How can I match data from two large files in Perl? - performance

I have 2 (large) files. The first one is about 200k lines, the second one about 30 millions lines.
I want to check if each line of the first one is in the second one using Perl.
Is it faster to compare directly each line of the first to each line of the second or is it better to store them all in two different arrays and then manipulate arrays?

You have File A and File B. You want to check if lines in File A appear in File B.
If you have enough memory to hold the contents of File B in a hash using one entry per line, that's the simplest. Go ahead.
However, if you do not, I recommend you put both files in tables in an SQL database. SQLite might be enough to start. Then, your problem is reduced to a simple JOIN. If line length is an issue, use a fast hash such as xxHash. If implemented correctly, the 64-bit version is blazing fast on a 64-bit machine, especially if you enabled optimizations in your Perl. Store two columns, hash and the actual line. If hashes match, check if the lines match. Make sure to index on the hash column.
You say:
In fact, my files are like : File A : name number (per line) File B : name date location number (per line) And I have to check if File B contains the lines matching datas of File A (ignoring date and location for example) So it's not an exact match ...
In that case, you are set. You do not even have to worry about the hash stuff (which I am leaving here for reference). Put the interesting bits of data on which you need to match against in separate columns in an SQLite database. Write a join. ... Profit.
Alternatively, you could use BerkeleyDB which gives you the conceptual simplicity of having an in memory hash while storing the table on disk. If you have multiple attributes on which to match, this will not scale well.

Store the first file's lines in a hash, then iterate through the second file without storing it in memory.
It might be counterintuitive to store the first file and iterate the second file as opposed to vice-versa, but it allows you to avoid creating a 30 million element hash.
use feature 'say';
my ($path_1, $path_2) = #ARGV;
open my $fh1,"<",$path_1;
my %f1;
$f1{$_} = $. while (<$fh1>);
open my $fh2,"<",$path_2;
while (<$fh2>) {
if (my $f1_line = $f1{$_}) {
say "file 1 line $f1_line appears in file 2 line $.";
Note that without further processing, the duplicated lines will display in the order they appear in the second file, not first.
Also, this assumes file 1 does not have duplicate lines, but that can be handled if necessary.


Optimising Sort/deduplicate multi-elements in column data with EmEditor

When working with large delimited files, currently the easiest way to sort/deduplicate elements in a column (typically with elements separated with semicolon, but can be any char) seems to be via the
"Split column method" document.SplitColumn , and then bring back together using the Combine Lines method document.CombineLines (sorting/deduplicating as required, using the relevant method parameters).
This works ok when files aren't very big, but I was wondering if there is a faster/more optimal way of carrying out this common task on larger delimited files (million+ line), particularly via macro/method.
Please update EmEditor to v20.1.901 or later, and use this form:
document.SplitColumn("3",";",eeSplitIntoNone,"A+",eeRemoveDuplicates | eeSortIgnorePrefix | eeSortStable,0);
This new eeSplitIntoNone type will not actually split, but only sort or remove duplicates of elements.

Line count in csv doesn't match

I have a large CSV with a large number of columns. I am trying to count the number of lines using
It displays 57 although there are only 56 rows. Upon close examination I found that a part of one line is wrapped to form the next line. How to get the correct count?
Upon close examination I found that a part of one line is wrapped to form the next line. How to get the correct count?
You need to show an example of the incoming data if you want us to help beyond generic answers.
To fix the problem, you have to be able to identify the line. We can't help you there because it could look like anything. Making a wild guess, I'd say that one of the columns had an embedded new-line in it, which forces the line to wrap.
It the file is a true CSV file, that column should be wrapped in double-quotes, so you could search the file for lines that do NOT end with whatever data type should be in the last column, then read the next line, join them, then rewrite the file. But, again, we have nothing to work with, because your file's format could be a huge number of different things.
Your best bet is to use the CSV class that comes with Ruby, and let it read the file, instead of trying to treat it like a text file. CSV files are text, but they are formatted to maintain the columns and rows, so using the CSV class will give you a better chance of getting at the data.
Looking at your code:
There are a number of ways to count the number of lines in a file, including the easiest which is:
`wc -l /path/to/file`.to_i
if you're using *nix.
Using is horribly redundant and not fast or scalable if your file is big.
readlines returns an array.
to_a returns an array.
Why turn the array into an array?
readlines loads an entire file into memory, then splits it on line ends into an array. That process can be a lot slower than simply reading the file line-by-line and incrementing a counter, plus "slurping" can make your program crawl if the file is larger than available memory.
See "Why is "slurping" a file not a good practice?" for more information.
compact removes nils from an array. readlines should never return any nils so compact will iterate over the array looking for something that shouldn't exist.
count returns an integer.
to_i converts the receiver to an integer.
In other words, to_i is turning an integer into an integer. Why?
If you want to do it in Ruby instead of using wc -l, do something simple and fast:
lines_in_file = 0
File.foreach(some_file) { lines_in_file += 1 }
After running that, lines_in_file will contain the number of lines read. Memory won't be impacted and it'll run like blue blazes on huge files.

