kfree_skb() after skb_dequeue() freezes linux kernel - memory-management

I'm implementing flow control in a custom protocol in the linux kernel. When I receive an ACK, I want to remove the acked packets from the write queue. Here's some code
for(i = (ack->sequence - qp->first_unack); i>0&&sk->sk_write_queue.qlen>0; i++){
skb_del = skb_dequeue(&sk->sk_write_queue);
I get a kernel freeze from this code. Everything works well however, when I comment out the kfree(skb_del). Any ideas why is this happening? How else can I free up the memory?

As the skbs are queued to the socket you can use already provided socket APIs;
sk_eat_skb(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb, bool copied_early) // copied_ealy = 0
For more details you can track tcp_recvmsg, there properly you will get the impementation flow
Moreove why you are using custom APIS from the queuing/dequeuing loop on your own. Just go through the include/net/sock.h I hope you will get necessary details

This is probably because of double freeing skb_del.
Theoretically, before calling kfree_skb(skb_del) you can check the value of skb_del->users by doing refcount_read(&skb_del->users), and if skb_del->users is 0, then it means that skb_del has already been freed.
In practice, the kfree_skb() function doesn't set skb_del->users to 0 when skb_del is finally released (due to some optimization considerations), so after skb_del will be release it would stay 1, and you won't be able to know if skb_del has been released or not.
If you are still curious if this is a double-free issue and you are fine with making some changes in the skbuff infrastructure (just for this investigation) then we need to modify some skbuff functions.
WARNING: It's very easy to cause the kernel to crash when playing with this function, so be careful. But these modification works (in this way I've found a double-free of skb). Keep in mind that this is a suggestion only for investigating the double-free issue, and I've no idea if these modifications will effect your system in the long-run.
We'll modify the following functions (based on kernel v5.9.1):
skb_unref() // from include/linux/skbuff.h
__kfree_skb() // from net/core/skbuff.c
kfree_skb() // from net/core/skbuff.c
consume_skb() // from net/core/skbuff.c
Original skb_unref()
static inline bool skb_unref(struct sk_buff *skb)
if (unlikely(!skb))
return false;
if (likely(refcount_read(&skb->users) == 1))
else if (likely(!refcount_dec_and_test(&skb->users)))
return false;
return true;
Modified skb_unref()
static inline bool skb_unref(struct sk_buff *skb)
if (unlikely(!skb))
return false;
if (likely(refcount_read(&skb->users) == 1)) {
refcount_set(&skb->users, 0);
} else if (likely(!refcount_dec_and_test(&skb->users))) {
return false;
return true;
Original __kfree_skb()
void __kfree_skb(struct sk_buff *skb)
Modified __kfree_skb()
void __kfree_skb(struct sk_buff *skb)
if (!skb_unref(skb))
Original kfree_skb()
void kfree_skb(struct sk_buff *skb)
if (!skb_unref(skb))
trace_kfree_skb(skb, __builtin_return_address(0));
Modified kfree_skb()
void kfree_skb(struct sk_buff *skb)
//if (!skb_unref(skb))
// return;
trace_kfree_skb(skb, __builtin_return_address(0));
Original consume_skb()
void consume_skb(struct sk_buff *skb)
if (!skb_unref(skb))
Modified consume_skb()
void consume_skb(struct sk_buff *skb)
//if (!skb_unref(skb))
// return;
Good luck in the investigation.
May god will be with you.


libtorrent - storage_interface readv explanation

I have implemented a custom storage interface in libtorrent as described in the help section here.
The storage_interface is working fine, although I can't figure out why readv is only called randomly while downloading a torrent. From my view the overriden virtual function readv should get called each time I call handle->read_piece in piece_finished_alert. It should read the piece for read_piece_alert?
The buffer is provided in read_piece_alert without getting notified in readv.
So the question is why it is called only randomly and why it's not called on a read_piece() call? Is my storage_interface maybe wrong?
The code looks like this:
struct temp_storage : storage_interface
virtual int readv(file::iovec_t const* bufs, int num_bufs
, int piece, int offset, int flags, storage_error& ec)
// Only called on random pieces while downloading a larger torrent
std::map<int, std::vector<char> >::const_iterator i = m_file_data.find(piece);
if (i == m_file_data.end()) return 0;
int available = i->second.size() - offset;
if (available <= 0) return 0;
if (available > num_bufs) available = num_bufs;
memcpy(&bufs, &i->second[offset], available);
return available;
virtual int writev(file::iovec_t const* bufs, int num_bufs
, int piece, int offset, int flags, storage_error& ec)
std::vector<char>& data = m_file_data[piece];
if (data.size() < offset + num_bufs) data.resize(offset + num_bufs);
std::memcpy(&data[offset], bufs, num_bufs);
return num_bufs;
virtual bool has_any_file(storage_error& ec) { return false; }
virtual ...
virtual ...
Intialized with
storage_interface* temp_storage_constructor(storage_params const& params)
printf("NEW INTERFACE\n");
return new temp_storage(*params.files);
p.storage = &temp_storage_constructor;
The function below sets up alerts and invokes read_piece on each completed piece.
while(true) {
std::vector<alert*> alerts;
for (alert* i : alerts)
switch (i->type()) {
case read_piece_alert::alert_type:
read_piece_alert* p = (read_piece_alert*)i;
if (p->ec) {
// read_piece failed
// piece buffer, size is provided without readv
// notification after invoking read_piece in piece_finished_alert
case piece_finished_alert::alert_type: {
piece_finished_alert* p = (piece_finished_alert*)i;
// Once the piece is finished, we read it to obtain the buffer in read_piece_alert.
I will answer my own question. As Arvid said in the comments: readv was not invoked because of caching. Setting settings_pack::use_read_cache to false will invoke readv always.

Implementing a lock-free stack with OpenMP: compare-and-swap

I'm writing a C library on which I want to optionally support concurrence by using OpenMP (so that one may compile it serially if the compiler does not support OpenMP). I'd like to use a lock-free stack implementation.
I thought about using C's stdatomic.h for the stack, but seems that until a few weeks ago, GCC couldn't use _Atomic with OpenMP, so this would complicate portability. Clang 3.8 seems to handle atomics with OpenMP correctly, but still this would not be the best choice since there's no need to keep it atomic when compiling without OpenMP (thus serially).
I seem to need to use a compare-and-exchange operation when popping from the stack, and I couldn't find any information regarding compare-and-exchange on OpenMP. Is there any way to implement a lock-free stack solely with OpenMP?
My code so far (works with clang):
struct lfstack_node {
void *value;
struct lfstack_node *next;
typedef struct lfstack {
_Atomic(size_t) size;
_Atomic(struct lfstack_node *) head;
_Atomic int aba;
} *lfstack_t;
// ...
void *lfstack_pop(lfstack_t stack) {
if(stack) {
atomic_fetch_add(&stack->aba, 1);
struct lfstack_node *node, *next;
do {
node = atomic_load(&stack->head);
if(!node) {
// ABA problem here if not handled correctly
next = node->next;
} while(!atomic_compare_exchange_weak(&stack->head, &node, next));
atomic_fetch_sub(&stack->aba, 1);
if(node) {
int zero = 0;
while(!atomic_compare_exchange_weak(&stack->aba, &zero, zero)) {
void *value = node->value;
return value;
return NULL;

C++11: How to implement fast, lightweight, and fair synchronized resource access

What can I do to get a locking mechanism that provides minimal and stable latency while guaranteeing that a thread cannot reacquire a resource before another thread has acquired and released it?
The desirability of answers to this question are ranked as follows:
Some combination of built-in C++11 features that work in MinGW on Windows 7 (note that the <thread> and <mutex> libraries do not work on a Windows platform)
Some combination of Windows API features
A modification to the FairLock listed below, my own attempt at implementing such a mechanism
Some features provided by a free, open-source library that does not require a .configure/make/make install process, (getting that to work in MSYS is more of an adventure than I care for)
I am writing an application which is effectively a multi-stage producer/consumer. One thread generates input consumed by another thread, which produces output consumed by yet another thread. The application uses pairs of buffers so that, after an initial delay, all threads can work nearly simultaneously.
Since I am writing a Windows 7 application, I had been using CriticalSections to guard the buffers. The problem with using CriticalSections (or, so far as I can tell, any other Windows or C++11-built-in synchronization object) is that it does not allow for any provision that a thread that just released a lock cannot reacquire it until another thread has done so first. Because of this, many of my test drivers for the middle thread (the Encoder) never gave the Encoder a chance to acquire the test input buffers and completed without having tested them. The end result was a ridiculous process of trying to determine an artificial wait time that stochastically worked for my machine.
Since the structure of my application requires that each stage waits for the other stage to have acquired, finished using, and released the necessary buffers for getting to use the buffer again, I need, for lack of a better term, a fair locking mechanism. I took a crack at writing one (the source code is provided below). In testing, this FairLock allows my test driver to run my Encoder at the same speeds that I was able to achieve using the CriticalSection maybe 60% of the runs. The other 40% of the runs take anywhere between 10 to 100 ms longer, which is not acceptable for my application.
// FairLock.hpp
#include <atomic>
using namespace std;
class FairLock {
atomic_bool owned {false};
atomic<DWORD> lastOwner {0};
FairLock(bool owned);
bool inline hasLock() const;
bool tryLock();
void seizeLock();
void tryRelease();
void waitForLock();
// FairLock.cpp
#include <windows.h>
#include "FairLock.hpp"
#define ID GetCurrentThreadId()
FairLock::FairLock(bool owned) {
if (owned) {
this->owned = true;
this->lastOwner = ID;
} else {
this->owned = false;
this->lastOwner = 0;
bool inline FairLock::hasLock() const {
return owned && lastOwner == ID;
bool FairLock::tryLock() {
bool success = false;
DWORD id = ID;
if (owned) {
success = lastOwner == id;
} else if (
lastOwner != id &&
owned.compare_exchange_strong(success, true)
) {
lastOwner = id;
success = true;
} else {
success = false;
return success;
void FairLock::seizeLock() {
bool success = false;
DWORD id = ID;
if (!(owned && lastOwner == id)) {
while (!owned.compare_exchange_strong(success, true)) {
success = false;
lastOwner = id;
void FairLock::tryRelease() {
if (hasLock()) {
owned = false;
void FairLock::waitForLock() {
bool success = false;
DWORD id = ID;
if (!(owned && lastOwner == id)) {
while (lastOwner == id); // spin
while (!owned.compare_exchange_strong(success, true)) {
success = false;
lastOwner = id;
I reviewed the above code to compare it against The C++ Programming Language: 4th Edition text I had not read carefully and what CouchDeveloper's recommended Synchronous Queue. I realized that there are several sequences in which the thread that just released the FairLock can be tricked into thinking it still owns it. All it takes is interleaving instructions as follows:
New owner: set owned to true
Old owner: is owned true? yes
Old owner: am I the last owner? yes
New owner: set me as the last owner
At this point, the old and new owners both enter their critical sections.
I am considering whether this problem has a solution and whether it is worth attempting to solve this at all. In the meantime, don't use this unless you see a fix.
I would implement this in C++11 using a condition_variable-per-thread setup so that I could choose exactly which thread to wake up when (Live demo at Coliru):
class FairMutex {
class waitnode {
std::condition_variable cv_;
waitnode* next_ = nullptr;
FairMutex& fmtx_;
waitnode(FairMutex& fmtx) : fmtx_(fmtx) {
*fmtx.tail_ = this;
fmtx.tail_ = &next_;
~waitnode() {
for (waitnode** p = &fmtx_.waiters_; *p; p = &(*p)->next_) {
if (*p == this) {
*p = next_;
if (!next_) {
fmtx_.tail_ = &fmtx_.waiters_;
void wait(std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& lk) {
while (fmtx_.held_ || fmtx_.waiters_ != this) {
void notify() {
waitnode* waiters_ = nullptr;
waitnode** tail_ = &waiters_;
std::mutex mtx_;
bool held_ = false;
void lock() {
auto lk = std::unique_lock<std::mutex>{mtx_};
if (held_ || waiters_) {
held_ = true;
bool try_lock() {
if (mtx_.try_lock()) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mtx_, std::adopt_lock);
if (!held_ && !waiters_) {
held_ = true;
return true;
return false;
void unlock() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mtx_);
held_ = false;
if (waiters_ != nullptr) {
FairMutex models the Lockable concept so it can be used like any other standard library mutex type. Put simply, it achieves fairness by inserting waiters into a list in arrival order, and passing the mutex to the first waiter in the list when unlocking.
If it's useful:
This demonstrates *) an implementation of a "synchronous queue" using semaphores as synchronization primitives.
Note: the actually implementation uses semaphores implemented with GCD (Grand Central Dispatch):
using gcd::mutex;
using gcd::semaphore;
// A blocking queue in which each put must wait for a get, and vice
// versa. A synchronous queue does not have any internal capacity,
// not even a capacity of one.
template <typename T>
class simple_synchronous_queue {
typedef T value_type;
enum result_type {
OK = 0,
: sync_(0), send_(1), recv_(0)
void put(const T& v) {
new (address()) T(v);
result_type put(const T& v, double timeout) {
if (send_.wait(timeout)) {
new (storage_) T(v);
if (sync_.wait(timeout)) {
return OK;
else {
else {
T get() {
T result = *address();
return result;
std::pair<result_type, T> get(double timeout) {
if (recv_.wait(timeout)) {
std::pair<result_type, T> result =
std::pair<result_type, T>(OK, *address());
return result;
else {
return std::pair<result_type, T>(TIMEOUT_NOTHING_OFFERED, T());
using storage_t = typename std::aligned_storage<sizeof(T), std::alignment_of<T>::value>::type;
T* address() { 
return static_cast<T*>(static_cast<void*>(&storage_));
storage_t storage_;
semaphore sync_;
semaphore send_;
semaphore recv_;
*) demonstrates: be carefully about potential issues, could be improved, etc. ... ;)
I accepted CouchDeveloper's answer since it pointed me down the right path. I wrote a Windows-specific C++11 implementation of a synchronous queue, and added this answer so that others could consider/use it if they so choose.
// SynchronousQueue.hpp
#include <atomic>
#include <exception>
#include <windows>
using namespace std;
class CouldNotEnterException: public exception {};
class NoPairedCallException: public exception {};
template typename<T>
class SynchronousQueue {
atomic_bool valueReady {false};
CRITICAL_SECTION getCriticalSection;
CRITICAL_SECTION putCriticalSection;
DWORD wait {0};
HANDLE getSemaphore;
HANDLE putSemaphore;
const T* address {nullptr};
SynchronousQueue(DWORD waitMS): wait {waitMS}, address {nullptr} {
getSemaphore = CreateSemaphore(nullptr, 0, 1, nullptr);
putSemaphore = CreateSemaphore(nullptr, 0, 1, nullptr);
~SynchronousQueue() {
void put(const T& value) {
if (!TryEnterCriticalSection(&putCriticalSection)) {
throw CouldNotEnterException();
ReleaseSemaphore(putSemaphore, (LONG) 1, nullptr);
if (WaitForSingleObject(getSemaphore, wait) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
if (WaitForSingleObject(putSemaphore, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
throw NoPairedCallException();
} else {
WaitForSingleObject(getSemaphore, 0);
address = &value;
valueReady = true;
while (valueReady);
T get() {
if (!TryEnterCriticalSection(&getCriticalSection)) {
throw CouldNotEnterException();
ReleaseSemaphore(getSemaphore, (LONG) 1, nullptr);
if (WaitForSingleObject(putSemaphore, wait) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
if (WaitForSingleObject(getSemaphore, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
throw NoPairedCallException();
} else {
WaitForSingleObject(putSemaphore, 0);
while (!valueReady);
T toReturn = *address;
valueReady = false;
return toReturn;

Stopping an epoll runloop with kthread_stop

I'm using epoll in a kernel module.
I'm creating a kthread on module_init, and I want to stop it on module_exit.
However, this thread is always almost waiting in epoll_wait.
In my exit function, how can I stop the created thread even if it's waiting in epoll_wait?
This is my attempt, but every now and then it hangs, I assume because the interrupt doesn't get to the thread before kthread_stop does.
struct task_struct *thread;
bool should_stop = false;
static int __init init(void) {
thread = kthread_run(run, NULL, "hora");
return 0;
static void __exit exit(void) {
should_stop = true;
force_sig(SIGUSR1, thread);
int run(void *data) {
while (true) {
int nfd = epoll_wait(epfd, events, MAX_EVENTS, -1);
l("got event");
if (should_stop) {
while (!kthread_should_stop()) {
return 0;
The output is:
got event
I've looked into eventfd as an alternative to sending a signal, but it's quite a bit of work (only a couple of eventfd functions are exported) and I don't know for sure whether it'll solve this.
Any insights and help much appreciated.

POSIX Semaphores on Mac OS X: sem_timedwait alternative

I am trying to port a project (from linux) that uses Semaphores to Mac OS X however some of the posix semaphores are not implemented on Mac OS X
The one that I hit in this port is sem_timedwait()
I don't know much about semaphores but from the man pages sem_wait() seems to be close to sem_timedwait and it is implemented
From the man pages
sem_timedwait() function shall
lock the semaphore referenced by
sem as in the sem_wait() function.
However, if the semaphore cannot be
locked without waiting for another
process or thread to unlock the
semaphore by performing a sem_post()
function, this wait shall be ter-
minated when the specified timeout
From my limited understanding of how semphores work I can see that sem_timedwait() is safer, but I still should be able to use sem_wait()
Is this correct? If not what other alternatives do I have...
It's likely that the timeout is important to the operation of the algorithm. Therefore just using sem_wait() might not work.
You could use sem_trywait(), which returns right away in all cases. You can then loop, and use a sleep interval that you choose, each time decrementing the total timeout until you either run out of timeout or the semaphore is acquired.
A much better solution is to rewrite the algorithm to use a condition variable, and then you can use pthread_cond_timedwait() to get the appropriate timeout.
Yet another alternative may be to use the sem_timedwait.c
implementation by Keith Shortridge of the Australian Astronomical Observatory's software group.
From the source file:
* s e m _ t i m e d w a i t
* Function:
* Implements a version of sem_timedwait().
* Description:
* Not all systems implement sem_timedwait(), which is a version of
* sem_wait() with a timeout. Mac OS X is one example, at least up to
* and including version 10.6 (Leopard). If such a function is needed,
* this code provides a reasonable implementation, which I think is
* compatible with the standard version, although possibly less
* efficient. It works by creating a thread that interrupts a normal
* sem_wait() call after the specified timeout.
* ...
* Limitations:
* The mechanism used involves sending a SIGUSR2 signal to the thread
* calling sem_timedwait(). The handler for this signal is set to a null
* routine which does nothing, and with any flags for the signal
* (eg SA_RESTART) cleared. Note that this effective disabling of the
* SIGUSR2 signal is a side-effect of using this routine, and means it
* may not be a completely transparent plug-in replacement for a
* 'normal' sig_timedwait() call. Since OS X does not declare the
* sem_timedwait() call in its standard include files, the relevant
* declaration (shown above in the man pages extract) will probably have
* to be added to any code that uses this.
* ...
* Copyright (c) Australian Astronomical Observatory.
* Commercial use requires permission.
* This code comes with absolutely no warranty of any kind.
I used to use named semaphores on OSX, but now sem_timedwait isn't available and sem_init and friends are deprecated. I implemented semaphores using pthread mutex and conditions as follows which work for me (OSX 10.13.1). You might have to make a handle vs struct table and look up the sem_t type if it can't hold a ptr in it (i.e. pointers are 64bits and sem_t is 32?)
#ifdef __APPLE__
typedef struct
pthread_mutex_t count_lock;
pthread_cond_t count_bump;
unsigned count;
int sem_init(sem_t *psem, int flags, unsigned count)
bosal_sem_t *pnewsem;
int result;
pnewsem = (bosal_sem_t *)malloc(sizeof(bosal_sem_t));
if (! pnewsem)
return -1;
result = pthread_mutex_init(&pnewsem->count_lock, NULL);
if (result)
return result;
result = pthread_cond_init(&pnewsem->count_bump, NULL);
if (result)
return result;
pnewsem->count = count;
*psem = (sem_t)pnewsem;
return 0;
int sem_destroy(sem_t *psem)
bosal_sem_t *poldsem;
if (! psem)
return EINVAL;
poldsem = (bosal_sem_t *)*psem;
return 0;
int sem_post(sem_t *psem)
bosal_sem_t *pxsem;
int result, xresult;
if (! psem)
return EINVAL;
pxsem = (bosal_sem_t *)*psem;
result = pthread_mutex_lock(&pxsem->count_lock);
if (result)
return result;
pxsem->count = pxsem->count + 1;
xresult = pthread_cond_signal(&pxsem->count_bump);
result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&pxsem->count_lock);
if (result)
return result;
if (xresult)
errno = xresult;
return -1;
int sem_trywait(sem_t *psem)
bosal_sem_t *pxsem;
int result, xresult;
if (! psem)
return EINVAL;
pxsem = (bosal_sem_t *)*psem;
result = pthread_mutex_lock(&pxsem->count_lock);
if (result)
return result;
xresult = 0;
if (pxsem->count > 0)
xresult = EAGAIN;
result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&pxsem->count_lock);
if (result)
return result;
if (xresult)
errno = xresult;
return -1;
return 0;
int sem_wait(sem_t *psem)
bosal_sem_t *pxsem;
int result, xresult;
if (! psem)
return EINVAL;
pxsem = (bosal_sem_t *)*psem;
result = pthread_mutex_lock(&pxsem->count_lock);
if (result)
return result;
xresult = 0;
if (pxsem->count == 0)
xresult = pthread_cond_wait(&pxsem->count_bump, &pxsem->count_lock);
if (! xresult)
if (pxsem->count > 0)
result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&pxsem->count_lock);
if (result)
return result;
if (xresult)
errno = xresult;
return -1;
return 0;
int sem_timedwait(sem_t *psem, const struct timespec *abstim)
bosal_sem_t *pxsem;
int result, xresult;
if (! psem)
return EINVAL;
pxsem = (bosal_sem_t *)*psem;
result = pthread_mutex_lock(&pxsem->count_lock);
if (result)
return result;
xresult = 0;
if (pxsem->count == 0)
xresult = pthread_cond_timedwait(&pxsem->count_bump, &pxsem->count_lock, abstim);
if (! xresult)
if (pxsem->count > 0)
result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&pxsem->count_lock);
if (result)
return result;
if (xresult)
errno = xresult;
return -1;
return 0;
Have you considered using the apache portable runtime? It's preinstalled on every Mac OS X Box and many Linux distros and it comes with a platform neutral wrapper around thread concurrency, that works even on MS Windows:
I think the simplest solution is to use sem_wait() in combination with a call to alarm() to wake up abort the wait. For example:
int return_value = sem_wait( &your_semaphore );
if( return_value == EINTR )
printf( "we have been interrupted by the alarm." );
One issue is that alarm takes seconds as input so the timed wait might be too long in your case.
-- aghiles
One option is to use low-level semaphore mach API:
#include <mach/semaphore.h>
It is used in libuv BTW.
Could you try to mimic the functionality of the sem_timedwait() call by starting a timer in another thread that calls sem_post() after the timer expires if it hasn't been called by the primary thread that is supposed to call sem_post()?
If you can just use MP API:
MPWaitOnSemaphore exists with kMPTimeoutErr if specified timeout is exceeded without signaling.
I was planning on using the following function as a replacement but then I discovered that sem_getvalue() was also deprecated and non-functional on OSX. You are free to use the following slightly untested code under a MIT or LGPL license (your choice).
