How to pack module into module with the same name with ocamlopt? - compilation

In OCaml, I can create module with nested module with the same name.
module X = struct
module X = struct
let x = 42
Also I can pack it with ocamlc:
ocamlc -for-pack X -c
mkdir tmp
mv X.cmo tmp/X.cmo
mv X.cmi tmp/X.cmi
ocamlc -pack -o X.cmo t/X.cmo
But when I try to do it with ocamlopt I have:
Fatal error: exception Stack overflow
after make file run.
How I can pack module into module with the same name with ocamlopt?

This is a bug in ocamlopt. Please report this upstream.
If packing a module X into a pack X isn't allowed then the compiler should say so. If it's allowed then it should work. Either way the Stack overflow is a bug.


"Can't open module file 'types.mod'" when compiling a main.f90 program

A quick run down:
I'm new to fortran
I'm on a windows machine
Using sublime to edit an assignment fortran code
The assignment includes a main.f90 file (see the below image of the code for that file)
This main.f90 code calls in 3 different modules: 'types' and 'analytic_functions', and
The following error keeps appearing whenever I try to run the command gfortran main.f90 in my windows command prompt:
Fatal Error: Can't open module file 'types.mod' for reading at (1): No such file or directory compilation terminated.
How do I fix this issue? All help will be greatly appreciated.
Here's the main.f90 code:
module read_write
use types
use analytic_functions, only : second_derivative_f
use euler_formulas, only : euler_3points
implicit none
public read_input, write_derivatives
I don't know if this would help but here's the 'types.f90' code:
module types
! The iso_fortran_env is an intrinsic module that should already be
! inside of your compiler
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
integer, parameter :: sp = REAL32 !< single precision kind
integer, parameter :: dp = REAL64 !< double precision kind
integer, parameter :: qp = REAL128!< quadruple precision kind
real(dp), parameter :: pi=acos(-1.0_dp)!< π = 3.141592...
end module types
Note: these .mod files are more or less like C headers, they allow the compiler to check types at compile time, which was usually not possible in Fortran 77 when compiling from several source files. They are created when you compile the modules.
Hence, you have first to compile the modules. Note that to compile and link main.f90, you also have to pass the object files to gfortran, otherwise the linker won't be able to resolve references to functions from these modules.
gfortran -c types.f90
gfortran -c analytic_functions.f90
gfortran -c euler_formulas.f90
gfortran main.f90 types.obj analytic_functions.obj euler_formulas.obj
The gfortran compiler is also able to compile all files at once, but you must pass the files in a specific order: if program or module B uses module A, then B.f90 must be after A.f90 on the command line. This is necessary for the compiler to find the .mod files when they are used.
gfortran types.f90 analytic_functions.f90 euler_formulas.f90 main.f90

How does using modules that use other modules affect compilation? (gfortran)

I asked a question about some strange behavior from a Fortran compiler here:
gfortran compiler cannot find misspelled full directory
Basically, the compiler sporadically** complains that a file is missing, but the problem is that the printed name of the file (full path, actually) is misspelled, so no wonder it's "missing". I thought that I resolved the problem by using relative paths, but it turns out that the problem was just dormant. Here's an example of one such complaint:
C:\Users\charl\Documents\GitHub\MOONS>gfortran -fopenmp -g -fimplicit-none -cpp
gfortran: error:
C:/Users/charl/Documents/GitHubMOONS/code/solvers/induction/init_Sigma.f90: No such file or directory
Notice that the forward slash ('/') is missing between GitHub and MOONS, and instead reads "GitHubMOONS". This path was correctly written in the makefile.
** I say sporadically because changing lines in the code sometimes results in the error disappearing. Similarly, removing some unused modules (that compile just fine) from my compilation list results in the error disappearing.
The compiler I'm using is:
GNU Fortran (x86_64-posix-seh-rev0, Built by MinGW-W64 project) 4.9.2 Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
But I've seen the same problem with more recent compilers, e.g.:
I think I am seeing a trend with when this error occurs, and it seems to occur more frequently when modules pass on public interfaces to other modules.
So, my question is, given the following two modules:
module add_int_mod
implicit none
public :: add
interface add; module procedure add_int; end interface
subroutine add_int(a,b)
implicit none
integer,intent(inout) :: a
integer,intent(in) :: b
a = a + b
end subroutine
end module
module add_all_mod
use add_int_mod
implicit none
public :: add
end module
What is the difference between these two programs, if any?
Program 1
program main
use add_all_mod ! only difference
implicit none
integer :: a,b
a = 0
b = 1
call add(a,b)
write(*,*) 'a = ',a
write(*,*) 'b = ',b
end program
Program 2
program main
use add_int_mod ! only difference
implicit none
integer :: a,b
a = 0
b = 1
call add(a,b)
write(*,*) 'a = ',a
write(*,*) 'b = ',b
end program
I appreciate any help/suggestions.

