Using Jmeter, I want to extract OTP from email that i got in my gmail account.
My problem is:
I am not able to read content from child of sub-sampler response in the View Results Tree.
Check below image
Listener for Email
I am using Regular Expression Extractor to extract value.
All you need to do is to switch your Regular Expression Extractor scope to Main sample and sub-samples or Sub-samples only
See How To Create A JMeter Script To Check Email During Registration AND Grab The Confirmation URL article for more details if required
Sorry for the title being a little unclear, but I will do my best to explain what I am trying to achieve.
Send a xml request to the following URL ` using POST.
This returns a HTTP/1.1 200 OK and a unique location header so something like `c4299g99-986f-53d6-c635-171b312333ef (location header is unique each time)
This is then added to the end of the request URL to retrieve the response(which is also an xml) via a GET. `
In Jmeter, I have been trying to use the
WebSocket request-response Sampler plugin to get it working but don't believe this is the right plugin to use.
What can I do in Jmeter to create a test for this?
You can use HTTP Request sampler. Add this sampler to Thread Group, choose it and change Method to POST (by Default it's GET) then select Body Data tab to paste the XML that you want to send.
After that you will be able to extract and reuse the value from request with Regular Expression Extractor (just choose Field to check - Response Headers on that screen) to send it to the next one.
Also you can simply record a scenario with your browser and JMeter proxy.
Does any one knows how to solve it with regular expression? here i am putting screen shot with valid access token and error response token.
thanks in advance.
Valid response token
invalid response token
and Regular expression exctracter
it is fine if you guys have any other solution for this unauthorized access thing.
Add JSON Extractor as a child of the authserver request and configure it as follows:
Variable Names: anything meaningful, i.e. token
JSON Path expressions: $.access_token
Add HTTP Header Manager as a child of the student request and configure it to send Authorization header with the value of Bearer ${token}
Going forward you can go for an alternative way of recording a JMeter test which is capable of exporting the recorded requests in SmartJMX mode with automatic correlation of dynamic parameters applied so you will be able to save your time for more creative work. See How to Cut Your JMeter Scripting Time by 80% article for more details.
I'm trying to test a few functions on my Laravel based website. However, I'm having difficulties logging in the website. I've used BlazeMeters Chrome plugin to record my events and save it in jmx file. Was able to do that and imported the file in JMeter. Now at login we are not just examine the email and password, but also a _token variable. This is individual for all visitors. Do I need and if yes, then how can I fetch the token for one user and use that at login time and any other time, when the _token was requested?
Your test flow should look like:
Open Login Page (usually HTTP Get Request)
Extract the token from the response using one of JMeter's Post-Processors (normally people use Regular Expression Extractor or CSS/JQuery Extractor)
Perform Login (usually HTTP Post Request) providing credentials and the token from the step 1
The process is known as correlation and there is a plenty of information on it over the Internet.
If you want to get things done faster you could consider an alternative way of recording a JMeter test scenario which automatically detects dynamic parameters, generates the relevant post-processors to extract them and store into JMeter Variables and substitutes parameters with the variables so you won't have to do it manually. Check out How to Cut Your JMeter Scripting Time by 80% article for more details.
Like after recording login action when request is viewed then seeing sysparm_ck also along with login and password. When this scrip is run then due to sysparm_ck parameter login is not getting performed.
You should design your test scenario as follows:
Open Login Page (normally HTTP GET Request)
Extract sysparm_ck from the response and save it into a JMeter Variable with a PostProcessor
Perform Login (normally HTTP POST Request) providing credentials and the JMeter Variable holding sysparm_ck value
The whole process is known as correlation and depending on the "Open Login Page" response nature you have the following PostProcessors choices:
Regular Expression Extractor - probably the most commonly used one
CSS/JQuery Extractor - for HTML
XPath Extractor - for XML, XHTML and HTML
JSON Extractor - for JSON
I am creating a jmeter load test plan for RESTful API request. I need to use the dynamic API key generated in my first sampler SignIn API in the next set of API requests I am going to create.
Can someone help out with how to pass the selected data parameters from response and input to the another api request in other required format for that post request.
Response Header
WebxxxHeader: {"UserName":"xxxxx","UserID":1,"ApiKey":"ea9a3572-de75-4a85-848a-8fed874f2269","ValidFrom":"2015-06-05 05:54:35","ValidTo":"2015-06-12 05:54:35","UserRole":null,"Password":null,"DeviceToken":null,"DeviceType":null,"IsRetina":false,"UniqueId":null}
Header to be posted in the next set of APIs
WebxxxHeader: {"UserName":"xxxxx","ApiKey":"ea9a3572-de75-4a85-848a-8fed874f2269"}
One more issue here is I have to pass the user email in the header instead of UserName.
Please share advanced JMeter blog references.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
I would suggest searching the web for something like "JMeter correlation" - that should give you the answers you're looking for.
Particular this API key bit can be handled via Regular Expression Extractor postprocessor.
Add Regular Expression Extractor as a child of the request which returns the API Key
Configure it as follows:
Field to check: Response Headers
Reference Name: anything meaningful, i.e. API_KEY
Regular Expression: "ApiKey":"(.+?)"
Template: $1$
Other fields can be left as is
Add HTTP Header Manager as a child of the second request and configure it as follows:
Name: WebxxxHeader
Value: `{"UserName":"xxxxx","ApiKey":"${API_KEY}"}
If you testing REST API I think that JSON Path Extractor available via JMeter Plugins could be extremely useful. See Using the XPath Extractor in JMeter guide (scroll to "Parsing JSON") for installation and usage instructions and some form of JSON Path language reference.