magento 2 expand layered navigation - magento

In Magento 2.0, the default has the layered navigation all collapsed except for the first filter, which is Prices for me. How do I expand all the filters so that each filter option is visible in all filter categories?
I see in the code there's aria-expanded="false" and in the HTML somewhere there is class="filter-options-content" with style="display: none;"
Anyone know where to edit this?

If you are using the Luma theme and want to do this make sure to create your own theme as a child of the Luma theme. You can find more information on that here (
Then, copy the file located at "vendor\magento\theme-frontend-luma\Magento_LayeredNavigation\templates\layer\view.phtml" into the appropriate area in your child theme.
You need to change the data-mage-init attribute and the "active" property to be in a format that specifies which filters to open by their index. I have 6 filters, so I want that property to read "0 1 2 3 4 5".
I made a couple of changes between lines 30-45 and it looks like this:
<?php $wrapOptions = false; ?>
$filters = $block->getFilters();
$active_filters_str = implode(' ', range(0, count($filters)-1));
<?php foreach ($filters as $filter): ?>
<?php if ($filter->getItemsCount()): ?>
<?php if (!$wrapOptions): ?>
<div class="filter-options" id="narrow-by-list" data-role="content" data-mage-init='{"accordion":{"openedState": "active", "collapsible": true, "active": "<?php echo $active_filters_str ?>", "multipleCollapsible": true}}'>
<?php $wrapOptions = true; endif; ?>
<div data-role="collapsible" class="filter-options-item">
<div data-role="title" class="filter-options-title"><?php /* #escapeNotVerified */ echo __($filter->getName()) ?></div>
<div data-role="content" class="filter-options-content"><?php /* #escapeNotVerified */ echo $block->getChildBlock('renderer')->render($filter); ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
First, make sure to get all of the filters in a variable with "$filters = $block->getFilters();". Then, create a string for the active property listing them out by index using the "$active_filters_str = implode(' ', range(0, count($filters)-1));" Then echo this next to the active property in the mage-init attribute.
Hope this helps :)
And change the 'data-mage-init' attribute as follow:
<?php foreach ($block->getFilters() as $filter): ?>
<?php if ($filter->getItemsCount()): ?>
<?php if (!$wrapOptions): ?>
<?php $collapsibleRange = implode(' ', range(0, $filter->getItemsCount())); ?>
<strong role="heading" aria-level="2" class="block-subtitle filter-subtitle"><?php /* #escapeNotVerified */ echo __('Shopping Options') ?></strong>
<div class="filter-options" id="narrow-by-list" data-role="content" data-mage-init='{"accordion":{"openedState": "active", "collapsible": true, "active": "<?php echo $collapsibleRange ?>", "multipleCollapsible": true}}'>
<?php $wrapOptions = true; endif; ?>
<div data-role="collapsible" class="filter-options-item">
<div data-role="title" class="filter-options-title"><?php /* #escapeNotVerified */ echo __($filter->getName()) ?></div>
<div data-role="content" class="filter-options-content"><?php /* #escapeNotVerified */ echo $block->getChildBlock('renderer')->render($filter); ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>


Get all product images in Magento 2 on product list page

In Magento 1 I've always used
But in the source from Magento 2 I see
$productImage = $block->getImage($_product, $image);
echo $productImage->toHtml();
It's only getting the first product image.
How do I get the second or third image (not only the base one)?
GetMediaGallery function doesn't exists?
Step 1 : open list.phtml from Your Theme\Magento_Catalog\templates\product
$objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
$_imagehelper = $this->helper('Magento\Catalog\Helper\Image');
Add above in your phtml file
then add below code in product loop where you want gallery images
<div class="left-carousel">
<div class="product-small-thumbs">
<?php $product = $objectManager->create('Magento\Catalog\Model\Product')->load($_product->getId());
$images = $product->getMediaGalleryImages();
<div class="carousel carousel-<?php $_product->getId()?>">
$i = 0;
foreach($images as $child){
$productImage = $_imagehelper->init($product, 'product_page_image_large')
$productImagedata = $_imagehelper->init($product, 'product_page_image_large')
if($i==1) continue;
<div class="slide">
<img data-id="smallthumbs-<?php echo $_product->getId();?>" data-img="<?php echo $productImagedata; ?>" src="<?php echo $productImage; ?>"/>

