Change Xcode Project's build path without breaking modules search path - xcode

I need to change the build path of my project to be folder in my project (without changing the global Xcode preferences), and I used this configuration I found in Stackoverflow:
//Intermediate build files go here
// Build-related files for the active build configuration go here
// The final product executables and other build products go here
But now the build is failing because he cannot find the frameworks...

You can try this way, work for me:
1. Go to File -> Project settings (or Workspace Setting)
2. Click the Advanced button
3. Click "Custom" and select "Relative to Workspace" in the pull down
4. Done

If your test target is failing to build, then you need to add the same build rules to your test target.


Command line option to change Xcode DerivedData location

I know the way to change the location of DerivedData using Xcode (Preferences->Locations->DerivedData..).
However the Mac that I am trying to build on is in a remote location with only ssh access. I want to build a specific project where I want to keep the DerivedData location relative to the project.
Whenever I build the project using xcodebuild, the files end up generating under /Users/builduser/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData however I want them under '$PROJECT/target/DerivedData'
What is the command line equivalent to changing the DerivedData location setting as can be done via XCode?
The Xcode UI's DerivedData setting is passed to xcodebuild via the -derivedDataPath argument. From man xcodebuild:
-derivedDataPath path
Overrides the folder that should be used for derived data when performing a build action on a scheme in a workspace.
While it isn't clear what your goal is with changing the DerivedData path, you should be aware that there are some additional settings you can adjust in your app's build configuration to affect where the final build gets deployed. One of the phases of the build is the install phase which can move the final artifact(s) elsewhere. Settings that control these behaviors can be found under the 'Deployment' build settings group. See DSTROOT, INSTALL_PATH, and DEPLOYMENT_LOCATION for additional options that may be helpful for reorganizing where your products get deployed.
You probably should set this on a project basis, but if you need to change the Xcode default without going to the UI:
There's a plist file under ~/Library/Preferences/
You can see and the change content via PlistBuddy:
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c print ~/Library/Preferences/
and you can see the field:
IDECustomDerivedDataLocation = DerivedData
If it's not set, you can just add it using PlistBuddy:
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add IDECustomDerivedDataLocation string DerivedData" ~/Library/Preferences/

How can I conditionally include a file based on build configuration in Xcode?

I have an Xcode project with a large number of targets where I would like to include a settings bundle for apps built under the Ad-hoc and Debug configurations, but not under the Release configuration.
Build Phases don't seem to allow for making themselves conditional on configuration (they can obviously be conditional on target, but doubling the number of targets in the project would make it completely unusable).
That leaves writing a custom Build Rule. My plan is to exclude the Settings.bundle from all targets, and create a build rule that conditionally copies it into the product package, but applicable examples are really hard to find.
The build rule I've started has the Process setting set to "Source files with names matching:" and Settings.bundle as the name. The Using setting is "Custom script:".
My custom script is as follows (with the caveat that my bash scripting is on a cargo cult level):
if [${CONFIGURATION} = 'Debug'] then
Finally, I have ${DERIVED_FILES_DIR}/Settings.bundle listed as an output file.
Since I'm here, it should be obvious that it's not working. My first question is whether there is somewhere I can view the output of the build rules as the execute to make sure that 1) it's actually being executed and that 2) I don't have a stupid syntax error somewhere.
Also, what's the proper location (in the form of an environment variable) to copy the output to?
I finally figured it out.
For each target for which you want to conditionally include the settings bundle, choose its Project from the source list, choose the target, and switch to the "Build Phases" tab.
Click the "Add Build Phase" button and choose "Add Run Script".
Then enter the following for the script:
if [ "${CONFIGURATION}" == "Debug" ]; then
cp -r "${PROJECT_DIR}/Settings.bundle" "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${PRODUCT_NAME}.app"
I know this question has been answered already, and the answer was very helpful to me, but I wanted to throw my own modified solution out there as well.
My requirement was to have different settings bundles for different build configurations, rather than just not including it at release. Assuming a simplistic approach of only Debug and Release configurations, here's how to do it:
Start by adding 2 settings bundles to the project, named Settings-debug.bundle and Settings-release.bundle and then remove these files from the Copy Bundle Resources build phase. Next add a user defined build setting called SETTINGS_BUNDLE, which has different values for each configuration:
Debug ${PROJECT_DIR}/relative/path/to/Settings-debug.bundle
Release ${PROJECT_DIR}/relative/path/to/Settings-release.bundle
Next add a run-script build phase (after Copy Bundle Resources) named Copy Settings Bundle with a modified version of the script in Frank's solution.
cp -r "${SETTINGS_BUNDLE}/" "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${PRODUCT_NAME}.app/Settings.bundle"
The difference here is that the copied bundle is always named Settings.bundle regardless of the source name.
You then need to add another build phase script to prevent code signing errors when the only changes are in the settings bundles. It forces the code signing step to occur on every build. This should run before the Compile Source Files build phase. I called mine Force Codesign.
touch "${PROJECT_DIR}/relative/path/to/main.m"
For complied sources, there is a poorly documented user defined build setting that can be added. Files can be both excluded and included from compilation
Go to your target's Build Settings > Tap the + button > Add User-Defined Setting
The value is a space separated list of file paths
See reference:
(Tested with Xcode 9.3)
I can't find when Xcode included this feature but EXCLUDED_SOURCE_FILE_NAMES is now directly available in Build Settings > Build Options > Excluded Source File Names.
So you no longer need to create a User-Defined Setting.
See below:
It will automatically add this line in your .pbxproj.
Settings.bundle is always copied into destination area no matter whether Release or Debug configuration. So, maybe you need the following code:
if [ ${CONFIGURATION} == "Release" ]; then
rm -rf ${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${PRODUCT_NAME}.app/Settings.bundle
I am no shell script expert but I think you need space between the square brackets and the condition. Also, quoting the variables may help:
if [ "${CONFIGURATION}" = "Debug" ] then
As for the location, I use "$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR"/"$FULL_PRODUCT_NAME" for the root of my OS X app bundle.