How to statically build kernel module with buildroot?

Is there an example package somewhere on how you might go about statically compiling in a device driver?
I know that obj-y is used for static compilation vs obj-m. I have a dynamically loadable module being built in my buildroot package right now. That dynamic module works exactly as I would expect. I even figured out that I could change the module makefile to use obj-y, and add a buildroot option where, if I clicked it it would append a line in the drivers/Makefile. The output appeared to show that my module got built. But it didn't at all seem to me that my driver's init function was being executed at startup, because I don't see my device file in /dev.
Supposing you have a driver in driver.c, and a buildroot package called STATICDRVR, you can use the following and files to add a static module to be built when the kernel is built:
bool "Build & link static driver?"
This is a driver that blah blah greatness whatever
STATICDRVR_SITE = /location/to/STATICDRVR_containing_src
#make sure that obj-y += STATICDRVR/ is only in the build makefile once
sed -i '/obj-y += STATICDRVR/d' $(BUILD_DIR)/linux-$(LINUX_VERSION)/drivers/Makefile
echo "obj-y += STATICDRVR/" >> $(BUILD_DIR)/linux-$(LINUX_VERSION)/drivers/Makefile
rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR)/linux-$(LINUX_VERSION)/drivers/STATICDRVR
cp -r $(#D)/src $(BUILD_DIR)/linux-$(LINUX_VERSION)/drivers/STATICDRVR
echo "obj-y += driver.o" > $(BUILD_DIR)/linux-$(LINUX_VERSION)/drivers/STATICDRVR/Makefile
$(eval $(kernel-module))
$(eval $(generic-package))
It is not possible to statically link an external module with the kernel. To do that, you have to patch the kernel itself and add your module there.

