Fore a file to only open in adobe acrobat - windows

I have a pdf that needs to only be opened using acrobat. This is easy enough on a configured computer. But is there a way to only allow this file to be opened using adobe regardless of what the default program is. I have a lot of computers in my firm and I have to configure app defaults for every user. If I could just force the file to require acrobat that would be awesome.

No, there is no way to indicate that a PDF should only be opened with a particular PDF viewing application. You would not even be able to rely on JavaScript in the PDF to put up a dialog to let the user know they should view the document in Adobe Acrobat because not all PDF viewers implement JavaScript.
The closest thing I can think of would be to use a rights management tool that only Adobe Acrobat works with, even this though is not guaranteed to stop users from trying to open a PDF with a viewer other than the one you want them to view it with.
PDF's goal/purpose is to provide a file format the allows the author to share content across platforms without noticeable differences. What you are looking to do is something PDF was not truly designed for.


Pasting an image directly from a client clipboard

We have a need to allow application users to paste images into WYSIWYG from. Our front-end runs in IE 11. In cases when the image in case is actually a screen capture we really do not want to force users to first save and then upload it. It should be pasted directly (at least in terms of user experience) from Windows clipboard.
I was thinking of creating our own Image plug-in for CKEditor, but not sure if what we want is actually doable.
For example, CanIUse warns that
Internet Explorer will display a security prompt for access to the OS
Not sure what other difficulties we might face due to JavaScript guarding end-user file systems and other resources.
Since CK Editor site refers to SO for support, I hope that someone here might be able to enlighten me.
CKEditor 4.5 supports that. Test their demo.

Extract image resources from Mac's builtin applications

Just an example, Apple's Mail, Notes and Messages use the same image for their "Edit" button. However, I cannot find that image in any of the resources folder in their app bundles. I guess the image might be in a system folder that is used by these applications. There are many "common used images" like this one that are not in Xcode's media library. Since they are already familiar to the users, it makes sense to use the same image set in my own app.
My question is, where can I find those images? A side question, is it legal to use them?

Two images different in chrome the same in IE

I have very werid problem with my image, i have two version of it, they both look the same in windows image viewer, and every image editor, but they look differnt in chrom, the same IE, and different in FireFox, how is this possible ?
just open them in separate tabs and compare color in background
What application was used to generate and/or manipulate the jpeg images?
I have had similar problem once before and it turned out to be something as simple as the color space the image was saved with. The image was saved with an ICC profile that applications interpreted differently.
A simple way to test this would be to open your jpegs in Photoshop, then go save as, and on the save as dialog uncheck the color profile box and try that out. If they are still different something else is going on but this will at least allow you to rule out the ICC color profile being the issue.
For the most part color profiles are something none of us ever usually have to worry about as there is a generic default profile. Some applications are profile aware and others are not which is why you will sometimes see images differently if saved with a profile that one application recognizes while another does not.
Thanks, I had similar problem with image in both browser then i saw above answer and The image was saved with an ICC profile that applications interpreted differently.
But after unchecked of checkbox also it was not working so i tried saving JPEG format with Export > Save for web and now it displays properly in both browsers.

How to handle downloads in mobile site

How does one handle image downloads in a mobi site - using jquery mobile and mvc 3 and have a requirement to allow a user to download wallpapers to their mobile.
Can you trigger a download or is best to simply simple the image to them and let them handle the saving?
Any input appreciated.
Typically, you can force the download of content on standard browsers by setting headers
"Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"LicenseAgreement.pdf\""
on the return. This SO shows how to return a PDF file but theoretically, you could do the same with an image.
How can I present a file for download from an MVC controller?
However, it is questionable if every browser that is supported by jquery mobile would even respect that and give any kind of a save prompt or just open the image in a new window. Give it a shot but test it on iOS, Android, WinPhone 7.5+, and (gagging) Blackberry 6+ and see what happens because they're probably going to all behave a little differently.
Were it me, I'd simply link directly to the image either on the current page or with a target="_blank" and let them save it however they usually save images.

What is the best option for creating an in-browser UI-editor?

I want to create an simple UI-editor that can be used within the browser. It basically should have a UI-control palette and a canvas to layout and modify the controls. The resulting user-created UI model should be stored in some kind of backend and comply to an (abstract) UI description language (e.g. XForms). The UI-model should be downloadable as file (e.g. XForms document). A visual in-browser XForms-designer is probably a good example of what I want to achieve. The UI-editor should be usable cross browser.
Please keep in mind that i mentioned XForms only as an example. I don't want to rely on the browsers capabilities wrt. my target model. The target model (e.g. XForms) should only be used as storage format. The cross browser rendering of the desgin-time UIs in the editor should be ensured by the toolkit/framework.
Possible canditates are probably:
Adobe Flex 3
Eclipse RAP
The UI-editor will not be used in production. My focus lies on a rapid development of the editor.
The extjs JavaScript library is good for implementing GUIs in JavaScript. It can also be used with Adobe AIR or Google Gears for creating offline applications, and works well with different browsers.
Here is an example of a GUI editor for extjs:
