I try to simulate http workload that obeys rayleigh distribution. I wish to use jmeter for that. I know how to utilize the Poisson and Gaussian Random Timers and I wonder if you have an idea of how to use a raleigh-based timer.
You would need to implement the algorithm using for example:
Groovy as a language in the timer
And one of those algorithm implementations:
How to generate a random number with a specific probability density function?
EDIT 2/08/2016:
You used the BeanShell (JSR223+Groovy would perform much better) option to utilize the Apache commons.math3 library.
Sample code:
import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.WeibullDistribution;
alpha = Integer.parseInt(vars.get("alpha"));
beta = Integer.parseInt(vars.get("beta"));
rng= Integer.parseInt(bsh.args[0]);
try {
WeibullDistribution g= new WeibullDistribution(rng, alpha,beta);
return g.sample();
} catch (Throwable ex) {
log.error("Something wrong", ex);
throw ex;
if i wrap blocking code into a flatMap, is this still a non-blocking operation ?
public Mono<String> foo() {
Mono.empty().flatMap(obj -> {
try {
Object temp = f.get();//are the thread at this point blocked or not ?
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
return Mono.just("test");
So, i think when i wrap blocking code into reactive code, the operation is still non-blocking ? If i am wrong, pls explain it to me.
if i wrap blocking code into a flatMap, is this still a non-blocking operation ?
flatMap doesn't create new threads for you. For example:
Mono.just("abc").flatMap(val -> Mono.just("cba")).subscribe();
All the code above will be executed by the current thread that called subscribe. So if the mapper function contained a long blocking operation the thread that called subscribe will be blocked as well.
To transform this to an asynchronous operation you can use subscribeOn(Schedulers.elastic());
Mono.just("abc").flatMap(val -> Mono.just("cba")).subscribeOn(Schedulers.elastic());
Mono and Flux don't create threads, but some operators take Scheduler as an extra argument to use such as the interval operator, or alter threading model all together such as subscribeOn.
One extra thing, in your example the mapper function is never going to be called, since your applying flatMap to an empty mono which completes directly with no values emitted.
In my BSF preprocessor (language javascript), I am generating post data such as
var totalCustomer = 2;
var data = { "customers": [] };
for(i=1; i<=totalCustomer; i++){
// in all iteration getting same value for ${__UUID}
var customer = {
"id": "${__UUID}"
I guess it is compiled once and looked up for the value in subsequent iterations.
Is there any way I can generate different guid using ${__UUID} for each iteration?
Replace ${__UUID} with UUID.randomUUID().toString(). Don't inline JMeter variables and functions into script, it's not very good practice and may lead to unexpected behavior (as in your case). Particular for your scenario it's better to call UUID class methods directly.
Don't use BSF test elements, they're not very efficient from performance side of things. Consider using JSR223 test elements and Groovy language. See Beanshell vs JSR223 vs Java JMeter Scripting: The Performance-Off You've Been Waiting For! for explanation, benchmarks, groovy engine installation details and scripting best practices.
Write JSR223 PreProcessor using java language to generate UUID
then access it in your javascript JSR223 PreProcessor.
var customer = {
"id": "${myUUID}"
You can use the "Parameters" field to pass ${__UUID}.
Then in your code, use:
This is when you're using the PreProcessor in a While Controller or Loop Controller.
But if you are speaking about a Beanshell code that contains a loop then just do:
Of course ensure you import class:
import java.util.UUID;
I want to configure my spout to emit tick tuples on 2 different frequencies on different streams. My questions are as follows:
I understand how this is done using the bolt. But, on a spout, will the tick tuple invoke the next Tuple method on every tick?
How can I determine the frequency at which the tick was invoked? Meaning, the actual value of the time I configured in the config object?
Only bolts can receive tick tuples. Spouts can only emit tuples.
I'm assuming you're trying to do a "read" every so often from within your spout in order to emit a new tuple.
