what does the ! mean in this expression: ${!mylist[#]} - shell

I'm trying to understand a shell script written by a previous group member. there is this for loop. I can understand it's looping through a list ${!mylist[#]} but I've only seen ${mylist[#]} before, not ${!mylist[#]}.
What does the exclamation mark do here?
for i in ${!mylist[#]};
echo ${mylist[i]}

${!mylist[#]} returns the keys (or indices) to an an array. This differs from ${mylist[#]} which returns the values in the array.
As an example, let's consider this array:
$ arr=(abc def ghi)
In order to get its keys (or indices in this case):
$ echo "${!arr[#]}"
0 1 2
In order to get its values:
$ echo "${arr[#]}"
abc def ghi
From man bash:
It is possible to obtain the keys (indices) of an array as well
as the values. ${!name[#]} and ${!name[*]} expand to the indices
assigned in array variable name. The treatment when in double quotes
is similar to the expansion of the special parameters # and * within
double quotes.
Example using associative arrays
To show that the same applies to associative arrays:
$ declare -A Arr=([a]=one [b]=two)
$ echo "${!Arr[#]}"
a b
$ echo "${Arr[#]}"
one two


Dynamically creating associative arrays in bash

I have a variable ($OUTPUT) that contains the following name / value pairs:
period_dt=2020-11-25 20:31:14.923158 UTC
mode=all Crucible modes
Each line ends with \n.
I want to loop through them, and parse them into an associative array, and the access the values in the array by the variable names:
while read line
echo $key=$value
done < <(echo "$OUTPUT")
#this always prints the last value
echo ${data['seconds_played']}
This seems to work, i.e. key/value print the right values, but when I try to pull any values from the array, it always returns the last value (in this case -1).
I feel like im missing something obvious, but have been banging my head against it for a couple of hours.
UPDATE: My particular issue is I'm running a version of bash (3.2.57 on OSX) that doesn't support associative arrays). I'll mark the correct answer below.
Without declare -A data, then data is a normal array. In normal arrays expressions in [here] first undergo expansions, then arithmetic expansion. Inside arithmetic expansion unset variables are expanded to 0. You are effectively only just setting data[0]=something, because data[$key] is data[seconds_played] -> variable seconds_played is not defined, so it expands to data[0]
Add declare -A data and it "should work". You could also just:
declare -A data
while IFS== read -r key value; do
done <<<"$OUTPUT"
Try declaring data as an associative array before populating it, eg:
$ typeset -A data # declare as an associative array
$ while read line
echo $key=$value
done <<< "${OUTPUT}"
$ typeset -p data
declare -A data=([mode]="all Crucible modes" [period_dt]="2020-11-25 20:31:14.923158 UTC" [deaths]="118" [best_single_game_kills]="-1" [efficiency]="2.8474576" [precision_kills]="76" [activities_entered]="18" [seconds_played]="8535" [total_lifespan]="8463.277" [average_lifespan]="71.72269" [character_id]="2305843009264966985" [kills]="233" [activities_won]="10" [average_kill_distance]="15.729613" [activities_lost]="8" [mode_id]="5" [assists]="103" [suicides]="1" [total_kill_distance]="3665" [platform]="Xbox" [kills_deaths_ratio]="1.9745762" [platform_id]="1" [kills_deaths_assists]="2.411017" [opponents_defeated]="336" [member_id]="4611686018429783292" )
$ echo "${data['seconds_played']}"

Creating and populating dynamically named arrays in bash

I am creating dynamic arrays which all have different letters in their name. For the purpose of this question, my initial array of letters has been set at a fixed length. However, in my final implementation this letter array will be any length.
For each letter, I construct a string
I declare a new array with that string, making use of eval to evaluate the variable's value within the declare command.
I add some values to the array, again using eval to evaluate any variable values.
Here is the code:
declare -a LETTER_ARRAY=( "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" )
for i in "${LETTER_ARRAY[#]}"
eval "declare -a ${name_string}_array"
eval "${name_string}_array[0]=$color0"
eval "${name_string}_array[1]=$color1"
So, how can I iterate through these dynamic arrays and echo what is in them? I have tried the following:
for i in "${LETTER_ARRAY[#]}"
eval "array_name='apple${i}_array'"
echo ${array_name[0]}
This has not worked for me. I can confirm that my dynamic arrays were successfully created and populated, as when I echo out a value manually, I get a result:
echo ${appleA_array[0]}
A perfect place to use a namereference:
letter_array=(A B C D E)
for i in "${letter_array[#]}"; do
declare -n var="apple${i}_array"
declare -p appleA_array
would output:
declare -a appleA_array=([0]="red" [1]="green")
how can I iterate through these dynamic arrays and echo what is in them?
With the above:
for i in "${letter_array[#]}"; do
declare -n var="apple${i}_array"
printf "%s\n" "${var[0]}"
Do not use eval. Eval is evil.
Do not use upper case variables, by convention they are used for exported variables, like COLUMNS, PWD, UID, EUID, LINES. Use lower case variables in your scripts.
Check your scripts with http://shellcheck.net for most common mistakes
But if you are creating a 2d array, then an associative array might be better:
declare -A apple_arrays
letter_array=(A B C D E)
for i in "${letter_array[#]}"; do
for i in "${letter_array[#]}"; do
printf "one=%s two=%s\n" "${apple_arrays[$i,0]}" "${apple_arrays[$i,1]}"
how can I iterate through these dynamic arrays
echo ${array_name[0]} does not work because array_name is not the name of an array; $array_name is. Therefore, eval "echo \"\${${array_name}[0]}\"" would to the trick.
However, I'd recommend namerefs.
By The way: declare works without eval and is more reliable that way.
#! /usr/bin/env bash
for i in "${letters[#]}"; do
declare -a "apple${i}_array=(red green)"
for i in "${letters[#]}"; do
declare -n array="apple${i}_array"
# now you can use `array` as if it was `appleA_array`, `appleB_array`, ...
echo "${array[0]}"
Your first line is not bash syntax. If I try the line
declare -a LETTER_ARRAY = [ "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" ]
I get:
bash: declare: `=': not a valid identifier
bash: declare: `[': not a valid identifier
bash: declare: `]': not a valid identifier
I think, you get similar error messages, but you ignored them
More errors:
Forgotten do
case mismatch: suffix on definition: _array, and for output: _ARRAY
Use always double quotes when using [#]
One correct syntax is:
declare -a LETTER_ARRAY=( "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" )
for i in "${LETTER_ARRAY[#]}"
eval "declare -a ${name_string}_array"
echo "${name_string}_array[0]=$color0"
eval "${name_string}_array[0]=$color0"
eval "${name_string}_array[1]=$color1"
echo ${appleA_array[0]}
Your eval "array_name='AZ${i}_ARRAY'" makes array_name a scalar, not an array. Arrays in bash are usually created like this
arr=( your elements go here )
If you want to assign one array to another, you have to interpolate the elements between those parenthesis, for instance:
arr=( ${other_array[#]} )
Since you are using bash, this would perform word splitting the elements of other_array, if they contain spaces. Hence you would usually write it for the safe side as
arr=( "${other_array[#]}" )
Hence, for your case, you could do a
eval "array_name=( \${AZ${i}_ARRAY[#]} )"
This causes an array array_name to be created, with the elements of the respective AZi_ARRAY.
I omitted here for simplicity the prevention against word splitting, because in your example, the array elements contain single words only.

return array from perl to bash

I'm trying to get back an array from perl to bash.
My perl scrip has an array and then I use return(#arr)
from my bash script I use
VAR = `perl....
when I echo VAR
I get the aray as 1 long string with all the array vars connected with no spaces.
In the shell (and in Perl), backticks (``) capture the output of a command. However, Perl's return is normally for returning variables from subroutines - it does not produce output, so you probably want print instead. Also, in bash, array variables are declared with parentheses. So this works for me:
$ ARRAY=(`perl -wMstrict -le 'my #array = qw/foo bar baz/; print "#array"'`); \
echo "<${ARRAY[*]}> 0=${ARRAY[0]} 1=${ARRAY[1]} 2=${ARRAY[2]}"
<foo bar baz> 0=foo 1=bar 2=baz
In Perl, interpolating an array into a string (like "#array") will join the array with the special variable $" in between elements; that variable defaults to a single space. If you simply print #array, then the array elements will be joined by the variable $,, which is undef by default, meaning no space between the elements. This probably explains the behavior you mentioned ("the array vars connected with no spaces").
Note that the above will not work the way you expect if the elements of the array contain whitespace, because bash will split them into separate array elements. If your array does contain whitespace, then please provide an MCVE with sample data so we can perhaps make an alternative suggestion of how to return that back to bash. For example:
( # subshell so IFS is only affected locally
ARRAY=(`perl -wMstrict -e 'my #array = ("foo","bar","quz baz"); print join "\n", #array'`)
echo "0=<${ARRAY[0]}> 1=<${ARRAY[1]}> 2=<${ARRAY[2]}>"
Outputs: 0=<foo> 1=<bar> 2=<quz baz>
Here is one way using Bash word splitting, it will split the string on white space into the new array array:
array_str=$(perl -E '#a = 1..5; say "#a"')
array=( $array_str )
for item in ${array[#]} ; do
echo ": $item"
: 1
: 2
: 3
: 4
: 5

