I used JXbrowser in Java App project , table will displayed in jxBrowser in JPanel.Scrollbar of jxBrowser will showed when table have big data .When I run this project with my Laptop (have touch screen,Window 10),I touch in scrollbar and wipe down I can see bottom of table ,wide up I can see the top,everything is right,I cannot touch in table to wide down or up.But when I run this project in other device (have touch screen,Window 10), touch in scrollbar and wipe down I see the top of table ,wipe up I see the bottom, and I can touch in table to wide down or up.
Anybody help me about this? it's so strange.
Please don't put JxBrowser BrowserView into Java Swing scroll pane. The BrowserView has its own scroll bars that will be displayed automatically when it's necessary (like in Google Chrome). Maybe the behavior you see is causes by using two scroll panes: yours and BrowserView's.
I am trying to get a Circular Icon of my Application Logo right in middle of tabbed bar menu's, I have 5 Tab Menu's where the third one i want it to look like this
trying to get this on Android & Ios
i have tried custom rendering by removing the padding but still not able to get the desired result, i found one solution updating icon using SetTabIcons Method but this method does not get trigger when we are working with bottom tabbed bar in Android, please suggest me something which can help me to get this for both android & Ios
I understand your problem here, i am not sure how to get that big button overflowing the tabbar but however have a look at this
That's an open source project and the source code is linked at the bottom of page, you can tweak the animation (which i like very much) and use a customrenderer to render the center icon over a circle.
Have a look if that helps you in any way! :)
I have created new storyboard with auto layout enabled (image below).
The strange thing is the entire view is proportionally stretched. I can't figure out how to leave ratio 1:1. It is not about using auto layout I believe.
The images show the problem:
This image comes from clean app. It shows view on iPhone 6+ simulator. As you see the table cells are 1:1 (smaller then the following example). Also the status bar is fitting with size at the home screen.
This images comes from a new storyboard in existing app. The set up of the story board is exactly the same as in clean app. Moreover the .plist config is matching. As you can notice the cells are bigger, and the status bar is also bigger.
Is this a simulator bug?
I haven't got the device myself, but it was tested on device (6+) and the problem spotted.
What am I missing. Is it auto layout issue?
Ok, I have figured out the issue.
Basically if you face the same problem, just create .xib file for lunch view. Previously it it was image that we needed to add. With iOS8 it is .xib file that needs to be defined in Launch Screen File in General tab.
I seems to be unable to view images in Xcode. I am not talking about when running an app, nor do I mean UIImageViews (that works) or other views with images set (also works) in Interface Builder, I am simply talking about viewing images by clicking on them in the project navigator (in the left pane) and expecting them to show up on the middle/right (just like when editing code).
Has anyone had this problem as well?
The problem is fullscreen mode. If you exit the fullscreen the images is previewed as expected.
Check this menu and be sure you select Preview :
I have two issues currently with the Glympse Lite iOS API.
For some reason, when I add the GlympseKitLite.embeddedframework to my project, my table view cell disclosure indicator (UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator) & UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark do not appear in various table views throughoug my app (except when the cell is highlighted). It may be that the indicator is actually white but I have a white table view cell background. This is odd behavior. The embeddedframework seems to be the root cause (as soon as I delete it, the accessory views resume normal behavior).
The "dismiss" button in the lower right of the "Generating Glympse" screen seems to be non-functional. This is reproducible using the demo apps. Place the phone in airplane mode before sending a glympse. Once the send button is pressed, there's no way to exit the "Generating Glympse" screen (without exiting airplane mode).
Any help with these two issues would be appreciated.
Both issues mentioned above were fixed in SDK build 1.0.2.
It is currently available at developer.glympse.com.
I have a problem with accessory views on NSSavePanel and NSOpenPanel.
Sometimes, (very often) when I open one of these panels the accessory view does not work (the view is shown but controls seem disabled).
I'm using this code to show the panel:
[openPanel beginSheetModalForWindow:appWindow completionHandler:openPanelHandler];
This only happens when app-sandbox is enabled.
After much testing I found out that what was happening was that the view was being misplaced (not attached to the panel).
When I open Mission Control and move the mouse pointer over the app windows I noticed that an "invisible" window hilighted and when select it I can take control over the accessory view (all controls work) but it appears detached from the open or save panel as shown on the screenshot.
I tried to create a new app just to test this behavior but was not able to reproduce it, so I suppose that has something to do with my app.
Any hint of what I may be doing wrong?
I don't want to code everything from scratch just to solve this issue.
Just a side note, when I close the window, just before the window close the accessory view flashes with the correct values for the controls. It appears that the application does not add the view in time for showing the panel.
Update 1
I subclassed the view that is used as accessory view and noticed that the
- (void)viewWillMoveToSuperview:(NSView *)newSuperview
is called, but
- (void)viewDidMoveToSuperview
never gets called even when the view is shown correctly, is this the normal behavior?
Update 2
I confirmed that - (void)viewDidMoveToSuperview should be called, on the test app both methods are called.
I also noticed a slight difference between my app and the test app. On my app the panel just slides down but on the test app the panel appears to "flip down" (don't know exactly how describe). The way the panel appears is irrelevant to me, I just noticed that it is not shown the same way.
After trying many things I concluded that the problem had to do with ARC (Automatic Reference Count) settings for the project.
In my case I had enabled ARC on target but not on project, after enabling ARC on project (and dealing with resulting errors and warnings) everything works perfectly now.