For example, to sleep 50 milliseconds between reads:
public void nextTuple() {
try {
String message = _mqClient.getMessage();
if (message != null) {
_collector.emit(new Values(message));
// sleep for 50 milliseconds
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("MQ spout error {}", e);
Maybe this can help you:
Storm-Signals aims to provide a way to send messages ("signals") to
components (spouts/bolts) in a storm topology that are otherwise not
Storm topologies can be considered static in that modifications to a
topology's behavior require redeployment. Storm-Signals provides a
simple way to modify a topology's behavior at runtime, without
I am running some experiments, timing them and comparing the times to find the best "algorithm". The question that came up was if running the tasks in parallel would make the relative runningtimes of the experiments wrong and if I would get more representative results by running them sequentially. Here is a (simplified) version of the code:
public static void RunExperient(IEnumerable<Action> experiments)
Parallel.ForEach(experiments, experiment =>
var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); //line 1
experiment(); //line 2
sw.Stop(); //line 3
Console.WriteLine(#"Time was {0}", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
My questions are about what is happening "behind the scenes":
When a task has started, is it possible that the OS or the framework can suspend the task during its execution and continue on later making the running time of the experiment all wrong?
Would I get more representative results by running the experiments sequentially?
That depends on the machine that you are running on and what the experiments do, but generally the answer is yes, they may affect one another. Mainly through resource starvation. Here's an example:
public class Piggy {
public void GreedyExperiment() {
Thread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;
for (var i=0;i<1000000000;i++) {
var j = Math.Sqrt(i / 5);
That's going to do a tight loop on a high priority thread, which will basically consume one processor until it is done. If you only have one processor in the machine and TPL decides to schedule two experiments on it, the other one is going to be starved for CPU time.
So I have an abstract data type called RegionModel with a series of values (Region), each mapped to an index. It's possible to remove a number of regions by calling:
regionModel.removeRegions(index, numberOfRegionsToRemove);
My question is what's the best way to handle a call when the index is valid :
(between 0 (inclusive) and the number of Regions in the model (exclusive))
but the numberOfRegionsToRemove is invalid:
(index + regionsToRemove > the number of regions in the model)
Is it best to throw an exception like IllegalArgumentException or just to remove as many Regions as I can (all the regions from index to the end of the model)?
Sub-question: if I throw an exception what's the recommended way to unit test that the call threw the exception and left the model untouched (I'm using Java and JUnit here but I guess this isn't a Java specific question).
Typically, for structures like this, you have a remove method which takes an index and if that index is outside the bounds of the items in the structure, an exception is thrown.
That being said, you should be consistent with whatever that remove method that takes a single index does. If it simply ignores incorrect indexes, then ignore it if your range exceeds (or even starts before) the indexes of the items in your structure.
I agree with Mitchel and casperOne -- an Exception makes the most sense.
As far as unit testing is concerned, JUnit4 allows you to exceptions directly:
You would need only to pass parameters which are guaranteed to cause the exception, and add the correct annotation (#Test(expected=IllegalArgumentException.class)) to the JUnit test method.
Edit: As Tom Martin mentioned, JUnit 4 is a decent-sized step away from JUnit 3. It is, however, possible to also test exceptions using JUnit 3. It's just not as easy.
One of the ways I've tested exceptions is by using a try/catch block within the class itself, and embedding Assert statements within it.
Here's a simple example -- it's not complete (e.g. regionModel is assumed to be instantiated), but it should get the idea across:
public void testRemoveRegionsInvalidInputs() {
int originalSize = regionModel.length();
int index = 0;
int numberOfRegionsToRemove = 1,000; // > than regionModel's current size
try {
regionModel.removeRegions(index, numberOfRegionsToRemove);
// Since the exception will immediately go into the 'catch' block this code will only run if the IllegalArgumentException wasn't thrown
Assert.assertTrue("Exception not Thrown!", false);
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
Assert.assertTrue("Exception thrown, but regionModel was modified", regionModel.length() == originalSize);
catch (Exception e) {
Assert.assertTrue("Incorrect exception thrown", false);
I would say that an argument such as illegalArgumentException would be the best way to go here. If the calling code was not passing a workable value, you wouldn't necessarily want to trust that they really wanted to remove what it had them do.