units every time, regardless of how far apart thw current and previous positions are.
I'm new in Unity development. I have a ball with RigidBody 2D on it and i want it to rotate for 1 second. Does not matter the speed. The speed can be automatically.
I want just : at second 0 to be in initial position and at second 1 to be in final position. The rotation can be : 180, 360, 720.. etc degree.
I tried with angularVelocity but never stops. I tried with add torque but same. I don't know to handle it.
rb.angularVelocity = 180;
If you want to reach a precise rotation after a certain amount of time, it means your rotation speed will be computed automatically. To achieve something like this I'd recommend using a Coroutine :
public class TestScript : MonoBehaviour
public float targetAngle;
public float rotationDuration;
void Update()
//This is only to test the coroutine
StartCoroutine(RotateBall(targetAngle, rotationDuration));
private IEnumerator RotateBall(float a_TargetAngle, float a_Duration)
Vector3 startLocalEulerAngles = GetComponent<RectTransform>().localEulerAngles;
Vector3 deltaLocalEulerAngles = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, a_TargetAngle - startLocalEulerAngles.z);
float timer = 0.0f;
while(timer < a_Duration)
timer += Time.deltaTime;
GetComponent<RectTransform>().localEulerAngles = startLocalEulerAngles + deltaLocalEulerAngles * (timer / a_Duration);
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
GetComponent<RectTransform>().localEulerAngles = startLocalEulerAngles + deltaLocalEulerAngles;
Using Gluon Mobile 4 and Gluon Maps 1.0.1, I am displaying a map with a layer showing foot steps. When the users double clicks the mouse button, a new foot step is shown. This works great, but I currently need a workaround to convert from pointer coordinates (where the user clicked) to MapPoints (needed for the layer).
Here is how the mouse click is obtained:
public MainView(String name) {
MapView mapView = new MapView();
layer = new FootStepsLayer();
setOnMouseClicked(event -> {
if ((event.getButton() == MouseButton.PRIMARY)
&& (event.getClickCount() == 2)) {
double x = event.getX();
double y = event.getY();
layer.addPoint(x, y);
Currently my layer implementation looks like this:
public class FootStepsLayer extends MapLayer {
private static final Image FOOTSTEPS
= new Image(FootStepsLayer.class.getResourceAsStream("/footsteps.png"),
32, 32, true, true);
private final ObservableList<Pair<MapPoint, Node>> points
= FXCollections.observableArrayList();
public void addPoint(MapPoint mapPoint) {
Node node = new ImageView(FOOTSTEPS);
Pair<MapPoint, Node> pair = new Pair<>(mapPoint, node);
public void addPoint(double x, double y) {
Bounds bounds = baseMap.getParent().getLayoutBounds();
baseMap.moveX(x - bounds.getWidth() / 2);
baseMap.moveY(y - bounds.getHeight() / 2);
addPoint(new MapPoint(baseMap.centerLat().get(),
protected void layoutLayer() {
// Warning: suggested conversion to functional style crashed app on BlueStacks
for (Pair<MapPoint, Node> element : points) {
MapPoint mapPoint = element.getKey();
Node node = element.getValue();
Point2D point = baseMap.getMapPoint(mapPoint.getLatitude(), mapPoint.getLongitude());
My workaround is in public void addPoint(double x, double y): I am calling moveX() and moveY(), because after that I can query centerLat() and centerLong(). This is not ideal because the map moves and the new foot step becomes the center of the map. What I want is the map position to remain unchanged.
If I have not overlooked it, there seems to be no API for converting mouse coordinates to geo locations. As answered in question create a polyline in gluon mapLayer, the BaseMap class has two getMapPoint methods, but I have found none the other way round. But there must be a way to do it. ;-)
If you have a look at BaseMap, there is already one method that does precisely what you are looking for, but only for the center of the map: calculateCenterCoords.
Based on it, you could add your own method to BaseMap, where the sceneX and sceneY coordinates are taken into account instead:
public MapPoint getMapPosition(double sceneX, double sceneY) {
double x = sceneX - this.getTranslateX();
double y = sceneY - this.getTranslateY();
double z = zoom.get();
double latrad = Math.PI - (2 * Math.PI * y) / (Math.pow(2, z) * 256);
double mlat = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(Math.sinh(latrad)));
double mlon = x / (256 * Math.pow(2, z)) * 360 - 180;
return new MapPoint(mlat, mlon);
Then you can expose this method in MapView:
public MapPoint getMapPosition(double sceneX, double sceneY) {
return baseMap.getMapPosition(sceneX, sceneY);
So you can use it on your map:
mapView.setOnMouseClicked(e -> {
MapPoint mapPosition = mapView.getMapPosition(e.getSceneX(), e.getSceneY());
System.out.println("mapPosition: " + mapPosition.getLatitude()+ ", " + mapPosition.getLongitude());
This method should be part of Maps, so feel free to create a feature request or even a pull request.
I'm making an animation in which I need to keep track of explored/unexplored pixels on the screen.Initially the screen is black colored,then as the node(a circle) moves(over defined path) the explored pixels are set to white.For doing this task(color change) I'm using Canvas class of JavaFX as background and painting the path using an object of GraphicsContext class(see the createPathAnimation method),now I want to update the int 2D matrix as 0-unexplored,1-explored.
How can I use the changed() function inside createPathAnimation to update my matrix as that function is updating the pixel color to white and I need to update the same set of explored pixels to 1 in my matrix?
sample translation
I'm trying to use the inbuilt function because even if I know the initial and final pixel coordinates,its not easy to determine which all pixels will be set while the circle moves between them(for ex along one of the diagonals),since circle is a like a blob of tiny squares on a pixel level.