Setting the Build Directory of an Xcode Project

So far, no matter what I try, Xcode dumps my project's products in a subfolder of the project directory. I've tried each setting under Build Locations, but it doesn't seem to work. If I try Users/MyName/svn/trunk, it'll end up in the project folder .../MyProject/Users/MyName....
What am I doing incorrectly?
Try going to:
Project -> Edit Project Settings -> General -> Place Build Products In: Custom Location.
Would adding a preceding / before your build path fix it? (eg: /Users/... instead of Users/... ?

How do I use a relative path in Xcode project settings?

How do I use a relative path in Xcode project settings?
All paths in Build Settings are assumed relative to the directory that contains the .xcodeproj file. Use the standard Unix path tokens
. project directory
.. parent directory
So if your project file is trunk/Mac/proj.xcodeproj, and your headers are in trunk/Headers/foo.h, you would add ../Headers to your Header Search Paths.
Also there are two paths: $SRCROOT and $SDKROOT.
In the upper left corner next to the build/stop buttons, click on the name of your project and Edit Scheme...
In the left column, click on Run
Click on Options
Put a check next to Working Directory: Use custom working directory.
You can then change the relative path to anywhere you want.
EDIT: This is for Xcode 4.1
For Xcode 5:
Click on Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme.
Then follow ulu5's instructions: Click "Run", Click on "Options", and check the box "Use custom working directory."
The various answers currently here which recommend setting the working directory when executing a project by editing the scheme and then choosing whatever directory you want are missing what seems like a key part of the question: Relative Path. If you just use the file navigator in the UI you'll get an absolute path, likely with your own home directory in it, which isn't so good if the project you're working on is shared with other people.
To specify a working directory relative to the project folder in there, find the "Working Directory" field in the scheme (In XCode 10.1, that's Product | Scheme | Edit Scheme, then Options, then check "Use Custom Working Directory"), and use $PROJECT_DIR to get the path relative to the project.
Using Xcode 9:
It may be intended for Xcode to always use relative file paths based on the directory that contains the xcodeproj, but sometimes this does not seem to be true, and in my case this may have been due to the fact that the project (directory and all) was copied from an earlier version. I had to do:
Target(top left)->Edit Scheme->Use Custom Working Directory
and then specify to use the directory containing my project file.

How to compile a project with app and library in the same workspace with different configuration names?

I am developing an app and I am using an open source component.
I have a workspace containing both MyApp.xcodeproj and Component.xcodeproj. My app has three configurations: Debug, App Store and In House but the component has only two: Debug and Release
In the Debug configuration, everything works fine, but I can't compile my app in App Store or In House configuration because the configuration names do not match. I get a file not found error when trying to #import <Component/Component.h>
I need both App Store and In House configurations and I would really like to avoid modifying the component's configurations in order to ease future updates of the component.
I know I could use CocoaPods to solve this issue but I would like to know if there is a simple solution in Xcode
You can get your project to compile with some tweaks to your app’s settings.
I suggest you to modify all settings at the project level so that all your targets can inherit these settings.
Add a new DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION user-defined setting and define your configuration mapping. This is how it should look like:
This step is quite tedious, it can be automated with the xcproj tool and by running this script in your project directory. Edit your configurations mapping as needed.
CONFIGURATIONS=( "App Store:Release" "In House:Release" "Debug:Debug" )
xcproj --configuration "${CONFIGURATION%%:*}" write-build-setting DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION "${CONFIGURATION#*:}"
xcproj write-build-setting 'FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS[sdk=macosx*]' '$(BUILD_DIR)/$(DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION)'
xcproj write-build-setting 'HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS' '$(FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS)/include'
xcproj write-build-setting 'LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS' '$(FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS)'
If the component is distributed as a static library, you are done here. If the component comes as a framework you have to update its path reference by editing your project.pbxproj file in a text editor. In the PBXFileReference section (under /* Begin PBXFileReference section */) find Component.framework and update its path like this:
name = Component.framework; path = "../$(DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION)/Component.framework"; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
Also make sure that the sourceTree is set to BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR, i.e. relative to built products. Once you edited the project file, this should look like:
Your project should now build as expected.
I had this same problem, but I had multiple configurations (Debug, TestFlight, Release, Enterprise) in my app, and the bolded configurations would always fail to build cause it couldn't find the frameworks. I really didn't want to mess with the project settings of my sub projects in order to make updating them easy.
The answer I found was to just update the framework search path to account for the fact that the frameworks would be dropped in Release (or whatever the default configuration is set to) of the sub projects.
Specifically I set it to:
I set it to be recursive too. This works both for Simulator and Device, building in Xcode and command line.
I solved it in the following way,
In my dependency project,
Project -> Target -> Build Phases, added new Run Script
mkdir -p ${TARGET_DIR}
rm -rf ${TARGET_FILE}
After the every build, I copy the build to my Build directory inside the project.
And from the main project,
Project -> Target -> General, I drag and dropped the dependency Framework (which is inside dependency project's Build folder)
Project -> Target -> Build Settings -> Framework Search Paths, under my custom Build Configuration, I added the following
The folder is relative to my main project, and this should be relative to your project.
Then in my all the schemes, I added a Pre-actions script for Build with
rm -Rf "${PROJECT_DIR}/../DependencyProject/Build"
Also you need to select the app against Provide build settings from drop down.
