(Nativescript) copy file from bundle to documents directory - nativescript

Is there a way to copy a file from anywhere within the source app folder to the documents directory of a device? I've been looking at the file-system plugin documentation but couldn't find anything on this topic.

Well looking through the cookbook docs, it seems you can create a reference to the devices documents folder like this:
var documents = fs.knownFolders.documents();
You can then get the file from your app with something like this(?). Where path is a reference to the file bundled in your app:
var myFile = fs.File.fromPath(path);
So you could then do something like:
// Writing text to the file.
.then(function (content) {
// Successfully read the file's content.
.then(function () {
// Succeeded writing to the file.
}, function (error) {
// Failed to write to the file.
}, function (error) {
// Failed to read from the file.


cy.task gives an error but no explanation, how can I fix it?

I'm using Cypress for frontend testing and I defined a task in cypress.config file.
setupNodeEvents(on) {
on('task', {
downloads: downloadspath => {
return fs.readdirSync(downloadspath);
deleteFiles: directory => {
const files = fs.readdirSync(directory);
if (files.length === 0) {
return 0;
for (const file of files) {
fs.unlinkSync(path.join(directory, file));
return 0;
And when I use it in my tests, it gives an error like this:
There's no explanation so, I don't know how to fix this error.
cy.task does a simple work, it just deletes all files in the cypress/downloads folder.
Generally, if the task throws an error it shows up in the Cypress log. You may get more info if you open devtools and click on the Cypress log entry.
Specifically, fs.unlinkSync(path.join(directory, file)) is probably failing because there is a sub-directory in the directory, see Node.js fs.unlinkSync() Method
The fs.unlinkSync() method is used to synchronously remove a file or symbolic link from the filesystem. This function does not work on directories, therefore it is recommended to use fs.rmdir() to remove a directory.
Since you are deleting cypress/downloads in the test, be aware Cypress does that for you
Cypress Configuration - Downloads
trashAssetsBeforeRuns (default: true)
Whether Cypress will trash assets within the downloadsFolder, screenshotsFolder, and videosFolder before tests run with cypress run.

Cypress and Excel Test Data

Has anyone used excel to store test data while runing cypress tests? I am trying to make this work, but since I cant access the file system with browserify I cant read excel test data file. Anyone got this working? DO you have any links/code on how to get it working?
I realised that normal excel processing packages wont work with cypress and typescript, since u r using browserfiy. browserify will prevent you from performing file read/write operations.
as a workaround, i only read the excel file prior to browserifying it (in the plugins/index.js), and convert it into a json file and save it in the fixtures folder.
then in the support/index.js in a beforeAll hook i read the json file as a fixture and save it to an aliased variable. Now I can parse data from the aliased variable and use it where required in cypress context throughout the test. this is what worked for me.
Here is an instruction how to use excel as source for cypress tests https://medium.com/#you54f/dynamically-generate-data-in-cypress-from-csv-xlsx-7805961eff55
First you need to convert your xlsx file to json with Xlsx
import { writeFileSync } from "fs";
import * as XLSX from "xlsx";
try {
const workBook = XLSX.readFile("./testData/testData.xlsx");
const jsonData = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(workBook.Sheets.testData);
JSON.stringify(jsonData, null, 4),
} catch (e) {
throw Error(e);
Then import json file and loop over each row and use the data in the way you want. In this example it tries to log in to a system.
import { login } from "../support/pageObjects/login.page";
const testData = require("../fixtures/testData.json");
describe("Dynamically Generated Tests", () => {
testData.forEach((testDataRow: any) => {
const data = {
username: testDataRow.username,
password: testDataRow.password
context(`Generating a test for ${data.username}`, () => {
it("should fail to login for the specified details", () => {
login.errorMsg.contains("Your username is invalid!");

