Get type of an uninitialized slice - go

I want to return a type of an interface{}, while the input value might be var m []*MyModel
I've managed to get to the type *MyModel, while MyModel not as a pointer seems to be unreachable to me.
func getType( m interface{} ) reflect.Type {
t := reflect.TypeOf( m );
v := reflect.ValueOf( m );
if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
if v.IsValid() && !v.IsNil() {
return getType( v.Elem().Interface() );
panic( "We have a problem" );
if t.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
if v.Len() == 0 {
s := reflect.MakeSlice( t , 1 , 1 );
return getType( s.Interface() );
return getType( v.Index( 0 ).Interface() );
return t;
Is it possible?

You may use Type.Elem() to get the type's element type, which works for Array, Chan, Map, Ptr and Slice.
You may run a loop and "navigate" to the type's element type until the type is not a pointer nor a slice (nor array, chan, map if you need so).
So the simple solution is this:
func getElemType(a interface{}) reflect.Type {
for t := reflect.TypeOf(a); ; {
switch t.Kind() {
case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Slice:
t = t.Elem()
return t
Testing it:
type MyModel struct{}
var p *[][]**[]*[]***MyModel
fmt.Println(p) // It's nil!
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
As you can see, no matter how "deep" we go with slices and pointers (&[][]**[]*[]***MyModel{}), getElemType() is able to extract main.MyModel.
One thing to note is that in my solution I used reflect.Type and not reflect.Value. Go is a statically typed language, so the type information is there even if pointers and slice elements are not "populated", even if we pass a "typed" nil such as p, we're still able to navigate through the "type chain".
Note: The above getElemType() panics if called with an untyped nil value, e.g. getElemType(nil), because in this case there is no type information available. To defend this, you may add a simple check:
if a == nil {
return nil
Note #2: Since the implementation contains a loop without limiting iteration count, values of recursive types will drive it into an endless loop, such as:
type RecType []RecType
getElemType(RecType{}) // Endless loop!


How to cast multiple variables' interfaces to dynamic types together

I know that for a single variable x, to check if it is of a certain type B, just do
switch b.(type) {
case *B:
fmt.Println("find it!")
fmt.Println("can't find it")
But now I have a slice of 4 variables, and I'd like to know if their types follow a certain pattern (e.g. of type A,B,C,D).
I know I can do it with a tedious forloop, with many ifs and cases wrapping together, but I wonder if there's a more elegant way to achieve what I want.
You could use reflect against some "truth" slice that you define. This function will take in 2 slices and compare their types, returning an error if the types do not match in the same order.
So arr is your []interface{} slice.
exp is the expected slice, such as
// The values don't matter, only the type for the "truth" slice.
exp := []interface{}{int(0), "", Foo{}, Bar{}}
// SameTypes will compare 2 slices. If the slices have a different length,
// or any element is a different type in the same index, the function will return
// an error.
func SameTypes(arr, exps []interface{}) error {
if len(arr) != len(exps) {
return errors.New("slices must be the same length")
for i := range arr {
exp := reflect.TypeOf(exps[i])
found := reflect.TypeOf(arr[i])
if found != exp {
return fmt.Errorf("index '%d' expected type %s, got %s", i, exp, found)
return nil
Keep in mind Foo{} and &Foo{} are different types. If you don't care if it's a pointer, you will have to do additional reflect code. You can do this to get the value of the ptr if the type is a pointer.
x := &Foo{}
t := reflect.TypeOf(x)
// If t is a pointer, we deference that pointer
if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
t = t.Elem()
// t is now of type Foo

