Is SyntaxNet Compatible with Open NLP? - opennlp

I am new to OpenNLP and have used it to get some parsing sentences.
I saw in Google TensorFlow youtube videos that the Penn Treebank is old and sort of outdated.
They have made another parsing model named SyntaxNet available as Open Source.
My question is that is it possible to use SyntaxNet Models in Apache OpenNLP libraries.
SyntaxNet is a part of TensorFlow repo in git and is Python based.
I am a Java Developer.
Thanks in Advance.

OpenNLP would pick any tagging or syntactic/semantic model as long as you create the training data yourself. In this case, you would need to train POS tagger with their set of tags and also OpenNLP chunker and / or parser to implement SyntaxNet.
That said, my personal take on this is that SyntaxNet is a very opinionated piece and there is no reason to use it for instead of Penn Treebank. By doing so, you're locking yourself in a Google's solution.


Is gt mongodb sources code setup doc location

Is there any doc to setup the code for "geoserver-2.X-mongodb-plugin"?
Found the source code here but not in project structure,
Where we can find the git location for the same?
The mongodb store is part of the GeoTools project, here:
Generally speaking, anything that's not protocol specific, like feature and coverage stores, cascading support, rendering, referencing, style languages and so on, they are all found in GeoTools, while GeoServer has the protocols implementations and automation machinery (e.g., WMS, WFS, importer, output formats and the like).
The GeoServer docs can be found at

How to convert tensorflow-lite model to coreml .mlmodel

I am currently using google firebase integrated with my ios app. I am using MLKit in my app with a local TensorFlow lite model as an image classifier.
But having Xcode 9, I am unable to do this with my app as autoMLVision is new and requires xcode 10.1. Now I think the best thing to do is to convert the TensorFlow lite model, I trained in google firebase and downloaded, to a .mlmodel and use Core ML for image classification.
How would I go about doing this conversion. If you have an alternate way of solving this version problem, please share. Tell me if you need more information.
As far as I know, you cannot currently convert a TFLite model directly to Core ML. You can only convert frozen .pb models using tfcoreml.
One option might be to convert the TFLite model back to a frozen .pb model (not sure if there are conversion tools that let you do this).
Another option is to do the conversion by hand, using coremltools' NeuralNetworkBuilder. You will need to read the TFLite file, extract the weights, potentially transpose them into the order that Core ML expects, and then build the Core ML version of the model using NeuralNetworkBuilder.

Using POJO/MOJO/API with popular BI tools

Installing and using's Flow UI is great and all - but has anyone tried to use the built models in popular BI tools like Qlik/PowerBI?
I've read a little bit on POJO/MOJO outputs, do these tools support them?
I'm not sure about Qlik/etc but I've been following the announcements from one particular vendor called Yellowfin. Their latest release seems to integrate h2o capabilities into their reporting/visualizations:
Hope this helps.
POJO (Plain old java object) and MOJO (Model ObJect, Optimized) are H2O-generated models intended to be easily embeddable in any Java environment. As far as I know neither PowerBi nor Qlik do not support export in those models. But Apache Spark framework can generate POJOs for sure.

Natural Language Process using SharpNLP with a sample

I am really new to C# and want to do a NLP project using SharpNLP. I know Currently it provides the following NLP tools:
sentence splitter
part-of-speech tagger
name finder
coreference tool
interface to the WordNet lexical database
I tried several examples (i have those .nbin models) but failed to integrate the SharNLP tools to VS 2015. Can anyone give some guidance or samples to use this sharpNLP tool with VS.
I have successfully created a sample project for newbies. You can get the project from the following link. PS:Please change the nbin file path as your's computer file path. Hope this will help.
Click HERE for Sample Project or as below.

Is there a Ruby documentation tool that allows inclusion of diagrams and images?

I am a big fan of doxygen which I have used for years with various languages. In particular, I appreciate its wiki-like ability to include images and run the Graphviz dot generator to have arbitrary inline diagrams from inline DOT code or external files.
RDoc has diagramming support to generate class diagrams using Graphviz but I can't see any way to include arbitrary images or diagrams. Neither does it appear to support building up arbitrary pages like oxygen.
Is there any tool which provides these Doxygen-style features for Ruby?
I have skimmed the Ruby Toolbox list of tools and they all seem to be variants of RDoc.
The most likely solution for me at present seems to be extending Yard.
RDoc will automatically convert urls to html links and urls which point to image files are automatically converted to html images.
As I was told at a Perth Agile Meetup last week, graphviz integration is now available as a branch of yard.
