Generating html with CFSaveContent, images don't display - image

I'm trying to use cfsavecontent to send an html page (with CSS formatting). However, when I send the variable via cfmail, everything arrives fine, except the images.
<cfsavecontent variable="YourImg">
<table class="table_css">
<p> your image is this:</p>
<img src="/imgs/image.jpg">
<cfmail from="" to="" subject="test email" type="html">
<br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />
This shows me the HTML table, formatted with the CSS, but the image looks like it is missing. Can anybody explain why?

<cfsavecontent> only saves the generated markup in between the tag into a string. You can <cfdump var="#YourImg#"> and see for yourself.
<cfdocument> can capture the image, but into a pdf file. Doc #
To attach files to the email, please look into <cfmailparam> #
Example 2: This view-only example displays an image in the body of an
HTML message.
<cfmail type="HTML"
to = "#form.mailto#"
from = "#form.mailFrom#"
subject = "Sample inline image">
<cfmailparam file="C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\web.gif"
<p>There should be an image here</p>
<img src="cid:image1">
<p>After the picture</p>


React-Quill does not preserve HTML response and dictates its own tags - Messes up the layout

EDIT: We replaced Quill with TinyMCE and solved all our issues. We can successfully insert HTML response (as is) into tinyMCE's state as well as modify it!
We're experiencing a styling issue. We're building a mail templating
application and the user can create/modify their templates. We also provide preexisting templates for our users.
The issue we're experiencing is the following.
1- We send the user a mail template. The initial/original response sent to the user is the following HTML
<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">
<body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" leftmargin=\"0\" topmargin=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" style=\"font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif\">
<table width=\"670\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">
<td bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">
<table bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" width=\"575\" align=\"center\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">
<!-- Header -->
<td bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">
<table width=\"575\" align=\"center\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"border-bottom: 1px solid #F3F3F3;\">
<td style=\"height: 94px;text-align: center;\">
<a href=\"\">
<img width=\"120\" height=\"30\" style=\" display: initial;padding-top: 20px;\" src=\"\" alt=\"finrota-logo\" />
<!-- /Header -->
2- We then take this html response and set the react-quill 'state' with it
import { textEditorOptions } from "lib/constants";
import React, { forwardRef, useImperativeHandle, useRef } from "react";
import ReactQuill from "react-quill";
const editorOptions = {
toolbar: false,
clipboard: {
matchVisual: false
TemplateEditor = forwardRef(({ formParamForQuill, setFormParamForQuill, shouldHideToolbar, data, stateData, update, communicationType }, ref) => {
const [quillState, setQuillState] = React.useState({ description: data || "" }),
editorRef = useRef(),
handleQuillChange = val => {
setQuillState(() => ({ description: val }));
update(`${communicationType}`, { ...stateData[`${communicationType}`], body: val });
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({ editorRef }));
React.useEffect(() => {
if (formParamForQuill.token !== null && formParamForQuill.explanation !== null)
setFormParamForQuill({ token: null, explanation: null, ref: null });
}, [formParamForQuill]);
return (
<div className="communication-template-quill">
modules={!shouldHideToolbar ? textEditorOptions : editorOptions}
value={typeof quillState.description === "string" ? quillState.description : quillState.description.join("")}
onChange={value => handleQuillChange(value)}
export default TemplateEditor;
'data' passed onto the editor component as a prop is the initial HTML response attached above. However, when the quill state is set with this 'data', quill state then becomes this (state modified by react-quill (attached below)), which does not preserve the original HTML thus leaving us with a messed up layout.
<p>FINROTA <a href=\"https://**.**.com/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">
<img src=\"https://*****.com/-/-/-/-.png\" alt=\"finrota-logo\" height=\"30\" width=\"120\">
<img src=\"https://*****.com/static/images/mailing/pay.png\" alt=\"top-images\" height=\"128\" width=\"123\"> Sayın <strong style=\"color: rgb(16, 16, 16);\">{{-}},</strong>
<strong>** ** **</strong> Sistem Destek E-Mail: <strong> **#**.com </strong> Telefon: <strong> 0(**) ** ** 00 </strong> Fax: <strong> 0(**) ** ** 00 </strong>
<a href=\"*****\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">
<img src=\"https://******.com/static/images/mailing/twitter.png\" alt=\"twitter\" height=\"32\" width=\"32\">
<a href=\"*****/mycompany/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">
<img src=\"https://*****.com/static/images/mailing/linkedin.png\" alt=\"linkedin\" height=\"32\" width=\"32\">
<a href=\"*****/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">
<img src=\"https://*****.com/static/images/mailing/facebook.png\" alt=\"facebook\" height=\"32\" width=\"32\">
<a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">
<img src=\"https://*****.com/static/images/mailing/instagram.png\" alt=\"instagram\" height=\"32\" width=\"32\">
How could the original HTML be preserved ? How do we overcome this styling issue ?
Short answer
No, you can't just throw any markup into a WYSIWYG editor and expect it to be able to perfectly work with the structure. These editors work with a subset of HTML.
Emails usually use ancient styling techniques. Even if Quill is able to correctly parse each tag and attribute, the result would likely be terrible to work with while editing. Emails often put everything in a table and need to add inline styles to work in older clients.
You can get part of the way there by only injecting the actual visible body content into Quill, not an entire HTML document.
The document head is not something that you could edit in a WYSIWYG editor. As you can see Quill just removes all tags it doesn't "know about" from around the content. Then it adds p tags around orphaned text. Hence you see the document title in the output as a paragraph.
1- We send the user a mail template
You only need to send the user the part of the template they can edit. The outer HTML is something that can be added by your server when the mail is finally sent.
The second problem is that the email content seems to be from a pre-existing application that formatted everything as tables. Also it contains a bunch of inline styles.
Quill is not a sophisticated HTML parser. (I mean, come on, it doesn't even remove the head tag) Neither is it very good at outputting HTML.
So if you want to convert this text to an email with that specific mark up, you'll have to do this conversion yourself from the tags and style attributes returned by Quill's content.
You'll probably also have to do a one time effort to convert these old templates into a format Quill can work with. Or write a function that can convert between the formats.
You could also try quil-better-table. It might improve Quill's ability to pick up table markup in the input.
If you're sending your emails with PHP, you could try quil-delta-parser or php-quil-renderer.
That way you can send Quill's "deltas" to your back end, and transform them to the right HTML at save time, or even when the email is sent.
You can install both with Composer.
composer require nadar/quill-delta-parser
composer require deanblackborough/php-quill-renderer
Both libraries seem flexible enough to make it output the styles you want based on which attributes are in Quill's delta.
In any case it's probably very challenging if not impossible to make Quill understand and return the exact same markup of the template you post. Much easier to just take whatever it outputs and transform it afterwards.

