Downloading bucket contents - download

I issued the following command to download all of the content of a bucket.
gsutil -m cp -R gs://"lynda_gcs_bucket_lsb" /gcs2/ .
Below is a screenshot of GSUTIL copying bucket contents. GSUTIL tells me that the contents were downloaded but I can't find the files anywhere. Where are they? I have tried issuing a path to direct where the downloaded files should be placed.


How to sync or copy only modified and newly added files to GCS bucket using gsutil rsync from local folder?

I am trying to copy or sync newly added or modified files only from local folder to GCS bucket using rsync, It looks like rsync is copying all the files again to gcs buckets instead of copying updated or newly added files.
The command I am using right now :
gsutil -m rsync -r -d ./data/ gs://bucket/data/
Any help would be appreciated.

AWS S3 download all files with same name with shell

There are files from an AWS s3 bucket that I would like to download, they all have the same name but are in different subfolders. There are no credentials required to download and connect to this bucket. I would like to download all the files called "B01.tif" in s3://sentinel-cogs/sentinel-s2-l2a-cogs/7/V/EG/, and save them with the name of the subfolder they are in (for example: S2A_7VEG_20170205_0_L2AB01.tif).
Path example:
I was thinking of using a bash script that prints the output of ls to download the file with cp, and save it on my pc with a name generated from the path.
Command to use ls:
aws s3 ls s3://sentinel-cogs/sentinel-s2-l2a-cogs/7/V/EG/2017/2/ --no-sign-request
Command to download a single file:
aws s3 cp s3://sentinel-cogs/sentinel-s2-l2a-cogs/7/V/EG/2017/2/S2A_7VEG_20170205_0_L2A/B01.tif --no-sign-request B01.tif
Attempt to download multiple files:
for a in s3://sentinel-cogs/sentinel-s2-l2a-cogs/7/V/EG/:
for b in s3://sentinel-cogs/sentinel-s2-l2a-cogs/7/V/EG/2017/:
for c in s3://sentinel-cogs/sentinel-s2-l2a-cogs/7/V/EG/2017/2/:
NAME=$(aws s3 ls s3://sentinel-cogs/sentinel-s2-l2a-cogs/7/V/EG/$a$b$c | head -1)
aws s3 cp s3://sentinel-cogs/sentinel-s2-l2a-cogs/7/V/EG/$NAME/B01.tif --no-sign-request $NAME$VAR1
I don't know if there is a simple way to go automatically through every subfolder and save the files directly. I know my ls command is broken, because if there are multiple subfolders it will only take the first one as a variable.
It's easier to do this in a programming language rather than as a Shell script.
Here's a Python script that will do it for you:
import boto3
BUCKET = 'sentinel-cogs'
PREFIX = 'sentinel-s2-l2a-cogs/7/V/EG/'
s3_resource = boto3.resource('s3')
for object in s3_resource.Bucket(BUCKET).objects.filter(Prefix=PREFIX):
if object.key.endswith(FILE):
target = object.key[len(PREFIX):].replace('/', '_')

Is there way to transfer all zip files from s3 bucket aws to other computer?

I have module where I need transfer all zip files from s3 bucket to my network computers by by just connecting each ip address \ right now im using laravel.
exec('aws s3 cp s3://compexp/"11-10-2019"/""');
I have bucket name: compexp inside of bucket, there are created folder name: example 11-10-2019 inside of of dated folder there are zip files for the reference see the imported image.
zip files
currently this is my reference, but i can't see how can i transfer the files from my network computers.
You can use flag --recursive together with --exclude "*" --include "*.zip" to copy only *.zip in folder "11-10-2019".
Regarding the network computers, Do you mean your internal network computers?
You can't pass another server as the destination to copy the contents. You need to copy the files locally first and the transfer to another server. A good way to sync a directory from S3 bucket contents is to use the sync command as mentioned here
aws s3 sync yourLocalDir s3://mybucket
Once you have all the contents synced up in your current directory you can just copy them to a different computer using scp command as mentioned here
scp -r yourLocalDir anotherHost:/directory
-r option of scp is to make sure you copy all the subdirectories recursively

After copying files using gsutil, they are not deleted instantly from the local storage

My task is to upload CSV files from the local database to the Google Cloud storage.
To do this, I first copy them to my desktop and then upload them to the Google Cloud storage.
I want this to be done automatically, without my participation. Therefore, I created a CMD file that will be run by Task Scheduler. The structure of the CMD file is the next:
gsutil cp C:\Users\Myname\Desktop\test\*.csv gs://my-bucket
gsutil rm C:\Users\Myname\Desktop\test\*.csv
But after loading data into `Google Cloud storage, it does not delete the CSV files.
However, if you run the delete in a separate command, it successfully deletes files.
gsutil rm C:\Users\Myname\Desktop\test\*.csv
But I want the download and removal code to be in one file.
I also tried this way (but it did not help me either):
gsutil cp C:\Users\Myname\Desktop\test\*.csv gs://my-bucket
del C:\Users\Myname\Desktop\test\*.csv
What are the solutions to this problem?
The gsutil mv command is designed for this use case.
Note, however, the docs section about atomicity. Especially with moving from your local filesystem to the cloud, there is no way to upload and delete atomically, so the command will first upload, verify the file is stored in the cloud, and then delete the local file.
The problem is cause by gsutil being a script. On Windows, this script (gsutil) exits and stops further processing of commands in your batch file.
The solution is to add the word call in front of gsutil:
call gsutil cp C:\Users\Myname\Desktop\test\*.csv gs://my-bucket
Next, do not use gsutil to delete a local file. Use del instead.

aws s3 sync --recursive not working in windows

I am using AWS-CLI in windows cmd and run AWS s3 sync command but it does not work with --recursive, it shows unknown options: --recursive
aws s3 sync --recursive localpath s3://bucket-name
python --version python 3.6.5
aws --version aws-cli/1.15.38 Python/2.7.9 Windows/2012Server botocore/1.10.38
Please help
The aws s3 sync command is already recursive, so there is no need for a recursive option, and there isn't one:
Syncs directories and S3 prefixes. Recursively copies new and updated
files from the source directory to the destination. Only creates
folders in the destination if they contain one or more files.
In addition the sync command only copies things that don't already exist on the destination. If you point to a folder it will recursively sync everything inside that doesn't already exist on your target destination. This is different then the aws s3 cp command. The cp command copies whatever you tell it to, regardless of it it already exists on the target. The cp command takes a --recursive option for recursively copying folders.