Return default value for generic type

How do you return nil for a generic type T?
func (list *mylist[T]) pop() T {
if list.first != nil {
data :=
list.first =
return data
return nil
func (list *mylist[T]) getfirst() T {
if list.first != nil {
return nil
I get the following compilation error:
cannot use nil as T value in return statement
You can't return nil for any type. If int is used as the type argument for T for example, returning nil makes no sense. nil is also not a valid value for structs.
What you may do–and what makes sense–is return the zero value for the type argument used for T. For example the zero value is nil for pointers, slices, it's the empty string for string and 0 for integer and floating point numbers.
How to return the zero value? Simply declare a variable of type T, and return it:
func getZero[T any]() T {
var result T
return result
Testing it:
i := getZero[int]()
fmt.Printf("%T %v\n", i, i)
s := getZero[string]()
fmt.Printf("%T %q\n", s, s)
p := getZero[image.Point]()
fmt.Printf("%T %v\n", p, p)
f := getZero[*float64]()
fmt.Printf("%T %v\n", f, f)
Which outputs (try it on the Go Playground):
int 0
string ""
image.Point (0,0)
*float64 <nil>
The *new(T) idiom
This has been suggested as the preferred option in golang-nuts. It is probably less readable but easier to find and replace if/when some zero-value builtin gets added to the language.
It also allows one-line assignments.
The new built-in allocates storage for a variable of any type and returns a pointer to it, so dereferencing *new(T) effectively yields the zero value for T. You can use a type parameter as the argument:
func Zero[T any]() T {
return *new(T)
In case T is comparable, this comes in handy to check if some variable is a zero value:
func IsZero[T comparable](v T) bool {
return v == *new(T)
var of type T
Straightforward and easier to read, though it always requires one line more:
func Zero[T any]() T {
var zero T
return zero
Named return types
If you don't want to explicitly declare a variable you can use named returns. Not everyone is fond of this syntax, though this might come in handy when your function body is more complex than this contrived example, or if you need to manipulate the value in a defer statement:
func Zero[T any]() (ret T) {
func main() {
fmt.Println(Zero[int]()) // 0
fmt.Println(Zero[map[string]int]()) // map[]
fmt.Println(Zero[chan chan uint64]()) // <nil>
It's not a chance that the syntax for named returns closely resembles that of var declarations.
Using your example:
func (list *mylist[T]) pop() (data T) {
if list.first != nil {
data =
list.first =
Return nil for non-nillable types
If you actually want to do this, as stated in your question, you can return *T explicitly.
This can be done when the type param T is constrained to something that excludes pointer types. In that case, you can declare the return type as *T and now you can return nil, which is the zero value of pointer types.
// constraint includes only non-pointer types
func getNilFor[T constraints.Integer]() *T {
return nil
func main() {
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(getNilFor[int]())) // *int
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(getNilFor[uint64]())) // *uint64
Let me state this again: this works best when T is NOT constrained to anything that admits pointer types, otherwise what you get is a pointer-to-pointer type:
// pay attention to this
func zero[T any]() *T {
return nil
func main() {
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(zero[int]())) // *int, good
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(zero[*int]())) // **int, maybe not what you want...
You can init a empty variable.
if l == 0 {
var empty T
return empty, errors.New("empty Stack")

Other ways of verifying reflect.Type for int and float64

In golang, a number in JSON message is always parsed into float64.
In order to detect if it is actually integer, I am using reflect.TypeOf() to check its type.
Unfortunately there is no constant that represents reflect.Type.
intType := reflect.TypeOf(0)
floatType := reflect.TypeOf(0.0)
myType := reflect.TypeOf(myVar)
if myType == intType {
// do something
Is there more elegant solution instead of using 0 or 0.0 to get reflect.Type?
You may also use the Value.Kind() or Type.Kind() method whose possible values are listed as constants in the reflect package, at the doc of the Kind type.
myType := reflect.TypeOf(myVar)
if k := myType.Kind(); k == reflect.Int {
fmt.Println("It's of type int")
} else if k == reflect.Float64 {
fmt.Println("It's of type float64")
You can also use it in a switch:
switch myType.Kind() {
case reflect.Int:
case reflect.Float64:
fmt.Println("Some other type")
Note that both reflect.Type and reflect.Value has a Kind() method, so you can use it if you start with reflect.ValueOf(myVar) and also if you start with reflect.TypeOf(myVar).
To check if interface is of a specific type you can use type assertion with two return values, the second return value is a boolean indicating if the variable is of the type specified. And unlike with a single return value, it will not panic if the variable is of a wrong type.
if v, ok := myVar.(int); ok {
// type assertion succeeded and v is myVar asserted to type int
} else {
// type assertion failed, myVar wasn't an int
If there's more types that you need to check then using a type switch is a good idea:
switch v := myVar.(type) {
case int:
// v has type int
case float64:
// v has type float64
// myVar was something other than int or float64
Note however that neither of these actually solve your problem, because like you say, numbers in JSON documents are always parsed into float64s. So if myVar is a parsed JSON number, it will always have type of float64 instead of int.
To solve this, I suggest you use the UseNumber() method of the json.Decoder, which causes the decoder to parse numbers as type Number, instead of float64. Take a look at
// Assume myVar is a value decoded with json.Decoder with UseNumber() called
if n, ok := myVar.(json.Number); ok {
// myVar was a number, let's see if its float64 or int64
// Check for int64 first because floats can be parsed as ints but not the other way around
if v, err := n.Int64(); err != nil {
// The number was an integer, v has type of int64
if v, err := n.Float64(); err != nil {
// The number was a float, v has type of float64
} else {
// myVar wasn't a number at all