#ifdef __APPLE__
struct CSGX__sem_timedwait_Info
pthread_mutex_t MxMutex;
pthread_cond_t MxCondition;
pthread_t MxParent;
struct timespec MxTimeout;
bool MxSignaled;
void *CSGX__sem_timedwait_Child(void *MainPtr)
CSGX__sem_timedwait_Info *TempInfo = (CSGX__sem_timedwait_Info *)MainPtr;
// Wait until the timeout or the condition is signaled, whichever comes first.
int Result;
Result = pthread_cond_timedwait(&TempInfo->MxCondition, &TempInfo->MxMutex, &TempInfo->MxTimeout);
if (!Result) break;
} while (1);
if (errno == ETIMEDOUT && !TempInfo->MxSignaled)
TempInfo->MxSignaled = true;
pthread_kill(TempInfo->MxParent, SIGALRM);
return NULL;
int sem_timedwait(sem_t *sem, const struct timespec *abs_timeout)
// Quick test to see if a lock can be immediately obtained.
int Result;
Result = sem_trywait(sem);
if (!Result) return 0;
} while (Result < 0 && errno == EINTR);
// Since it couldn't be obtained immediately, it is time to shuttle the request off to a thread.
// Depending on the timeout, this could take longer than the timeout.
CSGX__sem_timedwait_Info TempInfo;
pthread_mutex_init(&TempInfo.MxMutex, NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&TempInfo.MxCondition, NULL);
TempInfo.MxParent = pthread_self();
TempInfo.MxTimeout.tv_sec = abs_timeout->tv_sec;
TempInfo.MxTimeout.tv_nsec = abs_timeout->tv_nsec;
TempInfo.MxSignaled = false;
sighandler_t OldSigHandler = signal(SIGALRM, SIG_DFL);
pthread_t ChildThread;
pthread_create(&ChildThread, NULL, CSGX__sem_timedwait_Child, &TempInfo);
// Wait for the semaphore, the timeout to expire, or an unexpected error condition.
Result = sem_wait(sem);
if (Result == 0 || TempInfo.MxSignaled || (Result < 0 && errno != EINTR)) break;
} while (1);
// Terminate the thread (if it is still running).
TempInfo.MxSignaled = true;
int LastError = errno;
pthread_join(ChildThread, NULL);
// Restore previous signal handler.
signal(SIGALRM, OldSigHandler);
errno = LastError;
return Result;
SIGALRM makes more sense than SIGUSR2 as another example here apparently uses (I didn't bother looking at it). SIGALRM is mostly reserved for alarm() calls, which are virtually useless when you want sub-second resolution.
This code first attempts to acquire the semaphore with sem_trywait(). If that immediately succeeds, then it bails out. Otherwise, it starts a thread which is where the timer is implemented via pthread_cond_timedwait(). The MxSignaled boolean is used to determine the timeout state.
You may also find this relevant function useful for calling the above sem_timedwait() implementation (again, MIT or LGPL, your choice):
int CSGX__ClockGetTimeRealtime(struct timespec *ts)
#ifdef __APPLE__
clock_serv_t cclock;
mach_timespec_t mts;
if (host_get_clock_service(mach_host_self(), CALENDAR_CLOCK, &cclock) != KERN_SUCCESS) return -1;
if (clock_get_time(cclock, &mts) != KERN_SUCCESS) return -1;
if (mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), cclock) != KERN_SUCCESS) return -1;
ts->tv_sec = mts.tv_sec;
ts->tv_nsec = mts.tv_nsec;
return 0;
return clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, ts);
Helps populate a timespec structure with the closest thing to what clock_gettime() can provide. There are various comments out there that calling host_get_clock_service() repeatedly is expensive. But starting up a thread is also expensive.
The real fix is for Apple to implement the entire POSIX specification, not just the mandatory parts. Implementing only the mandatory bits of POSIX and then claiming POSIX compliance just leaves everyone with a half-broken OS and tons of workarounds like the above that may have less-than-ideal performance.
The above all said, I am giving up on native semaphores (both Sys V and POSIX) on both Mac OSX and Linux. They are broken in quite a few rather unfortunate ways. Everyone else should give up on them too. (I'm not giving up on semaphores on those OSes, just the native implementations.) At any rate, now everyone has a sem_timedwait() implementation without commercial restrictions that others can copy-pasta to their heart's content.
