Artifacts after Radon Transform across image diagonals? - image

I am using the built-in radon function from the Image Processing Toolbox in MATLAB. Until today, I had been using some custom functions that gave me the results I expected. Particularly, I am developing a mathematical model that retrieves the projections of a Point Spread Function (PSF) in several directions (the baseline is 0/45/90/135 degrees).
I have prepared a really simple example that will show the problems I am experimenting:
I = zeros(1000,1000);
I(250:750, 250:750) = 1;
theta = [0 45 90 135];
[R,xp] = radon(I,theta);
If you run the example, you will see that the plot for 45/135° (diagonals) shows an artifact shaped as a saw-tooth along the curve. At first I thought it had to do with the sampling grid I am using (even number of points). However, when using a grid with an odd number of points, the problem remains there. I do not quite understand this result, since the radon transform is just a cumulative integral across several directions. Therefore, I should not get this "saw-tooth" pattern.
I am really confused about the result. Has anybody experimented the same problem?
Thanks in advance.

It is the aliasing artifact when you use a simple forward projector, which I believe is what implemented in the randon() function. To remove this artifact, you need to increase the number of samplings (randon() probably uses the same number of samplings of the phantom, you might want to increase that number to as least double the number of phantom samplings), or implement a better forward projector, such as driven-driven projector which is used in GE's CT image reconstruction software.


Finding the position of edge defects of a circular object with MATLAB

I have a problem finding defects at the edge of a circular object. It's hard to describe so I have a picture which may help a bit. I am trying to find the red marked areas, such as what is shown below:
I already tried matching with templates vision.TemplateMatcher(), but this only works well for the picture I made the template of.
I tried to match it with vision.CascadeObjectDetector() and I trained it with 150 images. I found only < 5% correct results with this.
I also tried matching with detectSURFFeatures() and then matchFeatures(), but this only works on quite similar defects (when the edges are not closed it fails).
Since the defects are close to the half of a circle, I tried to find it with imfindcircles(), but there I find so many possible results. When I take the one with the highest metric sometimes I get the right one but not even close to 30%.
Do any of you have an idea what I can try to find at least more than 50%?
If someone has an idea and wants to try something I added another picture.
Since I am new I can only add two pictures but if you need more I can provide more pictures.
Are you going to detect rough edges like that on smooth binary overlays as you provided before? For eg. are you making a program whose input consists of getting a black image with lots of circles with rough edges which its then supposed to detect? i.e. sudden rough discontinuities in a normally very smooth region.
If the above position is valid, then this may be solved via classical signal processing. My opinion, plot a graph of the intensity on a line between any two points outside and inside the circle. It should look like
.. continuous constant ... continuous constant .. continuous constant.. DISCONTINUOUS VARYING!! DISCONTINUOUS VARYING!! DISCONTINUOUS VARYING!! ... continuous constant .. continuous constant..
Write your own function to detect these discontinuities.
Gradient: The rate of change of certain quantities w.r.t a distance measure.
Use the very famous Sobel (gradient) filter.
Use the X axis version of the filter, See result, if gives you something detectable use it, do same for Y axis version of filter.
In case you're wondering, if you're using Matlab then you just need to get a readily available and highly mentioned 3x3 matrix (seen almost everywhere on the internet ) and plug it into the imfilter function, or use the in-built implementation (edge(image,'sobel')) (if you have the required toolbox).

Matching photographed image with screenshot (or generated image based on data model)