My motive is to find the number of white colored pixels after a diagonal translation.
public void start(Stage primaryStage)throws Exception{
Pane root=new Pane();
Path path1=createPath();
canvas=new Canvas(800,600);
primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(root,800,600,Color.BLACK));
Animation animation1=createPathAnimation(path1,Duration.seconds(10));
private Path createPath(){
Path path=new Path();
path.getElements().add(new MoveTo(400,300));
path.getElements().add(new LineTo(600,500));
return path;
public int a,b;
private Animation createPathAnimation(Path path,Duration duration){
GraphicsContext gc=canvas.getGraphicsContext2D();
Circle pen=new Circle(0,0,10);
PathTransition pathTransition=new PathTransition(duration,path,pen);
pathTransition.currentTimeProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Duration>(){
Location oldLocation = null;
* Draw a line from the old location to the new location
public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Duration> observable, Duration oldValue, Duration newValue) {
if( oldValue == Duration.ZERO)
// get current location
double x = pen.getTranslateX();
double y = pen.getTranslateY();
// initialize the location
if( oldLocation == null) {
oldLocation = new Location();
oldLocation.x = x;
oldLocation.y = y;
// draw line
gc.strokeLine(oldLocation.x, oldLocation.y, x, y);
// update old location with current one
oldLocation.x = x;
oldLocation.y = y;
return pathTransition;
public static class Location {
double x;
double y;
I have a GameObject that I want to animate along a specific path/curve, but the animation should be controlled by mouse/touch position. So when I touch/click on the GameObject and move the finger/mouse on/near the path (or maybe its easier to just move down) the GameObject should follow its defined path.
I like iTween, but I think it is not possible to find a solution using it here, right?
edit: added image:
It's quite a simpler task than what you might think.
Basically it's a question of remapping a function (that takes the input as parameter) to another function (that express a position along a path).
There are several ways of doing that, depending on the precise effect you want to implement.
The most important choices you have to take are:
How the describe the path/curve
How to handle input
For the path an easy and flexible way is to use some sort of spline curves, such as cubic Bézier curve. It's easy to implement and Unity3D provides built-in functions to draw them. Have a look at Handles.DrawBezier.
Basically a Bézier function takes as input a parameter t in the domain [0,1] and return as a result a point in the space (2D or 3D as you prefer). B(0) gives the point at the begin of the curve, B(1) the end point. (Side note: the function is not linear so in the general case incrementing at a constant rate t doesn't produce a movement at constant speed along the curve. This paper might be useful).
For what concern the input the simpler solution that comes up to my mind is the following:
Accumulate somewhere the vector describing the offset from the position when the touch started to the current touch position. (Here's how to handle touches, have a look at deltaPosition).
Something like:
if (Input.touchCount > 0 && Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Moved)
offsetFromStartPos += Input.GetTouch(0).deltaPosition;
Let's say you want to swipe up/down your finger for moving forward/back an object along a path.Choose a "travel" distance (the domain of the input function) for your finger in order to complete the movement along the curve and normalize the offset using such distance in order to remap the input into the [0,1] domain.
float t = offsetFromStartPos.y / maxDistanceAlongYAxis;
Vector3 pos = CalculateBezier(t);
transform.position = pos;
It's just an hint to put you in the right direction.
I tried with keyboard and its working fine,
but not with mouse or touch
using System;
using UnityEngine;
public class Collector : MonoBehaviour
public Transform startPoint;
public Transform middlePoint;
public Transform endPoint;
public float curveSpeed = 0.5f;
//public float speed = 0f;
private int _direction = 1;
private bool _isObjectSelected;
private Vector3 _mouseLastPosition;
private float _journeyLength;
private Vector3 _offsetPos;
private float _currentTime = 0;
private void Start()
_journeyLength = Vector3.Distance(startPoint.position,
private void OnMouseDown()
if (_isObjectSelected)
_offsetPos = Vector3.zero;
_mouseLastPosition = Input.mousePosition;
_isObjectSelected = true;
private void OnMouseUp()
_isObjectSelected = false;
private void OnMouseExit()
_isObjectSelected = false;
private void OnMouseDrag()
if (_isObjectSelected)
Debug.LogError("Mouse drag");
Vector3 currentPosition = Input.mousePosition;
_offsetPos += currentPosition - _mouseLastPosition;
float distCovered = _offsetPos.y / _journeyLength;
_mouseLastPosition = currentPosition;
private void UpdateJourney(float time)
if (time < 0)
time = 0;
else if (time > 1)
time = 1;
_currentTime = time;
transform.position =
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(
new Vector3(0, 0,
QuadraticCurve(0, 45, 90, _currentTime)));
private void Update()
// moving on path using keyboard input
float direction = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
if (Math.Abs(direction) > 0.1f)
_currentTime += Time.deltaTime * curveSpeed * direction;
private static Vector3 Lerp(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, float time)
return start + (end - start) * time;
private static Vector3 QuadraticCurve(Vector3 start, Vector3 middle, Vector3 end, float time)
Vector3 point0 = Lerp(start, middle, time);
Vector3 point1 = Lerp(middle, end, time);
return Lerp(point0, point1, time);
private static float QuadraticCurve(float start, float middle, float end, float time)
float point0 = Mathf.Lerp(start, middle, time);
float point1 = Mathf.Lerp(middle, end, time);
return Mathf.Lerp(point0, point1, time);