How to display category description only on the first page in Magento

I'm trying to display category description only on the first page. The following code is not working - any idea how to fix it?
<div class="category-description std">
if (strlen($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) = 0 || $_GET['p'] = '1')
echo $_helper->categoryAttribute($_category, $_description, 'description');
Please try this one :
<?php if($_description=$this->getCurrentCategory()->getDescription()): ?>
<?php $currentPage = (int) Mage::App()->getRequest()->getParam('p');
if($currentPage <= 1):
<div class="category-description std">
<?php echo $_helper->categoryAttribute($_category, $_description, 'description') ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>'
You can use the products list toolbar to know if you're on the first page :
if ($this->isContentMode()
|| $this->getChild('product_list')->getToolbarBlock()->isFirstPage()) {
// Display description (assuming that content mode is always first page)

Displaying posts from specific categories with the AheadWorks blog extension for Magento

I'm using the AheadWorks blog extension for Magento, and my blog pages are working fine. But I want excerpts of my latest posts from certain categories to appear on my home page. I've successfully setup everything thus far by adding:
<block type="blog/blog" name="blog.latest" template="aw_blog/blog-home.phtml" />
to "layout.xml", by adding:
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('blog.latest') ?>
to my home page's phtml file, and by creating "template/aw_blog/blog-home.phtml".
The problem is that I can't figure out how to limit what categories are shown. For example, you'll see in my "blog-home.phtml" file below that I'm trying to limit the posts to the "news" category. I've tried lots of solutions from other forums, but no matter what I do, I see posts from every category. Does anyone know what I need to add/take away from my code to limit the categories?
<?php $posts = $this->getPosts("news"); ?>
<div id="messages_product_view">
<?php Mage::app()->getLayout()->getMessagesBlock()->setMessages(Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getMessages(true)); ?>
<?php echo Mage::app()->getLayout()->getMessagesBlock()->getGroupedHtml(); ?>
<?php $numberOfPosts = 1 ?>
<?php $renderedPosts = 0 ?>
<?php foreach ($posts as $post): ?>
<div class="postWrapper">
<div class="postTitle">
<h2><a href="<?php echo $post->getAddress(); ?>" ><?php echo $post->getTitle(); ?></a></h2>
<div class="postContent"><?php echo $post->getPostContent(); ?></div>
<?php echo $this->getBookmarkHtml($post) ?>
<div class="tags"><?php echo $this->getTagsHtml($post) ?></div>
<div class="postDetails">
<?php if ($this->getCommentsEnabled()): ?>
<?php echo $post->getCommentCount(); ?> <a href="<?php echo $post->getAddress(); ?>#commentBox" >Comments</a> |
<?php endif; ?>
<?php $postCats = $post->getCats(); ?>
<?php echo "<h1>" . $postCats[2] . "</h1>"; ?>
<?php if (!empty($postCats)): ?>
<?php echo Mage::helper('blog')->__('Posted in'); ?>
<?php foreach ($postCats as $data): ?>
<?php echo $data['title']; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?php endif; ?></div>
<?php $renderedPosts ++ ?>
<?php if ($renderedPosts = $numberOfPosts) {
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php //$this->getPages(); ?>
Following is the quick solution:
Go to aw_blog frontend template, default might be this app/design/frontend/base/default/template/aw_blog/menu.phtml
check and replace:
if ($posts = $this->getRecent():
$currentBlogCat = Mage::getSingleton('blog/cat');
if ($posts = $this->getRecent($currentBlogCat['cat_id'])):
Now open up /app/code/community/AW/Blog/Block/Menu/Sidebar.php
check for the below function:
public function getRecent()
add a parameters to it:
public function getRecent($currentCat=false)
Also, replace the following code block
$collection = clone self::$_collection;
if (array_key_exists('categories',$data = $this->getData();) && count(explode(',', $data['categories'])) == 1) {
$collection = clone self::$_collection;
$data = $this->getData();
# Category fix #
if (array_key_exists('categories',$data ) && count(explode(',', $data['categories'])) == 1) {

