Where is the openerp-server.conf file located on a mac? - macos

I installed Odoo 9 community ver. locally on a Mac.
Had many errors while installing it, but finally its up & running. Now I can't find the configuration file to set the port as well as database information.
The openerp-server.conf file is located in /etc/odoo/ directory on linux. I couldn't find the directory where its saved on mac.

Usually that file is located under debian folder. If you wanna use that configuration file you should do something like
./odoo.py --addons-path=<ADDONSPATH> -c debian/openerp-server.conf
Or you can change the location of the configuration file


Configuring PHP for PostgreSQL and IIS

I have PHP v7.2.7 and PostgreSQL v10 with IIS.
I am trying to get this to work following any advice I have been able to find on the web, but with no success. My configuration so far is as below.
PHP.ini extension list includes both php_pdo_pgsql.dll and php_pgsql.dll.
Both these dlls are located in the correct extensions directory according to phpinfo.
According to phpinfo the Configuration File Path is "C:\Windows" and the Loaded Configuration File is "C:\Program Files\PHP\v7.2\php.ini". I have the same php.ini file at both locations.
I have copied the version of libpq.dll from the lib folder of the postgresql installation to the root folder of the PHP installation.
I have added the bin folder of the postgresql installation to the Windows system search path.
Phpinfo shows that pdo_pgsql extension is loaded but not pgsql.
Can anyone please shed any light on what more I need to do?

NuSMV not getting installed

I am not able to install NuSMV-2.6.0-win64 on windows 10 OS.I have downloaded this successfully,but am not able to install from 'bin'folder,which has been extracted.
You don't need to run an installer. You can just run the binary executable that is located in the bin folder. If you look in the bin folder there should be a file named nusmv-xxx-.exe and that file you can run.
BTW you can also use the NuSeen plugin in eclipse with NuSMV for convenient source formatting and syntax highlighting.
with the help of a friend I did the following:I downloaded the unzipped (NuSMV-2.6.0-win64)file on the desktop folder(SMV) and pasted the file to be verified to the 'bin' of the NuSMV file.Then,using 'cmd'command,the directory was changed to the required path applying the 'Chdir'command.In my case it is C:\users\dell\desktop\SMV\NuSMV-2.6.0-win64\bin>NuSMV filename'ENTER'.With this,the file could be verified in the batch mode and I was successful.

How do I install just the client tools for PostgreSQL on Windows?

