Delete columns from BIRT report - birt

I have a BIRT Excel Report with 10 columns. I have a query which executes and brings the data for all the 10 columns.
However, based on one of the input parameters, i need to display just 8 columns. I am able to hide the remaining 2 columns but i would like to delete those 2 columns from the report so that user does not see the hidden columns.
I tried to change the query but i am unable to dynamically set the select parameters.
Is there a way either in Query or in BIRT to remove few columns based on an input condition.

You cannot delete the columns, but it's sufficient to hide them dynamically using the column's visibility expression. You can add an aggregation to the table, using the MAX function for the column data (let's call it max_name).
E.g. if your table column shows the DS column NAME and you want to hide the column if NAME is empty for all rows:
Add an aggration (let's call it MAX_NAME) to the table, with the aggregation function MAX and the expression NAME. Then in the visibility expression of the table column, use !row["MAX_NAME"] as the expression.

After drag and drop the dataset. Right click on column header and select the delete column option.


In Apex how do you create a table where each row of a column is of a different type?

I would like to create a table that looks like this:
As you can see it has three columns, Name, Value, and Unit. Each cell of the Value column is of a different type, first is a radio group, second is a select list, and third is a text field. How do you create such a table in the latest version of Oracle Apex?

Using DAX to get a table from nested table

In powerBI, I using the python script and generate one table. The generated table is a nested table. Each row value is actually a table. and so now I want to use DAX to copy one specific row value(which is a table), just the "dataset_filtered" table shown as below.
what's the DAX code for this ? or any good suggestions ?
The nested table
This is M rather than DAX.
Click the drop down arrow in the name column to filter the row you want.
Click the expand arrows in the Value column to expand the table.

Selecting only check marked rows in a different table - Mac Numbers

I have a table in Mac Numbers which has a column with checkbox. I am trying to copy only those rows in a second table which are check marked.
I also want to extend this solution to multiple tables; I will have multiple tables having a column with checkbox. I want to copy all those rows into a single table which are check marked.
I tried with LOOPUP function but it didn't help.
How can we do this?
I worked it out in 2 steps -
Used IF condition to put column data if checkbox is checked else put "NA".
Then put a filter on the new table to filter out all rows which has that column with values "NA".

Multi-column search in lov of oracle forms developer 6i

I have created a LOV using query; It has 3 columns. When LOV is displayed I want to search a value. But when I type something it search only first column. LOV do not search in other columns except first column.
Is there anybody who knows how to search any value of other column or multi-column search in forms developer 6i?
An Oracle Forms LOV only searches the first column - so you might need to concatenate 2 or more columns into the first column to get what you want.
Otherwise, you may need to make your own custom LOV form.

how to hide an external table when there is no data in internal table in BIRT?

I have two tables one inside the other. When there are no detail rows in the inner table i am making it invisible. but i am not able to make the external table invisible.
In detail My inner table heading row and footer is visible even when there are no detail rows so i made the table visibility to true when no detail rows. But i am not able to make the external table invisible with the same logic. it is because even though the inner table is invisible the detail and footer is there so when i say no detail rows no visibility it is not working. so how can i hide the external table when the internal table is invisible?
I would try Binding the data set to the external table and making an aggregation that counts the number of rows in the data set.
Click on the Table
go to Binding in the Property Editor
click Add Aggregation
I called the Column Binding Name RowCount and set the Function to COUNT. Set the Expression to one of the columns from your dataset that you have included in the binding. In my case, I set Expression to row["columnname"].
Click on your table.
go to Visibility in the Property Editor.
check Hide Element and set the Expression to:
row["RowCount"]==0 || row["RowCount"]==null
The element will only display when the RowCount aggregation counts more than 1 row in your dataset.
My solution for this was to create a function that counts the records that meet the desired criterion, in my case select count(*) from my_table where user_id = id.
Then I inserted this function as a detail component that gets the count based on the selected table record.
Then I used the result of the count as a visibility rule. count > 0. this way I can hide the tables that return empty.
Using this trick is possible to hide the secondary table but the count details component will be still there, if you want to hide it you have to put it in a flexbox component. then in the visibility rules you an access you flexbox component and include the rule count > 0
