How import custom class in controller Laravel? - laravel

I have created a new directory Library in root of Laravel.
Inside I put the file with class:
class My {
So, in controller Laravel I try to get access to this class:
But Laravel does not determine this path.
This is my code:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Http\Requests;
use View;
use App\Library\My;
class HomeController extends Controller

A complete and functional example based on the posts here:
1 - Folder and file - Create a folder under app/, in this example we will create a folder called Library.
We will also inside the folder create a file with the name of your class, here we will create a class called My.
So we will have app/Library/My.php
2 - Class and method - Now, for testing, inside the class create a static method called myMethod
namespace App\Library;
class My
public static function myMethod()
return 'it\'s work!';
3 - Controller - Now at the beginning of the Controller, we will declare the namespace of your Class with use:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Library\My;
//rest of the controller code
Finally, to create an instance of the My class, in Controller, a new statement must be used:
//rest of the controller code
public function index()
$whatever = new My;
return $whatever::myMethod();

As above, make sure it is placed in the App directory and make sure it is properly namespaced e.g.
$fOne = new \App\library\functions;
$isOk = ($fOne->isOk());

You should create Library folder inside app folder
namespace App\Library\My
app folder is alrdy used psr-4
In your controller
use App\Library\My as My
It's work for me. Hope this answer is helpful

You have to properly namespace your every class.
So you can import your class with use keyword, like so
use App\Library\My;
$my = new My();
Or if you've conflicting class name then you can use as keyword to alias the classname while importing
use App\Library\My as MySecond;
$my = new MySecond();
And if you want to directly access your class within the method then you can access it like so.
$my = new \App\Library\My();
Note: The leading \ means App was declared in the global scope.


laravel 8 Target class [ColorController] does not exist

I created ColorController Class using
php artisan make:controller ColorController
The class has been created successfully and exists in the App/HTTP/Controller folder.
I defined route like this
Route::get('color/text', [ColorController::class, 'text']);
And a Method in the Contoller Class like this
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class ColorController extends Controller
public function text()
return 'Color Controller';
I visited the like this
It shows the error message as below
Target class [ColorController] does not exist.
Where did I make the fault? where to correct the process?
I have found the Solution like this...
I had to add this line above in the web.php file
use App\HTTP\Controllers\ColorController;
Now all works fine.

How to extend a laravel package within laravel 5.8 application?

I am new to Laravel and would appreciate any help on describing how a Laravel package residing in vendor folder can be extended and wont get affected if I update the package.
I'll try to create a brief guide, and we'll expand if need be.
I suggest putting all of your files inside a separate directory / namespace. You'll benefit from this should you decide to create your own composer package afterwards.
As an example I'll extend bumbummen99/shoppingcart package which forks the great gloudemans/shoppingcart, adding support for Laravel 5.8 and some minor functionality. You will of course first need to install that package:
composer require bumbummen99/shoppingcart
Start by making a couple of folders. You can use any name for folders / classes, this is what I used, relative to the project root:
Create the file
This class will extend the package's main class:
namespace App\Repositories\ExtendedCart;
use Gloudemans\Shoppingcart\Cart;
class ExtendedCart extends Cart
public function myMethod(){
return 'myMethod';
Then make your Service Provider. Create the file:
(I'm not using artisan as generating / moving the provider will produce wrong namespace)
This is your Service Provider content, here you reference the class that extends the package's class. Note you overwrite the binding from the original package.
namespace App\Repositories\ExtendedCart;
use Gloudemans\Shoppingcart\ShoppingcartServiceProvider;
class ExtendedCartServiceProvider extends ShoppingcartServiceProvider
public function register()
$this->app->bind('cart', 'App\Repositories\ExtendedCart\ExtendedCart');
Then register your service provider in config/app.php
'providers' => [
//Add this line to the end of providers array
Lastly create a Facade, which will instantiate the class (otherwise you will get non-static method exceptions). Create this file:
This is the contents of the file:
namespace App\Repositories\ExtendedCart\Facades;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;
class ExtendedCart extends Facade {
protected static function getFacadeAccessor() { return 'cart'; }
You're all set to use your extended methods. You can safely upgrade the original package, and you can even use the default facade:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Cart;
class SomeController extends Controller{
public function someFunction(){
//This should return 'myMethod'
I hope this helps, good luck!

Laravel 5 and models

I have a new installation of Laravel 5. The problem is that it's not recognizing my model classes. I will keep it very simple for solution purposes.
Route::get('test', function() {
$test = boxstyle::all();
My model is in the app directory
<?php namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Boxstyle extends Model {
protected $table = 'boxstyle';
protected $primaryKey = 'key1';
I am getting:
class boxstyle not found error
I've been searching all over the internet and can't find a solution. This installation is fresh. This isn't magic and I suspect a configuration issue but I can't find a solution. This works fine in Laravel 4.2 so I know it should work but not working in L5.
Your model is defined inside the App namespace. If the code accessing the model is not in the same namespace as the model, you need to qualify it.
Route::get('test', function() {
$test = \App\Boxstyle::all();
Laravel 4 did not define the models and controllers inside namespaces. Your models would have been defined inside the global namespace, so any code also in the global namespace (like your controller) would not need to qualify the model. However, Laravel 5 has made the push to put most everything inside namespaces.
To create a model in Laravel 5 try this,create a folder name "Models" folder under your App folder, now for instance you want to create a Model class for Boxstyle ...under your Models folder create a file name
"BoxstyleModel.php" inside your BoxstyleModel.php should look like this and make sure your inside the folder to namespace your model under the App\Models
<?php namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class BoxstyleModel extends Model {
public static function say_hello(){
return "Hello";
in your Boxstyle Controller to be able to use your BoxstyleModel added this code at the top of your BoxstyleController use App\Models\BoxstyleModel;
now everything should be the same like Laravel 4.X.

Same name for Laravel controller and model?

I had a model Entry and had no problem with it.
After I created a new Controller with same name, the model stopped working.
When I execute Enrty::where(... a Fatal error occurs:
Call to undefined method entry::where()
Define Controller
<?php namespace Controllers;
class Entry extends \BaseController {}
Define Model
<?php namespace Models;
class Entry extends \Eloquent {}
Now, you can use these classes if you import/alias them
use Controllers\Entry as EntryController;
use Models\Entry as EntryModel;
Note: this code serves to show the principle.
without changing/renaming namespaces
simply use as keyword
use Models\Car as CarModel;

How to auto include to use own class with CodeIgniter

I am using CodeIgniter. I want to use my own class to pass as an argument inside controller functions.
Normally, I can put this class in a folder and include it to MY_Controller with its path. But I want to learn if there is a way to do this in CodeIgniter. I can't put it in libraries folder and can't use loader class because it tries to create an instance of an object, but I want to create instance whenever I want. Loader class gives an error if my own class need constructor parameters.
What is the best way to do that?
Which is the best folder to put in it?
This is very easy. Consider this example
Class Home extends CI_Controller{
public $arg1 = 1;
public $arg2 = 2;
function index($this->$arg1 , $this->$arg2){ //or function index()
//Then inside function
//$vara = $this->$arg1 , $varb = $this->$arg2;
