Apply effect to only one mesh in a three js scene - three.js

Is there a way to include two meshes in a scene, one with some effects applied to it and one without.
For example, I would like to replicate this colored lines example where one of the meshes has all shader the effects applied, while another has none of the shader effects applied (in this case the THREE.BloomPass effect).


ThreeJS - delineate between meshes

I am displaying a number of different models simultaneously in three.
Some models have the same texture, and it can make it hard to tell where one starts and another ends.
As an example, first image is from my three viewer, second image is from Blender:
It is not obvious in three where the two objects intersect.
I've so far attempted to alter lighting and material settings but have been without success on that front.
I also tried an outline post processing effect but due to what I think is a disorderly output from Sketchup (where the models were made) the outline effect is chaotic:
I am trying to find a good way to clearly delineate between models.
Raycaster from mouse position. De-emphasize the other models' opacity or something. Or if you're serious, you could try the clipping stencil. There's some really good examples for mesh BVH that demonstrates this.

I use three.js to make a Transparent earth,but get some strange result [duplicate]

I try to render both sides of a transparent object with three.js. Other objects located within the transparent object should show too. Sadly I get artifacts I don't know too handle. Here is a test page:
Here is an image of the said artifact. They seem to stem from the underlying sphere geometry.
Interestingly the artifacts are not visible for blending mode THREE.SubtractiveBlending = 2.
Any help appreciated!
Self-transparency is particularly difficult in WebGL and three.js. You just have to really understand the issues, and then adapt your code to achieve the effect you want.
You can achieve the look of a double-sided, transparent sphere in three.js, with a trick: You need to render two transparent spheres -- one with material.side = THREE.BackSide, and one with material.side = THREE.FrontSide.
Using such methods is generally required if you want self-transparency without artifacts -- especially if you allow the camera or object to move.
three.js r.143
Generally to do transparent objects you need to sort them front to back (I'm guessing three.js already does this). If your object is convex (like both of those are) then you can sometimes get by by rendering each object twice, once with gl.cullFace(gl.CCW) and again with gl.cullFace(gl.CW). So for example if the cube is inside the sphere you'd effectively do
drawSphere(); // draws the back of the sphere
drawCube(); // draws the back of the cube
drawCube(); // draws the front of the cube.
drawSphere(); // draws the front of the sphere.
I have no idea how to do that in three.js
This only handles objects that are convex and not intersecting (one object is contained entirely inside the other).
To render that scene correctly with alpha blending, the triangles would have to be rendered from back to front each frame. Your scene is particularly challenging since you have one object inside another, and rendering both sides, which would require rendering part of the sphere, then the cube, then the rest of the sphere. I doubt three.js (or any other scene graph library) can handle this case.
Additive or subtractive blending will work without sorting, but doesn't look as nice.
Make a clon of the original mesh and flip its normals; then make two identical "one sided" material for each with different name. Not the most classy approach but it worked just fine. I struggled with the same problem, this is what I did :P
The .json file looks like this:
{ "name":"ext", "texture":"f_03.jpg", "ambient":[255.0,255.0,255.0], "diffuse":[255.0,255.0,255.0], "specular":[255.0,255.0,255.0], "opacity":0.7 },
{ "name":"int", "texture":"f_03.jpg", "ambient":[255.0,255.0,255.0], "diffuse":[255.0,255.0,255.0], "specular":[255.0,255.0,255.0], "opacity":0.7 }
"material":"ext", ...
"material":"int", ...

Changing scale of mesh changes lighting brightness of scene?

I needed to refactor my custom mesh creation a bit
create mesh of unified sizes (SIZE,SIZE,SIZE), than scale them as needed (setting scale for each axis)
create mesh with correct size, do not scale later
meshes are custom generated (vertices, faces, normals, uvs), nothing of this process was altered, worked like a charm before
=> resulting meshes are the same size, position, etc.
The whole scene setup stays the same: lights, shadowing, materials, yet when using the second approach the whole lighting is very very bright and super reflective, is that a known issue?
material used is MeshPhongMaterial with map, bumMap, specMap, envMap
using three.js r68, no error/warning in console
Did you rescale the normals in the mesh?
The mesh format probably needs normalized normals, in which case, the new normals are now incorrect, but would've been correct, if you hadn't rescaled.
Alternately, you say the lights haven't been changed, maybe they need to be appropriately redirected in the scene. (Assuming you're applying different scaling factors in each axis.)