Trouble using Watir to click a tab on a page

I am trying to click the second tab Tab1_imgImbillsTab.
<div id="menuTabsForPageContainer" >
<div id="menuTabsForPage">
<img id="Tab1_imgHomePageTab" accesskey="H" disabled="disabled" class="imgHomePageTab" src="images/home_deselected_tab.png" alt="Home" style="border-width:0px;" />
<img id="Tab1_imgImbillsTab" accesskey="B" class="imgImbillsTab" src="images/bills_deselected_tab.png" alt="Bills" style="border-width:0px;" />
<img id="Tab1_imgArchiveTab" accesskey="C" class="imgArchiveTab" src="images/chartrack_deselected_tab.png" alt="Chart Rack" style="border-width:0px;" />
<img id="Tab1_imgPracMgmtTab" accesskey="I" class="imgPracMgmtTab" src="images/managementreporting_deselected_tab.png" alt="Business Intelligence" style="border-width:0px;" />
<img id="Tab1_imgSysToolTab" accesskey="Y" class="imgSysToolTab" src="images/systemtools_deselected_tab.png" alt="System Tools" style="border-width:0px;" />
<img id="Tab1_imgBulletinTab" accesskey="S" class="imgBulletinTab" src="images/settings_deselected_tab.png" alt="Settings" style="border-width:0px;" />
I tried several things:
browser.button(:id => 'Tab1_imgImbillsTab').click
browser.div(:id, "menuTabsForPage").div(:id, "menuTabsForPage").button(:id, "Tab1_imgImbillsTab").click
I also tried to reference it as a clickable image by referencing the "src" of the image. These tabs, I believe have JavaSceript behind them. I can not figure out what I'm doing wrong.
The code:
browser.button(:id => 'Tab1_imgImbillsTab').click
Says to find a button element or input element (of type button, reset, submit or image) that has the id "Tab1_imgImbillsTab".
However, based on the HTML, the tab is an img tag. As a result, it will never be found by the button method. Tell Watir to look for the img tag instead:
browser.img(:id => 'Tab1_imgImbillsTab').click

