VisualStudioEnterprise: is team service account a must to do load test? - visual-studio

When I tried Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 to do load tests, it automatically connects to some website and asks for a team service account.
I don't have one and my environment does not have an Internet connection.
Can I do load tests without such an account?

Every month or so Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise requires the user to validate their license. That is quickly done via some network activity. The trial version of the software is just an unlicensed version that has some restrictions on the type of load tests that can be done.
Assuming that the license has been validated and that, I believe, does require a suitable account to have been connected: The default settings for load tests are to use Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS - previously called VSO for Visual Studio Online). Use of VSTS does require a suitable account.
You should be able to run a load test locally on your computer. The setting for local versus VSTS execution of a load test is in the "General" section of the .testsettings file.


Push to Azure DevOps from Visual Studio with Agile Process as Default

I connected Azure DevOps to Visual Studio and when I press "Publish Git Repo" everything is working fine.
But it always creates a Scrum process Dashboard.
I made Agile as default and disabled all of the others in my organisation.
Now Visual Studio throws this error
VS403119: You cannot add a team project with process Scrum as it is disabled. Either choose a different process, or enable process Scrum and try again.
So it means the setting is somewhere in Visual Studio.
The only thing I found about it is this two years old question.
Do you know the setting or some config file to change the default process board when publishing to the Azure DevOps from Visual Studio?
Visual Studio always specifies Scrum process when creating Azure Devops project via its Team Explorer, as I know there's no VS settings available to manage this behavior.
As a workaround you can create the project with Agile process in web portal first, add local project/solution into source control and choose Target Project(Click Advanced) before publishing the repo:
Actually this behavior is VS-specific cause Azure Devops itself supports specifying process template even by Rest API. So I decide to post a feature request related to your requirements in User Voice forum with VS tag instead of Azure Devops tag. The product team would provide the updates if they view it.

How do I run tests remotely with VS2015?

I've got some CodedUI tests I'd like to run on a remote machine from visual studio. Now it used to be that you'd install a test controller somewhere, a test agent on the box you want to run on, get them talking, then use a test settings file that was pointed to that controller. I was going through this and installed agents for 2015 update 3 on my run box. I noticed that there is no controller configuration option. After some googling I found this: Very cool. So I go in to tfs to set up a machine group. Great. The part I don't get is: how can I now tell VS to run at that group? Test settings files require a controller when they are set to remote run. Do I have to downgrade the agents back to 2013? Does anyone know if Microsoft just didn't implement this work style in 2015 (on purpose or otherwise) or if it just isn't implemented yet?
To run the code UI test via vNext build on TFS update3. First make sure the code UI test can be executed successfully in your Visual Studio on your remote machine locally. Also don't forget to configure the build agent to interact with desktop.
Then you just need to add Deploy TestAgent on RemoteTestMachine task and run Functional test. When you queue a build, it will deploy your code ui test solution to the drop folder on the build server machine. Then use MSTEST to run the test assembly. It's same with running code UI test via MSTEST command line on your local machine.
Q: Will the Test Agent 2015 support all the scenarios supported by
Test Controller and Test Agent of Visual Studio 2013?
A: We recommend you use Agents for Visual Studio 2015 in all the new automated testing scenarios. You can use the Deploy Test Agents task in a build definition to download and install the test agents on your machine. The following table shows the scenarios supported by Agents for Visual Studio 2013 and the alternatives for Team Foundation Server (TFS) 2015 and Team Services (TS).
Source Link: Install and configure test agents
Currently, there is no alternative for this scenarion. You may have to use test agent 2013 to achieve it.

Test Manager but no TFS access

I am new to VS Test manager and trying to do some practice. I do not have access to any TFS. Is there a dummy TFS on web that can be used for this purpose? Thanks
Visual Studio Team Services is a good option. You can get started for free, and the first 5 users in your team are also FREE.
After creating an account for VSTS, create a team project, and check whether you get a Test tab on Web Access.

How can I host Office add-ins on localhost?

I'm new to web-servers. I have Internet Information Services (IIS) 10 Express installed on Windows 10. I'm trying to develop an Office add-in so as to host it in the same computer I use. The problem is how do I host the add-in in a local web server? Since I'm new would appreciate a little of step by step answer.
while you are developing the add-in, you do not need to worry about a local web server. The Visual Studio tools take care of all that for you (it will run in a web server provided by Visual Studio).
If you are using Visual Studio 2015 (the community edition is free and works fine with Office add-ins), you simply create a new 'office add-in' project and it will all be set up for you. It will create a 'web project' for you and it will use that web project when you run the application locally - you do not need to do anything to make that happen.
You may find that you have to install the Office tools for Visual Studio but if you go to File > New > Project > Visual C# > Office/SharePoint you'll get a link to download the tools if you do not already have them.
In terms of hosting it in the public domain, I like to use the Azure Web App service as you can very easily publish directly from Visual Studio or you can setup continuous integration with GitHub, VSO etc. Once you have it hosted in the public domain, you simply change the 'Source Location' in your office add-in manifest file to point at your public URL.
Well I figured it out.
Except it broke my VS Setup now (Resolved)--> See here Installing IIS broke Visual Studio Office Add In Project Localhost
To enable IIS I had to open "Programs and Features" and select "Internet Information Systems".
Then start --> IIS. Browse to default site and added binding for SSL/Port 44367 (Same as VS). I already had a SSL cert from previous configurations, selecting the Dev Cert worked fine.
I copied everything from \ExcelWebAddIn1\ExcelWebAddIn1Web\* to the webroot C:\inetpub\wwwroot and adjusted the following in manifest.
I then sideloaded the manifest and it worked as expected.
Note that Martin Kearn's answer still applies, this isn't needed if you want to just use VS and it has better debugging, but I wanted to test and learn.
This was all to test/debug deployment, and I was able to do the same by just changing the localhost url to a simple nginx webserver w/ the contents of the above webroot.

Distributed Load Testing in Visual Studio Ultimate 2013

All of the load tests documentation on MSDN describes a computer (running visual studio) connecting to a test controller, which connects to the test agents. Is it possible to run Visual Studio on the Test Controller, and run tests from there?
Running Visual Studio on a Controller with agents is more or less like running local test. You can run load tests from a single (developer?) machine, but you usually can't generate enough traffic to really see how the application responds, especially if the target is hosted on the same machine. It's also very depending on your context.
Using Controllers & Agents in a test rig, provides a distributed architecture to generate a lot of load and activity.
