Maven install-plugin does not use versions-plugin updated version - maven

I use the versions-maven-plugin to update the projects version. I want to install the artifact with this updated version but the maven-install plugin uses the old version. How do I have to configure the project to achieve the described behaviour?
Normally I would expect that concerning the maven lifecycle the install plugin should take the new version because the version plugin is executed in the phase validate.

Starting with Maven 3.2.1 there is a possibility to use properties as versions which means you can give things like this in your pom file:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
Furthermore you can of course us this also in parent element of a multi module build like this:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
This means in consequence you can run Maven via this:
mvn -Drevision=1.2.3-SNAPSHOT install
Or to do a release simply:
mvn -Drevision=1.2.3 install
The drawback here is that you need to give the revision always on command line or in your CI jobs. Apart from that it is possible to use furthermore other things like ${changelist} or ${sha1} which you can of course use in combination. So you can adopt the suggestions like this:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
So you can call maven via this:
mvn -Drevision=1.2.3 -Dsha1=SVNRevision-SNAPSHOT clean package


spring-boot-maven-plugin not pulling in dependent classes into jar

Im having a problem with the spring-boot-maven-plugin whereby it is not including the dependent classes in the resulting jar file.
In the docs, it states that dependencies with scope provided will be included in the jar file, but I cant get it to include them.
I have a project with 2 sub-modules: model and restServer. In the model module, I want to use swagger to codegen based on an openApi input model. The resulting classes are put in a jar file: model/target/rest-model-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar.
In the restServer module, I have the Spring RestController and Application java code, and want to "pull in" the model classes into the resulting jar file: restServer/target/rest-server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar with the spring-boot-maven-plugin builder, but its not including anything from the model sub-module.
The entire project structure and pom files are listed below.
How can I get the spring-boot-maven-plugin to pull in the class files from the model sub-module, effectively creating a "fat" self-contained jar?
Project Structure
pom.xml # parent pom
generated-sources/* (package:*)
Parent pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<description>Swagger codegen for Spring Rest Server sandbox project</description>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<dependencies> ... </dependencies>
<!-- Swagger codegen plugin -->
<configuration> ... </configuration>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<scope>provided</scope> <!-- Notice scope is provided -->
Update: adding resulting META-INF/MANIFEST.MF:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Implementation-Title: rest-server
Implementation-Version: 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
Built-By: bjohnson
Spring-Boot-Version: 2.1.2.RELEASE
Main-Class: org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher
Spring-Boot-Classes: BOOT-INF/classes/
Spring-Boot-Lib: BOOT-INF/lib/
Created-By: Apache Maven 3.5.4
Build-Jdk: 1.8.0_144
The dependencies are placed in BOOT-INF\lib\ of the repackaged JAR file.
This path will be added to the classpath of you Spring Boot Application.

service bus maven error - unknown packaging sbar

I am new to maven / pom.xml and am following the below link to create an oracle service bus project and package it into custom packaging type "sbar".
The Project gets generated properly (from the command --> mvn archetype:generate ... ) but when I execute the below command I get an error
mvn package -DoracleHome=/path/to/osbhome
[ERROR] Unknown packaging: sbar # line 16, column 16
project pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
<packaging>sbar</packaging> <!--getting error on this line-->
application pom.xml
system pom.xml
I am using JDeveloper and Maven 3.0.5.
(I get the same error if I run it either from JDeveloper or from command promt)
Please help me solve this error.
Thanks in Advance !
I haven't really sat down to work with any of the Maven POM's for OSB, SOA, etc., but I do know that your maven plugin probably isn't on the default M2 repository. It probably can't find your packaging type of sbar because it's not included in your repository. I'm assuming you're using their supplied maven and maven repo following this guide:

