MassTransit Multiple Consumers - masstransit

I have an environment where I have only one app server. I have some messages that take awhile to service (like 10 seconds or so) and I'd like to increase throughput by configuring multiple instances of my consumer application running code to process these messages. I've read about the "competing consumer" pattern and gather that this should be avoided when using MassTransit. According to the MassTransit docs here, each receive endpoint should have a unique queue name. I'm struggling to understand how to map this recommendation to my environment. Is it possible to have N instances of consumers running that each receive the same message, but only one of the instances will actually act on it? In other words, can we implement the "competing consumer" pattern but across multiple queues instead of one?
Or am I looking at this wrong? Do I really need to look into the "Send" method as opposed to "Publish"? The downside with "Send" is that it requires the sender to have direct knowledge of the existence of an endpoint, and I want to be dynamic with the number of consumers/endpoints I have. Is there anything built in to MassTransit that could help with the keeping track of how many consumer instances/queues/endpoints there are that can service a particular message type?

so the "avoid competing consumers" guidance was from when MSMQ was the primary transport. MSMQ would fall over if multiple threads where reading from the queue.
If you are using RabbitMQ, then competing consumers work brilliantly. Competing consumers is the right answer. Each competing consume will use the same receive from endpoint.


RabbitMQ: routing messages to threads

I have an application written in Ruby that has multiple threads that each send requests to remote AMQP endpoints. These threads are spawned from time to time when new tasks have to be run.
If I use temporary, exclusive queues per thread for sending responses to their requests, then it becomes easy to write the code to handle incoming messages in this Ruby service. The queues are deleted as soon as the associated channel is closed so they don't stick around after their purpose is over.
The alternatives I can think of all require a listener thread listening on one or more queues that receive all incoming messages / responses into the Ruby service, and then routing these messages to waiting threads using some message identifiers. This seems more complicated, and I am unable to use RabbitMQ for all the required semantic routing.
Is the first model a viable model for AMQP communication? Is there a better pattern for handling this case?
the answer largely depends on your use case
if you don't care about losing messages when a given queue is deleted, then the first option is fine.
if you need messages to stick around in a queue until something comes along to process it, then you need to have a durable queue where messages sit.
there is no requirement for queue per thread, with rabbitmq.
however, you should be using a channel per thread.
given that, you can have a channel per thread and have multiple channels consuming from the same (or different) queue without issue.
as long as you keep channels limited to a single thread, you can do whatever you need in regards to the queues you are consuming from.

How can you listen to multiple queues in WSO2 ESB

I am creating a hosted system where multiple customers can send messages. I am receiving thoses messages on a JMS queue.
Now, all processing is done in a similar way and I want my process to poll all incoming queues for messages and handle them. Is there a way in WSO2 ESB to subscribe to multiple queues?
If not possible, the workaround would be to create a seperate listener process for each queue and have this post the message to a central processing queue. But that seems to be a less clean solution (and I think it will scale worse than listening to multiple queues).
Any ideas on this?
If changes to activeMQ server is possible ie. if OP is able to influence the configuration to the server, something like ActiveMQ diverts could do the trick.
<divert name="prices-divert">
<divert name="prices-divert">
Basically, multiple diverts that converge the messages from multiple queues to the single queue. This method has advantage over the reading and writing to single queue-as mentioned by the OP and would in my view scale well as it is inbuilt feature.
You can define a sequence with all the required logic in it and then call it from multiple proxy services (each listening to a specific queue). Otherwise you can try something similar to this sample.

Microservice Event driven Design with multiple Instances

At the Moment we design and plan to transform our system to a microservice architecture pattern.
To loose coupling we think about an event driven design with an JMS Topic. This looks great. But i don't now how we can solve the problem with multiple instances of a microservice.
For failover and load balancing we have n instances of each service. If an event is published to the topic each instance will receive and process that event.
It's possible to handle this with locks and processed states in the data storage. But this solution looks very expensive and every instance has the same work. This is not a load balaning for me.
Is there some good Solution or best practice for this pattern?
Why not use a Queue instead of a Topic? Then your instances will compete for messages rather than all get a copy.
rabbitmq might be a better fit for you - publish to a fanout exchange and have any number of queues bound to it, with each queue having any number of competing consumers.
I have also seen JMS topics used where competing clients connect with the same client id. Some (all?) brokers will only allow one such client to consume. The others keep trying to reconnect until the current consumer dies.

RabbitMQ Fanout Exchange (VirtualTopic Equivalent)

I'm looking at swapping out ActiveMQ with RabbitMQ for a few reasons. I currently have multiple services which are each capable of publishing events (and they publish those events to a specific VirtualTopic in AMQ). Each of the services is also capable of consuming messages from the other services. Consumers are set up such that they subscribe as a consumer to a queue on the VirtualTopic.
This buys me the ability to fan messages out to multiple queues (topic-like functionality) while keeping the benefits of queues (load balancing and persistence).
It seems like this is roughly equivalent to RabbitMQ's fanout exchange. However, the part that I found very useful in ActiveMQ is that the producer doesn't need to have any knowledge of the consumers. It simply publishes to the virtual topic. It seems that in RabbitMQ, when the exchange is created, I need a definitive of queues to publish that message to.
Is there any routing scheme in RabbitMQ that is equivalent to ActiveMQ's Virtual Topic, such that I can produce messages to a topic that are distributed to any queue that has been created off of that Virtual Topic, without requiring a hard-coded routing scheme somewhere in RMQ?
I realized after posting this question that it is pretty trivial to do this (not sure why I never thought of it before).
I was looking at it from the wrong direction, wondering how I could automatically have the publisher configure queues for the recipients - which isn't the right way to approach this question.
Instead, I have the subscribers, when they start up, bind themselves to the exchange that the publisher users, which provides in the inversion of control I'm looking for (publishers need not know anything about their consumers).

JMS Producer-Consumer-Observer (PCO)

In JMS there are Queues and Topics. As I understand it so far queues are best used for producer/consumer scenarios, where as topics can be used for publish/subscribe. However in my scenario I need a way to combine both approaches and create a producer-consumer-observer architecture.
Particularly I have producers which write to some queues and workers, which read from these queues and process the messages in those queues, then write it to a different queue (or topic). Whenever a worker has done a job my GUI should be notified and update its representation of the current system state. Since workers and GUI are different processes I cannot apply a simple observer pattern or notify the GUI directly.
What is the best way to realize this using a combination of queues and/or topics? The GUI should always be notified, but it should never consume anything from a queue?
I would like to solve this with JMS directly and not use any additional technology such as RMI to implement the observer part.
To give a more concrete example:
I have a queue with packages (PACKAGEQUEUE), produced by machine (PackageProducer)
I have a worker which takes a package from the PACKAGEQUEUE adds an address and then writes it to a MAILQUEUE (AddressWorker)
Another worker processes the MAILQUEUE and sends the packages out by mail (MailWorker).
After step 2. when a message is written to the MAILQUEUE, I want to notify the GUI and update the status of the package. Of course the GUI should not consume the messages in the MAILQUEUE, only the MailWorker must consume them.
You can use a combination of queue and topic for your solution.
Your GUI application can subscribe to a topic, say MAILQUEUE_NOTIFICATION. Every time (i.e at step 2) PackageProducer writes message to MAILQUEUE, a copy of that message should be published to MAILQUEUE_NOTIFICATION topic. Since the GUI application has subscribed to the topic, it will get that publication containing information on status of the package. GUI can be updated with the contents of that publication.