Using multiple primitives in WebGL at the same time

I am actually trying to develop a web application that would visualize a Finite Element mesh. In order to do so, I am using WebGl. Right now I have a page with all the code necessary to draw the mesh in the viewport using triangles as primitives (each quad element of the mesh was splitted into two triangles to draw it). The problem is that, when using triangles, all the piece is "continuous" and you cant see the separation between triangles. In fact, what I would like to achieve is to add lines between the nodes so that, around each quad element (formed by two triangles) we have these lines in black, and so the mesh can actually be shown.
So I was able to define the lines in my page, but since one shader just can have one type of primitive, if I add the code for the line buffers and bind them it just show the lines, not the element (as they were the last buffers binded).
So the closest solution I have found is using multiple shaders, and managing them with multiple programs, but this solution would just enable me whether to plot the geometry with trias or to draw just the lines, depending on which program is currently selected.
Could any of you help me about how to approach this issue? I have seen a windows application that shows FE meshes using OpenGL and it is able to mix the triangles with points and lines, apart from using different layers, illumination etc. So I am aware that this may be complicated, but I assume that if it is possible somehow with OpenGl it should be as well with webGL.
Please if you provide any solution I would appreciate a lot that it contains some code as an example, for instance drawing a single triangle but including three black lines at its borders and maybe three points at the vertices.
<your current code here>
Additional step - Unbind the previous textures, upload and bind one 1x1 black pixel as a texture. Let this texture object be borderID;
Draw loop()
Unbind the previous textures, bind your normal textures, and draw the mesh like your current setup. This will fill the entire area with different colours, without border (the current case)
Bind the borderID texture, and draw the same vertices again except this time, use context.LINE_STRIP instead of context.TRIANGLES. This will draw lines with the black texture, and will appear as border, on top of the previously drawn colors for each triangle. You can have something like below
context3dStore.bindTexture(context3dStore.TEXTURE_2D, meshTextureObj[bindId]); else context3dStore.bindTexture(context3dStore.TEXTURE_2D, borderTexture1pixObj[bindId]);
context3dStore.drawElements((currDrawMode == 0) ? context3dStore.TRIANGLES: context3dStore.LINE_LOOP, indicesCount[bindId], context3dStore.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0); , where currDrawMode toggles between drawing the border and drawing the meshfill.
Since the line texture appears as a border over the flat colors you had earlier, this should solve your need

artifacts when rendering both sides of a transparent object with three.js

I try to render both sides of a transparent object with three.js. Other objects located within the transparent object should show too. Sadly I get artifacts I don't know too handle. Here is a test page:
Here is an image of the said artifact. They seem to stem from the underlying sphere geometry.
Interestingly the artifacts are not visible for blending mode THREE.SubtractiveBlending = 2.
Any help appreciated!
Self-transparency is particularly difficult in WebGL and three.js. You just have to really understand the issues, and then adapt your code to achieve the effect you want.
You can achieve the look of a double-sided, transparent sphere in three.js, with a trick: You need to render two transparent spheres -- one with material.side = THREE.BackSide, and one with material.side = THREE.FrontSide.
Using such methods is generally required if you want self-transparency without artifacts -- especially if you allow the camera or object to move.
three.js r.143
Generally to do transparent objects you need to sort them front to back (I'm guessing three.js already does this). If your object is convex (like both of those are) then you can sometimes get by by rendering each object twice, once with gl.cullFace(gl.CCW) and again with gl.cullFace(gl.CW). So for example if the cube is inside the sphere you'd effectively do
drawSphere(); // draws the back of the sphere
drawCube(); // draws the back of the cube
drawCube(); // draws the front of the cube.
drawSphere(); // draws the front of the sphere.
I have no idea how to do that in three.js
This only handles objects that are convex and not intersecting (one object is contained entirely inside the other).
To render that scene correctly with alpha blending, the triangles would have to be rendered from back to front each frame. Your scene is particularly challenging since you have one object inside another, and rendering both sides, which would require rendering part of the sphere, then the cube, then the rest of the sphere. I doubt three.js (or any other scene graph library) can handle this case.
Additive or subtractive blending will work without sorting, but doesn't look as nice.
Make a clon of the original mesh and flip its normals; then make two identical "one sided" material for each with different name. Not the most classy approach but it worked just fine. I struggled with the same problem, this is what I did :P
The .json file looks like this:
{ "name":"ext", "texture":"f_03.jpg", "ambient":[255.0,255.0,255.0], "diffuse":[255.0,255.0,255.0], "specular":[255.0,255.0,255.0], "opacity":0.7 },
{ "name":"int", "texture":"f_03.jpg", "ambient":[255.0,255.0,255.0], "diffuse":[255.0,255.0,255.0], "specular":[255.0,255.0,255.0], "opacity":0.7 }
"material":"ext", ...
"material":"int", ...