Maven assembly plugin - dependendy on module of type ear in multi module project

My question is whether there is anyway with the maven assembly plugin to reference a dependency of type ear that is not installed in the artefactory/repository.
Consider the multi-module project below with parent:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project ...>
with ear module:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project ...>
<name>EAR Module</name>
and assembly module:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project ...>
<name>Assembly Module</name>
<!-- Note - the dependencies (and their associated dependencies etc) are
subsequently available for assembly dependencySet includes -->
with an assembly xml :
<assembly xmlns=""
Include EAR
From a brand new checkout with empty repository, the parent project pom fails when doing a mvn compile with the error
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project assembly: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.test:assembly:jar:1.0: Could not find artifact com.test:module1:ear:1.0 ...
Whereas, if I first go to the ear module and do a mvn install, then subsequent mvn compile from the parent module works perfectly.
Additionally, if the ear module was instead the standard jar module, then this issue does not exist. Such that, if the dependency module had been of type jar, there is no need to first install it in to the local repos before doing the initial mvn compile from the parent.
Switching the dependency in the assembly pom to be of scope 'runtime' allows an initial mvn compile to succeed, however a mvn test would fail. Setting the dependency as optional also did not succeed.
Can anyone suggest a potential solution?
I'm hoping I don't need to go down the fileSet path, or utilize the maven-dependency-plugin. This dependency only exists in the pom so that the assembly plugin can package it / reference it. It is not for compilation / runtime / testing. So none of the maven dependency scopes make any sense.

copy jars used by plugin to single folder using Maven

In my POM.xml other the plugin configuration, i am not required to configure any dependenices to run the plugin. I would like to download dependent jars used by plugin(soapui-maven-plugin) from the repository into one single folder. I tried the command "mvn dependency:copy-dependencies", but no jars are copied. Is there any way to do it?
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Maven 2 SoapUI Sample</name>
<loadTest>LoadTest 1</loadTest>
<!-- <projectProperties>
<value>message=Hello World!</value>
</projectProperties> -->
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies is only applied to current maven module only. It won't works on plugins. If you want to download all soapui-maven-plugin dependencies, you need to execute command from soapui-maven-plugin project. You can follow the following steps. I assumed you familiar with GIT CLI. If not, you need to manually download from
git clone
cd soapui/soapui-maven-plugin
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
You can get list of dependencies in soapui/soapui-maven-plugin/target/dependency (total 82files)
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project soapui-maven-plugin: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.smartbear.soapui:soapui-maven-plugin:maven-plugin:5.0.0: Could not find artifact javafx:jfxrt:jar:2.2 at specified path (your jdk path)
If you get the above error, it means your maven jdk is version jdk.1.7 (u6 or earlier) which is not installed with javafx. Download newer jdk that comes with javafx at . Remember change your maven jdk to this newer jdk.
If you want to use the dependency-plugin you could add the dependencies to the pom...and download with the depepndency-plugin...
It works right for me...
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- BINARIES -->
After I just run the install passing the -DoutputDirectory parameter....
Try this...
To view all the plugin dependencies you can run a dependency:tree on the pom (where the plugin in configured)

Dependency management does not work for multi-module project

I have a Maven project with multiple modules and I'm trying to set it up so that module dependencies are automatically built to the correct lifecycle phase needed for building depending modules to the requested lifecycle phase.
In the example, the module plugin builds a Maven plugin, which is used to generate source code and is used by the module main. If I just try to use mvn -am -pl main compile, the module plugin is compiled but the process-classes lifecycle phase is not executed (which is necessary for a plugin to be usable). Compiling the module main then fails then with the following error:
[ERROR] Failed to parse plugin descriptor for example:plugin:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT (/Users/ims/Dropbox/IMS/Projects/PARITy_R4/codegen-test-simple/plugin/target/classes): No plugin descriptor found at META-INF/maven/plugin.xml -> [Help 1]
Is Maven, or a plugin for it, capable of resolving the dependencies of modules in a multi-module project and build them to stage necessary by other modules? And if so, how do I need to set up the project for this to work?
These are the POMs of my project:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<project xmlns="">
<project xmlns="">
<project xmlns="">
If you look at the reference documentation for the Maven lifecycle, you'll see that compile is before process-classes.
If you want this step to happen, you need to use mvn -am -pl main process-classes instead.
But I suggest that you always use mvn ... install - it also runs the tests and makes sure that the plugin which main uses is actually the one you think it should: Without install, the build will use an old/outdated version from the local repository (Maven will not magically determine "oh, there is a plugin in my reactor, I'll use that instead of the version from the local repo").
