How to upload ZIP file to Nexus using Maven and avoid creating pom artifact in Nexus? - maven

In my project I have couple of files that I pack into a ZIP file and upload it to a Nexus repository.
I implemented both actions using Maven assembly plugin:
<!-- File bin.xml saves information about which files are to be included to the ZIP archive. -->
<assembly ...>
Now, when I look in Nexus I see TWO artifacts:
I'm only interested in the latter ZIP artifact because it is the ZIP file I uploaded.
How can I get rid of the first POM artifact from Nexus? Or is there any scenario where I could need it?

I believe what you want to do is possible when using raw repos in Nexus 3. AFAIK, the pom is required for an actual artifact upload, per khmarbaise


How to package multi module in a zip file?

I have a multi module project.
Each module is packaged in a jar/war file in his own /target folder.
I want to take every module jar/war files and some config files, and put everything in a zip.
How to do that? I try with assembly plugin, but all i've managed to do so far is a zip of each module in their respective /target folder, so pretty useless ^^
First is to create a separate module let us call it dist add to the parent as new module and add all modules which you like to see in the resulting zip file as dependencies including the type war, jaretc.
The <packaging>pom</packaging> should be given cause this module does not contain any java code which needed to be compiled etc. We only want to create zip file which contains the given dependencies.
<project ..>
Add the following descriptor:
<assembly xmlns=""
The dependencies are needed to be sure the order of execution is correctly calculated by Maven.
If you need supplemental configuration in that zip file you can add those files into src/main/config for example and add fileSets parts in the assembly descriptor.

Maven building jar: merge duplicate resources from dependencies

I'm getting this problem:
I have a project with spring-boot. It works perfectly on eclipse, but I need to generate a jar with dependencies, so I add the maven-assembly-plugin configuration to the pom.
Some spring dependencies has in the META-INF a file called spring.schemas, and I need to merge all spring.schemas into one (spring-context, spring-beans, etc)
I tried this solution using maven-shade-pluggin and AppendingTransformer, and it merges all spring.schemas perfectly... But it has an issue, when I execute the jar, it fails with:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to open nested entry 'lib/spring-boot-starter-batch-1.2.4.RELEASE.jar'.
It has been compressed and nested jar files must be stored without compression.
Please check the mechanism used to create your executable jar file
So, shade plugin compress the jar, and spring-boot doesn't like it, and there's no way to turn off the compression in shade. I manually copy the shade spring.schemas generated by shade and I put it in the maven-assembly-pluggin generated and uncompressed jar with dependencies. It works.
Then I tried to include the generated spring.schemas into my resources folder, but it's allways overrided by the spring.schemas from spring-context.
I also tried this other solution to exclude spring.schemas from dependency jar using a descriptor XML in assembly, but it doesn't work:
This are my dependencies:
<!-- MySql 5.5 Connector -->
Any ideas? Thanks in advance
You can use maven-assembly-plugin.
Add the plugin to your pom.xml:
Add a fat-jar.xml descriptor next to your pom.xml:
<assembly xmlns=""
Notice the metaInf-spring handler. It will merge any META-INF duplicate files having names starting with the spring word.
The reference documentation:
Instead of using maven-assembly-plugin and maven-shade-pluggin, I would try to use Spring Boot's own spring-boot-maven-plugin that can be used to create an executable ‘fat’ JAR. See this reference documentation page, section "73.2 Create an executable JAR with Maven".
Or, if you don't use the spring-boot-starter-parent POM:

Assembly plugin generating 2 jars. One with classfiles. One with dependencies

I am having trouble building a jar using the assembly plugin. I have a bunch of system jar files that I want bundled alongside class files of the project.
I was looking to do something like:
- lib
- system.jar
- system1.jar
- com
- servlet
-- etc
I have tried to use the assembly plugin but it generates 2 jars. One with just the lib with my jars and another with the class files.
I have read through the assembly docs but I must be missing something.
Here is the build element I have in my pom.xml
//... etc
This is my assembly file (assembly.xml)
<includes />
Any idea how I can merge these jars together?
You would usually have a much simpler layout, such as:
- lib
I.e. the project itself is a jar too, and included in the lib. In this case just add <useProjectArtifact>true/>useProjectArtifact> to the dependencySet.
If you really, really want to have classes copied in directly, try adding a fileset to the assembly, copying from target/classes into your root location

Generate a jar file from groovydoc with maven

Is there some way to generate a jar file to be used in IDE's (like IDEA, Eclipse,...) from groovydoc that is generated from within maven? I'm currently generating groovydoc from a quite big groovy project with the maven antrun plugin described here: GroovyDoc as Maven Plugin
I was able to get a usable jar file by manually packing outputted files into an archive, but I'm looking for an integrated way (that is, with maven), that also allows me to deploy those files to a repository.
If you followed the link in your post then the groovydoc will be generated during the site phase.
In order to assemble a jar with the generated groovydoc you can use the maven-assembly-plugin.
I have created a src/main/assembly directory where an assembly descriptor is being added for maven-assembly-plugin to use.
This is a working example for generating groovydoc during site phase and with a groovydoc jar being packaged as well.
<project xmlns=""
<!-- Only used when doing java/groovy join builds
OR, add the dependency to groovy-all again here in the plugin
<!-- Only used when doing java/groovy join builds
OR, add the dependency to groovy-all again here in the plugin
<taskdef name="groovydoc"
<groovydoc destdir="${project.reporting.outputDirectory}/groovydoc"
sourcepath="${basedir}/src/main/groovy" use="true"
<link packages="java.,org.xml.,javax.,org.xml."
<link packages=""
<link packages="org.junit.,junit.framework."
<link packages="groovy.,org.codehaus.groovy."
<link packages="org.codehaus.gmaven."
<assembly xmlns=""
If you run
mvn site
You'll have a groovydoc jar file in the target directory.
You can change the <phase>site</phase> to <phase>prepare-package</phase> if you want this to be created during the Default Lifecycle. You will have to change the directories where the generated groovydoc is too in order to make it work.

How can I make the test jar include dependencies in Maven?

I have a project with src/main/java and src/test/java structure, and I managed to use maven-jar-plugin to build a jar of the test branch. However, I want to package the test jar so that all the dependencies are resolved. Is there a way I can tell maven-jar-plugin to include the dependencies??
I had a similar problem with integration tests I need to run on Hadoop. Our integration tests are located in the test folder of a separate integration test module, so what is required is a test-jar-with-dependencies to make our life easier.
I'm using the assembly plugin as mentioned by Michael-O. My assembly descriptor is located in src/main/assembly/test-jar-with-dependencies.xml and is a modification of the standard jar-with-dependencies descriptor that's part of the plugin:
<assembly xmlns=""
<!-- we're creating the test-jar as an attachement -->
This assembly relies on the test-jar being created as part of the module build. So I added the following to the module's pom.xml:
<!-- create a complete jar for testing in other environments -->
You can do this: Create a jar assembly with the assembly plugin, have the dependencies unpacked, pack a new test jar and attach it to the reactor. You're done.
The descriptor for the packaging could look like this.
In a similar situation I ended up moving my test code to a separate jar and made it depend on the original one. You can use an aggregator project to ensure that tests are run when you build the main jar.
<!-- <scope>test</scope> -->
I use this to include the test jar.the important line is <type>test-jar</type>.I am not sure this is what you need.
3 years ago, but may help others.At least, it helped me. :-)
to include a test-jar dependency in your assembly specify the include filter of the assembly debendencySet as bellow:
The following worked for Maven 3
<!--test only dependencies (like netty)-->
<!-- the actual test jar-->
