Related products are not completely displayed - magento

Magento 1.4.2 Community Edition
What's the problem?
When adding related products to single products they are not displayed completely or even not.
The problem occurs at the moment on five products, each of that products has between 15 and 36 related products.
Three of the affected products are showing 1 related product, the other 2 products show nothing.
What we've tried so far:
- We completely rebuilt all indexes (it's done every night by cron)
- Emtpying the cache
- We controlled the affected single products if they:
are in stock
have a qty >0
are assigned to a category and a website
are enabled
have a visibility of "catalog, search"
-We also checked that for every single added related product
The strange thing is, that it only occurs at a few products, all other products show their related products without problems.
I hope someone can help us with that issue and give a hint.
Best regards
UPDATE & SOLUTION (2016-08-04):
The problem was caused by group products-all affected products are part of a group product. And that group product overwrites all assigned related products of its child products.
So it was no error or bug, it was just the default behavior of the group product. :)

UPDATE & SOLUTION (2016-08-04):
The problem was caused by group products-all affected products are part of a group product. And that group product overwrites all assigned related products of its child products.
So it was no error or bug, it was just the default behavior of the group product. :)


Magento 2 - Configurable product's min_price and max_price are 0 and can't be changed?

Recently, I've imported about 40.000 products through CSV to a Magento 2 staging environment (Community 2.4.1). Many of these products are configurable products (e.g. a table) with child products (red table, green table, ...) attached to it.
After the import, I noticed my price ordering and filtering is not working correctly. I figured out that column min_price and max_price of table catalog_product_index_price are '0' for all configurable products. Unlike when manually creating configurable products, Magento apparently isn't filling these columns during CSV imports. Not sure if a bug, or my mistake.
I need to fix min_price and max_price for all configurable products in order for the filters and sorting to work. I've tried updating the columns directly in catalog_product_index_price, but no result (just changes back to 0 after reindexing). I'm still digging into Magento's database structure, but can't seem to find any other place where min_price and max_price are stored though.
Am I missing something?
I finally found it.
Even though my store does not have a stock, I had to:
Set the Qty of all products to > 0.
Set all products to "is_on_stock".
Apparently there's a bug (at least, I think it's a bug) in M2 that is causing the indexer to set a Configurable Product's min_price and max_price to zero in case its Simple Products do not have a Qty or is_on_stock set.
Perhaps there's a reason behind that, but to me, it makes absolutely no sense.

Magento Shopping Cart Products not in input order

The company i work for running Magento with a Cart2quote extension.
They are getting frustrated because when they add a list of products to an order in admin the products dont stay in the order that they were inputted.
Example By SKU:
Order inputted-
Order when finished inputting-
I have only used 4 as an example, although more often than not it can be in excess of 50+ products.
Could this be due to an extension confilct with cart2quote or is there some other soloution?
Sometimes, buy pressing "Updates items and qtys" it does put them in a reverse order (first product is last) and they can live with that.
But as it is now, its making it frustrating for them to double check they have inputted the correct items.
Im sorry to waffle on, but any comments would be appreciated.
Many Thanks in advance.
I'm not familiar with this extension, but check created time, updated time, id, etc when sorting.

catalog price rules will not work after mid night in magento site

We have a problem with catalog price rules in 1.9.0
We uploaded 1000 products in a site.
After catalog price rules to give discount for 500 products, there is no date limit for catalog price rules. Those special prices are displaying only until mid-night.
Next day, after mid-night, special prices are not displaying in site.
cron job is working fine.
Please help me to find some solution.
this issue was only solved for me with this:
The problem is in Mage_CatalogRule_Model_Action_Index_Refresh::execute() function. You will have to rewrite this function/class either in your extension, or via the local version of the file.
You have to replace line 121 here :
$timestamp = $coreDate->gmtTimestamp('Today');
with this line:
$timestamp = Mage::app()->getLocale()->date(null, null, null, true)->get(Zend_Date::TIMESTAMP);
view the original post:
Step 1:
Please make sure that Cron is working fine. For this you can install AOE Scheduler extension.
Step 2:
You need to debug the issue by debugging magento tables. Following tables used for catalog rules:
You can delete all catalog rules and create one single rule for one product and check following tables:
catalogrule_product - In this table Magento will manage all product discount percent for all customer group.
catalogrule_product_price - In this table Magento will manage discounted final price for each product. Here magento will insert three days record for each record. you can check this by "rule_date" field.
If it is work perfectly. Then Again After deleting all Catalog rules again, Please truncate following tables from MySQL.
As due to many records primary key reach on maximum limit and try again by creating rule for 500 products. hope it will start work.
Hope this help!!
As stated above by #Davi-Reinoldo the problem is with the indexer.
I had this problem as well, the issue exists when there is an offset of the local timezone greater than +01:00.
Basically just because magento is using the gmtTimestamp for the rule date which in the above stated case results in the day before today.
Therefor I developed a small module to fix the issue.
If someone ever has this problem, please give it a try.

Magento Stock (Configurable, Bundle)

I have a website made with Magento, and a theme by me. The problem is:
The simple product with low stock is associated to a configurable product, and when i try to add a higher quantity of that simple product, it allows, and then, after the checkout proccess, we receive a e-mail from the store that there is a failure in the proccess like:
Payment operation failed:
Not all products are available in the requested quantity
It occurs in bundle products that have a default quanity more than 1 too.
Someone can help me?
Found this solution but i can't truncate my sales tables on database. I have all my sales records there, and there are a lot of them. I can't loose it. Magento: After ordering configurable product, its canceled because its out of stock
How many orders do you need to remove? If you got a handful that you can count by hand, you can try this solution to remove unwanted orders.
how can i delete test order from magento
It looks like it should work, but, as always, review the code and try it on one order first..

Magento: reindex after import.csv (product dont show, all index are upgraded)

I have this problem I'm going crazy.
I imported new configurable products, see them in admin enabled, assigned to the category, assigned to the site but in front-end not seen!!
I re-updated indexes using SSH, but no result.
Moreover, there is a way to prevent that any editing I must re-index all the products? can I reindex only upgraded products or only new products.. is not possible for a single change I have to re-index from the first product!
My catalog have 25k products, but solving this i need to import other products (total 100K)
If there is among you that an expert can solve the problem, I am willing to pay (possibly an affordable price)
Check whether you have quantity in stock (go to admin, then catalog, then look at one of the products). If the product has 0 units in stock, it will not show in the search results.