Writing to hdfs sequence file

I have a requirement that my MAP should read a big HDFS text file and writes it to the sequence file as "text_file_name text_file_contents" as key:value pair in a single line.
My Mapper then sends the path of this sequence file to Reducer.
Currently what I am doing is :
read all lines from a text file and keep appending them to Text() variable (e.g. "contents").
once done reading the whole text file, write "contents" into sequence file
However, I am not sure whether Text() is able to store a big file. Hence want to do the following :
read a single line from text file
write it to sequence file using (writer.append(key, value) where "writer" is SequenceFile.Writer)
do above until the whole text file is written.
The problem with this approach is, it writes the "key" with every line I am writing to the sequence file.
So, just want to know,
if Text() can store a file of any size if I keep on appending it?
how can I avoid writing "key" in writer.append() in all writes but the first?
can writer.appendRaw() be used. I did not get sufficient documentation on this function.
To answer to your questions:
Text() can store upto a maximum of 2GB.
You can avoid writing a key by either writing a NullWritable or set key.ignore to false.
But when you go with the second approach first time also you cannot write your key. So better use NullWritable

VBA read large text file line by line in reverse order

VBA question
There is a large log file (around 500,000 lines), I need to read it line by line in reverse order, i.e. from the last line to the first line.
I know I can use FileSystemObject in the Microsoft Scripting Runtime reference, but there is no such option like reverse for ReadLine Method in TextStream
Now, the only way I can think of is like this, has a counter and skip previous lines for each of the line I read, but definitely this is not good enough. Any suggestion code/algo will be much appreciated.
If your log is a kind of database with field which allows to determine the order (is there a date field or line number field), if so you could try to use ADO solution with SQL query to read the log in reverse order (ORDER BY ... DESC). So, you will be able to read from last to first. Or generally- try to use ADO.
A file is not line based, or even character based, it's just bytes so there is no way to read lines in reverse order in a file. How the text is separated into lines is only determined by where there are line break characters in the text.
You can read lines from the beginning and store them in a rotating buffer, so that you have for example the last 1000 lines in the buffer when you reach the end of the file. That way you have a certain number of lines that you can access from your buffer without having to read the entire file for every single line.
After that you know how many lines there are in the file, so when you need to refill the buffer you can just skip a certain number of lines and read the following lines into the buffer.

Finding date in file, getting data after it

Help me brainstorm how I would solve this problem.
I have a file of dates with corresponding data, the format looks like this:
It's a plain csv file, only commas being used.
I need to be able to select a beginning date. And then get the data for the next 20 days beginning with the date selected.
Date format:
2007.05.21 (y,m,d)
So I think it would be best to search for the date. Either loading the entire file first into memory or read line by line. The file is only 1 megabyte, however I might want to do this with a 100 megabyte file as well. Is that still little?
Also I will want to do this very many times. I think I may want to keep the file in memory for the entire run of the program. So I can repeatedly access it.
After finding the date. I need to be able to get column 2 day 1, column 4 day 4. Ect. However there is always the same amount of columns for each day. So I guess if this is loaded into some kind of array I can always know in what array number the next and next day starts.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also any code examples provided would really help. This is not a homework problem or anything like that and I'm really new to programming.
You can user csv library to parse your file like this line by line
require 'csv'
date_to_search = Date(2009, 10, 10)'yourfilename.txt', :col_sep => ',') do |row|
# row will be an array of strings which you can parse
cur_date = Date.parse(row[0])
if cur_date == date_to_search
# you are set to read next 19 lines
# you can keep a counter and increment it after parsing each line (row here)
# compare and check if you need this line (and next 19)
# other calculations
As your data is sorted, Binary Search is what you want to use.
Simply put, you look up an element near the middle of your CSV, compare its date to the one you're looking for, and continue recursively in the matching half of the file (See the Wikipedia link for details).
Binary search has a runtime complexity of O(log n), which means that the number of read operations on a file containing 1,000,000 lines (Reasonable estimation for 100 MB) will never (under normal circumstances, that is, lines of different length are equally distributed) exceed 20.
Therefore, there is no need to keep the file in memory, quite the contrary. The operating system's disk cache will do the task of accelerating consecutive operations for you without running into memory shortage.
To read and process a line, you first need to find its first character, which is either the first letter after a newline character (\n) or the beginning of the file. Reading multiple lines can be achieved similar.
To parse a line, I suggest you split the line at the separation characters and/or the date's dots. This is, of course, only appropriate if the CSV comes from a trustworthy source and never changes its layout.