I have a PostgreSQL database on a Linux system that I want to access from my Windows PC. But the only Windows binaries I have been able to find are the full installer, which includes the database server and client.
Is it possible to get a client-only Windows binary install for PostgreSQL from anywhere?
(To clarify, I want the standard PostgreSQL client, psql - not a GUI client or independent tool).
Unfortunately there is no real client "only" installer.
What you can do, is to download the ZIP archive of the complete Postgres binaries:
and then remove the "server" part from it.
When you unzip it, you get the following directories:
pgAdmin III
You can remove the doc, include, pgAdmin III, StackBuilder and symbols directories. As far as I can tell (but I am not sure) the client also doesn't need the share or lib directories, but you would need to test that. So that leaves only the bin directory.
I think the share directory could be needed for localized error messages in psql but I'm not sure about that.
Inside the bin directory you can essentially remove all .exe files (except psql.exe of course). You can also remove all wx*.dll files, they are only needed for pgAdmin. The libxml2.dll and libxslt.dll are also only needed for the server.
If you do want some of the other client tools, you might want to keep
One drawback of this approach is that this requires the Visual C++ Redistributable to be installed. But you can overcome that as well by simply putting the MSVCR120.DLL from some computer where it is installed into the bin directory.
So that leaves you with these files (from the bin directory) that are required for the psql client:
iconv.dll (libiconv-2.dll in newer Postgres versions)
Of course you can also take all that from an existing Postgres installation without the need to download the ZIP archive.
It is obviously not a real installer, but if you put the cleaned up directory into a ZIP file, you can distribute that and whoever needs it just unzips the archive. Personally I find unzip to be the best "installer" anyway (I also use that to install the Postgres server, the Windows installer just has too many quirks)
As of 2020, when you click download the full installer from here , click next and next and you get the option to install only the command line - tools
. Remember to add the path to the bin folder in the PATH variable.
Actually there are client CLI tools in pgAdmin. All you need is just to install it on your Windows machine from https://www.postgresql.org/download/windows/.
Then you'll be able to find those tools in folder like C:\Program Files (x86)\pgAdmin III\1.22 or C:\Program Files (x86)\pgAdmin 4\v2\runtime, depends on the pgAdmin version you have installed.
Thanks to everyone who has posted on this thread.
For what it's worth, I got psql.exe from PostgreSQL 10.10 working under Windows 10 with just the following files from the zip archive:
When connecting to AWS Redshift, I got the following error:
psql: FATAL: invalid value for parameter "client_encoding": "WIN1252"
I resolved this by running
I found this solution at https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?messageID=600088
I realize this is an older question, but when I used the Windows installer for the latest version of Postgres (10.4), it gave me the option to install just the command line tools. I just unchecked server and pgadmin in the installer's window when prompted to choose what I wanted to install.
Below are the steps I followed to connect to Amazon Redshift with postgres12 psql on windows:
download postgres 12.4 from below location:
run the installer which will take few minutes and prompt you for installations options
select command line tools as shown in below screenshot and install that
Above will install postgres12 command line in below folder C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin. Make sure to add this to your PATH environment variable
open cmd and run command
run psql to connect to redshift. Make sure to change below parameters highlighted in red for your cluster endpoint, userid, copy script file name and log script file name respectively
psql -h redshift-cluster-1.abcdefgh.us-east-1.redshift.amazonaws.com -U demo_user -d dev -p 5439 -f d:\demo\redshift_script.sql -L d:\demo\log_redshift_script.log
all commands in redshift_script.sql file would get executed in PSQL and logs will be stored in log_redshift_script.log file
There is a third-party command-line tool available known as PGCLI - A command-line interface for Postgres with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
pip install pgcli
Connect to POSTGRES Server from Command-line:
pgcli -h localhost -U xyz -d app_db
For official documentation, visit PGCLI
If there's pgadmin v4 installed then just copy these libraries (from C:\Program Files\pgAdmin 4\v4\runtime\):
These were enough for me to connect from a client Windows 10 x64 PC to a remote Postgres 13 server. Note, that libraries coming with the ZIP archive mentioned above are slightly different and have more dependencies.
I kind of cheat. I install sqlbackupandftp.com on a Windows server - which has a free version that can schedule a single database backup. In the binaries, pg_dump.exe is there - typically on the C: drive like C:\Program Files (x86)\SQLBackupAndFTP\dbms\PostgreSql
I built standalone versions for windows and linux.
It has less dll dependecies and smaller size and work with many linux.
You can also download "https://www.nuget.org/packages/Postgres.psql" nuget package to get "psql.exe"

Where is the configuration files for sublimeText 2.0.1 on Ubuntu 64 bit 12.04?

I'm trying to change my python version to be /usr/bin/python3 which I would make the change, according to default settings:
// Settings may also be placed in file type specific options files, for
// example, in Packages/Python/Python.sublime-settings for python files.
I simply cannot find the Packages/Python/ or Python.sublime-settings directory or file.
Trouble setting Python version in Sublime Text2
I verified a fresh download also lacks this folder structure. Where is the directory and/or file(s) for user defined settings for the Ubuntu 64 bit package?
Packages/Python/ directory should be located in
A tip to find where Packages directory is located: open the Default Settings, from menu Preferences/Settings-Default and look at the full path of the file:

how to solve Error 32 pipe when expand .tar in mac lion

I hadn't any problem before installing apache maven ,since I had a mistake in installing apache maven (I copy all file of this folder in my local folder)and I think something wrong happen in my local folder
inside of apache maven is :
bin folder
boot folder
conf folder
lib folder
after that I have error 32 pipe when I want to extract .tar file and also I can't update my software via software update in mac.
Is there anyone can help me?
Here is the exact error:
Unable to expand "filename.tar" into Downloads. "error 32 - Broken pipe"
I believe the problem is unrelated to Maven. In fact try deleting it and see.