first of all, I have to say I'm new to the field of computervision and I'm currently facing a problem, I tried to solve with opencv (Java Wrapper) without success.
Basicly I have a picture of a part from a Model taken by a camera (different angles, resoultions, rotations...) and I need to find the position of that part in the model.
Example Picture:
Model Picture:
So one question is: Where should I start/which algorithm should I use?
My first try was to use KeyPoint Matching with SURF as Detector, Descriptor and BF as Matcher.
It worked for about 2 pcitures out of 10. I used the default parameters and tried other detectors, without any improvements. (Maybe it's a question of the right parameters. But how to find out the right parameteres combined with the right algorithm?...)
Two examples:
My second try was to use the color to differentiate the certain elements in the model and to compare the structure with the model itself (In addition to the picture of the model I also have and xml representation of the model..).
Right now I extraxted the color red out of the image, adjusted h,s,v values manually to get the best detection for about 4 pictures, which fails for other pictures.
Two examples:
I also tried to use edge detection (canny, gray, with histogramm Equalization) to detect geometric structures. For some results I could imagine, that it will work, but using the same canny parameters for other pictures "fails". Two examples:
As I said I'm not familiar with computervision and just tried out some algorithms. I'm facing the problem, that I don't know which combination of algorithms and techniques is the best and in addition to that which parameters should I use. Testing it manually seems to be impossible.
Thanks in advance
Your initial idea of using SURF features was actually very good, just try to understand how the parameters for this algorithm work and you should be able to register your images. A good starting point for your parameters would be varying only the Hessian treshold, and being fearles while doing so: your features are quite well defined, so try to use tresholds around 2000 and above (increasing in steps of 500-1000 till you get good results is totally ok).
Alternatively you can try to detect your ellipses and calculate an affine warp that normalizes them and run a cross-correlation to register them. This alternative does imply much more work, but is quite fascinating. Some ideas on that normalization using the covariance matrix and its choletsky decomposition here.

how to improve keypoints detection and matching

I have been working a self project in image processing and robotics where instead robot as usual detecting colors and picking out the object, it tries to detect the holes(resembling different polygons) on the board. For a better understanding of the setup here is an image:
As you can see I have to detect these holes, find out their shapes and then use the robot to fit the object into the holes. I am using a kinect depth camera to get the depth image. The pic is shown below:
I was lost in thought of how to detect the holes with the camera, initially using masking to remove the background portion and some of the foreground portion based on the depth measurement,but this did not work out as, at different orientations of the camera the holes would merge with the board... something like inranging (it fully becomes white). Then I came across adaptiveThreshold function
With noise removal using erode, dilate, and gaussian blur; which detected the holes in a better manner as shown in the picture below. Then I used the cvCanny edge detector to get the edges but so far it has not been good as shown in the picture below.After this I tried out various feature detectors from SIFT, SURF, ORB, GoodFeaturesToTrack and found out that ORB gave the best times and the features detected. After this I tried to get the relative camera pose of a query image by finding its keypoints and matching those keypoints for good matches to be given to the findHomography function. The results are as shown below as in the diagram:
In the end i want to get the relative camera pose between the two images and move the robot to that position using the rotational and translational vectors got from the solvePnP function.
So is there any other method by which I could improve the quality of the
holes detected for the keypoints detection and matching?
I had also tried contour detection and approxPolyDP but the approximated shapes are not really good:
I have tried tweaking the input parameters for the threshold and canny functions but
this is the best I can get
Also ,is my approach to get the camera pose correct?
UPDATE : No matter what I tried I could not get good repeatable features to map. Then I read online that a depth image is cheap in resolution and its only used for stuff like masking and getting the distances. So , it hit me that the features are not proper because of the low resolution image with its messy edges. So I thought of detecting features on a RGB image and using the depth image to get only the distances of those features. The quality of features I got were literally off the charts.It even detected the screws on the board!! Here are the keypoints detected using GoodFeaturesToTrack keypoint detection..
I met an another hurdle while getting the distancewith the distances of the points not coming out properly. I searched for possible causes and it occured to me after quite a while that there was a offset in the RGB and depth images because of the offset between the cameras.You can see this from the first two images. I then searched the net on how to compensate this offset but could not find a working solution.
If anyone one of you could help me in compensate the offset,it would be great!
UPDATE: I could not make good use of the goodFeaturesToTrack function. The function gives the corners in Point2f type .If you want to compute the descriptors we need the keypoints and converting Point2f to Keypoint with the code snippet below leads to the loss of scale and rotational invariance.
for( size_t i = 0; i < corners1.size(); i++ )
keypoints_1.push_back(KeyPoint(corners1[i], 1.f));
The hideous result from the feature matching is shown below .
I have to start on different feature matchings now.I'll post further updates. It would be really helpful if anyone could help in removing the offset problem.
Compensating the difference between image output and the world coordinates:
You should use good old camera calibration approach for calibrating the camera response and possibly generating a correction matrix for the camera output (in order to convert them into real scales).
It's not that complicated once you have printed out a checkerboard template and capture various shots. (For this application you don't need to worry about rotation invariance. Just calibrate the world view with the image array.)
You can find more information here:
Now since I can't seem to comment on the question, I'd like to ask if your specific application requires the machine to "find out" the shape of the hole on the fly. If there are finite amount of hole shapes, you may then model them mathematically and look for the pixels that support the predefined models on the B/W edge image.
Such as (x)^2+(y)^2-r^2=0 for a circle with radius r, whereas x and y are the pixel coordinates.
That being said, I believe more clarification is needed regarding the requirements of the application (shape detection).
If you're going to detect specific shapes such as the ones in your provided image, then you're better off using a classifer. Delve into Haar classifiers, or better still, look into Bag of Words.
Using BoW, you'll need to train a bunch of datasets, consisting of positive and negative samples. Positive samples will contain N unique samples of each shape you want to detect. It's better if N would be > 10, best if >100 and highly variant and unique, for good robust classifier training.
Negative samples would (obviously), contain stuff that do not represent your shapes in any way. It's just for checking the accuracy of the classifier.
Also, once you have your classifier trained, you could distribute your classifier data (say, suppose you use SVM).
Here are some links to get you started with Bag of Words:
Sample code:

Fast algorithm for detecting an object in an image

I'm working on a small program for optical mark recognition.
The processing of the scanned form consists of two steps:
1) Find the form in the scanned image, descew and crop borders.
2) With this "normalized" form, I can simply search the marks by using coordinates from the original document and so on.
For the first step, I'm currently using the Homography functions from OpenCV and a perspecive transform to map the points. I also tried the SurfDetector.
However, both algorithms are quite slow and do not really meet the speed requierements when scanning forms from a document scanner.
Can anyone point me to an alternative algorithm/solution for this specific problem?
Thanks in advance!
Try with ORB or FAST detector: they should be faster than SURF (documentation here).
If those don't match your speed requirement you should probably use a different approach. Do you need scale and rotation invariance? If not, you could try with the cross correlation.
Viola-Jones cascade classifier is pretty quick. It is used in OpenCV for Face detection, but you can train it for different purpose. Depending on the appearance of what you call your "form", you can use simpler algorithms such as cross correlation as said by Muffo.

Algorithm for following the path of ridges on a 3D image

I'm trying to find an algorithm (or algorithm ideas) for following a ridge on a 3D image, derived from a digital elevation model (DEM). I've managed to get very basic program working which just iterates across each row of the image marking a ridge line wherever it finds a large change in aspect (ie. from < 180 degrees to > 180 degrees).
However, the lines this produces aren't brilliant, there are often gaps and various strange artefacts. I'm hoping to try and extend this by using some sort of algorithm to follow the ridge lines, thus producing lines that are complete (that is, no gaps) and more accurate.
A number of people have mentioned snake algorithms to me, but they don't seem to be quite what I'm looking for. I've also done a lot of searching about path-finding algorithms, but again, they don't seem to be quite the right thing.
Does anyone have any suggestions for types or algorithms or specific algorithms I should look at?
Update: I've been asked to add some more detail on the exact area I'll be applying this to. It's working with gridded elevation data of sand dunes. I'm trying to extract the crests if these sand dunes, which look similar to the boundaries between drainage basins, but can be far more complex (for example, there can be multiple sand dunes very close to each other with gradually merging crests)
You can get a good estimate of the ridges using sign changes of the curvature. Note that the curvature will be near infinity at flat regions. Hence possible psuedo-code for a ridge detection algorithm could be:
for each face in the mesh
compute 1/curvature
if abs(1/curvature) != zeroTolerance
flag face as ridge
(zeroTolerance is a number near but not equal to zero e.g. 0.003 etc)
Also Meshlab provides a module for normal & curvature estimation on most formats. You can test the idea using it, before you code it up.
I don't know how what your data is like or how much automation you need. This won't work if if consists of peaks without clear ridges (but then you probably wouldn't be asking the question.)
startPoint = highest point in DEM (or on ridge)
curPoint = startPoint;
line += curPoint;
curPoint = highest point adjacent to curPoint not in line; // (Don't backtrack)
line += point;
Curious what the real solution turns out to be.
Edited to add: depending on the coarseness of your data set, 'point' can be a single point or a smoothed average of a local region of points.
You can treat the elevation as you would a grayscale color, then use a 2D edge recognition filter. There are lots of edge recognition methods available. The best would depend on your specific needs.