Loop over two associative arrays in Bash

Say I have two associative arrays in Bash
declare -A a
declare -A b
I want to do something like this
for arr in ${a[#]} ${b[#]}; do echo ${arr[zx]}; done
and get 3 and 4 in output
but I get
$ for arr in ${a[#]} ${b[#]}; do echo ${arr[zx]}; done
Is there a way to do this in Bash?
You don't want to iterate over the contents; you want to iterate over the names of the arrays, then use indirect expansion to get the desired value of the fixed key from each array.
for arr in a b; do
t=$arr[zx] # first a[zx], then b[zx]
printf '%s\n' "${!t}"
Here, the variable "name" for use in indirect expansion is the name of the array along with the desired index.
Assuming the keys in both the arrays match(a major assumption), you can use one array as reference and loop over the keys and print in each array.
for key in "${!a[#]}"; do
printf "Array-1(%s) %s Array-2(%s) %s\n" "$key" "${a[$key]}" "$key" "${b[$key]}"
which produces an output as below. You can of-course remove the fancy debug words(Array-1, Array-2) which was added just for an understanding purpose.
Array-1(xz) 1 Array-2(xz) 2
Array-1(zx) 3 Array-2(zx) 4
One general good practice is always quote (for key in "${!a[#]}") your array expansions in bash, so that the elements are not subjected to word-splitting by the shell.

The semantics of arrays in bash

Check out the following transcript. With all possible rigor and formality, what is going on at each step?
$> ls -1 #This command prints 3 items. no explanation required.
$> X=$(ls -1) #Capture the output (as what? a string?)
$> Y=($(ls -1)) #Capture it again (as an array now?)
$> echo ${#X[#]} #Why is the length 1?
$> echo ${#Y[#]} #This works because Y is an array of the 3 items?
$> echo $X #Why are the linefeeds now spaces?
a b c
$> echo $Y #Why does the array echo as its first element
$> for x in $X;do echo $x; done #iterate over $X
$> for y in $Y;do echo $y; done #iterating over y doesn't work
$> echo ${X[2]} #I can loop over $X but not index into it?
$> echo ${Y[2]} #Why does this work if I can't loop over $Y?
I assume bash has well established semantics about how arrays and text variables (if that's even what they're called) work, but the user manual is not organized in an optimal fashion for someone who wants to reason about scripts based on whatever small set of underlying principles the language designer intended.
Let me preface the following with the very strong suggestion that you never use ls to populate an array. The correct code would be
Z=( * )
to create an array with each (non-hidden) file in the current directory as a distinct array element.
$> ls -1 #This command prints 3 items. no explanation required.
Correct. Each file name is printed on a separate line (although, beware of file names containing newlines; the parts before and after each newline would appear as separate file names.)
$> X=$(ls -1) #Capture the output (as what? a string?)
Yes. The output of ls is concatenated by the command substitution into a single string using a single space to separate each line. (The command substitution would be subject to word-splitting if it weren't the right-hand side of an assignment; word-splitting will come up below.)
$> Y=($(ls -1)) #Capture it again (as an array now?)
Same as with X, but now each of the words in the result of the command substitution is treated as a separate array element. As long as none of the output lines contain any characters in the value of IFS, each file name is one word and will be treated as a separate array element.
$> echo ${#X[#]} #Why is the length 1?
X, not being a real array, is treated as an array with a single element, namely the value of $X.
$> echo ${#Y[#]} #This works because Y is an array of the 3 items?
$> echo $X #Why are the linefeeds now spaces?
a b c
When $X is unquoted, the resulting expansion is subject to word-splitting. In this case, the newlines are simply treated the same as any other whitespace, separating the result into a sequence of words that are passed to echo as distinct arguments, which are then displayed separated by a single space each.
$> echo $Y #Why does the array echo as its first element
For a true array, $Y is equivalent to ${Y[0]}.
$> for x in $X;do echo $x; done #iterate over $X
This works, but has caveats.
$> for y in $Y;do echo $y; done #iterating over y doesn't work
See above; $Y only expands to the first element. You want for y in "${Y[#]}"; do to iterate over all the elements.
$> echo ${X[2]} #I can loop over $X but not index into it?
Correct. X is not an array, but $X expanded to a space-separated list which the for loop could iterate over.
$> echo ${Y[2]} #Why does this work if I can't loop over $Y?
Indexing and iteration are two completely different things in shell. You don't actually iterate over an array; you iterate over the resulting sequence of words of a properly expanded array.