Display pricing and add to cart button in related products Virtuemart 2.0

I would like to display the related product pricing and have add to cart button along with each of the related products.
Below is the code snippet from the related products page. The $field does not have any pricing available. How can I show the pricing and "add to cart" button? Thanks in advance
foreach ($this->product->customfieldsRelatedProducts as $field) {
?><div class="product-field product-field-type-<?php echo $field->field_type ?>">
<span class="product-field-display"><?php echo $field->display ?></span>
<span class="product-field-desc"><?php echo jText::_($field->custom_field_desc) ?></span>
<?php } ?>
I have found solution here and it works for me:
no need to edit core files
It requires copying the "default_relatedproducts.php", "default_showprices.php" and "default_addtocart.php" to your "template/html/com_virtuemart/productdetails" folder. Then replace all of the code in the "default_relatedproducts.php" with the following code:
// Check to ensure this file is included in Joomla!
defined ( '_JEXEC' ) or die ( 'Restricted access' );
$model = new VirtueMartModelProduct();
$calculator = calculationHelper::getInstance();
$currency = CurrencyDisplay::getInstance();
<div class="product-related-products">
<h4><?php echo JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_RELATED_PRODUCTS'); ?></h4>
foreach ($this->product->customfieldsRelatedProducts as $field) {
<div class="product-field">
$product = $model->getProductSingle($field->custom_value,true);
<h2><?php echo JHTML::link ($product->link, $product->product_name); ?></h2>
<a title="<?php echo $product->product_name ?>" rel="vm-additional-images" href="<?php echo $product->link; ?>">
echo $this->product->images[0]->displayMediaThumb('class="browseProductImage"', false);
<div class="short_desc"><?php echo $product->product_s_desc; ?></div>
<?php include 'default_showprices.php'; ?>
<?php include 'default_addtocart.php'; ?>
<?php } ?>
Had a same problem. But I had to show only the price.
So the fastest way is to change sql select statement in customfields.php
Path in Joomla 2.5 for Virtuemart 2.0 administrator/components/com_virtuemart/models/customfields.php
line 548 of
public function getProductCustomsFieldRelatedProducts($product)
change only
'SELECT C.`virtuemart_custom_id` , `custom_parent_id` , `admin_only` , `custom_title` , `custom_tip` , C.`custom_value`
AS value, `custom_field_desc` , `field_type` , `is_list` , `is_hidden` , C.`published` , field.`virtuemart_customfield_id` ,
field.`custom_value`, field.`custom_param`, price.`product_price`, field.`ordering`
FROM `#__virtuemart_customs` AS C
LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_product_customfields` AS field ON C.`virtuemart_custom_id` = field.`virtuemart_custom_id`
LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_product_prices` AS price ON
field.`custom_value` = price.`virtuemart_product_id`
Where field.`virtuemart_product_id` ='.(int)$product->virtuemart_product_id.' and `field_type` = "R"';
After all on line 559 change
And finally...
In template view of product description insert the code below to show the prices of related products
<?php echo $field->product_price ?>
The only problem with the below solution is that it doesn't display the correct images for the related products. It's using the main products image and just repeating it.

what's those line meaning in magento?

<?php foreach ($this->getChildGroup('detailed_info', 'getChildHtml') as $alias => $html):?>
<div class="box-collateral <?php echo "box-{$alias}"?>">
<?php if ($title = $this->getChildData($alias, 'title')):?>
<h2><span><?php echo $this->escapeHtml($title); ?></span></h2>
<?php endif;?>
<?php echo $html; ?>
<?php endforeach;?>
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('product_additional_data') ?>
what's those line meaning in magento?
foreach over each child (that is grouped by name detailed_info with method getchildhtml) and output the data from those blocks
get the html of product_additional_data block
This is the snippet of code from the catalog/product/view.phtml that displays Description, Custom Options, and other detailed product information in the front end view.
