How to parallel Knapsack problems? - algorithm

Knapsack problems is a very famous problem. Given a set of items, each with a weight and a value, determine the number of each item to include in a collection so that the total weight is less than or equal to a given limit and the total value is as large as possible.
This problem can be solved with dynamic programming and can be found on every tutorial book of algorithm. But how can I write a parallel version?

That is a very interesting question, the best way to obtain a (good) answer is to use google scholar on such a question. The following link is probably the most recent paper on the subject.


Which mathematical optimization problem is this?

I have an combinational optimization problem and I do not know its name in literature.
My problem is the following:
I have n sets containing exclusive elements, so each element is present only in a set.
An element is characterized by 2 constraints values, and one profit.
I have to choose an element from each set in order to maximize the sum of the profits, while keeping the sum of each constraint below a a specified limit.
Is this an already studied problem? WHich is its name?
Can I assimilate it to an already studied problem?
Thanks to #Berthur & #mrBen replies, I discovered that this is a multiple-constrained knapsack problem where you have to create an indicator variable to force that only one element will be chosen by each set
The problem you're describing is know as the multiple-choice knapsack problem. In your case, as you have 2 constraints, it's actually a 2-dimentional multiple-choice knapsack problem.
With the keywords multi-dimentional multiple-choice knapsack problem (sometime abbreviated as MMKP) you should be able to find the corresponding literature.

How can I choose 5 of my Twitter friends in a way that maximizes the number of distinct followers they have?

Assuming that I have an array of twitter users and their followers, and I want to identify 5 users who have the most number of unqiue followers such that if I ask them to retweet an advertisement for my product, it would reach the most number of users.
I do not have formal programming or computer science training. However I do understand algorithms and basic CS concepts. It would be great if a solution can be provided in a way a layman could follow.
This is the "Maximum coverage problem", which is a class of problems thought to be difficult to solve efficiently (so-called NP-hard problems). You can read about the problem on wikipedia:
A simple algorithm to solve it is to enumerate all subsets of size 5 of your friends, and measure the size of union of their followers. It is not an efficient solution, since if you've got n friends, then there's around n^5 subsets of size 5 (assuming n is large).
If you wanted a solution that's feasible to code and may be reasonably efficient in real-world cases, you might look at representing the problem as an "integer linear program" (ILP) and use a solver such as GLPK. The details of how to represent max-coverage as an ILP is given on the wikipedia page. Getting it working will require some effort though, and may still not work well if your problem is large.

Knapsack when weight and values are positive?

What is the most accurated algorithm to Knapsack when weight and values are positive?
not sure what language your using but Wikipedia has a great page on information and algorithms to solve it. If you want more sample code to understand how to do it, check this site out: (this is all in python but there's more languages).
Basically it depends on what your doing but the most common way to solve this is dynamic programming.

variant of knapsack problem

I have 'n' number of amounts (non-negative integers). My requirement is to determine an optimal set of amounts so that the sum of the combination is less than or equal to a given fixed limit and the total is as large as possible. There is no limit to the number of amounts that can be included in the optimal set.
for sake of example: amounts are 143,2054,546,3564,1402 and the given limit is 5000.
As per my understanding the knapsack problem has 2 attributes for each item (weight and value). But the problem stated above has only one attribute (amount). I hope that would make things simpler? :)
Can someone please help me with the algorithm or source code for solving this?
this is still an NP-hard problem, but if you want to (or have to) to do something like that, maybe this topic helps you out a bit:
find two or more numbers from a list of numbers that add up towards a given amount
where i solved it like this and NikiC modified it to be faster. only difference: that one was about getting the exact amount, not "as close as possible", but that would be only some small changes in code (and you'll have to translate it into the language you're using).
take a look at the comments in my code to understand what i'm trying to do, wich is, in short form:
calculating all possible combinations of the given parts and sum them up
if the result is the amount i'm looking for, save the solution to an array
at least, sort all possible solutions to get the one using the least parts
so you'll have to change:
save a solution if it's lower than the amount you're looking for
sort solutions by total amount instead of number of used parts
The book "Knapsack Problems" By Hans Kellerer, Ulrich Pferschy and David Pisinger calls this The Subset Sum Problem and dedicates an entire chapter (Ch 4) to it. The chapter is very comprehensive and covers algorithms as well as computational results.
Even though this problem is a special case of the knapsack problem, it is still NP-hard.

Create a sum of 1000, 2000, etc. from set of numers

Ok, so here's the problem:
I need to find any number of intem groups from 50-100 item set that add up to 1000, 2000, ..., 10000.
Input: list of integers
Integer can be on one list only.
Any ideas on algorithm?
Googling for "Knapsack problem" should get you quite a few hits (though they're not likely to be very encouraging -- this is quite a well known NP-complete problem).
Edit: if you want to get technical, what you're describing seems to really be the subset sum problem -- which is a special case of the knapsack problem. Of course, that's assuming I'm understanding your description correctly, which I'll admit may be open to some question.
You might find Algorithm 3.94 in The Handbook of Applied Cryptography helpful.
I'm not 100% on what you are asking, but I've used backtracking searches for something like this before. This is a brute force algorithm that is the slowest possible solution, but it will work. The wiki article on Backtracking Search may help you. Basically, you can use a recursive algorithm to examine every possible combination.
This is the knapsack problem. Are there any constraints on the integers you can choose from? Are they divisible? Are they all less than some given value? There may be ways to solve the problem in polynomial time given such constraints - Google will provide you with answers.