Fortran strategy to debug compilation errors

I'm having a hard time debugging a compilation error in gfortran. My compiler is:
gfortran -v
Thread model: posix
gcc version 4.9.2 (x86_64-posix-seh-rev4, Built by MinGW-W64 project)
I can't include the real problem because it's too big. Below I'll discuss a model problem of what's happening:
I have one big module, let's call it ops, that I'd like to break down into several modules (e.g. add, subtract, multiply, divide, etc). To do this, I "use" modules "add" and "subtract" in module "ops", make the routines from "add" and "subtract" public, and then call the routines in "add" and "subtract" from the main program, which only uses "ops".
In this simple example (illustrated below in a simple program), using both modules works fine, and there are no errors. But when I do this with my big program, I get an error when trying to use the "subtract" module (I've also included what I mean in the program comments).
Here's the sample of the scenario:
module add_mod
public :: add
interface add; module procedure add1; end interface
subroutine add1(a,b,c)
integer,intent(inout) :: a
integer,intent(in) :: b,c
a = b + c
end subroutine
end module
module subtract_mod
public :: subtract
interface subtract; module procedure subtract1; end interface
subroutine subtract1(a,b,c)
integer,intent(inout) :: a
integer,intent(in) :: b,c
a = b - c
end subroutine
end module
module ops
use add_mod
! use subtract_mod ! Removing comment causes error...
public :: init
public :: add
! public :: subtract ! Removing comment causes error...
subroutine init(a,b,c)
implicit none
integer,intent(inout) :: a,b,c
a = 0; b = 0; c = 0
end subroutine
end module
program test
use ops
implicit none
integer :: a,b,c
b = 1; c = 1
call add(a,b,c)
write(*,*) 'a,b,c = ',a,b,c
! call subtract(a,b,c) ! want to call...
write(*,*) 'a,b,c = ',a,b,c
end program
The error that I'm getting (in terms of the simplified example) is:
gfortran: error: main.o: No such file or directory
make: *** [main] Error 1
The error from my big example looks like
gfortran: error: C:\\Users\\charl\\Documnts\\obj\parametricStudy.o: No such file or directory
make: *** [C:\\Users\\charl\\Documents\\MOONS] Error 1
Where "parametricStudy" is the main program and "MOONS" is the name of the target/executable.
This really does not look like an error in terms of finding the executable, it looks like the executable is not made because of some other issue, but I don't have enough information to find out why. I've tried including all of the debugging flags I can think of:
fimplicit-none -Wuninitialized -cpp -fopenmp -Wall -Wextra -fbacktrace -fcheck=all -O0 -Og
Sorry for the long introduction, but here's my question: How can I debug this? I'm sorry if this was a poorly conveyed question, but I can't re-produce this error in a simple case, so I'm not sure how else to pose the question. Any help on a solution, debugging advice or improving this question is greatly appreciated!
After seeing the comment about the compilation error typo, I tried reversing the order of the used modules. That is, now I tried using "subtract" alone, which works fine, but then try using "add" (together) and I get the same error. I'm now beginning to think that this is a compiler bug or something.
I uploaded the code to github. It can be downloaded at
The makefile is in the directory
And the output should show up in out_dir. To compile this, the $TARGET_DIR$ and $SRC_DIR$ must be defined. Please note that right now it is defined with the variable $USER$.
After changing the directory, I see a different misspelling (which seems to change when I make small changes in the code, e.g. removing some warnings related to unused variables).
I've been removing more warnings related to un-used routines and variables, and now I see that the error still exists, but (as far as I see) there is no typo. Here is the new output:
gfortran -o
C:\\Users\\charl\\Documents\\GitHub\\MOONS\\out_dir\\MOONS -J"
C:\\Users\\charl\\Documents\\GitHub\\MOONS\\out_dir\\mod" -fimplicit-none -Wuninitialized -cpp -D_DOUBLE_PRECISION_ -D_FFT_RADIX2_ -fopenmp -Wall -Wextra -fbacktrace -fcheck=all -O0 -Og -D_DEBUG_DEL_ -D_DEBUG_INTERP_ -D_DEBUG_APPLYBCS_
gfortran: error: C:\\Users\\charl\\Documents\\GitHub\\MOONS\\out_dir\\obj\init_Pfield.: No such file or directory
make: *** [C:\\Users\\charl\\Documents\\GitHub\\MOONS\\out_dir\\MOONS] Error 1
I'm going to try a newer compiler and see if this fixes the problem

Link only once to a library

I have my main application and two libraries: foo and bar.
foo uses bar in some methods, and it has it specified in the LDADD.
My main application uses foo, and indirectly bar, so it has, in the Makefile, LDADD = foo.
In this case, if i don't also add bar library to the LDADD for my main application, i will get an compilation error.
Undefined reference; and it says that the .so files from foo require the .so files from bar.
I don't understand this.
Once i compile ( non-static ) foo with LDADD = bar, why do i need it again when i'm compiling an app that is using foo ?
You don't specify if foo and / or bar are libtool libraries built as part of the source tree. If they are, libtool should take take of the linking. i.e., since foo requires bar as part of a library:
libfoo_la_LIBADD = ../bar/ # in: foo/
prog_LDADD = ../foo/ # in: app/