interface{} variable to []interface{}

I have an interface{} variable and I know it's a pointer to slice:
func isPointerToSlice(val interface{}) bool {
value := reflect.ValueOf(val)
return value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && value.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Slice
But I'm finding difficult to type cast it into an []interface{} variable:
if isPointerToSlice(val) {
slice, worked := reflect.ValueOf(val).Elem().Interface().([]interface{})
// 'worked' is false :(
This doesn't work. Any idea how can I solve this?
If you just want to convert a slice to []interface{} you can use something like this:
func sliceToIfaceSlice(val interface{}) []interface{} {
rf := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(val)) // skip the pointer
if k := rf.Kind(); k != reflect.Slice && k != reflect.Array {
// panic("expected a slice or array")
return nil
out := make([]interface{}, rf.Len())
for i := range out {
out[i] = rf.Index(i).Interface()
return out
You can simply use type assertion to obtain the value stored in an interface, e.g.
if isPointerToSlice(val) {
var result []interface{}
result = *val.(*[]interface{})
} else {
fmt.Println("Not *[]interface{}")
The type of the value stored in the interface as you claim is pointer to []interface{}, which is *[]interface{}. The result of the type assertion will be a pointer, just dereference it to get the slice []interface{}.
Using short variable declaration:
result := *val.(*[]interface{}) // type of result is []interface{}
Try it on the Go Playground.
Also your attempt also works:
slice, worked := reflect.ValueOf(val).Elem().Interface().([]interface{})
fmt.Println(slice, worked)
Here's the edited the Playground example which proves your solution works.
But using reflection is unnecessary (as it can be done with type assertion).
Also note that *[]interface{} and *[]someOtherType are 2 different types and you can't obtain a value of *[]interface{} if there is something else in val.
Icza's answer is great and will work especially if you can't know for sure you are getting an interface slice, however if you don't want to bother with the reflect package at all and want to keep imported code low, you can use type switching to obtain the same functionality using only built-in methods.
Using this method, you can shorten your code to just:
package main
import (
func main() {
s := []interface{}{"one", 2}
p := &s
func do(val interface{}) {
switch val.(type){
case *[]interface{}:
var result []interface{}
result = *val.(*[]interface{})
The downside is if you don't know the exact type of slice you are receiving beforehand, then this will not work unless you list all possible types for handling and assertion.

Is there a way to write generic code to find out whether a slice contains specific element in Go?

I want to know is there a generic way to write code to judge whether a slice contains an element, I find it will frequently useful since there is a lot of logic to fist judge whether specific elem is already in a slice and then decide what to do next. But there seemed not a built-in method for that(For God's sake, why?)
I try to use interface{} to do that like:
func sliceContains(slice []interface{}, elem interface{}) bool {
for _, item := range slice {
if item == elem {
return true
return false
I thought interface{} is sort of like Object of Java, but apparently, I was wrong. Should I write this every time meet with a new struct of slice? Isn't there a generic way to do this?
You can do it with reflect, but it will be MUCH SLOWER than a non-generic equivalent function:
func Contains(slice, elem interface{}) bool {
sv := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
// Check that slice is actually a slice/array.
// you might want to return an error here
if sv.Kind() != reflect.Slice && sv.Kind() != reflect.Array {
return false
// iterate the slice
for i := 0; i < sv.Len(); i++ {
// compare elem to the current slice element
if elem == sv.Index(i).Interface() {
return true
// nothing found
return false
func main(){
si := []int {3, 4, 5, 10, 11}
ss := []string {"hello", "world", "foo", "bar"}
fmt.Println(Contains(si, 3))
fmt.Println(Contains(si, 100))
fmt.Println(Contains(ss, "hello"))
fmt.Println(Contains(ss, "baz"))
How much slower? about x50-x60 slower:
Benchmarking against a non generic function of the form:
func ContainsNonGeneic(slice []int, elem int) bool {
for _, i := range slice {
if i == elem {
return true
return false
I'm getting:
Generic: N=100000, running time: 73.023214ms 730.23214 ns/op
Non Generic: N=100000, running time: 1.315262ms 13.15262 ns/op
You can make it using the reflect package like that:
func In(s, e interface{}) bool {
slice, elem := reflect.ValueOf(s), reflect.ValueOf(e)
for i := 0; i < slice.Len(); i++ {
if reflect.DeepEqual(slice.Index(i).Interface(), elem.Interface()) {
return true
return false
Playground examples:
Alternatively, you can:
define an interface and make your slices implement it
use maps instead of slices
just write a simple for loop
What way to choose depends on the problem you are solving.
I'm not sure what your specific context is, but you'll probably want to use a map to check if something already exists.
package main
import "fmt"
type PublicClassObjectBuilderFactoryStructure struct {
Tee string
Hee string
func main() {
// Empty structs occupy zero bytes.
mymap := map[interface{}]struct{}{}
one := PublicClassObjectBuilderFactoryStructure{Tee: "hi", Hee: "hey"}
two := PublicClassObjectBuilderFactoryStructure{Tee: "hola", Hee: "oye"}
three := PublicClassObjectBuilderFactoryStructure{Tee: "hi", Hee: "again"}
mymap[one] = struct{}{}
mymap[two] = struct{}{}
// The underscore is ignoring the value, which is an empty struct.
if _, exists := mymap[one]; exists {
fmt.Println("one exists")
if _, exists := mymap[two]; exists {
fmt.Println("two exists")
if _, exists := mymap[three]; exists {
fmt.Println("three exists")
Another advantage of using maps instead of a slice is that there is a built-in delete function for maps.
If you want a rather different solution, you might try the code-generator approach offered by tools such as Gen. Gen writes source code for each concrete class you want to hold in a slice, so it supports type-safe slices that let you search for the first match of an element.
(Gen also offers a few other kinds of collection and allows you to write your own.)