Simple wkhtmltopdf conversion with framesets creating empty pdf

We need to convert/provide our html-based in-app HelpSystem to an on-disc pdf for the client to view outside of the application.
I'm trying to use wkhtmltopdf with a very basic file (3 frames with links to simple .html files) but getting an empty .pdf when I run the following from the command line:
wkhtmltopdf "C:\Program Files (x86)\wkhtmltopdf\index.html" "c:\delme\test.pdf"
I know frames are somewhat deprecated but it’s what I’ve got to deal with. Are the frames causing the empty pdf?
<frameset cols="28%, 72%">
<frameset rows="8%, 92%">
<frame noresize="noresize" src="Buttons.html" name="UPPERLEFT" />
<frame noresize="noresize" src="mytest2.html" name="LOWERLEFT" />
<frame noresize="noresize" src="mytest.html" name="RIGHT" />
<b>This text is bold</b>
<strong>This text is strong</strong>
<em>This text is emphasized</em>
<i>This text is italic</i>
<small>This text is small</small>
<p>This is
<sub>subscript</sub> and
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>The blockquote Element</h2>
<p>The blockquote element specifies a section that is quoted from another source.</p>
<p>Here is a quote from WWF's website:</p>
<blockquote cite="">For 50 years, WWF has been protecting the future of nature. The
world’s leading conservation organization, WWF works in 100 countries and is supported by 1.2 million members in the United
States and close to 5 million globally.</blockquote>
<b>Note:</b> Browsers usually indent blockquote elements.</p>
<h2>The q Element</h2>
<p>The q element defines a short quotation.</p>
<p>WWF's goal is to:
<q>Build a future where people live in harmony with nature.</q> We hope they succeed.</p>
<b>Note:</b> Browsers insert quotation marks around the q element.</p>
<form method="link" action="mytest.html" target="LOWERLEFT">
<input type="submit" value="Contents" />
<form method="link" action="mytest2.html" target="LOWERLEFT">
<input type="submit" value="Index" />
Taken from the official wkhtmltopdf issues area from a code project member’s answer; emphasis is mine:
wkhtmltopdf calculates the TOC based on the H* (e.g. H1, H2 and so on)
tags in the supplied documents. It does not recurse into frames and
iframes.. It will nest dependend on the number, to make sure that it
does the right thing, it is good to make sure that you only have
tags under a tag and not for some k larger
then 1. 2000+ files sounds like a lot. You might run out of memory
while converting the output. If it does not work for you.. you could
try using the switch to dump the outline to a xml file, to see what it
would but into a TOC.

How to stop auto-refresh onclick from thumbnails?

I have an image gallery on my site that uses thumbnails that enlarge above the thumbnail line when clicked on. I'm having an issue with the auto-refresh; every time I click one of the thumbnails, the page refreshes, which restores it to the "master image".
I'm not (and sort of refuse, on the grounds that I believe all this can be done with simple CSS and HTML) using anything fancy to write this code, despite my knowledge of HTML being amateur at best.
Here's a sample of the code. Let me know if you need to see a different piece of it.
<div id="rightcol">
<img name="ImageOnly. src='#' /><img src="#" />
<div id="leftcol"> <div>
<a href="" onclick="ImageOnly.src='#'"><img src="#" />
Edit: Somehow I seem to have fixed this issue by changing
<a href="" onclick="ImageOnly.src='#'">
<a href="#" onclick="ImageOnly.src='#'">
Not really sure why this worked but would love an explanation...?
Why not just use some simple ajax/javascript .innerHTML? instead of trying to stop the auto refresh that occurs when you click on a hyperlink that has #. That way you could update the rightcol synchroniously.
<div id="rightcol">
<img name="ImageOnly.src" src='#' />
<div id="leftcol">
<img src="#" />
AJAX Script
function ajaxMove(src)
var image = '<img src="'+src+'" alt="my transferred image" />';
document.getElementById('rightcol').innerHTML = image;
How is it used?
Request the object from the onclick event.
Build an image tag based off the information in the object.
Transfer the new image tag to the element with the id 'rightcol'
Other options
You could also remove the href="#" from the <a> tag and work directly from the onclick event and then apply style="cursor:pointer;". Then it will work like a regular hyperlink but without the refresh.
<a onclick="javascript:ajaxMove('ImageOnly.src')" style="cursor:pointer;" >Click Me</a>

Firefox displays 3 columns in a table, IE8 only 2

Would love some help here... Firefox displays the last column in the table (an image they click on to edit their email address, it's a link), and IE8 displays nothing for the last column (doesn't even appear to display a column!) I've left out other rows in the table, but similar stuff happens.
Anyone know why?
<table class="profile-display">
<td style="text-align: right; color: red;"> Email address: </td>
<td class="profile-content"> <?php echo("$evar"); ?> </td>
<td> <a href="profile_change.php?edit=13"
<img src="../images/writegreen.png" class="profile-edit" alt="Edit"
title="Edit Email Address"
border="0" />
Your <a> tag is missing its >. That will cause a browser to not recognize the end of the tag until the first > it sees, which is the end of the img tag. Frankly, I'm surprised that Firefox shows the img.
Edit: Other common causes of this problem are missing quotes and misspelled tags.