Nativescript fs module not seeing folder or files

I'm using the Nativescript tutorial for creating a carousel here.
The problem I'm running into is that I get the following error (minus my obfuscation)
Error: Failed to load component from module: undefined.xml or file: /data/data/{Obfuscated}/files/app/pages/welcome/slides/slide1.xml
when it tries to load xml files on this line (full snippet below):
Upon some inspection I found that it's the file system that doesn't see the files I'm loading. My code is the same as the tutorials code. I've gone through it line by line (even doing a diff) and the code is in fact the same.
Here's a better look at the file path it's choking on, you can compare that to the image I provided below:
I can verify that the folder structure is the same as in the tutorial app/pages/welcome/slides.slide1.xml but when the page loads, I get that error and it never loads the xml.
Here's the full snippet:
private loadSlides(slideFiles, slidesPath) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
const slides = []
const currentAppFolder = fs.knownFolders.currentApp();
const path = fs.path.normalize(currentAppFolder.path + "/" + slidesPath);
slideFiles.forEach((dataFile, i) => {
const slidePath = path + "/" + dataFile;
// Here's where it crashes
When I test it out by debugging and using the file-system module to test whether the path exists... it always comes back false, even though the folder structure definitely exists the way it does in the tutorial.
The console.log line displays this:
As you can see it matches my folder path below.
How do I get the file-system to see that folder structure? It works just fine when I use it for verifying the existence image files.
Here's an image of the folder structure:
Webpack will never know you would require those XML files at runtime, you will have to adjust webpack.config.js to include those files in the bundle.
Update the CopyWebpackPlugin configuration as follows,
// Copy assets to out dir. Add your own globs as needed.
new CopyWebpackPlugin(
{ from: { glob: "assets/**" } },
{ from: { glob: "fonts/**" } },
{ from: { glob: "**/*.jpg" } },
{ from: { glob: "**/*.png" } },
{ from: { glob: "**/*.xml" } },
{ ignore: [`${relative(appPath, appResourcesFullPath)}/**`] },
Adding { from: { glob: "**/*.xml" } }, copies all XML files along with folder structure into the bundle.

nativescript: how to add extension while using Downloader plugin

Hello i need to download an audio file from an external URL and it works but without the .mp3 extension, which is required for the player to recognize it, here is my code:
getAudio(token:String,interestPointId:string,link:string, audioId):string{
const downloadManager = new Downloader();
var path:string;
const imageDownloaderId = downloadManager.createDownload({
.start(imageDownloaderId, (progressData: ProgressEventData) => {
console.log(`Progress : ${progressData.value}%`);
console.log(`Current Size : ${progressData.currentSize}%`);
console.log(`Total Size : ${progressData.totalSize}%`);
console.log(`Download Speed in bytes : ${progressData.speed}%`);
.then((completed: DownloadEventData) => {
console.log(`Image : ${completed.path}`);
.catch(error => {
return path;
is just a modified version from the example (https://market.nativescript.org/plugins/nativescript-downloader)
the goal is to download the file and get the path to it while the name should be something like ~path/idAudio.mp3
any help is welcome, thanks in advance!
You can set the fileName and the path on the createDownload it is not documented (I forgot) there is interface you can use so what you need to is the following also i would recommend you not try to save the file to the project root e.g ~/blah/blah.mp3 that would fail on a real ios device
fileName: 'idAudio.mp3'

How I can require script from data folder

I want to load js file from page and require it in background page.
I try use two copy in lib and in data folder, but have problem with review.
I can load it from lib folder in page, but it uncomfortable for other browsers.
I can load it via loader:
mono = require('toolkit/loader').main(require('toolkit/loader').Loader({
paths: {
'sdk/': 'resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/',
'data/': self.data.url('js/'),
'': 'resource:///modules/'
name: self.name,
prefixURI: 'resource://'+self.id.slice(1, -1)+'/'
}), "data/mono");
But have problem with:
I try use for options it, but have same problems.
Now I use it, but all require objects I send via arguments.
Have ideas?
Now I use this code, it allow require modules and don't store it in memory, as I think. But need to declare all modules previously.
mono = require('toolkit/loader').main(require('toolkit/loader').Loader({
paths: {
'data/': self.data.url('js/')
name: self.name,
prefixURI: 'resource://'+self.id.slice(1, -1)+'/',
globals: {
console: console,
_require: function(path) {
switch (path) {
case 'sdk/timers':
return require('sdk/timers');
case 'sdk/simple-storage':
return require('sdk/simple-storage');
case 'sdk/window/utils':
return require('sdk/window/utils');
case 'sdk/self':
return require('sdk/self');
console.log('Module not found!', path);
}), "data/mono");
I think this blogpost from erikvold addresses the problem you are facing: http://work.erikvold.com/jetpack/2014/09/23/jp-pro-tip-reusing-js.html
